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A.  P.  COLEMAN,  M.A.,Ph.D.,F.R.S. 

Professor  of  Geology,  University  of  Toronto 

W.  A.  PARKS,  B.A.,Ph.D.,F.R.S.C. 

Professor  of  Paleontology,  University  of  Toronto 


J.    M.    DENT    &    SONS     LTD. 

All  rights  reserved 



So  many  elementary  text-books  of  Geology  are  available 
that  it  seems  almost  superfluous  to  add  to  the  number. 
Geology,  however,  is  a  science  embracing,  not  only  general 
principles  of  world-wide  importance,  but  the  application  of 
those  principles  to  the  working-out  of  the  history  of  a  given 
locality  or  country. 

In  this  work  the  general  principles  of  geology  are  illus- 
trated, as  far  as  possible,  by  Canadian  examples,  and  the 
geology  of  Canada  is  given  especial  prominence  in  the  section 
devoted  to  Historical  Geology. 

This  method  of  treatment  introduces  the  student  to  the 
subject  by  reference  to  localities  and  geological  structures 
with  which  he  is  familiar  and  lays  a  local  foundation  on 
which  the  greater  geological  history  of  the  whole  world  may 
be  built. 

While  the  book  is  primarily  intended  as  an  introduction 
to  general  geology,  the  emphasis  laid  on  Canadian  geological 
history  makes  it  suitable  to  those  desiring  an  outline  of  the 
geology  of  Canada.  From  this  point  of  view,  it  is  hoped  that 
the  work  will  be  acceptable  to  the  general  reader  and  to 
persons  engaged  in  the  mining  industry  in  Canada. 


50  i  it  -  5 





GENERAL  STATEMENT  OF  THE  AIMS  OF  GEOLOGY     .          .         .  i 


THE  EARTH  AS  A  WHOLE       .......  3 

THE  EARTH'S  MOTIONS.        ...          .....  3 




MINERALS      .          .          .          .          .          .        ,,  .          .  .          6 

Physical  properties  of  minerals            .      ;;  ..'  ...          7 

Common  minerals  forming  igneous  rocks     .  .          .  .          9 

Non-essential  and  secondary  minerals  of  igneous  rocks  .        12 

Additional  minerals  of  the  metamorphic  rocks  .          .  .13 

Minerals  of  the  sedimentary  rocks      .          .  .          .  .        15 

Minerals  used  as  ores  of  the  metals    .          .  .          .  .16 

Other  minerals  of  economic  importance       .  .          .  .19 

ROCKS            .          .          .          .          .          .  .          .  .21 

Igneous  rocks          '..•'..'.,       ...          .  .          .  .        22 

Sedimentary  rocks  .          ....          .  .          .  .        29 

Metamorphic  rocks  .          .                    .          .  .          .  .       33 


THE  SOURCES  OF  GEOLOGICAL  ENERGY  .  .          .          .36 

HYPOGENE  FORCES         ........       36 

Condition  of  the  earth's  interior          .          .          .          .          .        37 

Secular  changes  of  level    .          .          .          .          .          .          .        39 

Evidences  of  slow  changes  of  level  in  recent  times        .          .        40 
Changes  of  level  in  mountain  building         ....        42 

Depression  of  the  sea  bottom    .          .          .          .          .          .42 

Isostasy.          .........        43 

Epeirogenesis  and  orogenesis     ......        43 

Diastrophism  ........        44 


viii              ELEMENTARY  GEOLOGY 


Causes  of  changes  of  level          .  .  .          .          ,  .  44 

Movements  in  the  asthenosphere  .  .          .          .     '  .  46 

Earthquakes   .          .          .          .  ,  .          .*          .  .  47 

Accompaniments  of  earthquakes  .  <  .  .-rfy.-.  -,  -.  .  49 

Distribution  of  earthquakes       .  .-  .'  '  il-.'-        .  .  50 

Volcanoes            .          .          .  .  .          .          .  -50 

Lava       .          .          .          .,     '..,.  »  ..,  ,.      ,.        ,  .  51 

Volcanic  gases           .          .          »'•'  .  '--.         :s-  *  - . -.  .  .  52 

Volcanoes  with  very  fluid  lavas  .  ,          .          .  .  52 

Volcanoes  with  explosive  eruptions    .  t    .         •.          .  ,  53 

Intermediate  types  of  volcanoes  .  .      •    .,         .     .  ,  55 

Calderas           .          .          ...  .          .'          .  .  56 

Submarine  volcanoes         .          .  .  .          .          .  .  57 

Distribution  of  volcanoes            ..  .          .      ^..  .  58 

Causes  of  volcanoes .          .          .  .-"  .         .     "*"' '.  "-.•"  .  58 

Sources  of  the  gases  of  volcanoes  •.  .          .        : .       -  ,  60 

Extinction  of  volcanoes    .          .  .  .       •  ,         v.  .  61 

Fumaroles  and  hot  springs  .          .  v.  -.          -.          .  .62 

Geysers     .          .          .          .          .  '..   -  .          , .  •      :.    .  .  62 

Metamorphism    .          .          .          .  •   .  '  .          ...  .  '63 

Effects  of  metamorphism  on  sedimentary  rocks  .          .  *  64 

EPICENE  FORCES  .         .         ..       ..  .  .         ...  .  65 

Weathering         .          .        . .          .  .  .          .          .  .  65 

Oxidation        .          .          .   .       ,      .     .  .          .          .  .  66 

Carbon  dioxide         .          .        ..  -,  ..        ..        ,.  .  66 

Change  of  temperature     .          ,  .  .          .          .  .  67 

Rain  action     .        ..          .          .  .  .        .-.,  .       *  .•    -  ^.  69 

Ground  water     .                    .         .  .  .          .     r    '.  .     '.,  70 

Landslips       ".          .          .          .  .  .          i          •       '  *'  71 

Artesian  waters         .        '  .          .  »  .          .          .  .72 

Mineral  springs         .          .          .  .  .          .          .  .  72 

Caves     .          .        " .          .          .  ..;.-.  72 

The  work  of  running  water            .  .  ' .        " .  r        .  .  74 

Watersheds  and  catchment  basins  .  ,          .  - .    -.  "  .-.'  75 

Transporting  power  of  rivers     .  .  .          .  " .      .  .  76 

Types  of  work  done  by  rivers    .  .  .          .          .-  .  76 

Meanders         .          .          .          .....          .  .  78 

Deltas  and  estuaries          .  -       .  .  '   .          .          .  .  79 

Features  of  youthful  rivers       •-.  ..  ..          .        : .  ''  .  80 

Peneplanation          ..  -       .          .  .  ,          .          *  .  84 

The  work  of  seas  and  lakes  .         '.  .  .          .          .  .  85 

Destructive  work  of  waves         .  .  .          .          .  .  85 

Constructive  work  of  waves       ..  *  ..        ;.          .  .  87 

Ocean  currents         .          ,        ..v.  .  ...          .  .  88 

Tides      .          .        ...          .  .  ...  .  90 

The  salts  of  the  sea            .          .  .  .  .       „ .  ..-.••.'•'.  .  92 

Deposits  in  salt  lakes        .          .  v.»;  •  93 

Marine  deposits        .          .        ,.  ,          v         •  •  94 

The  work  of  snow  and  ice    .          .v  ••  .        *..      •*  .  95 

Glaciers         ^.          •          .          .  .  .  ••'>•'£*••'••?••  *  ;  .  96 

Icebergs           .          .         .         .  ..  .          i'-'       »•   •     .  101 


EPICENE  FORCES — continued  PAGE 

Drift  deposits      .         '..''•      ..'."        .          .           .  V         .  .      102 

The  atmosphere           .          .          .          .          .  ...      103 

Work  of  the  wind    .          ...          .  .          .  .      104 

Life  as  a  geological  factor    .          .      ...'","  .          .  .      106 

Geological  work  of  plants.    Soils         .          .  .          .  .      106 

Protective  work  of  plants       .          .  •        .  ...  .107 

Rock  formation  by  plants      .          .          .  .  •        .  .107 

Fossil  fuels  .          .         :.       .  ;          .          .  .108 

Geological  work  of  animals         .          .          .-  .          .  .109 

Foraminifers         .          .          .          .          .  '.'.          .  .      109 

Corals .  .      no 


Vertebrates.          ...          .          .          .  .          .  .in 

CONFLICT  OF  FORCES  IN  THE  WORLD      .          .  .  .112 

GEOLOGICAL  TIME.          .          .         .          .          .  ...     113 



STRATA          .          .          .          .          .          .  .  .  *  '.     115 

Joints         .          .          .          .                    .  .  .  .     117 

Concretions         .          .          .          .          .  .  .  .  .118 

Attitude  of  stratified  rocks  .          .          .  .  .  .  .119 

Folds      .          .          .          .          .          .  .  .  .  .119 

Zones  of  deformation  and  of  fracture     .  .  .  .  .121 

Faults    ..........      122 

Normal  faults       .......  .      122 

Reversed  or  thrust  faults        .          .  .  .  .  .123 

Discordances       .          .          .          .          .  .  .  .  .125 

STRUCTURE  OF  ERUPTIVE  ROCKS    .          .  .  .  .126 

Superficial  or  volcanic  structures  .          .  .  .  '  '•     126 

Amygdaloids             .          .          .          .  .  .  .      127 

Pillow  or  ellipsoidal  structure    .          .  .       .  .-  .  .      128 

Structures  caused  by  explosive  eruptions  .  .  .  .     128 

Underground  structures        .          .          .  .  i  ,  .129 

Dikes      .          .          .          ...  .  .  .  .129 

Sheet-like  forms  and  laccoliths  .          .  .  .  .  /  .      129 

Batholiths       .          .          .          .          .  .  ...      130 

Stocks  or  bosses       .          .          .          .  .  .  ,  .      132 

Joints  of  eruptive  rocks        '.          .          .  ,  .  .  .132 

Columns           .....  *.  .  .  .  .      132 

Joints  of  coarser -grained  eruptives     .  .  .  .  .      133 

STRUCTURES  OF  SCHISTOSE  ROCKS            .  '.  .  .  .     134 

Foliation          .          .          .          .         Y  .  .  .  .134 

Slaty  cleavage          .          .          .          .  .      ~    .  .  .135 





GENERAL  REMARKS        .          .  .          .          .          .          .137 

THE  NEBULAR  THEORY  .         ".          .          .          .          .          .138 

THE  PLANETESIMAL  THEORY  .          .          .          .          .         .          .141 


THE  STUDY  AND  CORRELATION  OF  STRATA       .  .  .  .143 

Superposition             .           .           .           ...  .  .  .144 

Unconformities         .          .          .          .          .  .  .  .144 

Basal  conglomerates          .          .          .          .  .  .  .145 

Lithological  characters      .          .          .          .  .  .  .146 

Fossils  ..........  146 


Table  of  the  main  divisions  of  geological  time  .  .  .154 




THE  GRENVILLE  SERIES          .         .         .     ...  •'       .  .  .     163 

Distribution  of  the  Grenville      .          .         >          ..'  .  .      165 

Economic  features  of  the  Grenville     .          ...  .  .166 

Attitude  of  the  Grenville            .          .         V         »  .  .166 

THE  KEEWATIN  SERIES.          .          .        •.          .         .  .  .167 

The  Keewatin  of  the  type  locality     -.          .        -.  .  .      167 

The  Keewatin  series  in  other  regions  of  Canada  .  .  .168 

The  Keewatin  series  in  other  countries        .         -.  .  .169 

THE  COUTCHICHING  SERIES     .          .          .          .         .  .  .169 

THE  LAURENTIAN           .         .         .          .          .          .  .  .169 

Other  regions  which  may  be  Laurentian      .          .  .  .      171 

THE  POST-LAURENTIAN  INTERVAL  ....  ,    .    ..,'  171 

THE  SUDBURY  OR  TlMISKAMING  SERIES  .         .         .  .  .     172 




THE  ALGOMAN  OR  POST-SUDBURIAN  GRANITES          .      *  ..  •  .     175 

THE  POST- ALGOMAN  INTERVAL  *"".      '  V        .         ."         .  .     175 

THE  HURONIAN  SERIES           »  •      ,         .          .*.•'.  .     175 

THE  ANIMIKIE  SERIES   .          .          .          .          .          .          .  .178 

THE  KEWEENAWAN  SERIES    .          .          .         •'.      ^  ;         ..  .     179 

THE  WESTERN  PRE-CAMBRIAN         .          .          .         ..:...  .     181 

The  Shuswap  series            ».,...          .          .       -..>,•.        .  .      181 

The  Bel tian  series    ....        •.» ,  -  ......   •     ,  .      182 




THE  CAMBRIAN  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA         .          .          .          .  .187 

THE  LIFE  OF  THE  CAMBRIAN.          .          .          .          .          .  .190 

Cambrian  fossils  of  the  maritime  provinces  .          .  .      196 

Fossils  of  the  Potsdam  sandstone       .          .          .          .  .      196 

Cambrian  fossils  of  the  Rocky  Mountain  region  .          .  .198 



THE  ORDOVICIAN  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA      .....     201 

The  sequence  of  Ordovician  rocks  in  Ontario        .          .          .      202 
Economic  products  of  Ordovician  rocks       .          .          .          .204 

LIFE  OF  THE  ORDOVICIAN       .......     204 

Ordovician  plants    .          .          .          .          .          .          .          .204 

Ordovician  invertebrates  .          .          .          .          .          .          .204 




The  sequence  of  Silurian  rocks  in  Ontario  . 
Economic  products  of  Silurian  rocks 
Correlation  of  Silurian  formations       .... 
Correlation  table  of  the  Silurian  formations  of  Nova  Scotia 
Ontario,  and  England  .  "  "  ~f  ~    '  V  '^ 




LIFE  OF  THE  SILURIAN  •*        »«"•;        .   ;   .  .         .      V  .         .     222 






THE  DEVONIAN  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA         . ^         K  _   -,..,../.=    233 

The  sequence  of  Devonian  rocks  in  Ontario       :  v-:      .      •  ;»•-  235 

LIFE  OF  THE  DEVONIAN         '.        ".        °.         ".  * '•'llV; /' i  '""'•  :"  0|.     238 

Devonian  plants      %          .          .      r«7  ^f'^J    n^    -,- -JlTia^ 

Devonian  invertebrates     .          .          .          .          .          .       ,";.     239 

Devonian  vertebrates        .          .         .          .          .          .         .     245 




EUROPE  AND  NORTH  AMERICA  ......     250 


COAL    .         .      ...'..         •         •         ...        ..-         .252 

THE  CARBONIFEROUS  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA         ...          .     254 

Subdivisions  of  the  Carboniferous  rocks  in  eastern  Canada    .     254 

The  coal  fields  of  Nova  Scotia  .  ...     256 

Carboniferous  formations  of  the  Southern  Rockies        .          .     257 

LIFE  OF  THE  CARBONIFEROUS  ...  ..        >  *  .  .  .     258 

Carboniferous  plants         .  ...  .  •  •""  •     258 

Carboniferous  invertebrates  .          .  .  ;  .  .261 

Carboniferous  vertebrates  ...          .  .  .  .  .265 




THE  PERMIAN  IN  OTHER  CONTINENTS      .  .          .  .     270 

THE  PERMIAN  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA.         .          .  .  .271 

LIFE  OF  THE  PERMIAN  .        *.         .         ....  .     272 






GENERAL  FEATURES  OF  THE  MESOZOIC    .          .         ...         .  278 

THE  TRIASSIC  PERIOD    .         .         .        '.         .' . '•  .         .  279 


THE  TRIASSIC  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA       ""Y        .         '.        *.     '' ". r  280 

LIFE  OF  THE  TRIASSIC  .          .          .         V      •;-•--,-   - ••;••-•    ,L.  283 




THE  JURASSIC  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA  .         .         .          .  .289 

The  Jurassic  igneous  rocks  of  British  Columbia  .          .  .  290 

LIFE  OF  THE  JURASSIC  ........  292 

Jurassic  plants          .          .          .          .           .          .          .  293 

Jurassic  invertebrates       .          ...          .          .          .  .  294 

Jurassic  vertebrates           .          .          .                 .   ,  .        .  .  299 



THE  EUROPEAN  CRETACEOUS  ......     305 


THE  CRETACEOUS  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA     .  .                .    .          .     309 

LIFE  OF  THE  CRETACEOUS      .          .          .  .          .          .          .314 

Cretaceous  plants     .          .          .          .  .          .          ..314 

Cretaceous  invertebrates  .          .          .  .        .  .  •       .          .      314 

Cretaceous  vertebrates,  dinosaurs,  etc.  .         -.          .          .318 







THE  CENOZOIC  ERA        .          .          .      ,r.         ^         ...  330 

THE  TERTIARY  PERIOD           .         .                   .         .         ..  .  330 

CLASSIFICATION  OF  THE  TERTIARY  PERIOD     *.,  .      .     . _.  .  331 


THE  TERTIARY  SYSTEM  IN  CANADA         .        - .         .         •  •  334 

LIFE  OF  THE  TERTIARY           .          .          .         .         .         .  i     .  337 

Tertiary  mammals       .          .          .          ..                    .  -338 

Extinct  groups  of  Tertiary  mammals           .      .     .          .  .  342 

The  development  of  typical  races  of  modern  mammals  .  343 



OLDER  CLASSIFICATION  OF  THE  PLEISTOCENE  .  :.  :      .          .     347 

THE  GLACIAL  PERIOD    .     :",   . ''"     .          .     *    .  i  -.^ :,').'.%     ^ 

Extent  of  glaciation  in  North  America      •*.'  .  .  r  •>"•'.    •  '':V     348 

Conditions  during  the  glacial  period  .         -.  .        '  . '      '  v  ',  351 

Interglacial  periods            .          .          .  .  .  ,   r    vi.:^     353 
The  withdrawal  of  the  ice  sheets  and  the  formation  of  glacial 

lakes         ....  .  .354 



THE  PLEISTOCENE  IN  OTHER  REGIONS     .          .  .  358 

THE  LIFE  OF  THE  PLEISTOCENE      .      •  .         .      ,  .  .  .  359 

Man's  appearance  in  geology     .          .  ,~  .  .  360 



1.  GROUND  FIGURES  OF  THE  Six  SYSTEMS  OF  CRYSTALS          .         8 

2.  CRYSTAL  OF  QUARTZ       .......          9 

3.  CRYSTAL  OF  ORTHOCLASE  FELDSPAR          .          .          .          .10 

4.  CRYSTAL  OF  PYROXENE  .          .          .          .          .          .11 

5.  CRYSTAL  OF  HORNBLENDE       .          .          .          .          .          .11 



7.  JASPER  CONGLOMERATE  ......  30 



JUPITER  SERAPIS,  NEAR  NAPLES         ....  40 

10.  RAISED  BEACHES,  SPITZBERGEN       .          .          .          .  41 


12.  CRATER  OF  MOUNT  KILAUEA,  HAWAII      ....  52 

13.  MONT  PELEE         ",         .          .          .          .          .          .          -54 

14.  ERUPTION  OF  NGAURUHOE,  NEW  ZEALAND,  IN  1914    .          .  56 



TIMISKAMING,  QUEBEC       ......       67 



ROCKY  MOUNTAINS  .          ...          .          .          .69 

19.  UNDERGROUND  WATERS  .  ^.          .          .          .       70 

20.  LANDSLIP,  FRANK,  ALBERTA   .          »          .          .          .          .71 

21.  CAVE,  NEW  ZEALAND      .          .         .          ....       73 

22.  CANYON  OF  ABITIBI  RIVER,  ONTARIO       ....       77 



SUPERIOR          .          .          .          .          .          .          .          .80 


26.  MOUNTAIN  TORRENT,  NAKVAK,  LABRADOR         ...       83 

27.  WAVES,  NEWCASTLE,  NEW  SOUTH  WALES         .          .          .85 

28.  WAVE  EROSION,  CAPE  BLOMIDON,  NOVA  SCOTIA       .          .       86 

29.  A  HOOK.    THE  "ISLAND"  AT  TORONTO,  ONTARIO       .          .       87 


CURRENTS          ........       89 

31.  TIDE  AT  WOLFVILLE  ON  BAY  OF  FUNDY          .         .         -91 

32.  BORAX  LAKE  AND  THE  VOLCANO  OLLEGUE,  BOLIVIA          .'       94 




33.  ICE  RAMPART,  LAKE  SIMCOE,  ONTARIO    .         ..         .        - .  96 



35.  ICE  CAVE  AND  RIVER  AT  END  OF  YOHO  GLACIER,  B.C.     .  98 

36.  MEDIAL  MORAINE,  ALASKAN  BOUNDARY  .          .          .          .  99 





ONTARIO            .          .          ...        .  *..  •      .       . ..  101 

41.  CIRQUE  NEAR  MOUNT  TETRAGONA,  LABRADOR  .                    .  102 

42.  SAND  DUNE  NEAR  WELLINGTON,  ONTARIO        .          .          .  104. 


ALBERTA       '    .          .     '    -.-.:.'        .          .          .•         .          .  105 

44.  TERTIARY  LIMESTONE  WITH  SHELLS          .          ,          .          .  in 


HUMBER  RIVER,  TORONTO      '    .          .          .          .-  •  .  .  115 


RENTS, THOUSAND  ISLANDS,  ONTARIO          ..        ;          .  116 

47.  TIDE  RIPPLES,  SOURIS,  PRINCE  EDWARD  ISLAND      .          .116 

48.  JOINTS  IN  LIMESTONE,  NAPANEE,  ONTARIO      ...         .          .117 


CLAY,  TORONTO,  ONTARIO          '.         .         .   .      .  *        .  1 1 8 

50.  DIAGRAM  SHOWING  STRIKE  AND  PIP         .          .          .          .119 




MOUNTAINS,  SHOWING  A  COMPLEX  SYNCLINE         .         .  120 

53.  OVERTURNED  FOLD,  CLEARWATER  RIVER          .          .          .  121 

54.  A  MONOCLINE .  121 


56.  NORMAL  FAULTS,  SHOWING  A  HORST  AND  A  GRABEN         .  122 

57.  NORMAL  FAULT  NEAR  NIPIGON,  ONTARIO          .         .         .  123 

58.  THRUST  FAULT  NEAR  GHOST  RIVER,  Bow  PASS        .          .124 


60.  DISCORDANCES        .         ,         .         .         .         .         .         .  125 

61.  DlSCONFORMITY         ....              .              ...       .     .              .              .  125 

62.  UNCONFORMITY,  UTAH    .          .         .         ...          .  126 

63.  PA-HOE-HOE  LAVA,  KILAUEA,  HAWAII       .         .         •-        •  126 

64.  AA  LAVA,  ETNA     .         .         .         .         .         .         .-        .  127 


66.  DIABASE  DIKES,  SAGLEK,  LABRADOR        .          .          .          .  129 


DIKES      .         .         .         .         .         ,         .         .         .  130 

68.  THE  SUDBURY  BASIN,  ONTARIO       .         .         .        ^         .  I31 



69.  PLAN  AND  CROSS  SECTION  OF  A  BATHOLITH     .          .          -132 




AREAS  OF  PRE-CAMBRIAN  ROCKS        .          .  .          .163 

73.  TIMISKAMING  SERIES,  PORCUPINE,  ONTARIO      .  .          .      173 

74.  STRIATED  STONE  FROM  COBALT  TILLITE  .          .  .          .176 




CAMBRIAN  TIME         .......      186 


AREAS  OF  CAMBRIAN  ROCKS       .          .          .          .          .188 
7§.  LAKE  LOUISE,  ROCKY  MOUNTAINS  .          .  .          .190 


ANATOMY          .          .          .          .          .          .  .     192 

80.  DIAGRAMS    OF    THE    HEADS    OF    THE    THREE    TYPES    OF 

TRILOBITES     ..         .          .          .          .          ...     192 


CAMBRIAN        .  .        , .          .          .          ...          .      193 


FLAVESCENS      .          .          .          .          .          .  .          .  194 

83.  FOUR  TYPES  OF  BRACHIOPODS          .          .          .  .          .  195 

84.  CAMBRIAN  FOSSILS  OF  BRITISH  COLUMBIA         .  .          .  197 


ORDOVICIAN  TIME     .......     200 


CHIEF  AREAS  OF  ORDOVICIAN  ROCKS          .          .  .     203 

87.  ORDOVICIAN  CORALS        .          ...          .          .  .     205 

88.  ORBOVICIAN  GRAPTOLITES        .         ,>=.•'•       .          .  .      .     206 

89.  ORDOVICIAN  CRINOIDS  AND  CYSTIDS         ».    ,      .          .  .     207 

90.  ORDOVICIAN  BRACHIOPODS       .          .          .          .          .  .     209 


92.  ORDOVICIAN  OSTRACODS  AND  BRYOZOANS          .          -.  .     211 

93.  ORDOVICIAN  GASTROPODS         .          .          .          .          .  .     212 

94.  ORDOVICIAN  PELECYPODS         .          .          .          .          .  .213 

95.  ORDOVICIAN  PELECYPOD           .          .          .          .          .  .213 


SHELL  REMOVED  ON  ONE  SIDE.          .          .          .          .214 

97.  ORDOVICIAN  NAUTILOIDS          .          .          .          .          .          .214 


AT  TORONTO     ........     215 

99.  ORDOVICIAN  TRILOBITES  .  .          .          .          .215 

TOO.  ORDOVICIAN  TRILOBITES  .          .          .          .          .          .216 

101.  THE  NIAGARA  CUESTA    .         .         .         .         .         .         .219 




CHIEF  AREAS  OF  SILURIAN  ROCKS      .      "•••;*  '•    .         .  220 


COVERED  BY  PALAEOZOIC  ROCKS  .      "  V  '  '*'*  '       .   ':">.."•  221 

104.  SILURIAN  CORALS  .          .         *         .         ..  :   '.    ;      ;•'<*.     .  223 

105.  SILURIAN  DENDROID  GRAPTOLITE     *    -.     ,      •   .        '.    '•••>. '  „'.'  224 

106.  STROMATOPOROIDS  OF  THE  SILURIAN.'        •.*•       .-•     .          .  225 

107.  SILURIAN  CRINOIDS  AND  CYSTIDS    .         .         . '  ',    '.         .  225 

108.  SILURIAN  BRACHIOPODS  .          .         ,         .,.'..  226 

109.  SILURIAN  GASTROPODS    .          ."       •.          .          .          .      "    .  -227 
no.  SILURIAN  PELECYPODS  AND  CEPHALOPODS         .         ,         .  228 
in.  SILURIAN  TRILOBITES      .          *      "  .    '     .      "    .         ....  229 

112.  EURYPTERUS    REMIPES      .              .              .;'.;.'      ;     •    '   -V-*'*        .  230 


AND  UPPER  DEVONIAN  TIME      .         .         .         .      s  4-  231 


AREAS  OF  DEVONIAN  ROCKS      .          .'./-.-      .  234 

115.  SILURIAN  AND  DEVONIAN  PLANT  •.       •...,.          .  239 


THE  PROFUSION  OF  FOSSILS     •.       •.       ".  :       .    -:     .  240 

117.  DEVONIAN  CORALS           .         .         •=     '  N.         .         .         i  241 

118.  DEVONIAN  CRINOIDS  AND  BLASTOIDS     •.         .         .    J     .  242 

119.  DEVONIAN  BRACHIOPODS        '  .          .          .         ^          .  -        .  243 

120.  DEVONIAN  PELECYPODS  AND  GASTROPODS         .    '     ,          .  243 

121.  DEVONIAN  CEPHALOPODS          .'   '    ?..         .         ..  •      .          .  244 

122.  DEVONIAN  TRILOBITES    .       •.       ..         . '  -  -.       -.          .  244 

123.  TYPICAL  DEVONIAN  OSTRACODERM  .         •'«•  '     /.         .    ,      .  245 

124.  JAWS  OF  THE  "TERRIBLE  FISH"     ;         .;     '    ."         .          .  246 

125.  DEVONIAN  FISH      .        •  .          .       •..      '    .          .-.        .          .  247 

126.  DEVONIAN  OSTRACODERM       •  .       '  .          .          .         „          .  248 

127.  KETTLE  POINT,  LAKE  HURON          .   ••    .         .«         .         .  248 


CARBONIFEROUS  ROCKS       ..       ..o^A    .  ;         .         .  255 

129.  ROCKY  MOUNTAINS  NEAR  BANFF,  ALBERTA      .^         .  .       .  256 

130.  CARBONIFEROUS  FERNS  AND  CYCAS-FERNS        .         .         .  258 

131.  CARBONIFEROUS  TREE-FERNS  .      f  .         .         .         .          .  259 

132.  CARBONIFEROUS  TREES  .       -..        •.                   .;         .         .  260 


CANADENSE    •  .       • '..         .      •  '.     '    .        ,.         .   .      .  262 

134.  CARBONIFEROUS  MARINE  INVERTEBRATES           .        .'-.    .      .  263 

135.  CARBONIFEROUS  ARTHROPODS.          .         .         .         .         .  264 

136.  WING  OF  HAPLOPHLEBIUM  BARNESII      •  ."        .          .  r       .  265 

137.  CARBONIFEROUS  FISH      .          .          .         V        •*        ;.         .  266 

138.  CARBONIFEROUS  AMPHIBIA        .          .         .         i         V         .  267 

139.  THE  GLOSSOPTERIS  FLORA       .       •  .      ••=-«-..-'  -  . '     -  .    -     .  273 



140.  PERMIAN  AMPHIBIAN       .....                    .  273 

141.  PERMIAN  REPTILE           .......  274 

142.  TRIASSIC  TRAPS  OF  NOVA  SCOTIA,  CAPE  BLOMIDON   .          .281 

143.  TRIASSIC  INVERTEBRATES         .          .          .          .          .          .  284 

144.  TRTASSIC  CRUSTACEAN     .......  285 

145.  TRIASSIC  WATER  REPTILE        .          .                    .          .          .  286 

146.  PRIMITIVE  TRIASSIC  CROCODILE        .....  286 

147.  TRIASSIC  VERTEBRATES  .......  287 

148.  SKETCH  MAP  OF  BRITISH  COLUMBIA          ....  291 

149.  MESOZOIC  PLANTS  ........  293 

150.  MODERN  CYCADS    ........  294 

151.  LIASSIC  CRINOID     ........  295 

152.  JURASSIC  PELECYPODS    .......  296 

153.  SLAB  FROM  THE  JURASSIC  OF  ENGLAND  ....  296 


155.  LIASSIC  AND  JURASSIC  BELEMNITES           .          .          .          .  298 
J56.  JURASSIC  DECAPOD          .......  299 

157.  SHINING-SCALED  GANOIDS  OF  THE  JURASSIC      .          .          .  299 

158.  MESOZOIC  FLYING  REPTILES    ......  302 




ROCKS  OF  THE  GREAT  PLAINS  .          .  .  .  .311 

162.  CRETACEOUS  CRINOID      .          .          .          .  .  .  .315 

163.  CRETACEOUS  PELECYPODS         .          .          .  .  .  .     316 

164.  CRETACEOUS  PELECYPOD          .          .          .  .  .  -317 

165.  CRETACEOUS  GASTROPODS         .          .          .  .  .  .317 


167.  UPPER  CRETACEOUS  PLESIOSAUR      .          .  .  .     320 

168.  CRETACEOUS  MOSASAUR  .          .          .          .  .  .  •      .     320 


EXCELSUS  .          .          .          .          .          .          .          .321 



LIBRATUS  ........     322 


REX  (HEAD)      ........  322 






178.  CRETACEOUS  TURTLE   .......  328 

179.  CRETACEOUS  WADING  BIRD  ......  329 


BRITISH  COLUMBIA    .......     336 



181.  CANADIAN  TERTIARY  FISH       .          .          .          .          .'  .  338 

182.  PRIMITIVE  BASAL  EOCENE  MAMMAL          .          .          .  .  340 

183.  AN  UPPER  EOCENE  PAL^OTHERE    .       >.;.         .         .  .  342 

184.  THE  EVOLUTION  OF  THE  HORSE      .         .         .         .  .  343 

185.  THE  EVOLUTION  OF  THE  HORSE      «         .         .          .  .  344 


TERTIARY          .          .          .          .       '  .          .          .  .  345 

187.  MIOCENE  APE         .          .         .        ...         .         .         .  .  346 

1 88.  GLACIAL  MAP  OF  NORTH  AMERICA  .         ..        .         .  .  349 

189.  INTERGLACIAL  BEDS         .          .         .         v         ...  .351 


191.  AN  EXTINCT  MAPLE        .          .         .      .  .         .  •        .  .  353 

192.  EXTINCT  BEETLES.          .          .       .  .         „         .         .  .  354 

193.  SKETCH  MAP  OF  POST-GLACIAL  LAKES      ....  355 

194.  A  MASTODON           *         .          .          .         .          .          .  .  358 


196.  PLEISTOCENE  CARNIVORE          .         ...         .  .  360 

197.  PLEISTOCENE  MARSUPIAL         .          .         .         ...  .361 





THE  earth  is  man's  home,  his  workshop,  his  storehouse,  his 
playground,  the  environment  which  shapes  him  to  what  he 
is;  and  every  intelligent  man  should  know  something  of  it, 
particularly  in  regard  to  his  immediate  surroundings  and  his 
own  country. 

The  earth  is  only  a  modest  planet  in  a  solar  system  of 
quite  moderate  dimensions,  as  solar  systems. go  in  the  uni- 
verse; but  it  is  the  only  planet  we  can  ever  know  at  all 
intimately,  and  small  as  it  is,  it  is  full  of  interest,  and  has  a 
thrilling  history  that  accounts  for  all  about  us  and  even  for 
the  race  of  man  himself.  No  one  is  really  educated  in  the 
modern  sense  who  does  not  know  something  of  the  solid 
ground  beneath  his  feet  and  of  the  shaping  of  the  hills  and 
valleys  and  plains  among  which  he  lives.  His  house,  his  tools 
and  instruments,  and  even  his  tableware  are  usually  made  of 
materials  drawn  from  the  earth  and  therefore  taken  from  the 
realm  of  geology.  He  cannot  walk  the  streets  of  a  city  with- 
out seeing  everywhere  things  that  have  a  geological  origin ;  and 
when  he  tills  the  soil  or  makes  the  bricks  of  everyday  life 
he  is  handling  geological  materials  and  doing  geological 
work,  whether  he  knows  it  or  not. 

Whether  from  the  economic  or  the  intellectual  side,  in 
war  or  in  peace,  man  is  perpetually  confronting  geological 
factors  that  are  of  vital  importance  to  him,  and  of  which 
he  cannot  be  ignorant  without  loss  of  efficiency  and  loss 
of  a  mental  stimulus. 

&<:^.t         -E.LEMENTARY    GEOLOGY 

Geology  is  the  science  of  the  earth,  and  the  earth  is  many 
sided,  so  that  it  has,  perhaps,  the  widest  affiliations  of  any  of 
the  sciences  and  is  itself  almost  a  bundle  of  sciences,  there  are  so 
many  avenues  along  which  its  researches  may  be  directed.  On 
this  account  geologists  by  profession  are  bound  to  specialise, 
since  no  one  man  can  be  equally  proficient  in  all  departments 
of  so  protean  a  subject. 


Geology  deals  with  the  materials  of  which  the  earth  is  made, 
the  forces  that  operate  upon  them,  the  structures  which  result 
from  this  operation,  the  distribution  of  the  rocks  forming 
the  earth's  crust,  and  the  history  of  the  earth  itself  and  of 
the  plants  and  animals  which  have  inhabited  it  during  the 
different  ages. 

The  usual  divisions  of  geology  as  treated  in  a  text-book  are 
as  follows: 

Lithology.    The  study  of  rocks  and  of  the  minerals  of  which 

they  are  composed. 
Dynamic   Geology.     A  consideration   of   the  forces  which 

have  shaped  and  still  are  shaping  the  earth. 
Structural  Geology.     Dealing  with  the  architecture  of  the 

earth's  crust. 
Historical  and  Stratigraphical  Geology.    Showing  the  order 

and  distribution  of  the  different  series  of  rocks,  and 

unravelling  the  history  of  the  earth  and  its  inhabitants 

as  disclosed  in  the  rocks. 

Lithology  draws  on  the  cognate  science  of  mineralogy  for 
aid;  Dynamic  Geology  makes  use  mainly  of  the  principles  of 
physics  and  chemistry,  but  touches  also  zoology  and  botany; 
Structural  Geology  deals  with  the  attitude  and  arrangement 
of  rocks;  and  Historical  Geology  derives  much  aid  from 
palaeontology,  the  science  which  deals  with  fossils.  Historical 
Geology  may  be  said  to  begin  with  astronomy  and  to  end 
with  physiography,  or  physical  geography,  which  deals  with 
the  present  surface  features  of  the  earth. 



The  earth  is  one  of  the  minor  planets  of  the  solar  system, 
with  a  diameter  of  almost  8000  miles.  It  is  often  called  a 
globe  or  sphere,  but  not  quite  correctly,  since  it  is  flattened 
at  the  poles.  It  approaches  the  form  of  a  rotating  mass  of 
fluid,  which  would  be  called  an  "oblate  spheroid"  or  an 
"ellipsoid  of  rotation,"  but  does  not  quite  attain  perfection, 
since  its  surface  has  irregularities,  elevations,  and  depressions, 
with  extremes  amounting  to  eleven  miles,  and  its  equatorial 
circumference  is  not  exactly  a  circle.  The  polar  diameter  is 
given  as  7925-6  miles  and  the  average  equatorial  diameter 
as  7899-1,  the  polar  flattening  representing  half  the  difference, 
or  a  little  over  thirteen  miles. 


The  planetary  motions  of  the  earth,  its  annual  revolution 
about  the  sun  and  its  diurnal  rotation  about  its  axis,  are  of 
great  importance  as  influencing  tides,  currents,  winds,  and 
climates;  and  the  fact  that  the  earth's  axis  is  inclined  23*5 
degrees  to  the  plane  of  its  orbit  is  also  a  matter  of  interest. 
A  change  in  any  of  these  relations  would  have  serious  effects. 
There  is  reason  to  believe  that  tidal  friction  is  very  gradually 
slowing  down  the  energy  of  rotation,  and  it  has  been  suggested 
that  in  early  times  the  earth  rotated  in  six  hours  instead  of 
twenty-four.  Such  a  difference  would  greatly  alter  the  shape 
of  the  earth,  increasing  the  equatorial  bulge  and  shortening 
the  polar  diameter.  There  is  no  doubt  that  any  variation  in 
the  shape  of  the  earth  due  to  the  lengthening  of  the  day,  as 
suggested,  would  result  in  bucklings  of  the  crust  such  as 
would  make  mountain  ranges  and  depressions  in  the  sea 
bottom.  A  more  rapid  rotation  would  speed  up  a  number  of 
terrestrial  activities  such  as  tides  and  winds,  and  make  them 
more  effective  geological  agencies. 

A  change  in  the  inclination  of  the  earth's  axis  would  pro- 
foundly affect  geology.  If  the  axis  stood  at  right  angles  to 
the  plane  of  the  earth's  orbit,  there  would  be  no  alternation 
of  seasons,  with  all  which  that  implies ;  and  other  conceivable 


arrangements  might  have  tremendous  effects.  Some  geologists 
have  suggested  a  change  in  position  of  the  poles  to  account 
for  the  occurrence  of  ice  ages,  times  when  great  ice  sheets 
covered  parts  of  the  temperate  zones  and  even  advanced  into 
the  tropics,  but  there  is  a  serious  difficulty  in  the  way  of  such 
a  change.  The  rotating  earth  is  a  gyroscope  on  a  huge  scale 
and  would  violently  resist  any  shifting  in  the  direction  of  its 
axis  of  rotation,  so  that  a  sudden  variation  of  the  sort  would 
probably  tear  the  earth  to  pieces. 

The  geological  record  does  not  indicate  any  remarkable  or 
rapid  change  in  the  earth's  motions,  and,  in  fact,  shows  a 
surprising  uniformity  in  its  relations  to  the  other  members  of 
the  solar  system.  There  is  no  evidence,  for  instance,  of  greater 
tidal  activity  in  the  earliest  water-formed  rocks;  and  there  is 
no  proof  that  the  sun  radiated  more  heat  to  the  earth  a 
hundred  million  years  ago  than  it  does  now;  for  liquid  water 
and  great  sheets  of  ice  were  at  work  then  as  now. 


So  far  as  we  know  the  earth's  composition  by  direct  study 
it  is  formed  of  various  rocks,  which  will  be  described  later, 
such  as  granite  or  limestone  or  sandstone.  The  average 
specific  gravity  of  these  rocks  is  2-6  or  2-7,  and  the  heaviest 
rocks  known  to  occur  on  a  large  scale  do  not  much  exceed 
3  in  specific  gravity;  yet  the  earth  as  a  whole  has  a 
specific  gravity  of  5-5  or  5-6— nearly  double  as  much.  Evi- 
dently the  materials  below  the  surface  are  much  heavier  than 
those  within  our  reach :  this  has  been  explained  by  supposing 
that  the  central  parts  consist  of  heavier  elements,  such  as 
iron  and  nickel,  which  occur  only  in  relatively  small  amounts 
in  the  earth's  crust,  the  only  part  which  we  can  examine. 
It  has  been  suggested,  however,  that  the  same  materials  as 
make  up  the  crust  might  be  greatly  compressed  by  the  weight 
of  the  overlying  rocks,  and  so  attain  a  higher  specific  gravity. 
Perhaps  a  combination  of  the  two  theories  is  best. 

Since  the  earth,  as  known  to  us,  consists  of  rock,  it  may  be 
called  the  "  lithosphere,"  from  the  Greek  word  for  rock ;  but  we 
can  actually  examine  only  a  little  more  than  one-fourth  of  its 


surface,  the  rest  being  beneath  the  sea.  The  incomplete 
spherical  covering  of  water  may  be  called  the  "hydrosphere." 
Above  all  rises  a  sea  of  air,  reaching  indefinitely  upwards, 
which  is,  of  course,  the  "atmosphere."  Geology  is  largely 
occupied  in  studying  the  interactions  of  the  atmosphere  and 
hydrosphere  upon  the  lithosphere.  Beneath  the  lithosphere 
some  geologists  place  an  "  asthenosphere "  (strengthless) 
capable  of  flow  like  a  plastic  body,  while  the  unknown  interior 
may  be  called  the  "centrosphere." 

Of  the  many  known  chemical  elements  comparatively  few 
play  any  important  part  in  building  the  earth's  crust,  and 
there  seems  to  have  been  a  strange  partiality  shown  for  eight 
of  theiru — oxygen,  silicon,  aluminium,  iron,  calcium,  mag- 
nesium, sodium,  and  potassium — which  make  up  ninety-eight 
per  cent,  of  the  rocks  examined,  oxygen  alone  forming  fifty 
per  cent.  Carbon,  one  of  the  most  important  substances  in 
practical  life,  forms  less  than  one-fifth  of  one  per  cent,  of  the 
rocks  available  to  man;  and  copper,  lead,  zinc,  and  the  other 
economic  metals,  leaving  out  iron,  provide  only  minute  frac- 
tions of  one  per  cent.  It  may  be  that  the  balance  is  restored 
in  the  earth's  interior,  the  heavier  elements  gravitating  towards 
the  centre. 

Of  the  chemical  compounds,  silica,  a  compound  of  silicon 
and  oxygen,  outweighs  the  others  put  together  and  enters 
largely  into  the  composition  of  many  rocks. 



THE  geological  history  of  the  earth  is  recorded  in  the  rocks. 
It  is  obvious  that  the  nature  of  the  rocks,  and  the  chemical 
and  physical  changes  which  they  have  undergone,  will  con- 
tribute in  no  small  degree  to  the  main  object  in  view— the 
working  out  of  the  history  of  the  earth. 


All  matter  is  made  up  of  certain  primary  substances  known 
as  elements,  of  which  only  a  few  occur  as  such  in  the  make-up 
of  the  earth.  Gold,  silver,  copper,  and  arsenic  are  among  the 
elements  that  are  found  in  the  rocks;  when  so  found  they 
are  called  native  gold,  silver,  copper,  etc.  On  the  other  hand, 
iron,  which  is  a  very  common  element,  occurs  with  extreme 
rarity  as  native  iron.  Most  of  the  elements  never  occur  native 
but  united  with  one  another  to  form  chemical  compounds. 
These  compounds  are  made  up  of  very  definite  amounts  of 
the  elements  composing  them,  and  they  differ  entirely  from 
any  of  the  constituent  elements.  For  instance,  water  is  made 
up  of  two  colourless  gases,  oxygen  and  hydrogen,  united  in 
the  proportion  of  eight  to  one;  and  most  of  the  iron  of  com- 
merce is  made  from  a  red  or  black  brittle  substance  composed 
of  iron  and  a  definite  proportion  of  this  same  colourless  gas, 
oxygen.  Commercial  iron  is  made  by  subjecting  this  substance 
to  furnace  operations  whereby  it  is  forced  to  let  go  the  oxygen 
which  it  contains.  If  a  piece  of  iron  is  allowed  to  lie  out  in 
the  weather  it  slowly  rusts  and  eventually  crumbles  away  to 
a  reddish  powder.  Nature  has  claimed  her  own  again,  and 
the  man-made  iron  has  gone  back  again  into  the  union  with 
oxygen  which  is  natural  to  it.  Processes  of  this  kind  have 
been  going  on  in  nature's  workshop  throughout  the  geological 
ages,  with  the  net  result  that  the  earth,  as  far  as  we  know  it, 

1  A  proper  conception  of  minerals  and  rocks  can  be  acquired  only  by 
seeing  and  handling  specimens.  The  few  minerals  and  rocks  herein 
described  are  treated  in  the  merest  outline  only.  The  student  is  advised 
to  consult  any  of  the  standard  works  on  mineralogy  and  petrography. 


is  made  up  of  a  small  amount  of  native  elements  and  a  great 
amount  of  chemical  compounds.  Both  of  these  are  minerals, 
and  that  branch  of  geological  science  which  deals  with  them 
is  mineralogy. 

It  is  evident  that  the  chemical  composition  of  a  mineral  is 
a  matter  of  the  first  importance,  and  without  at  least  an 
elementary  knowledge  of  chemistry  it  is  difficult  to  properly 
understand  minerals.  Fortunately,  however,  minerals  are 
possessed  of  very  characteristic  physical  properties,  whereby 
they  may  be  easily  recognised  even  by  one  to  whom  their 
chemical  nature  is  entirely  unknown.  A  student  need  not 
despair  of  acquiring  a  fair  knowledge  of  minerals  even  if  his  ac- 
quaintance with  chemistry  is  limited.  In  the  brief  descriptions 
of  minerals  given  herein  only  a  knowledge  of  the  names  of  the 
elements,  and  of  such  common  substances  as  silica,  alumina, 
lime,  and  magnesia  is  presupposed  on  the  part  of  the  reader. 

The  chief  physical  properties  made  use  of  for  the  description 
and  identification  of  minerals  are  as  follows: 

LUSTRE.  Some  minerals  have  the  appearance  of  metal  and 
are  said  to  have  a  metallic  lustre;  others,  such  as  a  piece  of 
common  limestone,  have  no  resemblance  to  a  metal  and  are 
said  to  have  a  non-metallic  lustre.  These  are  the  two  chief 
lustres;  others  of  less  importance  are  pearly,  vitreous,  resinous, 
silky,  and  earthy — terms  which  sufficiently  explain  themselves. 

COLOUR.  The  actual  colour  of  a  mineral  is  important, 
particularly  when  combined  with  metallic  lustre. 

STREAK.  The  streak  is  the  colour  of  the  finely  powdered 
mineral  and  is  often  different  from  that  of  the  mineral  itself. 
This  property  is  very  constant  and  is  of  more  value  than 
colour  in  the  case  of  minerals  with  non-metallic  lustre.  The 
streak  may  be  obtained  by  crushing  a  small  piece  of  the  mineral 
or  by  drawing  a  fine  file  across  it. 

HARDNESS.  This  property  is  of  great  value.  In  order  to 
express  it  in  short  form  a  scale  has  been  established  using  the 
numerals  i  to  10  to  indicate  increasing  degrees  of  hardness. 
A  mineral  with  the  hardness  i  can  be  scratched  by  the  thumb 
nail;  3  is  about  equal  to  copper;  5  scratches  glass  feebly; 
6  scratches  glass  easily;  7  is  quartz  or  rock  crystal  which  is 
much  harder  than  glass;  8,  9,  and  10  are  harder  than  quartz. 

WEIGHT.   The  weight,  or  more  properly  the  specific  gravity, 



of  a  mineral  is  fairly  constant.  Common  rock-making  minerals 
vary  from  2-5  to  3  or  a  little  more.  The  ores  of  the  metals  are 
heavier;  they  average  about  6  or  7,  but  in  some  cases  run 
considerably  higher — for  instance,  native  gold  has  a  specific 
gravity  of  19-5. 

CRYSTAL  FORM.  Nearly  all  minerals  assume  a  definite  shape 


By  modifications  of  these  forms,  the  replacement  of  angles  and  edges  by  other  planes,  all 
known  crystals  may  be  derived. 

which  is  extremely  characteristic  and  which  in  most  cases 
would  suffice  for  their  determination  in  the  hands  of  an 
expert.  Unfortunately,  when  minerals  occur  in  masses  the 
crystals  are  so  closely  pressed  together  that  their  form  is 
obscured,  but  never  altered.  Crystals  are  bounded  by  flat 
planes  which  meet  each  other  in  angles  of  absolute  constancy. 
Several  systems  of  crystals  are  recognised  depending  on  the 
degree  of  symmetry  they  present.  In  some  the  planes  are 
arranged  regularly  about  a  centre  (cubic  or  regular  system); 


in  others  in  a  tetrameral  manner  about  a  long  axis  (tetragonal 
system) ;  in  others  in  a  hexagonal  manner  about  a  long  axis 
(hexagonal  system) ;  in  others  about  three  axes  of  different 
lengths  set  at  right  angles  to  one  another  (rhombic  system) ; 
in  others  about  three  unequal  axes  of  which  only  two  are 
at  right  angles  (monoclinic  system) ;  and  finally  about  three 
unequal  axes  none  of  which  is  at  right  angles  to  another 
(triclinic  system). 

CLEAVAGE.  Many  crystals  have  a  tendency  to  split  parallel 
to  certain  planes.  Even  when  the  form  cannot  be  made  out 
this  property  is  useful  in  determining  minerals  as  it  is  very 

From  1200  to  1500  minerals  in  all  are  known  to  science;  of 
these  a  comparatively  small  number  compose  the  great  bulk 
of  the  earth's  crust.  The  commonest  minerals  are  those  which 
are  aggregated  together  to  make  up  rocks,  and  are  known  as 
rock-forming  minerals.  In  smaller  amount  occur  the  minerals 
which  are  used  as  ores  of  the  metals.  Other  minerals  worthy 
of  mention  in  a  work  of  this  kind  are  those  which  are  used 
for  the  production  of  useful  substances  of  a  non-metallic 
nature.  The  remaining  minerals  are  of  little  importance  from 
the  present  point  of  view.  The  more  common  minerals  will 
be  briefly  considered  in  groups  as  below: 


QUARTZ.    This  is  the  commonest  of  all  minerals  and  makes 
up  a  large  part  of  the  rocks  of  the  earth: 
it  is  composed  of  silica,  a  compound  of  the 
elements  silicon  and  oxygen. 

Quartz  forms  six-sided  prisms  with  a  six- 
sided  pyramid  on  each  end;  therefore,  it  is 
said  to  crystallise  in  the  hexagonal  system. 
There  is  no  cleavage  as  the  mineral  breaks 
irregularly.  The  lustre  is  non-metallic  and 
vitreous;  normally  colourless  and  trans- 
parent, quartz  is  frequently  tinged  by  the 
presence  of  foreign  matter.  The  streak  is 
colourless;  the  hardness  7;  and  the  specific 
gravity  about  2-65. 

Quartz  is  a  constituent   of   granite   and  of   many  other 

FIG.   2.    CRYSTAL 



igneous  rocks;  it  also  makes  up  a  large  part  of  most  sand- 
stones. The  gangue  or  vein-filling  material  of  the  gold  mines 
of  northern  Ontario  is  quartz,  and  the  coloured  variety  known 
as  amethyst  is  obtained  along  the  Fundy  shore  of  Nova  Scotia 
and  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Superior. 

FELDSPARS.  This  group  of  minerals  comprises  several 
related  chemical  compounds  of  silica  and  alumina  with  potash, 

soda,  and  lime.    A  number  of  minerals  are 

included,  but  they  may  be  divided  into  two 
classes:  (i)  orthoclase  or  potash  feldspar, 
and  (2)  plagioclase  or  soda-lime  feldspar. 
The  physical  properties  are  much  alike  in 
all  the  feldspars:  the  lustre  is  non-metallic; 
the  colour  variable,  but  usually  light  — 
white,  pink,  bluish,  etc. ;  the  streak  colour- 
less; the  hardness  6;  and  the  specific 
gravity  2-4  to  27. 

The  two  kinds  of  feldspar  differ  slightly  in 

their  crystal  form ;  orthoclase  is  monoclinic 

FIG.     3.    CRYSTAL  and    plagioclase    triclinic.      Both    varieties 

OF  ORTHOCLASE  have  distinct  cleavage,  a  property  which  is 

of  great   use  in  distinguishing   them  from 

quartz  which  has  no  cleavage.    The  character  of  the  cleavage 

is  also  of  great  use  in  distinguishing  between  the  two  kinds 

of  feldspar,  as  in  the  case  of  orthoclase  it  is  smooth,  whereas 

the  cleavage  faces  of  plagioclase  show  fine  parallel  striations. 

Feldspar  of  one  kind  or  the  other  is  a  constituent  of  nearly 

all  the  igneous  rocks,  the  classification  of  which  depends  very 

largely  on  the  kind  of  feldspar  present.    One  must  remember 

that  the  distinction  between  the  two  kinds  of  feldspar  is  of 

prime  importance  and  not  merely  a  matter  of  detail. 

Feldspar  is  used  in  the  ceramic  arts  to  a  large  extent,  also 
in  metallurgical  operations,  and  for  many  specific  purposes. 
Orthoclase  is  a  possible  source  of  potash,  but  its  separation  is 
a  matter  of  difficulty  not  yet  achieved  on  a  commercial  scale. 
Large  feldspar  mines  are  worked  to  the  north  of  Kingston 
in  Ontario. 

NEPHELINE.  This  mineral  is  related  in  composition  to  the 
feldspars,  but  it  crystallises  in  the  hexagonal  system.  Nephe- 
Une  is  a  constituent  of  igneous  rocks  of  much  rarer  occurrence 



than  feldspar;   its  mention  here  is  justified  by  its  presence  in 
important  masses  of  rock  in  Ontario. 

PYROXENE.  This  mineral  is  a  complicated  compound  of 
silica  with  lime,  magnesia,  iron,  manganese,  and  other  sub- 
stances; alumina  also  is  present  in  many 
varieties.  The  crystals  are  of  the  mono- 
clinic  type  and  have  a  pronounced  cleavage 
parallel  to  two  planes  which  meet  at  an 
angle  of  87°  5';  this  property  is  of  great 
value  as  a  means  of  determination,  as 
broken  pieces  of  pyroxene  will  be  sure  to 
present  fragments  on  which  this  angle 
may  be  observed. 

The  lustre  is  non-metallic  and  rather 
vitreous;    the   colour   varies    from    light  \/^ 

green  to  black;  streak  colourless  or  light    FIG.  4.  CRYSTAL  OF 
greyish  green;    hardness  5  to  6;   specific  PYROXENE 

gravity  3-23  to  3-5,  indicating  a  heavier  mineral  than  quartz 
or  feldspar. 

Pyroxene  is  a  very  common  rock-forming  mineral  and  is 
particularly  abundant  in  the  dark-coloured,  heavy  igneous 
rocks.  Many  varieties  are  known,  such  as  augitc  and  diallage. 
Hypersthene  is  a  mineral  related  to  pyroxene  in  composition, 
but  crystallising  in  the  rhombic  system;  it  is  sometimes 
called  rhombic  pyroxene.  The  common  py- 
roxene, augite,  is  most  likely  to  be  mis- 
taken for  hornblende,  but  it  may  easily  be 
distinguished  by  the  angle  of  cleavage. 

HORNBLENDE.  The  chemical  composition 
of  this  mineral  is  very  similar  to  that  of 
pyroxene;  its  crystal  form  also  is  similar, 
but  differs  in  the  important  respect  that  the 
cleavage  angle  is  124°  30'  instead  of  87°  5' 
as  in  pyroxene.  This  difference  of  angle 

may    usua»y   be   relied   on    to   distinguish 
between  the  two  minerals.   The  other  physi- 
cal properties  are  practically  the  same  as  those  of  pyroxene. 

Hornblende  is  a  common  constituent  of  the  igneous  rocks, 
but  it  is  less  common  than  pyroxene  in  the  very  dark  rocks; 
on  the  other  hand,  it  is  more  frequent  in  the  intermediate 
and  light-coloured  rocks, 


MICA  GROUP.  This  group  contains  a  number  of  complicated 
compounds  of  silica,  alumina,  lime,  magnesia,  potash,  and 
other  substances  in  less  amount.  While  the  crystal  forms 
belong  to  different  systems  in  the  different  micas  they  all 
approximate  to  six-sided  prisms  and  they  all  have  a  very 
strong  tendency  to  cleave  across  the  prism,  whereby  the 
familiar  sheets  of  mica  are  broken  off. 

The  lustre  is  sometimes  sub-metallic,  pearly,  or  even 
vitreous;  the  colour  varies  with  the  varieties,  from  clear 
transparent  to  almost  black;  the  streak  is  colourless  or  very 
lightly  tinted;  the  hardness  seldom  exceeds  3;  the  specific 
gravity  is  usually  between  2-7  and  3-1. 

Many  varieties  based  on  different  chemical  composition  and 
slightly  different  physical  properties  are  known:  the  chief  of 
these  are  Uotite  or  black  mica  with  much  iron  and  magnesia, 
Muscovite  or  white  mica  with  much  potash,  and  phlogopite  or 
amber  mica  with  magnesia  and  potash. 

Mica  is  a  very  common  constituent  of  rocks;  when  black, 
it  may  be  mistaken  in  a  rock  for  pyroxene  or  hornblende, 
but  it  may  be  distinguished  by  picking  with  a  needle  which 
will  cause  the  thin,  characteristic  flakes  to  exfoliate. 

OLIVINE.  This  mineral  is  a  compound  of  silica  with  iron 
and  magnesia;  it  forms  crystals  of  the  rhombic  type.  The 
physical  properties  are  very  similar  to  those  of  pyroxene  and 
hornblende.  The  colour  is  greenish  and  generally  lighter  than 
in  these  two  minerals,  and  the  absence  of  the  characteristic 
cleavage  is  of  value  as  a  means  of  determination. 

Olivine  occurs  more  particularly  in  the  very  dark-coloured 
igneous  rocks. 


The  great  mass  of  igneous  rocks  is  made  up  of  the  minerals 
given  above ;  other  important  minerals  occur  in  less  amount 
as  wrell  as  some  which  may  or  may  not  be  present  in  a  given 
rock  and,  therefore,  are  non-essential.  As  a  result  of  decay 
and  alteration  new  minerals  may  be  formed :  these  are  usually 
called  secondary. 

The  commonest  non-essential  and  secondary  minerals  of 
igneous  rocks  are: 


GARNET  GROUP.  Garnets  are  compounds  of  silica  with 
alumina,  iron,  lime,  and  sometimes  with  manganese,  chromium, 
etc.  They  form  crystals  of  the  regular  or  cubic  type  which 
are  often  symmetrically  twelve-sided  forms,  each  face  being 
a  rhombus. 

The  lustre  is  vitreous  to  resinous;  the  colour  varies  with 
the  composition,  usually  being  reddish  or  brownish,  but  some- 
times green;  the  streak  is  colourless;  the  hardness  is  6-5  to  7-5 ; 
and  the  specific  gravity  3-15  to  4-3. 

Garnet  is  more  common  in  metamorphic  than  in  igneous 
rocks.  Common  varieties  are  useful  as  abrasives  on  account 
of  their  hardness  and  toughness;  clear  and  pure  varieties, 
particularly  the  red  pyrope,  are  used  as  gem  stones. 

CHLORITE.  This  mineral  occurs  only  as  the  result  of  the 
decay  of  other  minerals  such  as  augite,  hornblende,  and  mica. 
It  is  of  complicated  composition,  soft,  and  greenish  in  colour. 
Chlorite  belongs  more  properly  to  the  metamorphic  rocks,  but 
it  may  occur  in  igneous  rocks  which  are  but  little  altered. 

In  addition  to  the  above  minerals  a  long  list  might  be  made 
of  the  non-essential  minerals  of  the  igneous  rocks.  Some  of 
these  will  be  described  under  different  heads,  e.g.,  magnetite, 
hematite,  pyrite,  and  apatite. 


Igneous  rocks  which  have  been  subjected  to  extreme  alter- 
ation frequently  contain  minerals  not  present  before  the 
changes  were  effected.  Chlorite  and  garnet,  already  men- 
tioned, are  among  the  commonest  of  these,  and  in  addition 
are  the  following : 

SERPENTINE.  This  mineral  is  essentially  a  compound  of 
silica,  magnesia,  and  water.  It  is  questionable  if  it  has  a 
crystal  form  of  its  own  as  it  always  occurs  as  an  alteration 
of  hornblende,  pyroxene,  olivine,  etc. 

The  lustre  is  resinous  to  greasy;  the  colour  generally 
greenish  to  3^ellowish  green;  the  streak  colourless;  the  hard- 
ness variable  but  generally  low,  about  2-5  to  4;  the  specific 
gravity  2*5  to  2-65. 

The  dark-coloured  igneous  rocks,  particularly  those  made 


up  of  a  large  percentage  of  olivine,  are  liable  to  be  altered 
en  masse  into  serpentine.  Sometimes  this  massive  serpentine 
is  of  value  as  decorative  stone,  as  in  the  Gaspe  peninsula  and 
in  the  eastern  townships  of  Quebec. 

Serpentine  sometimes  assumes  a  delicately  fibrous  form 
known  as  chrysotile  which  is  commonly  called  asbestos.  The 
fire-resisting  properties  of  this  material  and  its  capability 
of  being  woven  into  fireproof  fabric  give  it  a  high  value. 
The  mining  of  asbestos  is  one  of  the  unique  industries  of 
Canada;  it  centres  chiefly  about  Black  Lake  in  the  eastern 
townships  of  Quebec. 

TALC.  This  is  another  compound  of  silica,  magnesia,  and 
water  which  results  from  the  alteration  of  minerals  like 
hornblende,  pyroxene,  and  olivine.  When  pure  the  lustre  is 
pearly,  the  colour  white  or  greenish,  and  the  streak  colourless. 
It  is  one  of  the  softest  minerals  known,  as  the  hardness  ranges 
from  less  than  i  to  1-5. 

Clean,  well-crystallised  talc  is  not  common  and  is  of  value 
for  the  manufacture  of  toilet  powders,  for  which  purpose  it  is 
extensively  mined  near  Madoc  in  Ontario.  Impure  massive 
forms  of  talc  are  known  as  soapstone  and  are  used  for  various 
industrial  purposes. 

SILLIMANITE.  Essentially  a  compound  of  silica  and  alumina. 
It  forms  long  slender  crystals  which  in  extreme  cases  are 
fibrous.  The  lustre  is  non-metallic;  the  colour  brown,  grey, 
or  green;  the  streak  uncoloured;  the  hardness  6  to  7;  and 
the  specific  gravity  3-2  to  3-3. 

This  mineral  would  scarcely  be  mentioned  were  it  not  for 
its  presence  in  rocks  of  frequent  occurrence  in  northern  Canada. 

EPIDOTE.  This  mineral  is  a  complicated  compound  of  silica, 
alumina,  iron,  and  lime  with  a  small  amount  of  water;  it 
occurs  in  both  igneous  and  metamorphic  rocks.  The  crystal 
form  is  monoclinic. 

The  lustre  is  vitreous  to  pearly  and  resinous;  the  colour 
usually  yellowish  green ;  the  streak  uncoloured ;  the  hardness 
6  to  7;  and  the  specific  gravity  3-25  to  3-5. 

SERICITE.  This  mineral  is  related  to  the  micas,  but  it  con- 
tains more  water  than  the  typical  micas  already  mentioned. 
It  occurs  in  the  form  of  silvery,  glistening  scales  in  schistose 
rocks  and  is  always  the  result  of  alteration  of  original  minerals. 



Rocks  which  have  been  laid  down  in  water  may  contain 
fragments  of  any  of  the  minerals  of  the  igneous  rocks;  in 
addition  are  the  following: 

CALCITE.  Carbonic  acid  gas  is  a  constituent  of  the  atmo- 
sphere ;  it  is  a  compound  of  oxygen  and  carbon  and  is  formed 
when  fuel  is  burned  either  in  the  ordinary  way  or  in  the 
lungs  of  animals.  This  gas  is  always  ready  to  enter  into 
combination  with  lime,  as  may  be  proved  by  blowing  air 
from  the  lungs  into  lime  water.  On  performing  this  simple 
experiment  one  will  immediately  see  a  white  powder  formed 
which  settles  to  the  bottom  of  the  vessel.  This  white  powder 
is  carbonate  of  lime.  The  same  substance  occurring  under 
natural  conditions  where  it  has  a  chance  to  crystallise  is  the 
mineral  calcite. 

Crystals  of  calcite  are  usually  six-sided  prisms  with  pointed 
ends;  frequently  also,  especially  in  rocks,  the  form  is  that  of 
a  rhombohedron.  Whatever  the  shape  of  the  crystal  the 
cleavage  is  rhombohedral,  a  property  which  is  well  developed 
and  constantly  present. 

The  lustre  is  non-metallic,  vitreous  to  earthy;  the  colour 
is  normally  clear  transparent,  but  opaque  white  and  various 
lightly  coloured  varieties  are  known;  streak  colourless;  hard- 
ness 2-5  to  3-5;  specific  gravity  about  27. 

Pure  limestone  is  composed  entirely  of  carbonate  of  lime, 
probably  in  the  form  of  calcite.  Marble  is  distinctly  crystalline 
limestone,  and  therefore  is  certainly  made  up  of  the  mineral 
calcite.  Calcite  is  of  frequent  occurrence  in  mineral  veins  and 
is  often  the  result  of  decay  in  lime-bearing  minerals  of  the 
igneous  rocks. 

Carbonate  of  lime  sometimes  crystallises  in  a  form  different 
from  that  of  calcite;  it  is  then  known  as  aragonile,  which 
is  a  distinct  mineral  although  of  the  same  composition 
as  calcite. 

MAGNESITE.  Just  as  calcite  is  the  carbonate  of  lime,  mag- 
nesite  is  the  carbonate  of  magnesia.  The  physical  properties 
are  somewhat  similar,  but  magnesite  is  heavier,  having  a 
specific  gravity  usually  exceeding  3.  This  mineral  is  included 
here  on  account  of  its  close  relationship  to  calcite  rather  than 


to  its  occurrence  in  stratified  rocks ;  its  more  usual  occurrence 
is  as  an  alteration  product  in  connection  with  serpentine. 

DOLOMITE.  This  mineral  is  a  carbonate  of  lime  and  mag- 
nesia; it  is  intermediate  between  calcite  and  magnesite,  and 
has  physical  properties  in  accord  with  that  position.  The 
significance  of  this  mineral  will  be  more  fully  appreciated 
when  the  description  of  the  sedimentary  rocks  has  been  read. 

KAOLINITE.  This  is  a  very  important  mineral  composed  of 
silica,  alumina,  and  water.  The  form  of  the  crystal  is  doubtful 
as  the  mineral  usually  occurs  as  tiny  pearly  scales.  The  lustre 
is  non-metallic  pearly;  the  colour  is  normally  white,  but 
various  light  tints  may  be  shown;  streak  uncoloured;  hard- 
ness i  to  2-5;  specific  gravity  about  2-5. 

Kaolinite  results  from  the  decay  of  orthoclase.  Together 
with  other  related  minerals  it  makes  up  the  bulk  of  clay  beds 
and  is  responsible  for  the  plastic  properties  of  clay. 


Gold  is  found  chiefly  in  the  native  state,  but  it  also  occurs 
as  a  constituent  of  a  few  rare  minerals.  The  metal  is  also 
obtained  from  the  ores  of  copper  and  other  metals  in  which 
it  occurs  in  small  quantities. 

NATIVE  GOLD.  Gold  crystallises  in  the  regular  system 
usually  in  the  form  of  octahedrons.  The  lustre  is  metallic; 
colour  and  streak  yellow;  hardness  2-5  to  3;  specific  gravity 
15-6  to  19-5;  malleable. 

Silver  occurs  native  and  in  combination  with  other  sub- 
stances in  a  number  of  minerals.  Much  silver  is  produced 
also  from  lead  ores  in  which  silver  takes  the  place  of  part  of 
the  lead. 

NATIVE  SILVER.  The  crystals  belong  to  the  cubic  system, 
but  generally  they  are  aggregated  into  dendritic  masses.  The 
lustre  is  metallic ;  the  colour  and  streak  silver  white ;  hardness 
2-5  to  3;  specific  gravity  10-1  to  n-i;  malleable. 

ARGENTITE.  This  mineral  is  a  compound  of  silver  and 
sulphur  which  crystallises  in  the  cubic  system.  Lustre  metallic ; 
colour  and  streak  blackish  lead-grey;  hardness  2  to  2-5; 
specific  gravity  about  7-3;  somewhat  malleable. 

Copper  occurs  native  and  also  in  combination  with  other 


elements  in  a  large  number  of  minerals.  The  chief  ores  are 
as  follows: 

NATIVE  COPPER.  Crystallisation  cubic,  but  generally  shows 
dendritic  aggregations;  lustre  metallic;  colour  copper-red; 
streak  metallic  shining;  hardness  2-5  to  3;  specific  gravity 
8-8;  malleable. 

CHALCOPYRITE.  Also  called  copper  pyrites.  This  mineral  is 
a  compound  of  copper,  iron,  and  sulphur;  crystals  tetragonal; 
lustre  metallic;  colour  brass-yellow;  streak  greenish  black; 
hardness  3-5  to  4;  specific  gravity  4-1  to  4-3;  brittle. 

BORNITE.  Also  called  purple  copper  ore.  Bornite  is  a  com- 
pound of  copper,  iron,  and  sulphur  differing  in  proportion  from 
that  of  chalcopyrite ;  it  crystallises  in  the  cubic  system.  The 
lustre  is  metallic;  the  colour  between  red  and  brown;  streak 
greyish  black ;  hardness  3;  specific  gravity  4-4  to  5-5;  brittle. 

CHALCOCITE.  Also  known  as  copper  glance.  This  mineral  is 
a  compound  of  copper  and  sulphur;  its  crystals  belong  to 
the  rhombic  system.  The  lustre  is  metallic;  the  colour  and 
streak  blackish  lead-grey;  hardness  2-5  to  3;  specific  gravity 
5-5  to  5-8;  brittle. 

MALACHITE.  A  carbonate  of  copper  with  water;  crystals 
monoclinic.  The  lustre  is  adamantine  to  vitreous;  the  colour 
bright  green;  streak  paler  green;  hardness  3-5  to  4;  specific 
gravity  3-7  to  4-01. 

In  addition  to  being  used  as  an  ore  of  copper,  malachite  is 
a  very  handsome  decorative  material. 

Iron  in  the  native  condition  is  very  rare.  The  important 
minerals  are  the  oxides  and  carbonates  of  iron. 

HEMATITE.  Sometimes  called  red  iron  ore.  A  compound  of 
iron  and  oxygen  with  70  per  cent,  iron;  crystals  hexagonal; 
lustre  metallic;  colour  dark  steel-grey;  streak  red  to  brown; 
hardness  5-5  to  6-5;  specific  gravity  4-5  to  5-3;  brittle. 

MAGNETITE.  Also  known  as  magnetic  iron  ore.  A  compound 
of  iron  and  oxygen  with  72-4  per  cent,  iron;  crystals  cubic, 
generally  octahedra ;  lustre  metallic ;  colour  and  streak  black ; 
hardness  5-5  to  6-5;  specific  gravity  4-9  to  5-2;  brittle;  mag- 
netic. The  colour  of  the  streak  and  the  property  of  magnetism 
suffice  to  distinguish  this  mineral  from  hematite. 

LIMONITE.  Known  also  as  brown  iron  ore.  A  compound  of 


iron,  oxygen,  and  water;  no  crystallisation;  lustre  sub- 
metallic,  silky;  colour  brown;  streak  yellowish  brown; 
hardness  5  to  5-5;  specific  gravity  3-6  to  4;  brittle. 

SIDERITE.  A  compound  of  iron  and  carbonic  acid;  crystal- 
lises in  rhombohedrons  of  the  hexagonal  system;  lustre  non- 
metallic;  colour  variable,  but  usually  ash-grey  to  brownish; 
streak  uncoloured;  hardness  3-5  to  4-5;  specific  gravity  37 
to  3-9;  brittle. 

The  chief  ore  of  lead  and  the  only  one  to  be  considered 
here  is  galena,  which  is  also  important  as  a  source  of  silver, 
as  the  lead  is  frequently  replaced  in  part  by  silver. 

GALENA.  A  compound  of  lead  and  sulphur  with  86-6  per 
cent.  lead.  Crystals  cubic;  cleavage  cubic;  lustre  metallic; 
colour  and  streak  lead-grey;  hardness  2-5  to  275;  specific 
gravity  7-25  to  77;  brittle. 

Zinc  is  obtained  from  various  minerals,  chiefly  the  sulphide, 
carbonate,  and  silicate ;  the  first  mentioned  is  much  the  most 
important  and  will  alone  be  considered. 

SPHALERITE.  Also  known  as  zinc  blende.  A  compound  of 
zinc  and  sulphur  with  67  per  cent,  zinc;  crystals  cubic  with 
pronounced  cleavage;  lustre  resinous;  colour  variable,  brown, 
yellow,  black,  red,  green,  commonly  amber-coloured;  streak 
white  to  light  reddish  brown ;  hardness  3-5  to  4 ;  specific  gravity 
3-9  to  4-2;  brittle. 

Cobalt  occurs  in  a  number  of  rather  rare  minerals.  On 
account  of  its  abundance  in  the  silver  region  of  Cobalt  in 
Ontario,  we  may  regard  smaltite  as  the  most  important. 

SMALTITE.  A  compound  of  cobalt  and  arsenic  with  usually 
a  small  amount  of  iron  and  nickel;  crystals  cubic;  lustre 
metallic ;  colour  tin-white  to  steel-grey ;  streak  greyish  black ; 
hardness  5-5  to  6;  specific  gravity  6-4  to  7-2;  brittle. 

Nickel  occurs  in  several  minerals,  the  chief  of  which  are 
compounds  of  nickel  with  sulphur,  arsenic,  or  antimony. 
Nevertheless,  most  of  the  nickel  from  the  famous  mines  at 
Sudbury,  Ontario,  is  obtained  from  a  compound  of  iron  and 
sulphur  known  as  pyrrhotite  which  is  mixed  with  a  nickel- 
iferous  mineral,  pentlandite.  Visible  pentlandite  is  of  rather 


rare  occurrence  in  these  ores,  consequently  the  more  common 
mineral  pyrrhotite  will  be  described. 

PYRRHOTITE.  A  compound  of  iron  and  sulphur;  crystals 
hexagonal,  rare;  lustre  metallic;  colour  bronze-yellow  to 
copper-red;  streak  dark  greenish  black;  hardness  3*5  to  4*5; 
specific  gravity  4-4  to  4-68;  brittle. 

This  mineral  somewhat  resembles  another  compound  of 
iron  and  sulphur,  pyrite,  but  it  may  be  distinguished  by  its 
inferior  hardness  and  the  difference  in  colour  and  streak. 

Arsenic  occurs  as  native  arsenic  and  in  combination  with 
many  of  the  metals.  Most  of  the  arsenic  of  commerce  is 
produced  as  a  by-product  in  treating  ores  for  other  metals. 

compound  of  iron  arsenic  and  sulphur  with  46  per  cent,  arsenic ; 
crystals  rhombic ;  lustre  metallic ;  colour  silver-white  to  steel- 
grey;  streak  dark  greyish  black;  hardness  5-5  to  6;  specific 
gravity  6  to  6-4;  brittle. 

Antimony  occurs  native  and  in  combination  with  many 
metals;  the  chief  ore  is  stibnite. 

STIBNITE.  This  mineral,  also  known  as  antimony  glance,  is 
a  compound  of  antimony  and  sulphur  with  71-8  per  cent, 
antimony.  The  crystals  belong  to  the  rhombic  system  and 
are  often  very  elongated;  lustre  metallic;  colour  and  streak 
lead-grey;  hardness  2;  specific  gravity  4-5 ;  sectile. 

Tin  is  obtained  almost  entirely  from  one  mineral,  cassiterite. 

CASSITERITE  OR  TIN  STONE.  A  compound  of  tin  and  oxygen. 
The  crystals  are  frequently  well  formed  and  belong  to  the 
tetragonal  system;  lustre  non-metallic,  adamantine;  colour 
usually  brown  to  black,  but  sometimes  even  white;  streak 
colourless,  greyish,  brownish;  hardness  67;  specific  gravity 
6-4  to  7-1;  brittle. 

GYPSUM.  A  compound  of  lime,  sulphuric  acid,  and  water; 
it  is  sulphate  of  calcium  with  20-9  per  cent,  water.  The  crystals 
are  frequently  well  formed  and  belong  to  the  monoclinic 
system;  the  cleavage  is  well  marked;  lustre  non-metallic, 
pearly,  shiny,  sub- vitreous ;  colour  normally  white,  sometimes 


greyish,  reddish,  etc.;  streak  white;  hardness  1-5  to  2; 
specific  gravity  2-3. 

Pure,  well-crystallised  gypsum  is  colourless  and  trans- 
parent; it  is  known  as  selenite.  Massive,  granular,  scaly, 
and  other  varieties  are  known.  Plaster  of  Paris  is  manufac- 
tured by  heating  gypsum  until  most  of  the  water  is  expelled. 
The  setting  of  the  plaster  is  due  to  the  taking  up  of  water 
and  the  re-formation  of  crystallised  gypsum.  As  gypsum  occurs 
chiefly  in  beds  with  other  stratified  rocks  it  might  well  be 
considered  as  one  of  the  minerals  of  the  stratified  rocks. 

HALITE  OR  COMMON  SALT.  A  compound  of  sodium  and  chlor- 
ine. Crystals  cubic  with  good  cubic  cleavage;  lustre  vitreous; 
colour  usually  white,  but  may  be  reddish,  greyish,  etc. ;  streak 
white;  hardness  2-5;  specific  gravity  2-1;  brittle;  soluble  in 
water;  saline  taste.  Like  gypsum,  rock  salt  may  be  con- 
sidered as  one  of  the  minerals  of  the  stratified  rocks. 

CORUNDUM.  A  compound  of  aluminium  and  oxygen,  i.e. 
alumina.  The  crystals  belong  to  the  hexagonal  system 
and  are  frequently  well  formed;  lustre  non-metallic,  vitre- 
ous ;  colour  extremely  variable,  white,  red,  blue,  brown, 
yellow  ;  streak  colourless;  hardness  very  high,  9  ;  specific 
gravity  4  ;  brittle. 

On  account  of  its  hardness  corundum  is  a  valuable  abrasive. 
The  impure  black  variety  is  emery.  Some  of  the  most  valuable 
jewels  are  corundum;  for  instance,  the  oriental  ruby  is  red 
corundum,  and  the  oriental  sapphire  is  blue  corundum. 

GRAPHITE.  This  mineral  is  carbon  in  the  form  which  is 
commonly  known  as  blacklead.  Lustre  metallic;  colour  and 
streak  black;  hardness  i  to  2;  specific  gravity  2-2;  sectile; 
marks  paper. 

Graphite  is  used  for  making  black  paint  and  stove  polish, 
for  lead  pencils  and  crucibles;  it  also  finds  many  other  appli- 
cations in  the  industrial  arts.  Occurrences  of  graphite  are 
common  in  eastern  Ontario  and  in  Quebec  north  of  the 
Ottawa  river. 

PYRITE.  A  compound  of  iron  and  sulphur  with  53-3  per 
cent,  sulphur.  The  crystals  are  cubes  or  modified  cubes; 
lustre  metallic;  colour  pale  brass-yellow;  streak  greenish  or 
brownish  black;  hardness  6  to  6-5 ;  specific  gravity  4-8  to  5-2 ; 
brittle.  Pyrite  is  a  very  common  mineral;  it  occurs  in  veins, 


as  an  accessory  constituent  in  igneous  rocks,  also  in  meta- 
morphic  and  sedimentary  rocks. 

The  chief  use  of  pyrite  is  for  the  manufacture  of  sulphuric 
acid:  it  is  not  commonly  employed  for  making  iron  as  the 
entire  separation  of  the  sulphur  is  too  difficult.  Pyrite  fre- 
quent^ carries  small  amounts  of  gold,  in  which  case  it  is  used 
as  an  ore  of  that  metal.  The  resemblance  of  pyrite  to  gold 
has  led  to  the  popular  name  "fool's  gold." 

APATITE.  A  compound  of  lime,  phosphoric  acid,  and 
fluorine.  Crystals  hexagonal,  often  with  well-developed  six- 
sided  prisms;  lustre  vitreous  to  resinous;  colour  usually 
greenish,  sometimes  reddish  or  otherwise  tinted;  streak 
colourless;  hardness  5;  specific  gravity  about  3;  brittle. 

This  mineral  is  important  as  a  source  of  phosphorus  and 
phosphoric  acid;  it  occurs  in  eastern  Ontario  and  in  Quebec 
north  of  the  Ottawa  river. 

AGATE.  Water  containing  silica  in  solution  sometimes 
deposits  that  substance  on  the  walls  of  cavities  in  certain  of 
the  igneous  rocks.  Eventually  the  cavity  is  wholly  or  par- 
tially filled  with  silica,  arranged  in  a  concentric  manner  and 
presenting  delicate  and  varying  shades  of  colour.  Silica  in 
this  form  is  known  as  agate. 

JASPER.  This  mineral  is  also  a  form  of  silica  to  which  a 
bright  red  colour  is  given  by  the  presence  of  oxide  of  iron. 

CHROMITE.  Also  known  as  chromic  iron  ore.  A  compound 
of  iron,  chromium,  and  oxygen.  Crystals  cubic  system;  lustre 
sub-metallic;  colour  iron-black  or  brownish  black;  streak 
brown;  hardness  5-5;  specific  gravity  about  4-4;  brittle. 

Chromite  is  smelted  with  iron  ores  to  produce  an  alloy  of 
chromium  and  iron;  the  mineral,  therefore,  might  be  con- 
sidered as  an  ore  of  these  metals.  A  great  amount  of 
used  for  making  various  chemical  compounds  much  employed 
in  the  industrial  arts. 


Rocks  are  masses  of  mineral  matter  of  sufficient  size  and 
importance  to  form  essential  elements  in  the  building  up  of 
the  earth's  crust:  they  are  to  be  distinguished  from  those 
smaller,  less  frequent,  and  non-essential  occurrences  of  mineral 


matter,  such  as  the  filling  of  veins  and  cavities.  Rocks  are 
composed  of  mineral  matter,  but  not  always  of  definite 
minerals.  Sometimes  a  rock  is  made  up  of  one  mineral  only, 
as  in  the  case  of  pure  marble  which  is  composed  entirely  of 
the  mineral  calcite;  or  in  the  case  of  anorthosite  made  up 
entirely  of  the  mineral  feldspar.  Other  rocks  are  composed 
of  several  minerals;  for  instance,  the  rock  granite  is  made 
up  of  the  minerals  quartz,  feldspar,  and  mica.  Rocks  such 
as  sandstone  are  not  made  of  definite  minerals,  but  of  broken 
pieces  of  minerals  derived  from  the  decay  of  earlier  rocks 
and  cemented  together  by  a  foreign  substance;  such  rocks 
are  termed  fragmented  or  clastic. 

The  broadest  classification  of  rocks  is  based  on  their  mode 
of  origin  as  follows: 

1.  Igneous  rocks.   The  result  of  the  solidification  of  molten 


2.  Sedimentary  rocks.    Built  up  of  mineral  matter  derived 

from  earlier  rocks  and  deposited  in  layers,  usually  by 
water  but  sometimes  by  air. 

3.  Metamorphic  rocks.    Rocks  of  either  of  the  above  classes 

which  have  been  so  altered  by  natural  processes  that 
their  original  nature  is  greatly  changed. 


Molten  matter  from  the  interior  of  the  earth  may  be  poured 
out  on  the  surface,  or  it  may  rise  into  fissures  and  consolidate 
before  escaping,  or  it  may  cool  at  great  depths  in  the  earth. 
and  not  be  visible  until  the  overlying  rocks  have  been  worn 
away  by  erosion.  The  nature  of  the  resulting  igneous  rock 
depends  in  part  on  the  manner  of  cooling  as  above  indicated,, 
and  in  part  on  the  original  chemical  composition  of  the 
molten  matter.  The  manner  of  cooling  expresses  itself  in  the 
structure  of  the  rock,  and  the  original  chemical  composition  is 
indicated  by  the  minerals  which  form  in  the  process  of  cooling. 
All  igneous  rocks,  therefore,  have  to  be  examined  from  two 
points  of  view — the  structure  and  the  mineral  composition. 

If  a  molten  mass  is  poured  out  on  the  surface  of  the  earth 
(extrusive)  it  will  cool  with  comparative  rapidity,  and  the 
chemical  substances  will  not  have  time  to  gather  together 


and  crystallise  into  minerals,  or  at  least  this  process  will  not 
be  complete,  with  the  result  that  more  or  less  uncrystallised 
material,  glass,  will  be  present.  If  the  flow  is  thin  and  quickly 
cooled  the  whole  mass  may  be  glass,  and  less  glass  and  more 
crystals  will  result  the  thicker  the  flow  and  the  slower  the 
rate  of  cooling.  Rocks  of  this  type  are  volcanic.  On  the  other 
hand,  if  the  molten  mass  cools  very  slowly  deep  down  in  the 
earth  there  is  ample  time  for  the  whole  of  the  matter  to 
crystallise,  resulting  in  an  even-grained  rock  composed  entirely 
of  minerals  without  the  least  trace  of  glass.  Such  rocks  are 
plutonic,  and  they  are  said  to  have  a  granitic  structure,  not 


The  light  mineral  is  orthoclase,  and  the  very  dark  mineral  is  black  mica.  The  intermediate 
or  greyish  mineral  is  quartz,  which  appears  dark  in  a  photograph  by  reason  of  its 

because  they  are  necessarily  granite,  but  because  they  have 
the  even-grained  structure  seen  in  that  familiar  rock.  Between 
the  conditions  which  give  rise  to  volcanic  and  plutonic  rocks 
there  are  evidently  intermediate  ones  in  which  the  molten 
matter  fills  cracks  in  the  earth  or  otherwise  occupies  positions 
intermediate  between  the  two  extremes.  Such  rocks  are  likely 
to  present  porphyrilic  structure  in  which  some  of  the  minerals 
are  very  large  and  the  others  form  a  fine-grained  ground  mass. 
Masses  of  molten  rock  (magmas)  vary  greatly  in  their  chemical 
composition:  those  in  which  there  is  more  than  about  50  per 
cent,  silica  are  commonly  called  acid,  and  those  in  which  the 
silica  is  less  than  50  per  cent,  basic.  On  crystallising,  an 
acid  magma  is  likely  to  form  a  rock  containing  quartz  and 


orthoclase  feldspar  and  presenting  a  light  colour;  on  the 
other  hand,  a  basic  magma  will  form  a  dark-coloured  rock 
with  plagioclase  feldspar  and  much  hornblende  or  pyroxene. 

Closely  related  to  the  igneous  rocks,  but  not  formed  directly 
by  the  solidification  of  magmas,  are  the  accumulations  of  fine- 
grained debris  from  volcanoes,  tuffs,  and  the  coarser  accumu- 
lations in  which  angular  fragments  are  visible,  volcanic  breccias. 

The  chemical  composition  of  igneous  magmas  is  so  variable, 
and  the  manner  of  cooling  so  diversified,  chat  the  resulting 
igneous  rocks  are  not  to  be  regarded  like  minerals,  i.e.  as 
definite  compounds  of  fixed  composition,  but  rather  as  a 
series  of  consolidated  magmas  showing  all  transitions  in 
chemical  and  mineralogical  composition  and  in  structure 
from  one  end  of  the  chain  to  the  other.  The  following  table, 
which  indicates  the  commonest  igneous  rocks,  is  not  to  be 
regarded  as  a  rigid  classification,  but  as  an  orderly  arrange- 
ment of  a  few  typical  rocks  between  which  many  transitional 
stages  occur. 

(Modified  from  Kemp) 





Andesite  obsidian 


Chief  feldspar  orthoclase 

Chief  feldspar  plagioclase 

No  feldspar 




With  biotitc  or 
hornblende  or 


glassy  or 






intrusive  or 
dike  origin 







structure  ; 
plu  tonic 








tuffs  and 

tuffs  and 

Andesite  tuffs 
and  breccias 

Basalt  tuffs  and 


A  careful  analysis  of  this  table  will  save  the  student  much 
mere  memory  work  in  acquiring  a  knowledge  of  igneous  rocks. 
The  horizontal  columns  indicate  rocks  of  similar  structure, 
while  the  vertical  columns  indicate  rocks  of  similar  chemical 
and  mineralogical  composition. 

After  having  considered  the  obsidians  we  will  take  up  the 
rocks  according  to  their  arrangement  in  vertical  columns. 
We  thus  have  series  or  groups  of  rocks  similar  in  chemical 
and  mineralogical  composition  but  differing  in  structure  and 
mode  of  origin.  These  groups  may  conveniently  be  desig- 
nated by  names  compounded  of  the  first  and  last  repre- 
sentative, thus  "  rhyolite-granite  series." 

OBSIDIAN.  The  characteristic  feature  of  obsidian  is  its 
glassy  structure.  Typical  examples  look  like  a  piece  of  dark 
green  or  brownish  bottle  glass.  According  to  chemical  com- 
position obsidians  range  from  the  acid  type,  obsidian  proper, 
through  andesite  obsidian  to  the  basic,  basalt  obsidian. 
Incipient  crystals  may  be  present  and  the  rock  may  be 
more  or  less  filled  with  bubbles:  pumice  is  an  extremely 
bubbly  or  vesicular  volcanic  glass. 

Rhyolite-granite  series. 

RHYOLITE.  This  is  a  volcanic  rock  of  light  colour  and  very 
fine-grained  (felsitic)  structure.  It  is  made  up  of  a  large 
amount  of  orthoclase,  usually  a  little  plagioclase,  quartz,  and 
a  less  amount  of  the  dark  minerals  which  may  be  biotite, 
hornblende,  or  pyroxene.  Bubbles  are  sometimes  present  as 
in  most  volcanic  rocks. 

QUARTZ  PORPHYRY.  This  rock,  sometimes  called  rhyolite 
porphyry,  is  of  the  same  chemical  and  mineralogical  com- 
position as  rhyolite:  it  differs,  however,  in  that  some  of  the 
quartz  and  orthoclase  crystals  are  much  larger  than  the 
finer  grained  minerals  that  make  up  the  rock  mass;  in  other 
words,  the  structure  is  porphyritic.  The  rock  occurs  in  dikes, 
in  intrusive  sills,  and  even  in  the  thicker  flows  of  lava.  Unlike 
the  volcanic  rocks,  quartz  porphyry  is  free  from  bubbles. 

GRANITE  PORPHYRY.  This  rock  resembles  quartz  porphyry 
in  the  development  of  large  crystals  of  quartz  and  orthoclase; 
it  differs  in  that  the  groundmass  is  not  fine-grained  as  in 
quartz  porphyry,  but  made  up  of  crystals  of  fair  size.  The 


rock  is  simply  a  granite  in  which  certain  crystals  reach  por- 
phyritic  dimensions. 

GRANITE.  This  is  the  deep-seated  or  plutonic  representative 
of  the  rhyolites  and  quartz  porphyries:  it  is  distinguished  by 
the  fairly  coarse  and  even  grain  of  all  the  constituent  minerals. 
Many  varieties  of  granite  are  known  according  to  the  develop- 
ment of  the  dark-coloured  minerals.  The  most  typical  granite 
is  made  up  of  quartz,  orthoclase,  and  muscovite;  by  a  replace- 
ment of  the  muscovite  by  other  minerals  we  have  biotite 
granite,  hornblende  granite,  etc. 

GRANODIORITE.  Rocks  intermediate  in  composition  between 
granite  and  diorite  are  of  common  occurrence;  they  are 
characterised  by  the  presence  of  both  kinds  of  feldspar. 
Typical  granodiorite  is  a  rock  of  granitic  structure  and 
appearance  composed  of  quartz,  orthoclase,  plagioclase,  and 
one  or  more  of  the  dark-coloured  minerals,  hornblende  and 
biotite.  Many  of  the  so-called  granites  of  Canada  are  really 
granodiorites.  This  rock  does  not  fall  into  the  classification 
given  in  the  table :  it  is  but  one  example  of  the  many  inter- 
mediate types  which  exist. 

RHYOLITE  TUFFS  AND  BRECCIAS.  Fragmental  rocks  formed 
of  volcanic  debris  having  the  chemical  composition  of  the 
rhyolite-granite  series.  The  types  of  finer  grain  are  tuffs,  and 
those  showing  angular  fragments  are  breccias. 

Trachyte-syenite  series. 

TRACHYTE.  This  is  the  volcanic  representative  of  a  group 
of  rocks  characterised  by  preponderating  orthoclase  feldspar 
and  no  quartz:  it  may  be  called  a  quartzless  rhyolite.  The 
structure  is  felsitic  and  bubbles  may  be  present  as  in  rhyolite. 

TRACHYTE  PORPHYRY.  A  trachyte  groundmass  with  por- 
phyritic  crystals  of  orthoclase.  The  intrusive  or  dike 
representative  of  the  series. 

SYENITE  PORPHYRY.  A  groundmass  of  fair-sized  and  even- 
grained  orthoclase  and  mica  or  hornblende  with  porphyritic 
crystals  of  orthoclase. 

SYENITE.  The  plutonic  representative  of  the  series.  The 
rock  is  composed  of  fair-sized,  even-grained  orthoclase  and 
mica  or  hornblende  or  both:  it  is  simply  a  quartzless  granite. 


Syenite  is  popularly  confused  with  granite,  but  it  may  easily 
be  distinguished  by  the  absence  of  quartz. 

TRACHYTE  TUFFS  AND  BRECCIAS.  The  fragmental  repre- 
sentatives of  the  trachyte-syenite  series. 

NEPHELINE  SYENITE.  Syenite  in  which  the  orthoclase  is  in 
part  replaced  by  nepheline.  Nepheline-bearing  rocks  corre- 
sponding to  the  other  members  of  the  series  are  known,  but 
they  are  of  less  importance  to  the  beginner. 

Andesite-diorite  series. 

ANDESITE.  This  rock  is  the  volcanic  representative  of  a 
series  of  intermediate  chemical  composition  which  gives  rise 
to  preponderating  feldspar  of  the  plagioclase  type  and  to 
hornblende  as  the  most  typical  of  the  dark-coloured  minerals. 
As  in  composition,  the  rocks  of  the  group  are  intermediate  in 
colour  between  the  light  rocks  like  granite  and  syenite  and  the 
dark  basic  rocks  of  the  last  two  columns  of  the  table.  The 
structure  of  andesite  is  felsitic,  as  in  rhyolite  and  trachyte, 
but  the  colour  is  somewhat  darker.  The  mineral  components 
are  typically  plagioclase  and  hornblende  or  biotite:  when 
quartz  is  present  the  rock  is  called  dacite,  and  when  pyroxene 
is  present  it  is  cwgite  andesite. 

ANDESITE  PORPHYRY.  The  dike  representative  of  the  series. 
It.  resembles  andesite  in  chemical  and  mineralogical  composi- 
tion, but  has  porphyritic  crystals  of  plagioclase. 

DIORITE  PORPHYRY.  Like  andesite  porphyry,  but  the 
groundmass  is  no  longer  felsitic  but  composed  of  crystals 
of  fair  size. 

DIORITE.  The  plutonic  representative  of  the  series:  it  is 
composed  of  fairly  large  and  even-sized  crystals  of  plagioclase 
and  hornblende.  The  rock  is  hard  and  tough,  usually  greenish 
in  colour,  and  darker  than  the  corresponding  granites  and 
granodiorites.  In  mica  diorite  the  hornblende  is  replaced 
wholly  or  in  part  by  biotite. 

ANDESITE  TUFFS  AND  BRECCIAS.  Fragmental  rocks  composed 
of  volcanic  debris  having  the  general  composition  of  andesite. 

Basalt-gabbro  series. 

BASALT.  This  is  a  very  common  rock  of  volcanic  origin 
and  more  basic  composition  than  those  already  mentioned. 


The  structure  is  felsitic  but  some  glass  may  be  present.  In 
mineral  composition  it  differs  from  andesite  by  the  replace- 
ment of  hornblende  by  pyroxene.  Olivine  is  frequently 
present  as  well  as  grains  of  magnetite.  The  structure  is  often 
cellular  and  rough;  sometimes  the  cavities  are  large  and  are 
known  as  amygdaloids  on  account  of  their  almond-like  shape. 
Basalt  is  a  heavy,  dark- coloured,  variable,  and  rough  type 
of  stone. 

BASALT  PORPHYRY.  Basalt  with  porphyritic  crystals  of 
augite  and  frequently  also  of  olivine. 

GABBRO  PORPHYRY.  A  rock  of  the  chemical  and  mineral 
composition  of  basalt,  but  with  porphyritic  crystals  of  pyroxene 
or  olivine  imbedded  in  a  groundmass  of  plagioclase  and 
pyroxene  of  fair  size. 

GABBRO.  This  is  a  dark-coloured,  heavy,  and  massive  rock 
composed  of  even-grained  and  fairly  large  crystals  of  plagio- 
clase and  pyroxene.  In  structure  it  is  comparable  with  the 
granites,  syenites,  and  diorites.  Gabbro  in  which  the  ordinary 
pyroxene  is  replaced  by  the  rhombic  variety,  hypersthene,  is 
known  as  norite. 

DIABASE.  In  mineral  composition  this  rock  is  the  same  as 
gabbro,  but  in  texture  it  is  intermediate  between  gabbro  and 
basalt.  The  feldspar  crystals  are  much  elongated  and  seem 
to  have  crystallised  first,  as  the  pyroxene  fills  in  the  spaces 
between  the  lath-like  plagioclase  crystals.  By  the  naked  eye 
diabase  can  usually  be  distinguished  from  gabbro  by  the 
reflections  from  the  elongated  feldspar  crystals  on  freshly 
broken  surfaces. 

Augitite-peridotite  series. 

AUGITITE.  This  is  a  rather  rare  rock  resembling  basalt  to 
the  naked  eye.  On  close  examination,  however,  it  is  seen  to 
contain  no  feldspar  and  to  consist  essentially  of  augite  em- 
bedded in  a  glassy  groundmass. 

PYROXENITE.  A  heavy,  ultra-basic,  dark-coloured  rock 
consisting  essentially  of  fair-sized,  even-grained  crystals  of 

PERIDOTITE.  Resembles  pyroxenite  but  contains  also  olivine. 

and  peridotites  in  which  porphyritic  crystals  are  developed. 


BASALT  TUFFS  AND  BRECCIAS.  The  fragmental  volcanic 
rocks  of  basic  composition  are  generally  referred  to  by  this 
name  as  the  exact  texture  and  mineral  composition  are  hard 
to  determine. 


In  another  chapter  will  be  found  an  account  of  the  manner 
in  which  the  debris  derived  from  the  decay  of  pre-existing 
rocks  is  spread  out  by  water,  and  in  some  cases  by  wind  or 
other  agency,  to  form  the  sedimentary  or  stratified  rocks. 
The  present  chapter  deals  only  with  the  naming  and  classi- 
fication of  rocks  of  this  kind. 

The  stratified  rocks  may  be  classified  as  follows: 

1.  Mechanical  sediments: 

(a)  Undecomposed  fragments  of  earlier  rocks. 

(b)  Chemically  altered  residues  of  earlier  rocks. 

2.  Rocks  formed  by  organic  agencies. 

3.  Chemical  precipitates  from  solution. 

la.  When  a  rock  is  broken  up  by  the  action  of  natural 
forces,  the  fragments  may  be  carried  into  the  sea  and  laid 
down  in  beds.  At  first  these  beds  are  soft  and  incoherent,  but 
eventually  they  become  hardened;  in  either  condition  they 
are  rocks  in  the  geological  use  of  that  term.  The  hardening 
may  result  from  mere  pressure,  but  generally  it  is  caused  by 
the  setting  of  some  cementing  matter  around  the  fragments. 
Three  types  are  recognised  according  to  the  size  and  shape  of 
the  fragments — breccia,  conglomerate,  and  sandstone. 

BRECCIA.  This  rock  is  made  up  of  angular  fragments  of 
earlier  rocks  cemented  by  some  foreign  matter — clay,  lime, 
silica,  or  other  substance.  Breccias  are  formed  near  to 
the  point  of  origin  of  the  fragments  which  have  not  been 
rounded  by  transportation.  These  rocks  are  sometimes 
named  in  accord  with  the  nature  of  the  fragments,  thus 
limestone  breccia,  granite  breccia,  etc.  They  are  also  named 
in  accord  with  their  method  of  origin,  as  talus  breccia 
formed  at  the  foot  of  a  cliff,  friction  breccia  formed  by  the 
rubbing  together  of  rocks  in  earth  movements.  We  have 
already  seen  that  angular  volcanic  fragments  cemented 
into  a  rock  also  form  breccias. 


CONGLOMERATE.  Beds  of  gravel  cemented  into  solid  rock 
in  the  same  manner  as  in  the  case  of  breccia  become  con- 
glomerates or  "pudding  stones."  These  differ  from  breccias 
only  in  the  rounding  of  the  component  fragments.  This  con- 
dition indicates  that  the  fragments  have  been  subjected 
to  the  action  of  currents,  or  waves,  or  ice,  and  that  they 
did  not  of  necessity  originate  in  the  locality  in  which  they 
are  found. 

Conglomerates  are  usually  named  from  the  character  of 
the  component  fragments  of  rock;  for  instance,  jasper  con- 
glomerate is  a  very  handsome  decorative  rock  composed  of 


The  rounded  dark  fragments  are  bright  red  jasper;   the  groundmass  is  chiefly  quartz. 

rounded  fragments  of  red  jasper  cemented  by  silica.  Fre- 
quently the  component  pebbles  are  of  a  nature  so  varied  that 
it  is  impossible  to  name  the  rock  on  this  basis.  Conglomerates 
of  glacial  origin,  with  ice-worn  pebbles  embedded  in  a  clay 
matrix,  are  known  as  tillites. 

SANDSTONE.  Sand  is  made  up  of  the  finer  fragments  derived 
from  earlier  rocks.  In  most  cases  the  breaking  up  of  the 
original  rock  has  been  so  complete  that  each  grain  of  sand  is 
a  fragment  of  a  distinct  mineral.  Naturally  the  more  resistant 
minerals  have  better  survived  the  processes  of  decay;  in  con- 
sequence, the  hard  mineral,  quartz,  is  of  most  frequent 
occurrence  in  sand  beds;  but  feldspar,  garnet,  magnetite, 
mica,  and  other  minerals  of  the  igneous  rocks  are  by  no 
means  absent.  In  the  coarser  sands,  fragments  of  rock 


matter   not    reduced    to    individual    minerals   are  often   to 
be   observed. 

Beds  of  sand  become  hardened  into  sandstones,  chiefly  by 
the  setting  of  cementing  matter  between  the  grains.  The 
commonest  cements  are  clay,  silica,  lime,  and  the  oxides  of 
iron.  The  character  of  the  cement  is  made  use  of  to  give  a 
name  to  the  sandstone;  thus  we  have  clayey  or  argillaceous 
sandstones,  siliceous  sandstones,  calcareous  sandstones,  and 
ferruginous  sandstones.  It  is  obvious  that  the  amount  of 
cement  may  increase  until  it  exceeds  that  of  the  constituent 
grains;  for  instance,  an  argillaceous  sandstone  by  an  increase 
of  clay  becomes  an  arenaceous  or  sandy  shale,  and  a  cal- 
careous sandstone  by  an  increase  of  lime  passes  gradually 
into  an  arenaceous  limestone. 

Sand  is  used  largely  in  building  operations,  in  glass-making, 
and  in  making  hearths  for  furnaces :  for  the  first  purpose  the 
greater  the  proportion  of  quartz  grains  the  better;'  for  the 
last  two  purposes  a  very  high  proportion  of  quartz  is  essential. 
Sandstones  are  used  very  extensively  for  building:  varieties 
which  may  be  chiselled  with  facility  are  called  freestone. 
Sandstones  in  which  the  constituent  grains  are  fine  and  sharp 
and  with  just  the  right  degree  of  cohesion  are  used  for  the 
manufacture  of  grindstones  and  scythe-stones. 

1 6.  CLAY  AND  SHALE.  The  decay  of  orthoclase  feldspar 
in  the  igneous  rocks  gives  rise  to  a  new  mineral,  kaolinite,  a 
soft,  plastic,  insoluble  substance,  that  is  washed  down  by  the 
rivers  and  deposited  in  the  sea  together  with  a  varying  amount 
of  fine  sand  to  build  up  beds  of  clay.  Pure  kaolinite  is  scarcely 
known  as  a  stratified  rock:  clay  is  composed  of  kaolinite  or 
related  minerals  with  varying  amounts  of  other  substances, 
chiefly  fine  sand  and  carbonate  of  lime.  Hardened  clay  is 
known  as  shale. 

Clay  is  one  of  the  most  useful  substances  known  to  man; 
in  has  received  much  study  and  an  extensive 
classification  has  arisen.  Different  varieties  of  clay  are  suited 
to  various  industrial  purposes — from  the  making  of  common 
brick  and  tile  to  the  manufacture  of  the  finest  grades  of 
porcelain.  The  fire-resisting  properties  of  certain  clays  render 
them  extremely  valuable  for  lining  furnaces. 

2.  LIMESTONE.    Carbonate  of  lime,  derived  originally  from 


the  decay  of  igneous  rocks,  is  carried  in  solution  by  the  rivers 
and  added  to  the  water  of  the  ocean.  The  inhabitants  of  the 
sea  make  use  of  this  lime  to  construct  shells  or  other  hard 
parts.  On  the  death  of  the  organism  these  shells  accumulate 
on  the  floor  of  the  sea  and  build  up  beds  of  limestone.  In 
many  cases  the  character  of  the  shells  may  easily  be  deter- 
mined, and  limestones  are  sometimes  named  from  the 
prevailing  organism  present;  thus  encrinal  limestone,  largely 
made  up  of  the  remains  of  encrinites,  coralline  limestone, 
etc.  In  other  cases,  the  shells  have  been  so  ground  up  by  wave 
action  or  currents  that  they  are  no  longer  recognisable  as  such. 
Further,  a  process  of  solution  and  re-precipitation  in  the 
slimes  on  the  sea  floor,  and  a  development  of  fine  crystalline 
structure,  entirely  masks  the  organic  origin  of  the  stone. 

By  an  admixture  of  clay  pure  limestone  becomes  argilla- 
ceous limestone,  and  with  a  greater  amount  of  clay  it  becomes 
calcareous  shale.  Similarly  by  an  increasing  admixture  of 
sand,  limestones  pass  into  arenaceous  limestones  and  calcareous 

In  a  chemical  way  also,  limestones  are  subject  to  much 
variation,  chiefly  by  the  replacement  of  part  of  the  lime  by 
magnesia.  When  the  magnesia  is  5  per  cent,  or  somewhat 
more,  the  rock  is  called  magnesian  limestone;  a  still  greater 
amount  of  magnesia  constitutes  it  a  dolomitic  limestone;  and 
when  the  magnesia  approaches  2172  per  cent,  (the  percentage 
in  the  mineral  dolomite)  the  rock  is  called  dolomite.  A  similar 
series  of  varieties  is  caused  by  the  replacement  of  carbonate 
of  lime  by  carbonate  of  iron. 

INFUSORIAL  EARTH.  Organisms  which  secrete  a  siliceous 
skeleton  may  also  build  up  layers  of  rock  or  furnish  the 
material  for  flints,  cherty  nodules,  or  disseminated  silica  in 
other  stratified  rocks.  The  only  important  rock  of  this  kind 
is  infusorial  earth  which  is  made  up  of  the  remains  of  minute 
siliceous  organisms.  This  material  is  of  use  as  an  abrading 
and  polishing  substance:  it  is  obtained  in  large  quantity  near 
Windsor,  Nova  Scotia. 

COAL.  Coal  being  composed  of  the  remains  of  plants 
belongs  properly  to  the  category  of  organic  rocks. 

3.  GYPSUM.  This  mineral  is  soluble  and  is  a  constant 
constituent  of  the  waters  of  the  ocean;  if,  under  prevailing 


desert  conditions,  a  portion  of  the  sea  is  cut  off  from  the 
open  ocean,  evaporation  of  the  water  results  in  the  deposition 
of  beds  of  gypsum. 

ROCK  SALT.  Beds  of  rock  salt  are  formed  in  the  same 
manner  as  those  of  gypsum. 

IRON  ORES.  Certain  types  of  iron  ore,  particularly  bog  iron 
ore,  have  been  formed  in  beds  by  the  precipitation  of  iron 
from  solution  in  water. 


Both  sedimentary  and  igneous  rocks  may  be  so  altered  by 
the  effect  of  heat  and  terrestrial  strains  that  they  lose  much 
of  their  original  appearance  and  acquire  new  properties, 
chemical,  mineralogical,  or  structural;  in  some  cases  they 
differ  so  greatly  from  the  rocks  that  gave  rise  to  them  that 
their  origin  may  remain  conjectural  only.  Such  rocks  are  said 
to  have  been  metamorphosed  and  they  are  referred  to  as  the 
metamorphic  rocks. 

The  subject  of  metamorphism  is  a  large  one  and  is  briefly 
treated  in  another  chapter.  We  shall  consider  here  only  the 
rocks  themselves  without  regard  to  the  details  of  their  origin. 

GNEISS.  In  the  narrower  sense  this  name  is  given  to  rock, 
originally  granite,  which  has  acquired  a  banded  or  laminated 
structure  as  the  result  of  metamorphism.  Instead  of  the 
mineral  components  being  uniformly  distributed  as  in  granite, 
they  are  rolled  out  into  more  or  less  distinct  laminae,  with  the 
result  that  the  rock  shows  alternating  bands  of  the  light-  and 
the  dark-coloured  components.  All  gradations  are  known 
between  a  distinct  granite  and  a  highly  laminated  gneiss.  For 
the  intermediate  types  the  terms  granitoid  gneiss  and  gneissoid 
granite  are  used.  Gneiss  may  also  be  formed  by  the  intense 
metamorphism  of  beds  of  clay.  This  kind  of  gneiss  is  usually 
more  distinctly  laminated  and  is  liable  to  contain  accessory 
minerals  such  as  garnet  and  sillimanite.  The  term  paragneiss 
is  used  to  distinguish  the  rock  of  clay  origin  from  that  of 
granite  origin  which  is  called  orthogneiss. 

Some  authors  use  the  word  "gneiss"  to  designate  any  of 
the  plutonic  igneous  rocks  which  have  acquired  a  laminated 
structure   through  metamorphism;     thus  we  have  syenitic, 
dioritic,  pyroxenitic,  and  other  gneisses, 



SCHISTS.  The  schists  are  usually  of  finer  lamination  than 
the  gneisses,  but  if  that  term  be  used  in  the  broader  sense 
it  is  difficult  to  establish  a  sharp  line  of  division  between  the 
two  rocks.  Schists  may  be  defined  as  rocks  of  crystalline 
structure,  usually  showing  a  pronounced  lamination.  They 
may  be  formed  by  the  metamorphism  of  either  igneous  or 
sedimentary  rocks.  Schists  are  usually  named  from  the  most 
conspicuous  mineral  present. 

Mica  schists  are  finely  laminated  rocks  composed  essentially 

Photo,  by  J.  Keele 

of  some  variety  of  mica  and  quartz;  thus  we  have  biotite, 
muscovite,  sericite,  and  other  mica  schists.  Mica  schist  passes 
insensibly  into  gneiss  by  the  gradual  increase  of  feldspar. 

Hornblende  and  chlorite  schists  result  from  the  meta- 
morphism of  the  basic  igneous  rocks  in  which  pyroxene  is 
a  prominent  component.  The  alteration  consists  of  the  passage 
of  the  pyroxene  into  hornblende  or  chlorite  and  the  acquisition 
of  a  banded  structure.  Some  hornolende  schists  are  fairly 
massive  and  the  laminated  structure  can  be  seen  only  on 


careful  examination.  Talc  and  epidote  schists  are  other 
examples  of  schists  in  which  secondary  minerals  are  present. 

SLATE.  Slate  is  a  metamorphic  rock  resulting  from  the 
strong  alteration  of  shale.  The  familiar  cleavage  of  slate  is 
not  a  parting  parallel  to  the  original  bedding  of  the  clay, 
but  is  the  result  of  terrestrial  strains  which  have  acted  on  the 
rock  and  induced  a  parting  at  right  angles  to  the  direction  of 
pressure.  Highly  metamorphosed  slate  shows  mica  as  a  con- 
stituent and  is  called  mica  slate',  less  altered  types,  without 
a  development  of  mica,  are  called  clay  slates. 

OUARTZITE.  This  rock  is  metamorphosed  sandstone:  it  is 
usually  very  hard  and  compact,  the  grains  of  quartz  being 
closely  pressed  together  and  frequently  cemented  by  secondary 
silica  into  a  remarkably  hard  rock.  Naturally  there  are  many 
varieties  of  quartzite  depending  on  the  purity  of  the  original 
sandstone.  Conglomerates  and  breccias  give  rise  to  corre- 
sponding metamorphic  rocks. 

GREYWACKE.  This  is  a  very  useful  if  somewhat  indefinite 
term ;  it  is  applied  to  metamorphic  rocks  intermediate  between 
slates  and  quartzites.  Greywacke  results  from  the  metamor- 
phism  of  shaly  sandstones:  it  is  tough  and  usually  breaks 
with  an  irregular  fracture  on  which  ill-defined  fragments  of 
the  original  rock,  rather  than  distinct  minerals,  are  to  be 

CRYSTALLINE  LIMESTONE.  Ordinary  limestone  under  meta- 
morphic influences  acquires  a  crystalline  structure  and  is  then 
termed  crystalline  limestone.  The  grain  may  vary  from  fine 
to  very  coarse.  Fine-grained  types,  when  of  sufficient  beauty 
for  decorative  purposes,  are  called  marble,  but  this  term  is 
of  rather  indefinite  significance  as  it  is  used  for  limestones 
other  than  crystalline  if  their  appearance  justifies  their  use 
as  decorative  material.  As  in  the  case  of  unaltered  limestones, 
magnesian  and  dolomitic  crystalline  varieties  are  comrnon. 

SERPENTINE.  By  the  alteration  en  masse  of  basic  igneous 
rocks  rich  in  the  dark-coloured  minerals,  serpentine  is  formed 
on  a  scale  which  justifies  the  use  of  the  name  for  the  rock 
as  well  as  for  the  mineral. 



THE  earth  is  not  an  inert  sphere  endowed  only  with  planetary 
motions,  but  is  constantly  being  moulded  in  all  its  parts  by 
the  action  of  physical  and  chemical  forces.  The  pull  of  gravity, 
the  effects  of  heat,  light,  and  electricity,  the  power  of  chemical 
affinity  and  other  molecular  attractions,  and  the  results  of 
radioactivity  all  have  their  place  in  shaping  and  modifying 
the  earth  as  a  whole  and  its  various  parts.  Even  living  beings, 
each  individual  insignificant,  by  cumulative  effects  may  cause 
important  changes  in  the  earth,  so  that  biology  as  well  as 
physics  and  chemistry  must  be  drawn  upon  to  understand 
the  constant  adjustments  to  which  the  earth  is  subject. 

The  sources  of  the  energy  at  work  in  the  world  are  to  be 
sought  partly  in  the  earth's  internal  stores  of  heat  and  partly 
in  energy  radiated  from  without,  principally  from  the  sun. 
It  is  evident  that  the  work  of  the  earth's  internal  heat  will 
be  mainly  subterranean  and  out  of  reach  as  far  as  direct 
observation  is  concerned;  while  the  heat,  light,  and  other 
energies  coming  from  the  sun  play  all  about  us  and  cause 
most  of  the  familiar  phenomena  by  which  the  surface  is  shaped. 
With  the  exception  of  tidal  effects  due  to  the  pull  of  the  moon, 
and  the  relatively  faint  radiations  reaching  the  earth  from  the 
stars,  the  changes  taking  place  are  due  either  to  the  earth's 
internal  heat,  giving  rise  to  hypogene  action,  or  to  radiations 
from  the  sun,  the  epigene  forces.  We  may  then  divide  Dynamic 
Geology  into  two  parts,  Hypogene  and  Epigene:  the  first 
dealing  mainly  with  deep-seated  forces,  and  the  second  mainly 
with  superficial  ones. 


It  may  be  said  generally  that  the  earth  is  a  heat  engine. 
Its  interior  is  hot  and  heat  is  constantly  radiating  into  space, 
and  as  a  result  work  is  being  done  in  various  ways.  It  will 



be  desirable  to  consider  first  the  heat  relations  of  the  earth 
and  then  the  ways  in  which  the  work  is  done.  In  this  con- 
nection slow  changes  of  level  in  the  earth's  crust  are  of  great 
importance.  These  may  result  in  sudden  adjustments  of  the 
strata,  causing  dislocations,  Assuring,  and  earthquakes,  and 
may  permit  molten  rock  to  move  below  the  surface,  or  break 
forth  on  the  surface,  forming  volcanoes.  Slow  transformations 
of  the  minerals  in  rocks  beneath  the  surface  may  take  place 
by  means  of  pressure,  motion,  heat,  and  circulating  liquids 
connected  with  molten  rocks,  causing  metamorphism.  The 
hypogene  activities  may  be  discussed  then  under  the  heads  of : 

Condition  of  the  Earth's  Interior. 

Secular  Changes  of  Level. 





The  surface  of  the  earth  consists  of  cold  and  solid  rock, 
where  it  is  visible  on  the  land,  and  the  same  is  no  doubt  true 
beneath  the  ocean,  which  at  great  depths,  even  within  the 
tropics,  has  a  temperature  not  far  from  the  freezing  point. 
In  all  parts  of  the  world  where  mines  or  deep  wells  have  been 
sunk  we  find,  however,  that  the  temperature  rises  below  the 
depth  of  50  or  60  feet  at  which  seasonal  changes  cease.  The 
rate  of  increase  varies  a  good  deal,  sometimes  being  as  rapid 
as  i°  F.  in  28  feet  (Comstock  Lode),  and  sometimes  as 
slow  as  i°  F.  in  120  or  130  feet,  as  at  the  Calumet  and 
Hecla  mine  in  Michigan.  It  is  generally  stated  that  the 
average  rate  of  increase  in  temperature  is  about  i°  F.  in 
60  feet,  or  i°  C.  in  30  metres  or  100  feet.  The  most  recent 
and  careful  work,  carried  out  in  the  sinking  of  wells  in  Penn- 
sylvania and  West  Virginia,  where  a  depth  of  over  7000  feet 
was  reached,  gives  an  increase  of  i°  F.  in  from  46  to  51  feet; 
a  much  more  rapid  rate  than  has  usually  been  found.  The 
deepest  well,  that  of  Clarksburg  in  West  Virginia,  reached 
7386  feet,  with  an  average  rise  of  temperature  of  i°  F.  in 
51  feet. 

If  one  assumes  the  rate  to  be  i°  C.  in  100  feet,  as  a  round 


number,  and  also  that  the  rate  continues  the  same  for  great 
depths,  it  is  evident  that  the  temperature  two  miles  below 
the  surface  would  be  greater  than  100°  C.,  i.e.  above  the 
boiling  point;  that  at  20  miles  it  would  be  over  1000°  C.,  far 
above  red  heat;  and  that  at  a  sufficient  depth  a  temperature 
would  be  encountered  capable  of  melting  any  known  substance 
under  ordinary  surface  conditions. 

Levels  at  which  equal  temperatures  occur  may  be  called 

It  was  believed  in  earlier  times  that  the  interior  of  the 
earth,  beneath  the  solid  crust,  was  molten,  or  even,  as  some 
thought,  gaseous;  but  there  are  conclusive  proofs  that  the 
earth  as  a  whole  is  solid,  in  fact  even  as  rigid  as  steel.  For 
instance,  earthquake  waves  are  transmitted  through  the  earth 
at  a  speed  possible  only  in  a  highly  rigid  solid;  and  the  tides 
of  the  ocean  would  be  imperceptible  if  the  earth  were  liquid 
within  a  moderately  thick  crust,  since  the  internal  tides  would 
leave  very  little  margin  for  oceanic  tides. 

We  must  assume  then  that  no  large  part  of  the  earth's 
interior  is  liquid  and  either  that  the  downward  increase  in 
temperature  gradually  diminishes  and  finally  ceases,  or  that 
the  pressure  of  the  vast  load  of  overlying  rock  compresses 
the  materials  beneath,  preventing  the  expansion  necessary  to 
change  a  solid  to  a  liquid.  Perhaps  both  assumptions  are 
true.  It  should  be  remembered  that  our  explorations  into 
the  earth's  crust  have  not  gone  beyond  7386  feet,  less  than 
a  mile  and  a  half,  while  the  earth's  radius  is  nearly  4000 
miles;  so  that  we  really  know  very  little  directly  as  to 
conditions  at  great  depths. 

Unless  one  accepts  the  nebular  hypothesis,  which  assumes 
that  the  earth  began  intensely  hot  and  has  not  yet  lost  all 
its  heat,  the  cause  of  the  high  temperature  of  the  earth's 
interior  becomes  a  matter  of  interest,  and  several  suggestions 
have  been  made  to  account  for  it.  The  final  result  of  most 
kinds  of  work  is  to  cause  heat,  so  that  mechanical  work  alone 
on  a  sufficient  scale  could  provide  the  necessary  temperature. 
This  work  might  be  due  to  compression,  to  tidal  kneading 
caused  by  the  pull  of  the  moon  and  sun,  etc.  Even  chemical 
action,  such  as  the  burning  of  fuel,  has  been  suggested,  though 
this  cannot  be  of  importance.  The  most  surprising  cause  of 


the  heat  below  the  surface  of  the  earth  has  been  made  known 
rather  recently,  in  the  discovery  that  the  rocks  making  up 
the  earth's  crust  often  contain  radioactive  substances  which 
are  constantly  giving  off  heat.  Some  physicists  even  state 
that  the  heat  provided  in  this  way  more  than  balances  the 
losses  into  space,  so  that  the  earth  is  really  warming  up  and 
not  cooling  down. 


Except  in  earthquake  regions  one  is  apt  to  think  •  of  the 
earth's  crust  as  immovable,  to  regard  it  as  terra  firma,  and  yet, 
given  a  sufficient  change  of  conditions  and  length  of  time, 
very  important  changes  of  level  may  take  place,  amounting 
even  to  many  thousands  of  feet.  So  far  as  known,  these  changes 
go  on  usually  with  extreme  slowness,  hence  the  term  "secular" 
changes  of  level.  It  is  probable  that  most  parts  of  the  earth's 
surface  have  changed  their  level  within  recent  geological  time, 
and  that  some  parts  are  now  rising  or  sinking. 

It  is  evident  that  to  recognise  these  slow  changes  one 
should  have  a  standard  of  comparison,  and  the  one  adopted 
is  the  mean  level  of  the  sea,  reversing  the  usual  impression 
of  the  instability  of  the  sea  and  the  firmness  of  the  land.  As 
the  sea  covers  nearly  three-fourths  of  the  earth,  and  the 
different  oceans  have  broad  connections,  it  will  theoretically 
take  the  shape  of  a  spheroid  of  rotation  under  the  combined 
influences  of  the  pull  of  gravity  towards  the  earth's  centre 
and  of  the  centrifugal  force  due  to  its  rotation  every  twenty- 
four  hours.  Unless  there  are  changes  in  the  amount  of 
water  on  the  earth  this  spheroid  should  make  a  very  constant 
datum  plane. 

In  reality,  however,  there  are  disturbing  factors.  Coastal 
mountain  ranges,  like  the  Cordillera  along  the  Pacific,  un- 
doubtedly pull  the  water  towards  them;  and  in  great  ice 
ages  vast  volumes  of  water,  perhaps  millions  of  cubic  miles, 
are  removed  temporarily  from  the  sea,  lowering  its  surface 
over  the  whole  earth.  The  piling  up  of  such  a  weight  of  ice 
in  the  northern  hemisphere  must  have  shifted  the  earth's 
centre  of  gravity  to  the  northwards,  which  would  mean  a 
raising  of  the  level  in  northern  seas  and  a  sinking  in  the 


southern  hemisphere.  It  is  probable  that  such  changes  in 
the  level  of  the  sea  at  a  given  place  may  have  reached  one 
hundred  or  even  two  hundred  feet.  It  has  been  suggested 
also  that  the  total  amount  of  liquid  water  in  the  world  may 
be  steadily  diminished  in  the  process  of  weathering  when 
hydrous  compounds  take  the  place  of  anhydrous  ones.  On 
the  other  hand,  the  steam  given  off  by  volcanoes  represents 
the  transfer  of  water  (magmatic  or  juvenile)  from  the  earth's 
interior  to  its  surface.  Perhaps  the  two  processes  roughly 
balance  one  another.  However,  in  a  general  way  we  may 
consider  the  sea  as  forming  a  fairly  constant  base  level  with 
\vhich  to  compare  the  land.  Fortunately  the  sea  leaves  a 
distinct  mark  in  the  form  of  beaches  and  wave-cut  ter- 
races with  cliffs  behind  them  where  it  has  worked  for  any 
length  of  time,  so  that  its  former  levels  can  often  be  recog- 
nised at  a  glance. 



Proofs  of  sudden  changes  of  level  connected  with  earth- 
quakes are  not  uncommon,  as  will  be  mentioned  later,  but 

historic  evidence  of  gradual 
changes  is  harder  to  get,  pro- 
bably because  of  the  slowness  of 
the  motion.  One  instance,  that 
of  the  supposed  temple  of  Jupiter 
Serapis  near  Naples,  is  usually 
cited.  This  temple  is  reported 
to  have  been  repaired  in  Roman 
times,  when  it  must  have  been 
on  dry  land.  At  present  the 
ruins  of  the  temple  are  just 
awash  with  the  sea.  Three 
marble  pillars  which  still  re- 
main standing  show  holes  bored 
FIG.  Q.  THE  THREE  STANDING  in  the  marble  by  marine  shellfish 

"P  to  a  level  of  about  twenty 
feet.  It  is  evident  that  the 
temple  must  have  been  sunk  beneath  the  Mediterranean  to  that 
depth  and  then  raised  to  its  present  level ;  and  these  changes 


took  place  in  less  than  1700  years.  However,  Naples  is  in  a 
volcanic  region  where  rapid  adjustments  might  be  expected. 

Proofs  of  such  gradual  changes  within  a  few  hundred  years 
have  been  found  in  Scandinavia,  where  the  northern  shores 
of  the  Baltic  in  Sweden  and  the  North  Cape  in  Norway  are 
believed  to  have  risen,  while  at  the  south  end  of  Sweden,  as 
at  Malmoe,  paved  streets  beneath  the  level  of  the  sea  show 
depression.  Scandinavia  seems  to  have  been  swinging  on  a 
pivot,  the  northern  end  rising  and  the  southern  sinking,  and 
it  is  supposed  that  these  movements  are  still  progressing. 

Some  geologists  believe  that  similar  movements  are  taking 


place  in  America,  but  others  oppose  this,  and  it  is  probable 
that  the  land  here  is  nearly,  if  not  altogether,  at  rest.  There 
are,  however,  unmistakable  proofs  that  eastern  Canada  and 
the  north-eastern  states  have  risen  hundreds  of  feet  in  geologi- 
cally recent  times,  since  the  ice  of  the  Glacial  period  left  the 
region;  for  marine  beaches,  often  still  containing  sea-shells, 
are  found  in  many  places,  gradually  ascending  northwards, 
from  330  feet  at  Brockville  to  600  feet  on  Mount  Royal  and 
690  feet  north-west  of  Ottawa.  Similar  beaches  are  found  in 
Labrador  and  around  Hudson  bay,  as  well  as  on  the  Pacific 
coast,  indicating  that  the  whole  region  was  depressed  by  the 
load  of  ice  and  rose  again  when  the  ice  was  removed. 


On  the  other  hand,  there  is  evidence  of  a  sinking  of  the 
land  in  some  parts  of  eastern  Canada,  as  near  Wolfville  in 
Nova  Scotia,  where  stumps  of  trees  are  to  be  seen  at  low  tide, 
fifty  feet  below  the  level  at  which  trees  grow  at  present,  and 
at  Chignecto  on  the  isthmus  connecting  Nova  Scotia  and  New 
Brunswick,  where  excavations  for  a  proposed  ship  railway 
disclosed  a  peat  bed  sixty  feet  below  high  tide. 

Moderate  changes  of  sea  level,  like  those  just  mentioned, 
may  be  accounted  for  naturally  by  a  reference  to  the  general 
lowering  of  the  sea,  due  to  the  amount  of  water  required  to 
form  the  great  ice  sheets  of  the  Glacial  period. 

This  cause  is,  however,  quite  inadequate  to  account  for  the 
old  channel  of  the  St.  Lawrence,  which  can  be  followed  to  a 
depth  of  2000  feet  or  more  at  the  edge  of  the  continental 
shelf,  where  the  deep  sea  begins.  It  is  evident  that  eastern 
Canada  stood  at  least  2000  feet  higher  than  it  does  at  present 
when  the  river  cut  this  ancient  channel. 

This  great  elevation  came  before  the  Ice  age  and  was 
followed  by  a  depression  when  the  raised  beaches,  men- 
tioned earlier,  were  formed.  Both  stages  belong  to  geologically 
recent  times. 


Much  greater  changes  of  level  are  recorded  in  most  moun- 
tain ranges,  as  shown  by  the  sea- shells  enclosed  as  fossils  in 
the  limestones  and  shales  of  the  Rockies  more  than  10,000 
feet  above  the  sea.  In  the  Andes  such  marine  fossils  are  found 
at  15,000  feet,  and  in  the  Himalayas  at  20,000  feet  or  more. 
The  mountain  tops  have,  then,  been  formed  of  sediments  of 
the  sea  bottom  thrust  up  miles  above  their  original  position. 

Almost  all  high  mountains,  as  well  as  tablelands,  give 
evidence  of  their  origin  as  marine  sediments.  The  cause  of 
this  will  be  discussed  later. 


Evidence  of  profound  depressions  of  the  sea  bottom  are 
naturally  harder  to  find,  since  the  proofs  must  be  out  of 
reach  beneath  the  ocean.  Biologists  and  palaeontologists  often 
account  for  the  distribution  of  plants  and  animals  by  assuming 


vanished  continents,  or  at  least  land  "bridges"  connecting 
continents  or  islands  now  separated  by  deep  seas.  One  of 
the  most  striking  examples  of  this  line  of  argument  is  founded 
on  the  distribution  of  the  wingless  birds  of  the  southern 
hemisphere.  The  ostrich  in  Africa,  the  rhea  in  South  America, 
the  apteryx  of  New  Zealand,  and  the  emu  of  Australia,  as 
well  as  the  extinct  aepyornis  of  Madagascar  are  all  flightless 
birds  on  southward  projecting  lands  separated  by  seas  12,000 
feet  or  more  in  depth.  The  supposition  is  that  these  lands 
were  once  connected  with  one  another,  perhaps  by  way  of 
the  Antarctic  continent,  and  that  the  running  birds  then 
made  their  way  to  their  present  homes.  This  evidence  for 
great  depression  of  the  land  does  not  seem  as  certain,  how- 
ever, as  that  for  great  elevation  in  mountains,  and  there  are 
authorities  who  deny  that  continents  and  deep  sea  bottoms 
have  ever  changed  places. 


There  are  proofs  that  at  present  the  earth's  crust  nearly 
approaches  a  condition  of  isostasy,  i.e.  that  highlands  are 
high  because  they  are  made  of  lighter  materials  than  lowlands, 
and  that  the  surface  stands  about  at  the  level  corresponding 
to  the  specific  gravity  of  the  rocks  beneath.  If  the  theory 
that  the  earth's  crust  is  in  a  state  of  "  isostatic  equilibrium" 
is  correct,  it  makes  an  interchange  of  continents  and  ocean 
depths  very  hard  to  account  for,  and  suggests  caution  in 
assuming  great  changes  in  the  relations  of  land  and  sea. 


Changes  in  level  of  the  earth's  crust  may  be  divided  broadly 
into  two  kinds:  epeirogenic  (continent  building),  where  con- 
tinental surfaces  are  widely  elevated  or  depressed  without 
much  buckling  or  fracture;  and  orogenic  (mountain  building), 
where  bands  of  the  lithosphere  are  thrust  into  folds  or  tilted 
up  as  blocks  that  ride  upon  one  another,  forming  ranges 
of  mountains. 

The  changes  of  level  referred  to  in  eastern  Canada  are  of 
the  epeirogenic  kind,  while  the  Rockies  and  other  western 
mountain  ranges  afford  excellent  examples  of  orogenesis. 


Orogenesis  gives  rise  to  the  most  striking  relief  features  of 
the  land,  and  the  building  of  mountain  ranges  results  from 
the  concentration  of  tremendous  thrusts  along  a  line  of 
weakness  in  the  earth's  crust. 

A  region  that  has  undergone  orogenesis  may  have  its 
mountains  carved  down  during  the  lapse  of  ages  to  low  hills, 
so  that  its  mountainous  character  is  lost,  and  subsequently 
may  be  elevated  or  depressed  in  epeirogenic  ways.  North- 
eastern Canada  illustrates  this  excellently. 

The  terms  used  above  apply  to  movements  of  the  land; 
but  there  can  be  no  doubt  that  the  crust  of  the  earth  beneath 
the  sea  undergoes  similar  changes  of  level.  Bordering  moun- 
tainous coasts  there  are  often  narrow,  deep  depressions, 
"troughs"  or  "deeps,"  like  reversed  mountain  ranges;  and 
there  is  good  evidence  of  risings  and  sinkings  of  the  sea 
bottom  on  a  broader  scale. 


Changes  of  level  affecting  the  boundaries  of  land  and  sea 
are  known  to  have  taken  place  at  many  times  in  the  past; 
but  usually  they  have  been  of  a  local  kind,  the  lowlands 
settling  to  allow  the  advance  of  a  shallow  sea,  or  the  sea 
bottom  becoming  a  coastal  plain  through  a  gentle  rise  of  the 
land.  Recent  developments  of  Stratigraphical  Geology  suggest, 
however,  that  from  time  to  time  there  have  been  widespread 
changes  of  level,  perhaps  affecting  all  the  continents  at  about 
the  same  time,  serving  to  mark  off  the  major  divisions  of 
geological  time.  Much  importance  is  now  attached  to  these 
epochs  of  rising  and  broadening  continents,  and  to  the  reverse 
stages  when  shallow  seas  encroach  widely  upon  the  continents. 
These  readjustments  of  the  earth's  crust  are  included  under 
the  term  diastrophism,  and  there  is  some  reason  to  believe 
that  such  world- wide  changes  occur  with  a  gigantic  rhythm, 
extending  over  millions  of  years,  and  that  the  climates  of 
the  earth  are  modified  to  correspond  with  the  broadening  or 
the  narrowing  of  the  land  surfaces. 


Assuming  that  the  principle  of  isostasy  is  correct,  changes 
of  level  may  be  accounted  for  by  changes  of  load.  If  a  mile 


of  ice  is  piled  on  north-eastern  America,  the  region  will  sink 
under  the  burden  and  the  sea  will  encroach  correspondingly 
on  the  margin  free  from  ice.  If  the  ice  melts,  the  load  is 
removed  and  the  land  rises.  The  raised  beaches  of  Ontario 
and  Quebec  may  be  accounted  for  in  this  way. 

Where  erosion  is  going  on,  the  burden  of  the  land  will  be 
lightened  and  the  land  will  rise ;  while  the  shallow  sea  bottom 
on  which  rivers  are  depositing  sediments  will  tend  to  sink.  In 
this  way  thousands  of  feet  of  mud  and  sand  may  be  laid  down 
at  about  the  level  of  the  sea,  as  happened  at  the  Joggins,  in 
Nova  Scotia,  where  13,000  feet  of  sediments  accompany  the 
coal  measures,  probably  all  formed  at  much  the  same  level. 

In  the  building  of  mountain  chains  a  much  more  impor- 
tant factor  seems  to  come  in,  that  of  lateral  thrust  due  to  a 
shrinkage  of  the  earth  as  a  whole. 

If  we  imagine  the  earth's  crust  to  be  solidly  adjusted  for 
a  particular  radius  and  the  interior  of  the  earth  to  be  shrinking, 
it  is  evident  that  the  crust  must  yield  to  correspond.  The 
yielding  will  naturally  take  place  along  lines  or  belts  of  weak- 
ness, where  the  rocks  will  be  thrust  into  folds  or  broken  into 
long  slices  which  ride  upon  one  another,  thus  taking  up  the 
slack  due  to  the  shrinkage.  For  instance,  it  has  been  estimated 
that  the  eastern  half  of  the  Rockies  at  Bow  Pass  has  been 
narrowed  twenty-five  miles  by  the  overriding  of  longitudinal 
blocks,  the  outermost  having  been  pushed  seven  miles  out 
upon  the  prairies. 

This  buckling  and  telescoping  of  the  rocks  is  found  in  all 
great  mountain  ranges,  and  is  prepared  for  in  a  very  singular 
way.  For  ages  before  the  range  is  elevated,  sediments  are 
heaped  on  a  slowly  sinking  band  of  shallow  sea  bottom  until 
20,000  or  even  50,000  feet  have  accumulated  in  what  may  be 
called  a  "  geosyncline. "  The  firm  floor  beneath  is  depressed 
into  wanner  levels  and  thus  weakened,  and  finally  the  lateral 
thrust  overcomes  its  resistance  and  the  mountains  are  raised 
relatively  suddenly.  An  illustration  will  be  given  later  when 
the  history  of  the  Rocky  Mountains  is  taken  up. 

While  this  bending  and  breaking  of  the  beds  in  belts  of 
weakness  thousands  of  miles  long  is  certain,  and  is  attributed 
usually  to  thrust  of  the  sea  bottom  against  a  resisting  mass 
of  land — a  continent — there  are  difficulties  in  providing  for  a 


sufficient  amount  of  shrinkage  to  account  for  the  requisite 
shortening  of  the  earth's  circumference.  The  earliest  sug- 
gestion was  that  the  earth  had  cooled  and  therefore  contracted, 
producing  the  lateral  pressure ;  but  the  amount  of  slack  taken 
up  in  the  crumplings  of  the  world's  mountain  chains  far 
exceeds  any  probable  shrinkage  due  to  loss  of  heat,  and,  as 
mentioned  earlier,  it  is  doubtful  if  the  earth  really  has  been 
cooling  down. 

Other  suggestions  have  been  the  loss  of  lava,  which  comes 
from  miles  beneath  and  is  poured  out  on  the  surface,  and  the 
loss  of  volatile  constituents  once  contained  in  the  earth's 
interior,  such  as  the  steam  and  gases  coming  from  volcanoes. 
Compression  of  the  materials  of  the  earth  under  gravity  and 
also  the  rearrangement  of  the  materials  into  new  and  denser 
compounds  are  possible.  If  the  earth  was  built  up  of  planet- 
esimals,  small  cold  particles  falling  in  from  space,  they  may 
have  been  loosely  packed  in  the  beginning  and  may  have 
been  more  and  more  closely  crowded  as  time  went  on. 

It  must  be  admitted  that  no  very  satisfactory  theory  has 
yet  been  proposed  to  account  for  the  tremendous  compression 
of  the  earth's  crust  shown  in  mountain  ranges. 


Where  a  great  area  of  land  is  elevated  in  epeirogenic  changes 
one  must  assume  either  that  the  supports  beneath  have  ex- 
panded, e.g.  by  rise  of  temperature,  or  that  there  has  been 
a  movement  of  matter  beneath  to  support  the  lithosphere  in 
its  new  position.  The  earth's  crust  is  far  too  weak  to  stand 
like  an  arch  with  a  void  beneath.  The  lithosphere  rests  upon 
an  asthenosphere,  a  sub-structure  that  is  not  liquid,  that  for 
momentary  stresses,  such  as  earthquake  waves,  acts  as  a  very 
rigid  solid,  but  that  is  loaded  beyond  its  crushing  strength 
by  the  column  of  rock  above.  This  asthenosphere  is  believed 
to  undergo  slow  motions,  suggesting  the  flow  of  a  very  viscid 
material,  following  up  and  supporting  the  rising  crust  above. 

Where  depression  occurs,  on  the  other  hand,  there  must  be 
a  slow  outflow  to  permit  the  sinking  of  the  lithosphere.  These 
extremely  sluggish  subterranean  movements  must  exert  a 
dragging  effect  on  the  lithosphere  above,  and  it  has  actually 


been  proved  by  triangulation  in  the  Californian  earthquake 
region  that  such  movements  have  taken  place,  points  on  one 
side  of  a  great  line  of  fracture  having  shifted  their  rela- 
tive positions  three  or  four  metres  since  the  region  was 
first  mapped. 

Given  sufficient  time,  effects  of  great  magnitude  may  be 
produced  by  the  gradual  shiftings  of  the  asthenosphere 
beneath  the  solid  crust. 


It  has  been  shown  that  great  changes  of  level  take  place 
at  many  points  on  the  earth's  surface,  and  that  the  rocks  in 
mountain  chains  are  thrown  into  long  flexures  or  even  broken 

Recorded  at  the  Observatory,  Toronto,  Ont. 

asunder.  Some  of  these  movements  appear  to  take  place 
quietly  with  no  rupture  of  the  beds,  but  others  cause  strains 
which  are  suddenly  relieved,  the  rocks  breaking  and  re- 
arranging themselves  by  faulting.  Such  sudden  and  violent 
readjustments  cause  earthquakes.  Naturally  earthquakes  are 
most  frequent  and  violent  where  mountains  are  being  raised, 
and  especially  where  lofty  mountain  ranges  rise  rapidly  beside 
deep  seas. 

Of  late  years  our  knowledge  of  earthquake  motions  has  been 
put  on  a  solid  footing  by  the  records  of  seismographs,  instru- 
ments for  recording  shocks.  A  simple  form  of  seismograph 
consists  of  a  boom  of  steel  wire  lightly  supported  by  a  silk 
thread  and  playing  loosely  in  a  socket.  At  the  end  of  the 
wire  a  small  mirror  reflects  a  ray  of  light  down  upon  a  band 
of  sensitised  paper  kept  in  regular  motion  by  clockwork.  The 
ray  of  light  is  photographed  as  a  straight  line  when  the 


seismograph  is  at  rest,  but  when  shaken  by  earthquake  waves 
the  line  becomes  a  zigzag  or  even  swings  quite  off  the  band 
of  paper  if  the  motion  is  violent.  These  instruments  are  so 
sensitive  that  a  heavy  shock  is  recorded  at  stations  thousands 
of  miles  away.  Seismographs  at  Toronto,  Ottawa,  and  Vic- 
toria have  recorded  earthquakes  which  took  place  in  Japan, 
San  Francisco,  Valparaiso,  Jamaica,  etc. 

Three  kinds  of  wave  motions  have  been  proved  by  the  aid 
of  seismographs,  one  which  travels  on  the  surface  of  the  earth 
and  two  others  transmitted  through  the  earth  along  paths 
with  a  somewhat  inward  curve.  The  surface  waves  are 
slowest,  with  a  rate  of  3-8  kilometres  (about  2  miles)  per 
second.  The  others  have  rates  of  12 '8  kilometres  (8*48  miles) 
and  6-84  kilometres  (4-53  miles)  per  second  when  at  a  distance 
of  100°  of  arc  from  the  starting  point  of  the  shock. 

Though  all  great  earthquakes  are  recorded  by  Canadian 
seismographs  no  destructive  earthquake  has  taken  place  in 
Canada  within  historic  times,  since  the  Dominion  is  one  of 
the  most  ancient  and  stable  parts  of  the  earth.  The  most 
serious  Canadian  earthquake  on  record  occurred  in  Quebec  in 
1663,  when  for  months  there  were  small  shocks  swaying  the 
trees,  so  that  the  Indians  said  "the  trees  were  drunk."  The 
only  important  effects  noted  were  landslides  along  the  river 
banks.  To  study  destructive  earthquake  action  at  first 
hand  a  Canadian  must  go  to  other  lands,  though  somewhat 
severe  shocks  sometimes  occur  at  Victoria  and  other  points 
in  British  Columbia. 

The  place  of  origin  of  an  earthquake  is  called  the  epicentre, 
an  ill-chosen  word,  since  the  shocks  do  not  begin  at  a  point, 
but  along  a  plane  which  may  even  be  hundreds  of  miles 
in  length.  Since  the  breaking  of  the  rocks  which  causes  the 
shock  must  take  place  within  the  "zone  of  fracture,"  the 
centre  from  which  the  motions  originate  cannot  be  at  any 
great  depth;  and  frequently  the  movement  is  evident  at  the 
surface,  one  side  slipping  down  a  few  feet,  as  in  the  Mino- 
Owari  earthquake  in  Japan  (eighteen  to  twenty  feet),  and 
the  Shillong  earthquake  in  India  and  Assam,  when  a  shift- 
ing of  twenty-five  or  more  feet  caused  a  waterfall  on 
Chadrang  river. 

In  the  San  Francisco  earthquake  (1906)  the  San  Andreas 


fault  was  affected  for  a  length  of  435  kilometres,  but  the 
displacement  was  mainly  horizontal,  amounting  to  four  metres. 

The  displacement  of  the  strata  causing  the  earthquake  may 
take  place  with  no  perceptible  warning  and  may  be  complete 
in  a  few  minutes;  or  it  may  continue  from  time  to  time  for 
months,  as  in  the  great  Calabrian  earthquake.  The  same 
fault  line  may  give  rise  to  repeated  earthquakes  separated 
by  many  years  of  quiescence,  as  in  California.  The  greatest 
vertical  movement  known  is  forty-seven  feet,  as  shown  by 
the  raising  of  a  beach  to  that  height  in  the  Alaskan  earth- 
quake of  1899. 

ACCOMPANIMENTS  OF  EARTHQUAKES.  While  the  essential 
feature  of  an  earthquake  is  the  dislocation  and  adjustment 
of  the  solid  rocks,  there  are  other  important  features  which 
should  be  mentioned.  The  greatest  destruction  does  not 
usually  happen  on  the  solid  rocks  themselves  but  on  overlying 
drift  deposits,  and  especially  on  "made  ground."  This  was 
well  shown  in  the  San  Francisco  earthquake,  when  the  lower 
part  of  the  city  on  made  ground  along  the  harbour  suffered 
most,  the  effect  being  compared  to  the  shaking  of  jelly  in  a 
bowl.  Great  fissures  opened  in  loose  ground  and  much  slump- 
ing occurred,  so  that  water  pipes  were  crushed  and  railway 
lines  bent  into  sharp  curves.  Often  the  underground  circula- 
tion of  water  is  affected,  springs  ceasing  to  flow  or  breaking 
out  in  new  places,  and  quicksand  being  forced  up  forming 
miniature  craters. 

The  most  important  secondary  effect  along  sea  coasts  is 
the  huge  wave  which  often  follows  up  a  withdrawal  of  the 
sea,  rushing  far  inland,  destroying  ships  and  buildings.  During 
the  earthquake  which  destroyed  Port  Royal  in  Jamaica  (1692), 
the  frigate  Swan  was  driven  over  the  tops  of  buildings  and 
thrown  upon  a  roof  which  it  broke. 

From  the  human  point  of  view  a  great  earthquake  is  the 
most  terrifying  of  natural  disasters,  since  a  city  may  be 
destroyed  in  a  few  minutes,  and  without  warning  tens  of 
thousands  of  people  may  be  killed.  There  are  few  years  in 
which  some  catastrophe  of  the  kind  is  not  reported,  such  as 
the  earthquake  which  destroyed  Messina  with  75,000  of  its 
inhabitants  in  1908,  or  the  more  recent  destruction  of  the 
city  of  Guatemala  with  great  loss  of  life. 


It  has  been  found  that  certain  types  of  structure  resist 
earthquakes  best,  those  which  are  made  of  strong  and  elastic 
materials,  such  as  steel,  being  far  more  secure  than,  buildings 
of  brick  or  stone  without  reinforcement.  The  business  portion 
of  San  Francisco  has  been  rebuilt  largely  with  steel-framed 
structures  on  this  account. 

DISTRIBUTION  OF  EARTHQUAKES.  The  causes  of  earthquakes 
are  bound  up  with  the  changes  of  level  of  parts  of  the  earth's 
crust,  especially  where  young  mountains  rise  near  deep  seas, 
and  accordingly  we  find  that  earthquakes  are  prevalent  in 
such  regions,  as  around  the  shores  of  the  Pacific,  in  the 
Himalayan  region,  the  East  and  West  Indies,  and  the  Medi- 
terranean. Not  all  earthquakes  have  their  origin  on  the  land. 
There  have  been  settlings  of  blocks  of  the  sea  bottom  along  the 
west  coast  of  South  America  and  between  Calabria  and  Sicily 
which  have  caused  destructive  earthquakes.  Telegraph  cables 
have  frequently  been  broken  in  the  submarine  disturbances. 


The  movements  of  molten  rock  at  great  depths  are  prob- 
ably closely  bound  up  with  the  folding  and  faulting  connected 
with  mountain  building,  and  hence  with  the  causes  of  earth- 
quakes, which  are  symptoms  of  such  adjustments.  Many  of 
these  molten  masses  cease  their  movement  long  before  reaching 
the  surface,  so  that  their  characteristics  can  only  be  studied 
ages  afterwards  when  erosion  has  removed  thousands  of  feet 
of  overlying  rock.  Probably  great  masses  of  molten  material 
are  set  in  motion  and  do  important  work  beneath  the  axes 
of  rising  mountain  chains;  but  these  masses  become  visible 
to  us  only  millions  of  years  later,  as  in  the  Coast  Range  of 
British  Columbia  or  the  Laurentian  region  of  eastern  Canada, 
and  it  is  proposed  to  defer  a  description  of  them  until  the 
structural  features  of  eruptive  rocks  are  taken  up,  since  our 
knowledge  of  them  is  post  mortem.  Their  actual  operation  we 
cannot  observe. 

However,  in  many  cases  molten  material  conies  to  the 
surface,  causing  one  of  the  most  dramatic  displays  of  terres- 
trial activity  in  the  form  of  volcanoes.  These  are  full  of 
interest  and  can  be  studied  in  many  places.  In  early  geological 


times  there  was  great  volcanic  activity  in  several  parts  of 
Canada,  and  in  the  west  it  is  known  that  two  or  more  vol- 
canoes have  been  in  eruption  since  the  Glacial  period,  but 
none  has  been  reported  as  active  within  the  memory  of  man. 

The  nearest  active  volcanoes  to  Canadian  territory  are 
those  of  Alaska,  but  these  have  not  been  very  carefully 
studied,  and  other  examples  will  be  chosen  to  illustrate  the 
work  of  volcanoes. 

The  old  idea  that  a  volcano  is  "a  burning  mountain"  is 
of  course  incorrect.  There  is  little  actual  combustion  con- 
nected with  volcanoes,  except  as  a  bye-product  of  their  work 
when  certain  gases  are  given  off  and  burn  in  the  air.  The 
essential  feature  of  a  volcano  is  an  opening  or  vent  through 
which  molten  rock  may  reach  the  surface.  At  the  surface 
the  materials  given  off  usually  build  a  conical  hill  or  mountain 
with  an  opening  on  top,  the  crater  (Greek  word  for  cup). 

The  lavas  of  volcanoes  in  almost  all  cases  are  charged  with 
various  gases,  which  seem  to  have  been  original  constituents 
of  the  magma,  since  in  the  quartz  of  granites,  which  cooled 
at  great  depths  below  the  surface,  innumerable  small  in- 
clusions of  water  or  carbon  dioxide  can  often  be  found  under 
the  microscope. 

Volcanoes  give  off,  then,  liquid  rock,  called  lava,  and  gases, 
including  in  the  latter  term  all  substances  volatile  at  a  high 

LAVA.  The  word  lava  does  not  mean  a  definite  kind  of  rock, 
but  includes  several  species  of  eruptives  ranging  on  the  acid 
side  from  rhyolite  with  seventy-five  per  cent,  or  more  of  silica 
to  basic  rocks  such  as  basalts  which  may  contain  fifty  per 
cent,  or  less  of  silica.  Trachytes,  andesites,  etc.,  lie  between 
these  limits.  The  properties  of  different  lavas  vary  widely, 
the  more  basic  ones  melting  at  a  temperature  of  1100°  C.  to 
a  very  fluid  magma,  while  the  acid  lavas  have  a  higher 
melting  point  and  unless  very  hot  are  much  less  fluid.  As  a 
result  the  basic  lavas  lose  their  gases  more  readily  than  the 
acid  ones  and  have  comparatively  quiet,  unexplosive  erup- 
tions with  thin,  widely  spreading  lava  sheets.  Volcanoes  with 
acid  lavas,  on  the  contrary,  have  explosive  eruptions,  some- 
times with  no  flow  of  lava,  the  whole  mass  bursting  into  small 
fragments  or  even  fine  dust.  Most  volcanoes,  however,  are  of 


an  intermediate  kind  with  both  lava  flows  and  explosions, 
thus  building  up  a  composite  cone. 

VOLCANIC  GASES.  These  include  water,  hydrogen,  hydrogen 
chloride,  chlorine,  nitrogen,  carbon  dioxide,  carbon  monoxide, 
sulphur  dioxide,  hydrogen  sulphide,  and  sulphur,  with  smaller 
amounts  of  other  gases.  The  greater  part  of  what  is  commonly 
called  the  smoke  of  a  volcano  consists  of  condensing  steam 
coming  either  directly  from  the  lava  or  from  the  burning  of 
hydrogen.  Some  authorities  believe,  however,  that  most  of 
the  steam  is  really  due  to  the  evaporation  of  rainfall;  and 
ammonium  chloride  is  thought  by  some  to  be  an  important 
part  of  the  volatile  matter.  It  condenses  as  a  white  coating 

FIG.    12.     CRATER    OF    MOUNT    KILAUEA,    HAWAII 
From  Report  of  U.S.  Geological  Survey. 

on  the  upper  cone  of  Etna.  The  sulphur  which  is  volatilised 
or  formed  by  combining  one  part  of  sulphur  dioxide  with  two 
parts  of  hydrogen  sulphide  is  deposited  in  craters  approaching 

VOLCANOES  WITH  VERY  FLUID  LAVAS.  Two  Hawaiian  vol- 
canoes, Kilauea  and  Mauna  Loa,  are  famous  for  their  very 
fluid  basaltic  lavas,  giving  rise  to  non- explosive  eruptions. 
Kilauea  (4000  feet)  has  been  observed  for  many  years  and  its 
habits  are  well  known,  and  Mauna  Loa,  twenty  miles  away 
and  nearly  10,000  feet  higher,  has  similar  eruptions.  Owing 
to  the  fluidity  of  the  lava  of  which  these  mountains  have 
been  built  their  slopes  are  very  gentle,  about  seven  degrees, 
and  the  top  has  almost  the  appearance  of  a  plain,  with  a  large 
steep-walled  and  flat-bottomed  depression,  the  crater,  in  which 
there  is  usually  a  small  lake  of  liquid  lava,  giving  off  gases 


freely  in  little  spurts  from  its  surface.  For  years  the  lava 
may  slowly  rise  in  the  crater,  till  at  length  the  pressure  of 
the  lengthening  column  causes  it  to  burst  a  way  out  some- 
where on  the  flanks  of  the  mountain  and  flow  as  a  bright 
stream,  spreading  widely  till  it  cools.  Meantime  the  level  of 
the  lava  pool  in  the  crater  sinks  hundreds  of  feet.  All  goes 
on  quietly  as  a  magnificent  spectacle,  sometimes  including  a 
brilliant  fountain  springing  hundreds  of  feet  into  the  air.  The 
rapidly  flowing  stream  in  one  case  poured  over  a  cliff  into  the 
sea  as  a  fiery  fall  a  mile  wide.  The  longest  stream  recorded 
came  from  Mauna  Loa  and  reached  a  length  of  sixty  miles 
before  cooling  and  congealing. 

Flows  of  a  similar  kind  occasionally  come  from  long  fissures, 
as  at  Laki  in  Iceland,  where  for  a  length  of  twelve  miles  lava 
welled  out,  making  a  wide  level  floor  and  completely  occupying 
a  river  valley. 

It  is  probable  that  some  of  the  old  basaltic  lava  plains, 
covering  200,000  square  miles  of  western  Canada  and  the 
Columbia  region  to  the  south,  where  few  or  no  cones  or  craters 
can  be  found,  were  formed  in  the  same  way;  and  the  Deccan 
traps  of  central  India  and  also  the  great  lava  plains  of  southern 
Brazil  and  Uruguay,  covering  many  thousand  square  miles, 
are  additional  illustrations. 

of  the  scale  there  are  very  viscid  rhyolitic  lavas  charged  with 
gases  which  cannot  escape  easily  and  quietly,  but  at  last, 
as  they  reach  the  surface  where  the  pressure  is  diminished, 
explode  violently  and  fling  red-hot  materials  in  all  directions. 
A  well-known  example  of  this  type  of  eruption  was  that  of 
Krakatoa  in  1883.  This  small  island  in  Sunda  Straits  near 
Java  burst  into  a  terrifying  eruption  which  scattered  bombs 
for  twelve  miles  around,  hurled  fragments  as  large  as  one's 
fist  twenty-five  miles,  and  overwhelmed  all  the  adjoining 
coasts  and  plantations  with  ashes  and  dust.  The  finer  par- 
ticles of  dust  reached  the  upper  air  currents  and  were  carried 
round  the  world,  causing  remarkable  red  sunsets  which  .aroused 
interest  everywhere. 

Much  of  the  material  flung  off  consisted  of  pumice,  a  variety 
of  lava  so  filled  with  air  vesicles  as  to  float,  and  Sunda  Straits 
were  for  a  time  blocked  with  the  floating  masses,  which 

FIG.  13.     MONT  PELEE 


gradually  drifted  away  or  were  waterlogged  and  sank.  Large 
pebbles  of  this  pumice  thrown  up  by  the  waves  can  still  be 
found  on  the  north  shore  of  Australia,  2000  miles  away,  and 
the  sea  bottom  over  hundreds  of  thousands  of  square  miles 
must  be  strewn  with  them.  This  violent  explosion  caused  a 
sea  wave  which  did  much  damage  on  neighbouring  coasts 
and  reached  West  Australia,  1800  miles  distant.  In  many 
ways  the  effects  were  like  those  of  an  earthquake  of  the  usual 
kind.  In  a  few  days  the  eruption  was  over  and  it  was  found 
that  about  a  third  of  the  island  had  been  torn  to  pieces  and 
had  disappeared.  The  amount  of  rock  ejected  has  been 
estimated  at  eighteen  cubic  kilometres. 

The  eruption  of  Mont  Pelee  on  the  French  island  of 
Martinique  in  1902  was  of  the  same  type.  The  steam  and 
gases  from  the  explosions,  charged  with  hot  particles,  flowed 
down  the  mountain-side  and  in  fifteen  minutes  destroyed  the 
city  of  St.  Pierre  with  30,000  people. 

No  fluid  lava  came  to  the  surface  in  this  eruption,  but 
after  the  great  explosion  a  curious  obelisk  or  spine  of  plastic 
but  very  porous  lava  was  pushed  up  from  the  crater,  at  one 
time  reaching  1800  feet  in  height.  It  was  not  a  permanent 
feature  but  soon  crumbled  to  debris. 

Accounts  of  the  recent  eruption  of  Katmai  in  Alaska  put 
it  in  the  same  class  with  the  eruptions  mentioned  above. 

INTERMEDIATE  TYPES  OF  VOLCANOES.  Most  volcanoes  are 
of  an  intermediate  type  and  are  built  up  partly  of  lava  streams 
and  partly  of  loose  materials  due  to  explosion.  The  best- 
known  and  longest-studied  volcano  in  the  world,  Mount 
Vesuvius  near  Naples,  may  be  taken  as  an  example. 

Its  predecessor,  Mount  Somma,  was  thought  to  be  an 
extinct  volcano  with  a  large  crater,  the  whole  overgrown 
with  trees  or  bushes;  but  in  79  A.D.  an  explosive  eruption 
took  place,  destroying  with  its  showers  of  ashes  and  red-hot 
stones  two  cities  near  its  base,  Pompeii  and  Herculaneum,  as 
recorded  by  the  younger  Pliny.  On  the  ruins  of  Somma 
Vesuvius  was  built,  and  from  time  to  time  since  then  it  has 
been  in  eruption,  lava  streams  pouring  out  in  various  direc- 
tions and  the  surrounding  towns  and  vineyards  suffering 
from  the  fall  of  ashes  and  bombs.  The  size  and  shape  of  the 
crater  and  the  height  of  the  summit  have  undergone  many 


changes,  and  occasionally  an  inner  cone  has  been  built  up 
within  the  main  crater. 

The  lava  given  off  is  not  very  fluid,  moves  sluggishly  and 
with  constant  breaking  and  rolling  over  of  the  hardening 
black  crust  formed  by  cooling.  Occasionally  this  crust  grows 
so  strong  that  the  liquid  lava  within  flows  on  and  leaves  the 
shell  as  a  long  irregular  tunnel.  When  in  moderate  eruption 
great  bubbles  of  lava  seem  to  be  raised  within  the  crater  till 
the  tension  of  the  steam  beneath  becomes  too  great  and  the 
bubble  bursts,  flinging  red-hot  fragments  in  all  directions. 

Photo,  by  E.  S.  Moore 
FIG.    14.      ERUPTION    OF    NGAURUHOE,    NEW    ZEALAND,    IN     1914 

This  may  go  on  with  much  regularity,  an  explosion  about 
every  half-minute.  Meantime  a  tall  column  of  steam  rises 
some  thousands  of  feet  and  drifts  to  one  side  with  an  upper 
air  current,  the  form  resembling  that  of  an  Italian  stone  pine. 
At  night  these  explosions  and  the  yellow  streams  of  lava  make 
a  brilliant  display,  and  may  be  seen  for  sixty  miles  away  on 
the  Mediterranean. 

Etna,  with  its  two  hundred  parasitic  cones,  has  a  still  longer 
history,  reaching  back  for  more  than  2000  years. 

CALDERAS.  Since  the  materials  for  the  eruptions  come 
from  beneath,  there  is  a  tendency  for  volcanoes  to  collapse 
after  cubic  miles  of  molten  rock  have  been  removed  from 


under  their  foundations  by  successive  eruptions.  The  whole 
central  part  of  the  mountain  may  thus  sink  out  of  sight, 
leaving  a  vast  round  depression  with  steep  cliffs  as  walls. 
Such  an  arrangement  is  called  a  caldera  (caldron),  and  in 
many  cases  the  hollow  is  occupied  by  a  lake.  In  other 
cases  it  may  be  somewhat  flatly  floored,  and  if  the  volcano 
has  not  become  extinct  there  may  be  one  or  more  active 
cones  and  craters  within  it. 

Crater  Lake  in  southern  Oregon,  six  miles  long  and  four 
miles  wide,  enclosed  by  cliffs  500  to  2000  feet  high,  is  the 

FIG.    15.      CRATERS    AND    CINDER    CONES,    MOUNT    ETNA 
Eruption  of  1892. 

best  example  in  North  America.  A  small  later  cone  forms 
an  island  in  it.  Larger  examples  are  found  in  Italy,  such  as 
the  beautiful  lake  of  Albano,  and  the  Lago  di  Bolsena  which 
has  diameters  of  eight  and  a  half  and  seven  and  a  half  miles. 
One  of  the  largest  known  is  the  caldera  of  Aso  in  Japan, 
which  is  fourteen  miles  by  ten  in  dimensions  and  has  an 
active  volcano  rising  from  its  floor. 

SUBMARINE  VOLCANOES.  Volcanoes  are  not  confined  to  the 
land,  but  may  build  up  mountains  from  the  sea  bottom  in 
regions  of  disturbance.  Some  of  them  are  known  to  us  only 
from  their  conical  shape  as  shown  by  soundings;  but  there 
are  numerous  examples  where  the  volcano  has  risen  above 
sea  level,  forming  an  island.  Graham's  island,  which  appeared 


in  the  Mediterranean  near  Sicily  in  1831,  was  formed  of  loose 
materials  and  was  later  washed  away,  leaving  only  a  shoal. 
In  1793  a  new  island  rose  with  great  commotion  in  Alaskan 
waters,  and  two  others  have  risen  in  later  years,  forming  the 
Bogoslov  islands. 

The  greatest  instance  of  the  kind  is  found  in  the  Hawaiian 
islands,  built  up  from  profound  depths  in  the  Pacific  almost 
entirely  of  volcanic  materials.  If  they  stood  upon  dry  land 
some  of  their  summits,  like  Mauna  Loa,  would  be  the  highest 
mountains  in  the  world.  This  work  was  done  long  before 
historic  times,  however. 

DISTRIBUTION  OF  VOLCANOES.  Volcanoes,  as  one  might 
expect,  are  usually  found  in  earthquake  regions,  so  that  a 
map  of  the  one  would  roughly  give  the  distribution  of  the 
other.  A  great  irregular  circle  of  volcanoes,  active  or  ex- 
tinct, surrounds  the  Pacific.  On  the  western  side  they  are 
numerous  in  Alaska,  the  Pacific  States,  Mexico,  Central 
America,  and  the  Andes  of  South  America.  Mount  Erebus 
in  Antarctica  and  the  New  Zealand  volcanoes  to  the  south 
are  followed  by  volcanic  islands  in  the  Philippines  and  Japan 
on  the  east,  while  volcanoes  in  Kamtchatka  and  the  Kurile 
and  Aleutian  Islands  finish  the  girdle  of  fire  about  the  greatest 
ocean.  Beside  this  there  are  volcanoes  scattered  over  the 
Pacific,  some,  like  those  of  Hawaii,  built  up  from  great  depths. 

A  more  scattered  row  of  volcanic  islands,  beginning  with 
Jan  Mayen  and  Iceland  in  the  north,  and  including  the  Azores 
and  Cape  Verde  islands,  runs  down  the  centre  of  the  Atlantic; 
volcanoes  occur  also  in  the  Mediterranean,  and  are  very 
numerous  in  the  East  Indian  islands;  while  in  the  western 
hemisphere  a  curved  row  of  volcanic  islands  occurs  in  the 
West  Indies. 

This  distribution  along  lines  of  adjustment  where  moun- 
tains are  rising  or  blocks  of  the  sea  bottom  are  sinking  is 
natural,  since  here  only  can  we  imagine  the  formation  of 
channels  by  which  molten  rock  can  reach  the  surface. 

CAUSES  OF  VOLCANOES.  The  actual  source  of  the  lava  is,  of 
course,  out  of  reach  in  the  depths;  but  from  what  is  known 
of  the  rate  of  increase  in  temperature  with  depth  one  can 
assume  that  some  miles  below  the  surface  the  heat  would  be 
sufficient  to  melt  ordinary  rocks  under  surface  conditions. 


One  would  expect  that  at  a  given  depth  there  would  be  a 
continuous  sheet  of  molten  lava  waiting  to  escape  through 
any  opening  to  the  surface.  For  reasons  given  earlier,  we 
know  that  the  earth  as  a  whole  is  extremely .  rigid,  so  that 
no  continuous  sheet  of  molten  rock  can  exist  a  short  distance 
below  the  surface.  In  reality  the  lava  supply  of  volcanoes 
must  come  from  relatively  small  local  pools.  Even  close 
neighbours,  like  Mauna  Loa  and  Kilauea,  only  twenty  miles 
apart,  must  have  distinct  sources  of  supply,  since  the  lava 
of  Mauna  Loa  rises  about  10,000  feet  higher  than  that 
of  Kilauea. 

Various  explanations  have  been  given  to  account  for  these 
local  pools  of  lava.  It  has  been  suggested  that  at  a  given 
depth,  where  the  heat  should  be  great  enough  to  melt  erup- 
tive rocks,  the  immense  pressure  of  overlying  materials 
prevents  liquefaction,  since  a  rock  in  melting  must  expand. 
Basalt,  for  example,  expands  four  per  cent,  when  melted. 

One  might  suppose  that  any  relief  from  pressure,  such  as 
the  rise  of  a  fold  or  the  tilting  of  a  block  of  the  earth's  crust 
in  mountain  building,  might  relieve  the  layer  from  pressure 
at  a  given  point,  and  allow  the  potential  lava  to  expand  and 
rise  through  any  opening  to  form  a  volcano. 

If  this  explanation  is  correct,  one  would  expect  volcanoes 
to  accompany  all  great  mountain  ranges,  which  is  far  from 
being  the  case.  One  thousand  miles  of  the  main  range  of  the 
Canadian  Rockies  consist  entirely  of  sedimentary  rocks,  and 
the  only  eruptions  in  the  range  occur  at  its  southern  end, 
where  there  are  some  beds  of  ash  and  a  small  area  of  nepheline 
rock,  but  no  recognisable  volcano.  Other  areas  of  recent 
mountain  building  show  a  similar  lack  of  volcanoes,  as  in 
the  Alps  and  Himalayas.  On  the  other  hand,  in  some  lofty 
and  recent  mountain  ranges  volcanoes  are  frequent,  the 
Andes  being  a  good  illustration. 

The  mere  opening  up  of  a  channel,  together  with  relief  from 
pressure  of  overlying  rock,  does  not  account  for  any  large 
number  of  volcanoes;  but  the  settling  down  of  large  blocks 
or  arcs  of  the  crust  is  a  very  frequent  cause.  This  may  be 
seen  in  the  volcanoes  along  the  great  African  rift,  and  is 
probably  illustrated  by  the  festoons  of  volcanic  islands  on 
the  north  and  east  of  the  Pacific,  as  well  as  in  the  curve  of 


volcanic  islands  in  the  West  Indies.  In  these  cases  probably 
the  pressure  of  the  sinking  block  has  aided  in  forcing  lava 
up  round  the  fractured  edges. 

Occasionally  a  volcano  or  a  group  of  volcanoes  rises  through 
what  appear  to  be  undisturbed  sediments,  and  some  geologists 
believe  that  the  molten  magma  can  drill  its  way  up  without 
any  open  fissure,  by  melting  the  rocks  above  or  by  "stoping" 
the  overlying  blocks  until  the  surface  is  reached. 

In  addition  to  the  earth's  original  heat  as  assumed  above, 
there  are  other  possible  sources  of  heat  of  a  more  local  nature. 
The  crushing  of  rocks  in  mountain  building  must  generate  a 
large  amount  of  heat,  which  has  been  suggested  as  a  cause 
of  volcanoes.  An  unusual  accumulation  of  radioactive 
material,  also,  might  supply  heat  enough  to  melt  rocks 
locally  and  so  cause  a  volcanic  eruption. 

It  must  be  admitted  that  the  problems  connected  with  the 
melting  of  the  lava  and  its  ascent  through  miles  of  solid  rock 
to  the  surface  remain  quite  obscure. 

SOURCES  OF  THE  GASES  OF  VOLCANOES.  The  gases  of  vol- 
canoes, especially  steam,  seem  almost  as  important  in  eruptions 
as  the  lava  itself,  and  many  of  the  phenomena  mentioned 
above  are  due  to  the  action  of  the  volcanic  gases.  The  source 
of  these  volatile  constituents  of  the  lava  has  been  much 
debated  and  cannot  be  considered  as  finally  settled. 

Some  geologists  believe  that  the  water  given  off  in  vast 
quantities  as  steam  in  most  volcanic  eruptions  is  of  surface 
origin,  rain  or  snow  water  or  the  water  of  lakes  or  the  sea, 
which  has  settled  into  the  rocks  and  has  been  in  a  sense 
dissolved  by  the  molten  magma.  They  point  to  the  fact 
that  volcanoes  are  almost  always  found  near  the  sea  or  as 
islands  rising  from  the  sea  bottom. 

Not  all  volcanoes,  however,  are  really  near  the  sea  or  some 
great  lake  which  might  supply  water.  Some  of  the  finest  and 
loftiest  volcanoes  in  the  world,  such  as  Chimborazo,  Cotopaxi, 
and  Ollague,  all  reaching  20,000  feet,  rise  from  the  vast,  dry 
tableland  of  the  Andes,  10,000  or  12,000  feet  above  sea  level 
and  150  miles  or  more  from  the  coast.  Ollague,  in  northern 
Chile,  stands  in  the  driest  desert  in  the  world.  In  such  cases 
no  surface  supply  is  available,  and  the  ascending  lava  must 
have  brought  its  abundant  waters  from  the  depths. 


Probably  most  geologists  believe  that  the  lavas  are  originally 
charged  with  water  or  its  constituent  gases,  and  with  the 
compounds  of  sulphur,  chlorine,  carbon,  etc.,  given  off  in 
eruptions.  These  original  gaseous  substances  dissolved  in  the 
molten  rock  arc  called  "magmatic"  or  "juvenile."  The 
term  magma  is  used  for  molten  matter  occurring  in  the 
depths,  while  the  same  molten  material  is  called  lava  when 
it  occurs  in  a  volcano.  The  word  juvenile,  which  is  not  so 
commonly  used  as  magmatic,  implies  the  recent  appearance 
on  the  surface  of  these  gases  or  fluids  set  free  from  the  depths. 

EXTINCTION  OF  VOLCANOES.  Volcanoes  may  be  active  for 
only  a  few  days  and  then  cease  their  work  and  become 
extinct,  like  Monte  Nuovo  near  Naples ;  or  they  may  continue 
active  for  thousands  of  years,  like  Etna,  whose  history  reaches 
back  to  600  B.C.,  as  far  as  the  records  go. 

Volcanoes  may  cease  their  work  and  become  dormant  for 
years  or  centuries  and  then  break  out  afresh,  as  Somma, 
supposed  to  be  extinct,  became  transformed  into  Vesuvius. 

Ultimately  the  supply  of  lava  diminishes  and  no  longer 
reaches  the  crater,  the  last  remnant  congealing  in  the  channel 
beneath  and  sealing  the  opening. 

Active  volcanoes  have  been  estimated  to  number  about  five 
hundred,  but  extinct  volcanoes  run  into  the  thousands.  The 
only  known  volcanoes  in  Canada  sufficiently  well  preserved 
to  display  their  typical  form  are  extinct:  one  a  small  cinder 
cone  with  a  crater  burst  by  a  little  lava  stream,  in  the  Yukon 
territory;  the  other  Mount  Garibaldi,  a  fine  peak  with  several 
lava  streams,  forty  miles  north  of  Vancouver. 

Though  even  extinct  volcanoes  are  rare  in  Canada,  typical 
volcanic  products  are  widely  found  in  the  older  geological 
formations.  Lava  streams  and  plains  of  Cenozoic  age  occupy 
much  of  central  British  Columbia.  A  band  of  white  volcanic 
ash  lies  just  beneath  the  soil  for  many  miles  along  the  Yu- 
kon river.  Very  ancient  lavas  (Keewatin)  occur  in  northern 
Manitoba  and  in  northern  Ontario.  In  the  latter  province 
they  once  covered  many  thousands  of  square  miles. 

Later  lavas  (Keweenawan)  have  a  thickness  of  more  than 
20,000  feet  near  Lake  Superior,  and  a  thick  sheet  of  tuff 
(volcanic  ash)  of  nearly  the  same  age  occurs  near  the  Sudbury 
nickel  mines. 


The  stumps  of  old  volcanoes  (Devonian)  make  striking  hills 
near  Montreal,  and  volcanic  rocks  of  a  much  later  age  (Tri- 
assic)  form  the  cliffs  of  Blomidon  in  Nova  Scotia. 

Except  for  recent  feeble  activity  of  Lassen  Peak  in  the  far 
west,  the  United  States  has  only  extinct  volcanoes.  A 
majestic  row  of  them,  beginning  with  Mount  Baker  just 
south  of  the  British  Columbian  boundary,  runs  south  into 
California.  For  really  active  volcanoes  in  North  America  one 
must  visit  Alaska  or  Mexico.  Mount  Orizaba,  the  highest 
volcano  (18,300  feet)  in  Mexico,  is  perhaps  extinct,  since  its 
top  and  crater  are  snow  covered;  but  Mount  Colima  (12,000 
feet)  and  many  smaller  volcanoes  are  still  active. 


Long  after  the  last  eruption  of  a  volcano,  steam  and  certain 
gases  may  pass  off  from  the  slowly  cooling  lava  beneath  the 
surface.  The  steam  may  escape  under  pressure,  forming  a 
fumarole,  or,  where  the  lava  has  cooled  farther,  only  hot 
water  may  be  given  off,  forming  springs  which  deposit  sinter 
(mainly  silica),  often  forming  beautiful  basins. 

Probably  the  most  striking  development  of  fumaroles  in 
the  world  is  to  be  found  in  the  Valley  of  Ten  Thousand 
Smokes,  near  the  volcano  Katmai  in  Alaska.  As  no  smoke, 
only  vapour  of  water,  is  given  off,  the  name  seems  badly 
chosen.  In  this  valley  an  area  of  some  square  miles  is  riddled 
with  openings  from  which  steam  escapes. 

Hot  springs  are  found  in  almost  all  volcanic  regions,  but 
they  are  not  confined  to  them,  since  waters  sinking  far  enough 
into  the  earth  may  become  heated  and  rise  to  form  springs. 
A  good  illustration  is  to  be  found  in  the  Banff  hot  springs 
in  the  Rocky  Mountains,  which  are  fifty  miles  from  the 
nearest  known  eruptive  rock. 


While  fumaroles  and  hot  springs  are  common  in  dying  vol- 
canic regions,  "geysers,"  which  intermittently  spout  columns 
of  hot  water  into  the  air,  are  known  only  in  three  places: 
Iceland,  where  the  name  originated,  New  Zealand,  and  the 
Yellowstone  Park.  Years  ago  a  geyser  near  Rotorua  in  New 


Zealand  flung  its  jet  of  hot  water  1600  feet  into  the  air,  but 
an  eruption  of  the  near-by  volcano  Tarawera  interfered  with 
its  subterranean  channels  and  put  an  end  to  the  display. 

The  Yellowstone  Park  geyser  region  is  at  present  much 
the  most  extensive  and  interesting  in  the  world. 

The  cause  of  these  recurring  eruptions  of  hot  water  and 
steam  is  to  be  found  in  the  superheating  of  steam  in  the 
lower  channels  that  feed  the  geyser.  The  column  of  cold 
water  in  the  upper  part  of  the  vent  presses  upon  the  hot 
water  beneath,  raising  the  boiling  point  until  the  temperature 
is  high  enough  to  generate  suddenly  a  great  volume  of  steam 
which  flings  the  water  above  as  a  jet  into  the  air. 

The  source  of  the  water  in  hot  springs  and  geysers  is  prob- 
ably largely  rain  and  melting  snow;  but  part  of  the  supply 
may  be  magmatic  in  origin.  Such  hot  waters  sometimes 
contain  salts  of  the  metals  in  solution  and  deposit  metallic 
minerals  in  the  sinter  forming  their  basins. 

Probably  similar  hot  waters  circulating  in  fissures  far  below 
the  surface  in  the  vicinity  of  masses  of  cooling  eruptive  rock 
deposit  ores  and  other  minerals  in  veins,  which  may  become 
of  importance  to  the  miner  in  later  ages.  Most  of  the  ore 
deposits  of  the  world  were  formed  in  this  way. 


It  has  been  shown  that  even  molten  rock  contains  water 
or  other  volatile  substances  in  important  amounts,  and  this 
is  commonly  true  also  of  the  sedimentary  rocks,  most  of 
which  were  formed  beneath  the  sea.  Water  is  the  medium 
through  which  most  chemical  reactions  take  place;  hot  water 
is  a  better  solvent  than  cold  water;  and  pressure  has  been 
proved  to  increase  the  activity  of  water.  Where  rocks,  whether 
eruptive  or  sedimentary,  are  exposed  to  the  action  of  hot 
water  under  pressure,  changes  may  be  expected;  but  mag- 
matic waters  coming  from  hot  eruptive  rocks,  charged  with 
silica  and  other  substances  in  solution,  will  be  most  effective 
in  this  respect. 

Rocks  may  be  exposed  to  these  conditions  simply  because 
they  are  at  great  depths,  or  because  eruptives  have  penetrated 
to  beds  at  higher  levels.  Frequently  both  depth  and  eruptive 


magmas  may  be  at  work.  The  effect  of  heat,  pressure,  and 
water  containing  various  substances  in  solution  in  attacking 
the  minerals  of  rocks  and  transforming  them  into  other 
minerals  is  called  metamorphism.  This  may  imply  only  a 
rearrangement  of  elements  already  present  or  the  removal 
of  some  elements  with  the  introduction  of  others. 

Sometimes  a  distinction  is  made  between  contact  meta- 
morphism, due  to  the  presence  of  a  cooling  eruptive  sheet  or 
mass  near  by,  and  regional  metamorphism,  where  the  changes 
take  place  on  a  large  scale  and  usually  at  a  greater  depth; 
but  there  is  no  sharp  boundary  between  the  two  processes. 
Metamorphism  is  greatly  helped  by  crushing  and  shearing  in 
connection  with  mountain  building,  since  this  gives  easy 
access  for  fluids,  and  where  mechanical  work  of  this  kind  is 
important  the  term  dynamic  metamorphism  is  sometimes  used. 

usual  sedimentary  rocks,  shale,  sandstone,  and  limestone,  are 
quite  differently  affected  by  metamorphism  and  should  be 
taken  up  separately. 

Shale,  which  is  merely  consolidated  clay,  is  changed  into 
slate  by  pressure  and  shearing  with  a  small  amount  of  re- 
crystallisation.  In  the  harder  slates,  like  those  used  for 
roofing,  many  small  scales  of  mica  or  chlorite  may  be  seen  in 
thin  sections  and  much  of  the  muddy  material  has  been 
changed  into  definite  minerals.  In  contact  metamorphism 
certain  compounds  of  silica  and  alumina  are  apt  to  form, 
such  as  staurolite,  a  hydrous  silicate  of  iron,  alumina,  and 
magnesia,  or  andalusite  or  sillimanite  or  cyanite,  silicates  of 
alumina.  A  more  complete  recrystallisation  will  give  rise  to 
phyllite  with  a  shimmering  surface  due  to  the  formation  of 
sericite;  and  finally  the  whole  of  the  materials  may  be  re- 
arranged into  quartz  and  mica,  forming  mica  schist,  or  into 
quartz,  feldspar,  and  mica,  forming  gneiss.  Often  garnets  and 
other  crystalline  minerals  are  formed  at  the  same  time. 

Sandstones  are  differently  acted  on  according  to  their  com- 
position, pure  quartz  sands  being  merely  cemented  by  the 
outgrowth  of  the  quartz  grains  till  the  whole  becomes  a  mass  of 
solid  quartz,  called  quartzite.  Argillaceous  sands  turn  to  mica 
schist ;  and  arkoses,  or  sandstones  with  much  feldspar,  become 
gneisses  undistinguishable  from  some  metamorphosed  shales. 


Limestones  and  dolomites,  if  pure,  are  simply  rearranged 
into  crystalline  calcite  or  dolomite,  forming  marble.  If  impure 
a  great  variety  of  minerals  may  result,  including  micas, 
varieties  of  hornblende  or  augite,  graphite,  etc. 

Coal  loses  its  volatile  matter,  changing  first  to  anthracite, 
which  except  for  ash  is  nearly  pure  carbon,  and  afterwards 
to  graphite. 

The  metamorphism  of  tuffs  or  ash  rocks  depends  mainly 
on  the  composition  of  the  materials,  and  results  in  sericite 
or  mica  schists  or  gneisses  for  the  acid  rocks,  and  in  chlorite 
or  hornblende  schists  for  the  ordinary  basic  rocks.  Massive 
eruptives  are  less  attacked,  unless  they  have  been  crushed 
and  sheared,  when  results  like  those  just  mentioned  will  be 
produced.  Very  basic  rocks  like  peridotites  are  transformed 
by  hydration  into  serpentine  or  talc;  but  many  authorities 
would  include  this  change  in  weathering  rather  than  in 



The  epigene  forces,  as  noted  earlier,  are  those  which  are 
derived  mainly  from  the  sun  and  perform  their  work  on 
or  near  the  surface  of  the  earth.  They  are  familiar  to  us, 
since  they  are  in  operation  all  around,  and  on  that  account 
pass  almost  unnoticed.  Their  ceaseless  activities  are  con- 
stantly moulding  the  land  and  giving  it  the  contours  of 
plain  and  valley,  hill  and  mountain,  that  meet  our  eyes 
everywhere,  but  the  work  usually  goes  on  so  slowly  as  to 
be  quite  overlooked. 

Beginning  with  a  world  whose  outer  crust  is  of  solid  rock, 
the  first  operation  to  be  studied  is  naturally  that  of  the 
crumbling  and  decay  of  rocks,  sometimes  expressed  as  the 
effects  of  the  "tooth  of  time."  The  most  important  agents 
in  this  work  are  water,  the  gases  of  the  air  or  of  the  soil,  and 
changes  of  temperature,  all  commonplace  and  unimpressive 
in  their  action,  yet  capable  of  destroying  in  time  the  most 
resistant  rocks. 

Water  is  present  everywhere  as  a  variable  constituent  of  the 


air,  and  falls  as  rain  or  snow,  changing  from  the  gaseous  to 
the  liquid  or  solid  state;  and  pure  water  can  dissolve  salt 
or  gypsum,  which  are  rarely  found  on  that  account  except  in 
deserts.  The  oxygen  of  the  air  is  a  powerful  chemical  agent. 
Carbon  dioxide  is  found  in  small  quantities  in  the  air,  about 
4  parts  in  10,000,  and  in  larger  amounts  in  soils  where 
organic  matter  is  decaying.  Heat  expands  and  cold  contracts, 
tending  to  destroy  the  cohesion  of  rocks  and  to  split  off  frag- 
ments. The  combined  effect  of  these  agents  is  weathering. 

OXIDATION.  Many  eruptive  rocks  contain  compounds  not 
completely  oxidised,  one  of  the  commonest  being  ferrous 
oxide,  which  forms  part  of  most  of  the  green  minerals,  such 
as  augite  or  hornblende.  Oxygen  in  the  presence  of  moisture 
tends  to  combine  with  the  ferrous  oxide  to  form  the  more 
oxidised  compound  ferric  oxide,  which  is  red,  or  if  hydrated, 
brown,  so  that  the  work  of  oxidation  destroys  the  mineral 
attacked  and  forms  limonite.  This  type  of  weathering  causes 
rocks  like  basalt  or  diorite  to  change  their  colour  from  green 
or  black  to  brown,  and  so  weakens  them  that  they  are  softer 
and  more  easily  attacked  by  other  forces.  The  change  in 
colour  of  blue  clay,  which  weathers  brown,  illustrates  the 
same  effect. 

CARBON  DIOXIDE.  The  most  effective  reagent  in  weathering 
is  carbonic  acid,  the  combination  of  carbon  dioxide  with 
water,  which  is  only  feebly  acid,  but  slowly  dissolves  certain 
minerals  and  decomposes  others.  One  of  the  most  important 
sedimentary  rocks  is  limestone,  formed  of  calcite  or  carbonate 
of  lime,  which  is  soluble  in  carbonic  acid.  All  exposed  lime- 
stones and  marbles  are  being  dissolved  and  carried  down  to 
the  sea  as  a  result  of  this  action,  and  almost  all  spring  and 
well  waters  are  charged  with  lime.  The  effects  are  well  shown 
in  cemeteries,  where  marble  monuments  a  few  years  old  lose 
their  polish  and  begin  to  crumble,  especially  on  the  side 
toward  the  rainy  winds.  In  fifty  years  the  inscription  is 
generally  illegible.  Dolomites  are  much  more  slowly  attacked. 

Among  the  eruptive  and  schistose  rocks,  certain  feldspars 
of  great  importance,  such  as  orthoclase  and  the  soda  plagio- 
clases,  are  attacked  by  carbonic  acid  which  decomposes  the 
feldspar  into  a  soluble  silicate  of  potash  or  soda,  and  an 
insoluble  silicate  of  alumina,  which  is  left  behind  in  the 



hydrated  form  as  kaolin  or  clay.  Since  the  feldspars  make 
the  bulk  of  most  eruptive  rocks  and  gneisses,  this  completely 
disintegrates  them,  leaving  a  crumbling  sand  instead  of  a 
solid  resistant  rock.  Several  other  silicates  are  attacked  in 
a  similar  way. 

This  process  is  comparatively  slow,  and  its  results  are  not 
yet  very  apparent  in  the  glaciated  regions  of  Canada  and 
the  northern  United  States,  but  are  well  displayed  in  granite 

FIG.    1  6. 


regions  never  covered  by  the  ice,  for  instance  at  Washington, 
D.C.,  in  Brazil,  or  in  the  Klondike. 

CHANGE  OF  TEMPERATURE.  The  lighting  of  a  fire  on  bare 
rock  often  splits  off  thin  slabs  by  the  rapid  expansion  of  the 
part  immediately  beneath.  The  farmer  sometimes  uses  fire 
setting  followed  by  a  dash  of  cold  water  to  break  up  boulders 
in  his  fields  ;  and  before  the  days  of  explosives  this  was  the 
best  method  of  breaking  down  rock  in  mining.  There  is  no 
doubt  that  the  ordinary  changes  of  temperature  have  a  similar 
effect,  though  they  act  much  more  slowly.  In  desert  regions, 
where  the  dry  atmosphere  permits  rapid  radiation  of  heat  at 
night,  the  extreme  temperatures  of  day  and  night  may  even 




range  from  150°  F.  to  the"J  freezing  point,  and  slices  and 
fragments  of  rock  are  constantly  being  split  off  from  exposed 
rocks,  which  are  gradually  buried  under  the  chips  due  to  their 
own  decay. 

In  climates  like  ours,  however,  frost  is  the  great  quarryman, 
heaping  a  pile  of  blocks  called  a  talus  at  the  foot  of  every 
cliff.  The  fragments  broken  off  expose  fresh  surfaces  for  the 
work  of  weathering  which  greatly  aids  the  process. 

RAIN  ACTION.  In  most  parts  of  the  world  rain  falls  fre- 
quently. Even  in  deserts  violent  rain  sometimes  falls,  perhaps, 
however,  only  after  the  lapse  of  years.  In  the  nitrate  region  of 
northern  Chile  it  is  said  that  the  last  rain  fell  sixty-five  years 
ago,  yet  the  superficial  effects  of  rain  erosion  may  sometimes 
be  seen  there. 

A  single  drop  of  rain  exerts  a  most  insignificant  force  for 
geological  work,  but  the  cumulative  effects  of  the  drops  in  a 
storm  may  be  important.  About  thirty  inches  of  rain  fall  in 
the  year  in  Ontario,  having  a  weight  of  2,200,000  tons  per 
square  mile.  In  sum,  then,  the  force  exerted  by  the  falling 
drops  is  very  important.  The  gullying  of  hilly  fields  after  a 
heavy  shower  and  the  muddy  waters  of  the  overflowing 
streams  give  evidence  that  a  powerful  force  has  been  at  work. 

More  striking  illustrations  are  supplied  by  the 
earth  pillars  frequently  seen  in  mountain  valleys. 
These   are   carved    by   rain 
from  boulder  clay.   The  clay 
is  readily  removed  where  un- 
protected, but  where  some 
boulder  occurs  as  a  cap  the 
washing   away  of   the    sur- 
rounding clay  leaves  a  pillar, 
There  may  be  dozens 
of  such  pillars,  each 
sheltering  under  its 
stone.     If  the  stone 
is  dislodged  the  pillar 
becomes  a  cone  and 
soon  wastes  away. 

Earth  pillars  are  often  twenty-five  or  thirty  feet  high,  and 
serve  as  monuments  to  rain  action.  In  the  long  run  cubic 



miles  of  clay  are  removed  by  rain  from  the  sides  of  valleys 
like  that  of  Bow  river  and  swept  down  to  the  river  itself. 

Part  of  the  rainfall  runs  off  quickly  to  the  nearest  stream; 
this  is  sometimes  called  the  run-off;  and  part  sinks  into  the 
ground.  On  rock  surfaces  almost  the  whole  of  the  rain  flows 
off  directly.  On  sand  or  gravel  almost  the  whole  sinks  in  and 
is  lost  to  sight.  The  types  of  work  performed  by  these  two 
divisions  of  the  rainfall  differ  greatly,  though  ultimately, 
perhaps  after  months  or  years  of  underground  wandering, 
the  part  that  disappears  into  the  soil  usually  reappears  as 
springs  and  joins  the  regular  circulation  of  the  streams. 


The  spaces  between  the  particles  of  soil  or  of  porous  rocks 
are  very  small,  sometimes  only  capillary,  and  the  water 


Water  from  rain  and  melting  snow  sinks  into  the  soil  until  arrested  by  some  impermeable 
bed,  such  as  clay  or  shale.  The  level  of  ground  water  rises  after  a  wet  season  and  sinks 
after  a  dry  one,  leaving  shallow  wells  without  a  water  supply.  Springs  occur  along  the 
sides  of  slopes  where  the  top  of  the  impermeable  layer  is  exposed. 

soaking  in  can  move  only  slowly;  nevertheless  as  "ground 
water"  it  is  constantly  urged  downwards  by  gravity  and 
makes  its  way  just  above  some  impermeable  layer  toward  the 
lowest  point,  where  it  may  emerge  as  a  spring.  The  level  of 
ground  water  varies  with  the  season,  being  highest  as  a  rule 
in  spring,  when  the  ground  has  been  soaked  with  rain  and 
melting  snow,  and  lowest  after  the  droughts  of  summer.  In 
the  country  parts  of  Canada  the  water  supply  comes  some- 
times from  springs  but  more  often  from  wells,  both  dependent 
on  ground  waters.  A  well,  if  not  deep  enough,  may  fail  toward 
the  end  of  summer  because  of  the  sinking  of  the  ground  water, 
and  not  all  springs  are  perennial. 

Since  the  ground  waters  in  their  slow  motion  underground 


generally  dissolve  lime  by  the  aid  of  carbonic  acid  and  also 
obtain  small  amounts  of  gypsum  (calcium  sulphate)  and  of 
salt  (sodium  chloride),  well  and  spring  waters  are  generally 
"hard,"  that  is,  contain  compounds  of  lime.  This  is  noticed 
in  washing,  when  the  fatty  acids  of  the  soap  combine  with 
the  lime,  giving  a  "curdiness"  to  the  water,  and  also  in  the 
"furring"  of  the  tea-kettle,  where  the  boiling  away  of  the 
water  and  the  driving  off  of  carbon  dioxide  make  a  coating 
of  carbonate  and  sulphate  of  lime.  The  salts  and  gases  dis- 
solved in  such  waters  give  them  a  more  pleasant  flavour  than 
the  purer  but  more  insipid  rainwater  with  which  they  began. 
Not  infrequently  a  little  sulphate  of  iron  has  been  picked 

FIG.    2O.      LANDSLIP,    FRANK,    ALBERTA 

up  also,  giving  a  slight  inky  taste  to  which  one  presently 
gets  accustomed. 

LANDSLIPS.  The  soaking  of  rain  into  the  ground  may  so 
far  soften  beds  of  clay  or  silt  or  fine  sand  that  they  can  no 
longer  support  the  load  above,  and  large  slices  or  even  square 
miles  of  loose  deposits  may  slip  on  such  a  lubricated  layer 
into  the  nearest  valley.  Such  a  movement  is  called  a  landslip 
or  landslide,  and  is  illustrated  along  clay  cliffs  almost  every 
spring.  Destructive  landslides  have  occurred  at  several  points 
in  the  province  of  Quebec,  as  at  St.  Albans  in  1890,  when  an 
area  of  clay  and  sand  2  J  miles  long,  i  mile  wide,  and  from 
10  to  250  feet  thick  slid  down  into  the  valley  of  St.  Anne 
river,  destroying  farms  and  houses. 

The  most  serious  landslip  recorded  in  Canada  is  that  which 
occurred  at  the  coal-mining  town  of  Frank  in  Alberta,  on 
July  4,  1903,  when  a  large  part  of  the  top  of  Turtle  Mountain 
slid  into  the  valley,  running  right  across  it  and  rising  400  feet 


on  the  other  side.  It  is  estimated  that  80,000,000  tons  of  lime- 
stone were  thus  spread  out  for  nearly  two  miles  across  the 
valley,  destroying  part  of  the  town  and  burying  the  Crows- 
nest  railway  for  some  distance.  It  is  probable  that  the  work 
of  frost  in  fissures  on  the  mountain  top  was  mainly  responsible 
for  this  disaster. 

Much  more  extensive  landslips  have  taken  place  in  the 
Alps,  as  that  of  Rossberg  which  buried  several  villages, 
and  in  the  foothills  of  the  Himalayas,  where  a  landslip 
dammed  back  a  tributary  of  the  Ganges,  forming  a  large 
temporary  lake. 

ARTESIAN  WATERS.  In  some  places  surface  waters  find  their 
way  into  porous  beds,  generally  of  sand  or  sandstone,  called 
aquafers,  between  impermeable  beds  of  clay  or  shale,  and  in 
this  way  may  travel  long  distances  and  reach  great  depths 
where  they  may  become  warm  or  even  hot.  If  some  region 
of  faulting  provides  fissures  by  which  they  can  reach  the 
surface,  as  at  Banff,  copious  hot  springs  result.  Where  there 
is  no  such  natural  outlet  the  drilling  of  a  well  may  give  escape 
to  the  water,  if  there  is  sufficient  slope  to  provide  a  "head," 
and  there  may  be  a  permanent  flow  of  artesian  water.  Such 
supplies  may  be  tapped  in  desert  regions,  hundreds  of  miles 
from  their  source  in  some  range  of  mountains  which  gathers 
the  rain  clouds  by  reason  of  its  elevation.  Parts  of  Australia 
and  some  of  the  Saharan  regions  have  important  supplies  of 
water  drawn  from  artesian  sources. 

MINERAL  SPRINGS.  While  all  spring  waters  contain  mineral 
matters  such  as  lime,  gypsum,  and  salt  in  solution,  the  name 
"mineral  spring"  is  given  only  to  those  containing  less  usual 
ingredients.  They  may  be  sulphur  springs  containing  hydro- 
gen sulphide,  chalybeate  springs  strongly  charged  with  iron 
compounds,  saline  springs  containing  various  salts  in  solution, 
etc.  Mineral  springs  are  often  of  medicinal  value,  as  at  Banff, 
Alberta,  and  at  Caledonia,  Preston,  and  St.  Catharines  in 
Ontario.  Some  mineral  springs,  such  as  those  of  Saratoga, 
New  York,  and  of  Carlsbad  in  Bohemia,  have  been  explained 
as  consisting  of  magmatic  or  "juvenile"  waters  coming 
from  deep-seated  eruptives,  instead  of  surface  waters  which 
have  ascended  after  reaching  a  great  depth. 

CAVES.      In  limestone   regions  waters  containing   carbon 


dioxide  may  follow  joint  fissures  or  other  small  openings  and 
slowly  dissolve  out  underground  channels,  which  may  ulti- 
mately be  widened  and  deepened  into  great  caverns  sometimes 
running  for  a  number  of  miles,  commonly  with  a  small  stream 
or  even  a  river  flowing  through  them.  There  may  be  wide  and 
lofty  chambers  wonderfully  decorated  with  stalactites  hung 
from  above  or  stalagmites  growing  up  from  the  floor.  These 
structures  are  of  lime  deposited  where  drops  of  water  con- 
tinually drip  from  fissures  in  the  limestone  roof.  The  carbon 
dioxide  escapes  in  the  open  air  of  the  cave,  and  the  lime  in 
solution  must  therefore  be  deposited. 

The  most  striking  caverns  known  in  Canada  are  the  Namiku 
Caves  or  Caves  of  Cheops  on  Cougar  Creek,  west  of  Glacier 
in  the  Selkirks.  More  famous  caves  are  found  in  other 
countries,  such  as  the  Mammoth  Cave  in  Kentucky,  through 
which  one  can  walk  for  a  number  of  miles.  There  are  some 
limestone  regions,  like  the  Karst  in  southern  Austria,  where 
the  whole  drainage  is  underground,  and  where  the  rivers  are 
quite  hidden  except  where  some  cavern  roof  has  collapsed, 
forming  a  sink  hole. 


The  most  active  of  the  epigene  agencies  is  running  water, 
which  works  almost  everywhere  on  land  surfaces,  except 
where  it  is  replaced  by  the  solid  form,  ice.  In  most  deserts, 
even,  there  is  an  occasional  powerful  flow  of  temporary 
streams  resulting  from  some  sudden  downpour;  while  in  all 
ordinary  regions  water  flows  permanently  as  brooks  or  creeks 
or  rivers,  fed  by  rains  and  melting  snows  or  springs  or  glacier 
ice.  The  word  "brook"  has  practically  gone  out  of  use  in 
central  and  western  Canada,  "creek"  taking  its  place.  The 
distinction  between  creeks  and  rivers  is  very  indefinite,  the 
small,  easily-waded  stream  of  the  Don  at  Toronto  being  called 
a  river  in  Ontario,  while  the  Kicking  Horse,  with  a  volume  of 
water  like  the  Ottawa,  is  merely  a  creek  in  British  Columbia. 

The  work  of  running  water  includes  the  transport  of 
materials,  the  cutting  down  of  its  bed,  and  finally,  the  deposit 
of  the  materials  transported.  Fragments  of  rock  lose  from  a 
third  to  two-fifths  of  their  weight  in  the  water,  which  greatly 


aids  transport.  The  work  of  transport  and  abrasion  depends 
on  the  rate  of  motion  of  a  stream,  and  that  depends  on  the 
volume  of  water  and  the  grade  of  its  channel.  Friction  on 
its  bed  counts  for  far  more  with  a  small  stream  than  a  large 
one,  so  that  a  few  inches  of  slope  to  the  mile  suffice  to  keep 
a  large  river  like  the  Nile  or  the  Mississippi  moving  four  or 
five  miles  an  hour,  while  a  small  brook  may  need  a  slope  of 
several  feet  per  mile  to  cause  the  same  rate  of  flow. 

The  part  of  the  rainfall  which  flows  off  immediately  gathers 
into  temporary  rills  which  combine  with  others  and  presently 
join  some  permanent  stream;  while  permanent  streams  (creeks 
or  rivers)  generally  receive  a  part  of  their  supply  from  springs 
or  lakes  or  the  melting  ice  of  some  glacier. 

WATERSHEDS  AND  CATCHMENT  BASINS.  Each  river  has  its 
own  territory,  draining  all  the  water  precipitated  upon  it 
except  the  portion  removed  by  evaporation;  and  the  whole 
of  Canada  has  been  divided  up  into  drainage  systems,  tribu- 
tary usually  to  some  great  river  which  carries  its  waters  to 
the  sea.  The  amount  of  water  which  a  river  can  deliver,  say 
for  a  city  water  supply  or  as  a  source  of  power  at  some  water- 
fall, will  equal  the  rain  and  snowfall  of  the  region  minus  the 
evaporation;  and  in  estimating  the  continuous  supply  avail- 
able, one  should  take  the  amount  of  flow  at  the  stage  of 
lowest  water.  The  boundaries  of  these  catchment  basins  or 
drainage  areas  form  watersheds,  sometimes  called  divides  or 
heights  of  land. 

Watersheds  vary  greatly  in  their  character,  being  some- 
times low  and  swampy,  or  even  a  lake  which  has  an  outlet 
both  ways,  while,  on  the  other  hand,  a  sharp  mountain  ridge 
may  decide  whether  a  raindrop  shall  go  to  the  Atlantic  or 
the  Pacific.  One  of  the  most  notable  divides  in  the  world 
extends  along  the  southern  Rockies  between  Alberta  and 
British  Columbia,  where  tributaries  of  the  Missouri,  the 
Saskatchewan,  the  Mackenzie,  the  Columbia,  and  the  Eraser 
rivers  head  not  far  apart,  sending  their  waters  to  the  Gulf 
of  Mexico,  Hudson  bay,  the  Arctic  ocean,  and  the  Pacific 
ocean.  One  small  pool,  the  Committee's  Punch  Bowl,  on 
Athabasca  pass,  sends  a  rivulet  to  the  Columbia  and  another 
to  the  Mackenzie,  dividing  its  waters  between  the  Pacific  in 
Lat.  46°  and  the  Arctic  ocean  in  Lat.  68°.  The  Columbia 


snowfield  feeds  glacial  streams  whose  waters  reach  the  Pacific, 
the  Arctic,  and  the  Atlantic  oceans. 

Where  the  headwaters  of  two  rivers  flowing  in  opposite 
directions  meet  at  a  watershed,  one  of  them  may  have  a 
steeper  grade  and  a  larger  rainfall  and  so  cut  back  faster 
than  the  other,  encroaching  on  its  drainage  basin  and  finally 
"decapitating"  it,  thus  taking  possession  of  its  upper  valleys 
and  tributaries.  This  operation  is  sometimes  called  "piracy." 
The  headwaters  of  the  Columbia  illustrate  this. 

TRANSPORTING  POWER  OF  RIVERS.  The  power  of  rivers  to 
transport  materials  varies  as  the  sixth  power  of  their  velocity, 
so  that  a  rate  of  flow  of  half  a  mile  an  hour  can  transport 
only  sand  grains,  while  at  a  mile  an  hour  small  pebbles  can 
be  rolled  along,  and  at  two  miles  angular  stones  as  large  as 
eggs.  At  more  rapid  rates  large  pebbles  or  stones  can  be 
toppled  over  by  the  current  and  thus  be  moved  slowly  down- 
stream. With  one's  head  under  water  the  stones  can  be  heard 
striking  one  another. 

Angular  stones  thus  moved  along  the  bottom  have  their 
edges  broken  off  and  presently  become  rounded  pebbles,  and 
the  pebbles  grow  smaller  by  the  constant  wear  as  they  advance 
down-stream.  It  is  evident  that  the  rocks  forming  the  bed  of 
a  swiftly  flowing  river,  and  especially  of  a  mountain  torrent, 
will  be  constantly  abraded  by  the  rock  fragments  urged  along 
by  the  current.  This  cutting  of  the  bed  is  called  "corrasion." 
Clear  water  alone  does  no  work,  since  it  is  without  tools  for 
the  purpose;  and  streams  carrying  only  fine  particles,  like 
silt  and  sand,  may  polish  the  rock  beneath  but  cut  down 
their  bed  only  slightly. 

The  fragments  of  stone  moved  along  the  bottom  of  a 
stream  or  carried  in  suspension  are  called  its  load,  and  with 
a  given  rate  of  flow  only  a  fixed  amount  of  load  can  be  trans- 
ported. If  a  fully  loaded  stream  reaches  a  wide  part  of  its 
channel  with  a  gentler  grade  and  the  current  slackens,  some 
of  its  load  must  be  dropped.  At  such  points  its  bed  will  not 
be  cut  down,  but  will  be  filled  up,  and  the  stream  is  said  to 
aggrade  its  channel,  while  in  other  places  it  is  degrading  it. 

TYPES  OF  WORK  DONE  BY  RIVERS.  In  many  rivers  flowing 
from  mountains  to  the  sea  one  can  distinguish  a  swift  upper 
part  with  a  steep  grade,  an  intermediate  part  with  gentler 


but  irregular  grades,  and  a  part  flowing  through  a  flood  plain 
nearly  at  sea  level.  In  the  first  part  cutting  and  transport 
are  active  and  deep  V-shaped  valleys  or  even  steep  walled 
canyons  are  being  carved.  Where  there  are  eddies,  stones 
may  be  kept  revolving  as  grinding  tools  and  pot-holes  may 
result.  In  low-water  seasons  one  may  see  the  smoothly 
rounded  stones  lying  at  the  bottom  of  deep  beautifully  shaped 
wells  in  solid  rock.  Pot-hole  may  succeed  pot-hole ;  the  walls 
between  may  be  broken  through  and  thus  the  channel  is 

FIG.    22.     CANYON    OF    ABITIBI    RIVER,    ONTARIO 

deepened  fifteen  or  twenty  feet.  Pot-holes  may  be  studied 
along  the  Ottawa  and  other  Ontario  rivers. 

Canyons,  deep  and  long  gorges  cut  with  steep  or  nearly 
vertical  walls  of  rock,  are  scarcely  found  in  the  inhabited 
part  of  eastern  Canada,  but  are  well  displayed  in  the  western 
mountains,  as  along  Thompson  and  Fraser  rivers.  The  most 
famous  canyon  in  the  world,  that  of  the  Colorado  river,  is 
more  than  300  miles  long  and  in  places  more  than  5000  feet 
deep,  and  has  been  sawn  through  a  slowly  rising  tableland 
which  is  7000  feet  above  the  sea. 

In  its  intermediate  part  the  river  may  be  cutting  in  some 
places  and  filling  in  others,  thus  adjusting  its  grade. 

In  the  flood-plain  region,  as  the  name  suggests,  the  grade 
is  very  gentle,  the  current  slow,  and  in  seasons  of  heavy  rain 


or  melting  snow  the  river  may  overflow  its  channel  and  spread 
out  over  the  lowlands.  As  it  spreads  out  the  current  slackens, 
and  the  mud  which  is  being  carried  is  deposited  most  thickly 
on  the  banks  of  the  river,  but  to  a  less  extent  in  the  shallow 
lagoons  on  each  side.  This  means  that  the  floor  of  the  wide 
valley  or  plain  is  being  slowly  built  up  with  finely  ground 
materials  brought  from  above. 

Since  flood  plains  often  supply  rich  soils  and  are  thickly 
peopled,    the  behaviour    of    rivers    under    these    conditions 

FIG.    23.     MEANDERS    IN    FLOOD    PLAIN,    DON    RIVER,    TORONTO,    ONTARIO 

becomes  of  great  practical  importance,  as  in  the  Mississippi 
valley.  To  prevent  the  damage  done  by  floods,  levees  (em- 
bankments) are  built  to  keep  the  high  water  within  the 
regular  channel,  but  when  the  flood  slackens  the  mud  which 
would  have  been  deposited  on  the  plain  is  left  on  the  floor 
of  the  channel,  raising  it  from  year  to  year  until  some  greater 
flood  than  usual  breaks  the  levees  and  inundates  thousands 
of  acres.  In  northern  Italy  dikes  or  levees  along  the  lower 
reaches  of  the  Po  have  been  raised  so  high  that  the  surface 
of  the  river  is  above  the  roofs  of  the  neighbouring  villages. 

MEANDERS.  The  flood  plains  are  slowly  rising  by  the  addi- 
tion of  layer  after  layer  of  mud  or  silt,  but  the  formation  of 
meanders  tends,  in  the  long  run,  to  lower  them.  The  river 


Meander  in  Asia  Minor  was  famous  with  the  Greeks  for  its 
crooked  channel  and  has  given  its  name  to  the  windings  of 
all  rivers  in  their  flood  plains. 

If  a  straight  channel  is  dug  through  the  alluvial  deposits 
of  the  plain  for  the  use  of  the  river,  some  obstruction,  such  as 
a  boulder  or  an  undermined  tree,  deflects  the  current  a  little 
toward  one  side,  and  there  the  bank  is  attacked  and  rapidly 
carved  away.  Below  this  the  current  is  now  directed  against 
the  other  bank,  with  the  same  effect,  and  in  the  eddy  on  the 
inner  side  of  the  bend  mud  and  sand  are  being  built  up  into 
bars  which  are  dry  at  low  water. 

This  is  an  endless  process,  so  that  the  curves  grow  more  and 
more  extravagant  until  oxbow  bends  may  come  within  a 
short  distance  of  one  another.  In  the  meantime  the  length  of 
the  channel  grows  as  the  wriggling  increases,  and  the  slope 
per  mile  grows  less  proportionately  until  an  unusual  flood 
breaks  across  at  some  narrow  neck  between  bends  and  an 
"oxbow"  is  cut  off,  thus  shortening  the  channel  once  more. 
In  this  process  a  river  may  swing  from  one  side  to  another 
of  its  valley,  lowering  the  whole  width  of  the  floor,  usually 
leaving  on  one  or  both  sides  a  remnant  of  the  former  flood 
plain  as  a  terrace.  This  is  called  lateral  planation,  and  in 
course  of  time  the  plain  is  reduced  more  and  more  nearly  to 
sea  level  by  the  shifting  of  the  meanders. 

DELTAS  AND  ESTUARIES.  The  final  destination  of  the  river- 
borne  mud,  silt,  or  sand  is  the  sea  or  some  inland  lake.  As  the 
flow  of  the  river  ceases  when  it  enters  the  sea,  the  solids 
brought  with  it  are  deposited,  the  work  being  aided  by  the 
coagulating  power  of  the  salts  of  the  sea;  and  a  bar  grows 
up  at  its  mouth  if  the  sea  is  not  too  stormy  or  strongly  tidal. 
From  time  to  time  the  river  bursts  a  way  through  the  bar 
and  begins  a  new  one  farther  out,  and  so  an  amphibious 
region  is  built  out  into  the  shallow  water,  gradually  expand- 
ing and  often  traversed  by  several  channels  or  distributaries. 
The  flat  islands  thus  formed  are  roughly  triangular,  like  the 
A  (delta)  of  the  Greeks,  and  the  name  delta,  given  to  these 
structures  at  the  mouth  of  the  Nile,  is  now  generally  used. 

There  are  small  deltas  at  the  mouth  of  many  rivers 
in  Canada,  as  that  of  the  Kaministiquia  at  Fort  William, 
or  of  the  Fraser  at  Westminster;  and  one  very  large,  but 



unfortunately  useless  one,  where  the  Mackenzie  river  enters 
the  Arctic  ocean. 

The  greatest  and  most  carefully  studied  delta  of  North 
America  is  that  of  the  Mississippi,  which  covers  12,300  square 
miles  and  has  a  thickness  of  630  feet  at  New  Orleans.  It  is 
constantly  growing,  since  the  river  carries  down  solids  enough 
in  a  year  to  build  up  a  square  mile  of  sea  bottom  268  feet. 

Where  a  river  enters  a  stormy  or  strongly  tidal  sea,  the 
load  it  delivers  is  quickly  removed  and  spread  out  on  the  sea 
bottom  so  that  no  delta  is  formed.  Instead  there  is  a  funnel- 



shaped  opening  called  an  estuary  where  the  tides  boil  in  and 
out,  scouring  the  channel  clean.  Many  seaports  are  formed  in 
this  way,  especially  round  the  coasts  of  England.  Ports  in 
New  Brunswick  and  Nova  Scotia  along  the  Bay  of  Fundy  are 
largely  of  this  type. 

FEATURES  OF  YOUTHFUL  RIVERS.  An  old  river  has  had 
time  to  grade  its  channel,  forming  a  gradually  steepening 
curve  from  its  mouth  at  sea  level  to  its  headwaters  in  some 
mountain  torrent ;  but  young  rivers  have  not,  and  show  many 
irregularities  because  of  the  lack  of  adjustment.  These 
accidental  features  include  falls  and  rapids  and  lake  basins. 
Practically  all  Canadian  rivers  except  the  Yukon,  which  is 
only  partly  Canadian,  have  a  very  youthful  aspect,  since  the 



work  of  the  Ice  Age  blocked  the  old  channels  and  forced  the 
drainage  into  new  routes  when  the  ice  sheets  were  thawed 
away.  As  a  result  our  rivers  have  accidental  channels,  often 
mere  spillways  from  basin  to  basin,  and  there  are  falls 
and  rapids  on  almost  all  of  them.  Both  of  these  youthful 
features,  lakes  and  falls,  are  of  great  practical  importance 
to  the  country. 

Given  time  enough  and  rock  fragments  as  tools,  falls  are 
worn  away  and  transformed  into  rapids,  rapids  lengthen  out 
and  grow  less  steep,  and  ultimately  a  uniform  grade  is  reached. 
In  the  case  of  lakes,  deltas  niay  be  built  out  into  them  and 
ultimately  the  basin  may  be  filled,  leaving  only  a  marsh;  or 
the  outlet  may  be  cut  down,  partially  draining  the  basin,  so 
that  lakes  also  are  ephemeral  features  of  a  river  system. 


The  Great  Lakes  with  their  connecting  rivers  ending  in 
the  St.  Lawrence  provide  a  typical  example  of  a  youthful 
river  system.  At  its  head  is  Lake  Nipigon,  850  feet  above  the 
sea,  connected  with  Lake  Superior  by  Nipigon  river  with 
fine  rapids  and  falls.  Lake  Superior,  the  largest  area  of  fresh 
water  in  the  world,  is  601  feet  above  the  sea  and  is  drained 
by  St.  Mary's  river  into  Lake  Huron  with  a  descent  of  22 
or  23  feet,  of  which  18  occur  at  the  rapicls  of  Sault  Ste.  Marie. 
Lake  Huron  is  joined  to  Lake  Erie  by  the  St.  Clair  and  Detroit 
rivers,  having  only  a  slight  fall.  Niagara  river  connects 
Lake  Erie  (575  feet)  with  Lake  Ontario  (246  feet)  and  in- 
cludes miles  of  quiet  water,  tremendous  rapids,  and  the  Falls 
of  Niagara,  having  a  vertical  drop  of  160  feet. 

Niagara  Falls  has  some  unique  features.  It  has  lasted  as  a 
vertical  fall  for  thousands  of  years,  beginning  at  the  escarp- 
ment near  Queenston  and  cutting  its  way  back  six  and  a 
half  miles  to  its  present  position.  The  reason  for  this  is  found 
in  the  character  of  the  rocks  of  the  escarpment,  hard  dolo- 
mitic  limestone  on  top  and  mainly  soft  shale  beneath.  The 
shale  is  easily  attacked  by  the  eddying  waters  and  is  undercut. 
From  time  to  time  blocks  of  the  overlying  limestone  are 
undermined  and  fall,  to  be  whirled  as  missiles  against  the 
shale  beneath,  helping  on  the  work  of  recession. 



From  Lake  Ontario  the  St.  Lawrence  flows  with  many 
rapids  and  a  total  fall  of  246  feet  to  the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence. 

All  of  the  Great  Lakes  except  Lake  Erie  reach  depths  below 
sea  level,  so  that  they  never  can  be  drained  by  cutting  down 
their  outlets,  and  the  rivers  flowing  into  them  bear  little 
sediment,  so  that  the  process  of  filling  them  with  delta 
materials  would  be  enormously  long.  From  the  human  point 
of  view  the  system  is  very  permanent. 

The  Great  Lakes  and  the  rivers  joining  them  have  had  a 
powerful  influence  on  the  life  of  the  adjoining  regions.  The 
lakes  with  their  connecting  canals  permit  navigation  to  the 
heart  of  North  America,  while  the  falls  and  rapids  on  the 
rivers  furnish  power  to  all  the  cities  within  reach.  A  scarcely 
noticeable  part  of  the  water  of  Niagara  Falls  supplies  Buffalo, 
Toronto,  and  a  dozen  smaller  cities  with  light  and  power;  and 
a  new  installation  utilising  a  fall  of  300  feet  will  soon  almost 
double  the  amount  of  power  available. 

Many  other  Canadian  rivers  have  similar  conditions,  though 
on  a  smaller  scale.  The  youthful  character  of  the  rivers  of  a 
country  is  evidently  a  matter  of  great  economic  importance. 

It  is  perhaps  worthy  of  note  that  each  section  of  river 
linking  two  of  the  lakes  has  a  separate  name,  as  the  Nipigon, 
the  St.  Marys,  etc.,  though  the  whole  chain  makes  up  a 
single  drainage  system,  that  of  the  St.  Lawrence.  The 
Mackenzie  and  the  Nelson  also  change  their  names  above 
lakes  on  their  course. 

PENEPLANATION.  Rivers  and  their  tributaries  are  continu- 
ally cutting  down  their  valleys  toward  base  level,  and  as  a 
result  the  hills  or  mountains  forming  the  watersheds  are 
slowly  lowered,  the  grades  becoming  more  and  more  reduced 
even  at  the  headwaters,  and  the  country  becoming  approxi- 
mately level  with  only  gentle  elevations  between  the  drainage 
areas  of  the  sluggish  rivers.  If  the  process  were  carried  to  the 
eid  a  real  plain  might  result,  but  so  far  as  known  this  stage 
has  never  been  reached.  The  nearly  level  surface  attained, 
with  only  slight  slopes  and  low  hills  or  ridges,  has  been  called 
a  peneplain  (almost  plain) . 

Peneplains  mean,  of  course,  that  the  region  has  remained 
stationary  for  an  immense  length  of  time,  since  any  rising  or 
sinking  of  the  land  as  compared  with  sea  level  would  interrupt 


the  process.  An  important  rise  of  the  land  would  rejuvenate 
all  the  rivers,  which  would  begin  a  new  "cycle  of  erosion" 
and  start  the  work  of  destruction  all  over  again. 

It  is  believed  that  the  Pre- Cambrian  region  of  Ontario  and 
Quebec  is  an  example  of  a  peneplain  which  has  been  elevated, 
so  that  all  the  rivers  flowing  outwards  have  many  waterfalls 
and  a  descent  of  hundreds  of  feet  on  their  way  to  Lake 
Superior  or  the  St.  Lawrence.  The  region  is  not  now  level, 
but  is  made  up  of  low  hills  and  shallow  valleys.  Looking  out 
from  a  hill  top  one  usually  sees  that  all  the  hills  in  sight  rise 

FIG.    27.     WAVES,    NEWCASTLE,    NEW    SOUTH    WALES 

to  the  same  flat  skyline,  that  of  the  original  peneplain.  A 
rare  residual  hill  rising  distinctly  above  the  rest  because  it 
resisted  erosion  better  is  called  a  monadnock,  from  a  mountain 
of  that  kind  in  the  eastern  United  States. 


In  standing  water,  work  of  geological  importance  may  be 
done  in  three  ways — by  waves,  currents,  and  tides;  but  in 
the  smaller  bodies,  such  as  lakes,  only  waves  are  of  much 

DESTRUCTIVE  WORK  OF  WAVES.  Waves  are  undulations 
of  the  water  caused  by  wind,  and  as  these  undulations  do 



not  usually  go  to  great  depths,  their  effects  are  noticeable 
only  in  shallow  water  and  on  the  shore.  As  a  wave  approaches 
the  shore  its  lower  part  is  hampered  in  its  motion  and  the 
upper  part  tends  to  topple  over  as  a  breaker.  The  dashing  of 
breakers  is  a  powerful  mode  of  attack  resulting  in  destruction 
of  the  shore,  forming  a  cliff  where  the  land  is  high  and  removing 
and  assorting  the  debris  to  form  a  beach.  Coarser  fragments 
are  piled  up  near  the  foot  of  the  cliff,  while  the  undertow  of 

Photo,  by  Professor  Clarkson 
FIG.    28.     WAVE    EROSION,    CAPE    BLOMIDON,    NOVA    SCOTIA 

the  wave  by  which  the  water  dashed  up,  returns  to  its  proper 
level,  drags  sand  and  mud  back  with  it,  distributing  them  on 
the  bottom.  Since  waves  rarely  strike  the  shore  squarely,  but 
usually  at  an  angle,  the  materials  of  the  beach  will  be  shifted 
along  shore  in  the  direction  toward  which  the  wind  is  blowing. 
For  example,  where  the  effective  storm  winds  come  from  the 
east  the  beach  materials  will  slowly  march  westwards. 

The  destruction  of  the  shore  is  largely  effected  by  the 
undercutting  of  cliffs,  slices  slipping  down  from  time  to  time 
and  the  materials  being  worked  over  by  the  waves  as  sug- 



gested  above.  This  means  the  recession  of  promontories 
under  wave  action.  The  cliffs  at  Scarboro  near  Toronto 
are  receding  at  an  average  rate  of  1-62  feet  per  annum; 
and  on  the  stormy  coasts  of  England  the  shore  has  in 
places  receded  for  hundreds  of  yards  or  even  miles  within 
historic  times. 

CONSTRUCTIVE  WORK  OF  WAVES.  On  the  other  hand,  the 
gravel  and  sand  urged  along  shore  by  waves  from  the  direc- 
tion of  the  prevalent  storm  winds  are  built  out  into  the  next 
bay,  forming  a  spit.  If  the  bay  is  shallow  the  spit  may 



gradually  extend  across  its  mouth,  forming  a  bar,  perhaps 
completely  cutting  it  off  as  a  separate  body  of  water.  This  is 
shown  at  Hamilton  bay  at  the  western  end  of  Lake  Ontario, 
which  is  enclosed  by  the  bar  called  Burlington  Beach.  Where 
the  bay  is  deep  the  spit  extends  only  as  far  as  shallow  water 
will  permit  and  then  bends  inwards  as  a  hook.  In  time  hook 
after  hook  will  be  built  into  the  deeper  water,  perhaps  forming 
a  considerable  area  of  land  with  unfilled  lagoons  between  the 
separate  advances.  Toronto  island  is  a  good  example  of  this. 
Either  a  bar  or  a  hook  may  enclose  a  well-sheltered  harbour 
and  serve  as  the  starting-point  for  a  city. 

The  new  land  built  by  the  waves  can  never  rise  higher  than 
wave-work  permits,  on  Lake  Ontario  about  five  feet  above 


water  level,  and  often  much  larger  areas,  called  shoals, 
remain  under  water. 

The  general  effect  of  waves  is  to  smooth  out  the  irregu- 
larities of  shores,  cutting  off  promontories,  and  stretching 
bars  across  bays.  This  is  well  seen  on  the  shores  of  Prince 
Edward  island  and  in  other  regions  on  the  Atlantic  coast.  A 
shore  is  said  to  be  young  when  its  outline  is  ragged,  and  old 
when  wave-work  is  nearly  complete. 

A  change  of  level  may  transform  an  old  shore  into  a  young 
one,  as  along  our  Atlantic  coast  where  the  land  rose  after  the 
Ice  Age.  Depression  often  provides  harbours,  like  that  of 
Sydney  in  Australia. 

OCEAN  CURRENTS.  Currents  in  lakes  are  not  of  much 
geological  importance,  but  ocean  currents  may  have  much 
significance,  especially  as  affecting  climates  and  the  geo- 
logical forces  depending  on  climate. 

The  most  important  currents  are  caused  mainly  by  prevalent 
winds,  particularly  the  steadiest  of  all  winds,  the  trades.  As 
these  north-easterly  and  south-easterly  winds  constantly  urge 
the  waters  of  tropical  seas  westwards,  a  surface  drift  is  set 
up  in  that  direction.  In  the  case  of  the  Atlantic  this  drift 
impinges  on  the  north  coast  of  South  America  and  is  bent 
north-westwards  into  the  Caribbean  sea  and  then  into  the 
Gulf  of  Mexico,  where  the  waters  are  entrapped.  After 
doubling  back  to  the  south-east  the  waters  escape  as  a  well- 
marked  current,  "a  river  in  the  ocean,"  round  the  end  of 
Florida,  and  follow  the  coast  to  Cape  Hatteras.  From  this 
point  the  warm  water  of  the  Gulf  Stream  spreads  out  over 
the  surface  and  loses  the  character  of  a  definite  current,  but 
gradually  makes  its  way  north-east  across  the  Atlantic  as  a 
surface  drift.  Part  of  the  water  turns  southwards,  completing 
the  circle  round  the  vast  eddy  of  the  Sargasso  sea,  part 
moves  northwards  along  the  European  coast,  reaching  the 
Arctic  ocean  and  even  touching  north-western  Russia.  Iceland 
feels  its  effects  and  a  tongue  touches  the  south-west  side 
of  Greenland. 

On  the  other  hand,  a  return  current  of  icy  water  laden  with 
bergs  comes  down  from  Davis  strait  along  the  coast  of 
Labrador  to  Newfoundland  and  bends  westwards  past  Nova 
Scotia  to  New  England. 


The  climatic  effects  of  the  Gulf  Stream  and  the  Labrador 
current  are  most  striking.  Northern  Labrador  is  treeless  and 
arctic,  with  only  two  or  three  months  of  foggy  and  chill 
summer  in  the  year,  while  the  corresponding  coast  of  Europe 
includes  the  comparatively  mild  regions  of  Scotland  and 
southern  Norway.  Harbours  are  open  all  the  year  as  far  north 
as  Hammerfest,  well  within  the  Arctic  Circle,  while  the 
harbour  of  Quebec,  far  south  of  London,  is  closed  for  five- 
months.  The  same  relation  seems  to  have  held  during  the 
Ice  Age,  for  the  European  ice  sheet  reached  Lat.  52°  only, 
leaving  the  southern  edge  of  England  uncovered,  while  the 
Labrador  sheet  in  America  reached  Cincinnati  in  Lat.  38°. 

On  the  Pacific  coast  the  Japan  current  produces  much  the 
same  effect  as  the  Gulf  Stream,  giving  a  mild  climate  even  in 
southern  Alaska.  Prince  Rupert  in  Lat.  54°  is  never  blocked 
by  ice,  and  the  summer  isotherms  of  northern  Alberta  and 
British  Columbia  bend  away  to  the  north.  The  contrasts 
between  the  climates  of  the  Pacific  and  Atlantic  coasts  of 
Canada  are  almost  as  striking  as  those  on  the  two  sides 
of  the  Atlantic. 

In  the  southern  hemisphere  the  cold  Humboldt  current 
brings  a  temperate  climate  along  the  western  coast  of  South 
America  to  within  three  or  four  degrees  of  the  equator;  but  in 
general,  ocean  currents  are  of  less  importance  than  in  the  north. 

TIDES.  Even  on  great  lakes,  like  Superior,  tides  are  insigni- 
ficant, but  on  many  sea  coasts  they  are  prominent  geological 
factors.  In  a  general  way  tides  are  caused  by  the  differential 
attraction  of  the  moon  and  sun  on  the  water  of  the  ocean  and 
on  the  earth  as  a  whole.  The  sea  on  the  side  towards  the 
moon  is  4000  miles  nearer  than  the  centre  of  the  earth  and 
is  therefore  pulled  toward  it;  while  on  the  opposite  side  it 
is  4000  miles  farther  away  than  the  centre  of  the  earth  and 
so  is  left  behind.  Thus  two  tides  are  caused  by  the  attraction 
of  the  moon,  one  on  the  side  towards  it  and  the  other  on  the 
side  opposite.  The  same  is  true  of  the  sun  but  on  a  smaller 
scale,  since  the  sun  is  so  much  farther  away.  The  highest  or 
"spring"  tides  occur  when  the  moon  and  sun  are  either  on 
the  same  or  on  opposite  sides  of  the  earth,  and  the  lowest  or 
"neap"  tides  when  they  are  at  right  angles  to  one  another 
and  pulling  at  cross  purposes. 



FIG.    31.     TIDE    AT    WOLFVILLE    ON    BAY    OF    FUNDY 
(a)  In.   (b)  Out. 


In  the  open  ocean  the  tides  average  from  four  to  six  feet, 
but  on  many  shores  where  funnel-shaped  bays  lead  inland 
they  are  compressed  and  become  much  higher,  as  at  Quebec, 
where  they  reach  fourteen  or  eighteen  feet.  On  the  Bay  of 
Fundy  and  at  Cape  Chidley  at  the  north  end  of  Labrador, 
tides  may  rise  forty  or  fifty  feet  or  even  higher  under  special 
circumstances  and  do  a  large  amount  of  work. 

It  might  be  supposed  that  the  west  side  of  America  would 
be  sheltered  from  the  tides,  but  when  the  great  oceans  are 
stirred  by  these  motions  they  spread  in  all  directions  and  are 
almost  as  marked  in  Vancouver  Harbour  as  at  Quebec. 

Twice  a  day  the  tide  advances  upon  the  land  and  then 
recedes.  In  narrow  bays  like  Fundy  it  rushes  in  as  a  powerful 
current  and  even  moves  as  a  low  wall  of  water  far  up  rivers, 
causing  a  "bore."  This  is  well  seen  at  Moncton. 

These  inward  and  outward  motions  stir  up  the  mud  in 
shallow  waters,  making  the  sea  red  instead  of  blue  along  the 
Fundy  shores,  and  evidently  scour  the  bottom  and  transport 
mud  to  the  deeper  water  off  shore. 

Tidal  currents  between  islands  and  the  mainland,  as  at 
Seymour  Narrows  north  of  Vancouver,  may  be  so  powerful 
that  vessels  cannot  make  headway  against  them  and  must 
anchor  till  they  change.  It  is  proposed  to  use  the  Fundy  tide, 
rushing  between  an  islet  and  the  shore  near  Cape  Blomidon, 
as  a  source  of  power,  the  main  difficulty  being  that  the  current 
is  reversed  every  six  hours.  To  make  use  of  tidal  power  means 
setting  to  work  part  of  the  energy  of  rotation  of  the  earth. 

In  Evangeline's  country  the  great  tidal  meadows  are  diked, 
and  by  admitting  the  tide  at  high  water  and  allowing  it  to 
deposit  its  mud  before  releasing  it,  the  surface  has  been 
built  up  to  higher  levels  in  the  region  of  Grand  iPre. 

There  can  be  no  doubt  that  tidal  friction  serves  as  a 
brake  on  the  rotation  of  the  earth  and  is  very  gradually 
lengthening  the  day. 

THE  SALTS  OF  THE  SEA.  The  saltness  of  the  sea  is  one  of  its 
most  striking  features  and, is  of  great  interest  geologically. 
As  all  rivers  which  flow  to  the  sea  carry  down  various  salts 
in  solution,  while  the  water  evaporated  from  the  sea  is  pure, 
it  is  evident  that  the  salts  must  accumulate  from  age  to  age. 
The  length  of  geological  time  has  even  been  calculated  at 


about  90,000,000  years  by  dividing  the  annual  increment  of 
sodium  as  brought  in  by  rivers  into  the  total  amount  of  sodium 
contained  in  the  salts  of  the  sea. 

If  100  pounds  of  sea  water  are  evaporated  about  3!  pounds 
of  solids  remain,  nearly  78  per  cent,  being  sodium  chloride, 
ii  per  cent,  magnesium  chloride,  giving  sea  water  its  bitter 
taste,  and  the  rest  various  salts  in  smaller  amounts,  including 
sulphates  of  magnesium,  calcium,  and  potassium.  It  seems 
curious  that  the  commonest  substance  in  spring  or  river 
water,  calcium  carbonate,  is  present  only  in  very  small 
amounts;  but  this  is  accounted  for  by  the  work  of  marine 
animals  and  to  a  less  extent  plants,  which  are  constantly 
removing  it  to  build  shells,  coral,  etc. 

The  salts  are  very  uniformly  distributed  through  the  open 
sea,  analyses  showing  practically  the  same  amounts  wherever 
the  samples  are  collected,  even  when  taken  from  great  depths 
when  sounding,  and  it  is  certain  that  there  is  a  great  but  slow 
system  of  circulation  keeping  the  waters  thoroughly  mixed, 
the  cold  arctic  waters  sinking  and  travelling  towards  the 
equator,  while  the  warm  equatorial  waters  spread  super- 
ficially toward  the  poles.  Even  under  the  equator  the  water 
at  great  depths  is  not  more  than  a  degree  or  two  above 
the  freezing  point. 

This  circulation  carries  down  oxygen  in  solution  also, 
providing  for  the  needs  of  the  deep-sea  animals  and  removing 
the  carbon  dioxide  formed  by  their  breathing. 

While  the  salts  of  the  sea  are  constantly  accumulating  there 
are  means  also  by  which  they  can  be  removed.  If  a  bay 
is  cut  off  by  a  bar  or  by  a  change  of  level  of  the  bottom 
in  a  region  of  desert  climate,  the  water  will  be  evaporated 
and  a  bed  of  salt  deposited.  This  process  may  be  repeated 
several  times,  forming  bed  after  bed  of  salt  separated 
by  shale  or  impure  limestone,  as  in  the  salt  region  of 
south-western  Ontario. 

DEPOSITS  IN  SALT  LAKES.  Similar  deposits  are  formed  in 
inland  regions  with  a  dry  climate  where  rivers  supply  salts  in 
solution  to  lakes  without  outlets;  but  the  salts  may  vary 
greatly  in  character  according  to  the  soluble  materials 
contained  in  the  soils  through  which  the  rivers  flow. 

In  Canada  lakes  without  outlets  are  found  in  the  drier 


parts  of  Saskatchewan,  Alberta,  and  British  Columbia.  Some 
of  these  lakes,  such  as  the  Quill  lakes  and  Old  Wives  lakes, 
are  extensive  and  have  several  streams  flowing  into  them, 
but  are  not  heavily  charged  with  salts.  In  western  Canada 
lakes  of  this  kind  are  usually  called  alkaline,  though  most 
of  them  contain  only  neutral  salts,  such  as  sodium  or  mag- 
nesium sulphate.  A  few  are  actually  salt  lakes  charged  with 
common  salt.  In  central  British  Columbia  there  are  several 
small  lakes  containing  special  salts,  some  having  practical 
value,  like  the  deposits  of  hydromagnesite  near  Clinton  and 


at  Atlin,  and  the  ponds  with  epsomite  and  sodium  carbonate 
near  the  former  place. 

More  famous  salt  lakes  occur  in  countries  having  actual 
deserts.  For  instance,  Great  Salt  lake  in  Utah  is  a  saturated 
solution  and  is  depositing  salt,  and  the  Dead  Sea  of  Palestine 
is  of  the  same  kind.  Dried-up  lakes  on  the  tableland  of 
Bolivia  are  white  with  borax,  and  several  other  salts  are 
deposited  in  desert  lakes  in  different  parts  of  the  world. 

MARINE  DEPOSITS.  Gravel,  sand,  and  mud  derived  from 
the  attack  of  waves  on  the  shore  or  brought  in  by  rivers  are 
deposited  in  the  shallow  waters  offshore;  but  "  terrigenous" 
deposits,  as  these  are  called,  play  only  a  small  part  in  the 
deposits  of  deeper  seas.  Beyond  the  shelf  bordering  the 


continents,  often  for  a  width  of  150  or  200  miles,  the 
bottom  sinks  rapidly  to  great  depths,  reached  only  by  the 
finer  muddy  products  or  by  volcanic  ash  or  pumice.  With 
these  materials  there  are  innumerable  microscopic  shells  of 
foraminifers,  forming  a  greyish  ooze.  Below  2000  fathoms 
there  is  sufficient  carbon  dioxide  present  to  dissolve  shells 
formed  of  lime,  and  the  abyssal  deposits  below  this  are 
formed  with  extreme  slowness.  Siliceous  shells,  small  con- 
cretions of  oxide  of  manganese,  teeth  of  sharks,  and 
ear-bones  of  whales,  the  most  resistant  parts  of  their 
structure,  may  be  dredged  from  even  the  deepest  seas. 

There  seems  to  be  a  small  amount  of  life  existing  at  even 
the  greatest  depths  in  total  darkness  and  a  nearly  freezing 
temperature,  the  organic  matter  slowly  settling  to  the  bottom, 
from  the  death  of  creatures  near  the  surface,  supplying  the 
necessary  food. 


Water  in  the  solid  state  appears  as  skeleton  crystals  in 
snow  and  also  in  the  massive  form  as  ice.  Snow  entangles 
much  air  in  its  descent  and  thus  forms  a  non-conducting 
covering  for  the  earth,  practically  putting  an  end  to  epigene 
work  for  the  time.  Snow  may  also  be  considered  a  reservoir 
of  water  which  is  discharged  when  the  thaw  comes  in  spring. 
Most  Canadian  rivers  have  their  greatest  floods  then,  and  do 
more  work  in  the  time  of  melting  snows  than  in  all  the  rest  of 
the  year.  The  annual  floods  of  the  Thames  and  Grand  rivers 
illustrate  this. 

Most  rivers  and  all  but  the  largest  lakes  freeze  over  in 
winter  in  our  climate,  sometimes  to  a  thickness  of  two  or 
three  feet.  The  ice  covering  a  lake  expands  with  a  rising 
temperature  like  any  other  solid,  and  may  push  boulders 
outwards  along  the  shore,  sometimes  forming  a  kind  of  wall 
or  rampart  in  this  way,  as  at  Lake  Simcoe. 

Rocks  frozen  into  the  ice  along  shore  may  be  rafted  off 
when  the  ice  breaks  up,  and  afterwards  may  be  left  stranded 
at  some  other  point.  The  large  blocks  often  piled  on  exposed 
points  in  the  Thousand  islands,  River  St.  Lawrence,  have 
been  transported  in  this  way.  Ground  ice  formed  at  the 



bottom  of  rapid  rivers,  as  in  the  Hudson  Bay  region,  may 
also  float  off  boulders  to  be  dropped  when  the  ice  melts 
with  the  advance  of  spring. 

GLACIERS.  The  most  important  work  of  ice  is  done,  however, 
in  places  where  snow  lies  permanently,  as  on  high  mountains 
or  in  the  Arctic  regions.  In  all  parts  of  the  world,  even  under 
the  equator,  there  is  an  altitude  above  which  the  snow  does 
not  melt  in  summer.  This  level  is  called  the  snowiine,  and  it 
is  fixed  partly  by  the  temperature  and  partly  by  the  amount 
of  snowfall.  In  southern  Canada  perpetual  snow  is  found  in 

FIG..  33.      ICE    RAMPART,    LAKE    SIMCOE,    ONTARIO 

the  eastern  Rocky  mountains  at  about  9000  feet  and  in  the 
western  Selkirks  at  7500  feet,  the  latter  facing  .the  Pacific 
and  having  a  snowfall  often  reaching  from  thirty  to  fifty  feet 
per  annum.  Farther  north  the  snowiine  lowers,  while  toward 
the  equator  it  rises  and  sometimes  reaches  16,000  feet  or 
more  in  the  tropics. 

From  steep  slopes  the  snow  may  slide  down  bodily  into  the 
valleys,  especially  toward  spring,  sweeping  everything  movable 
with  it  and  mowing  down  forest  trees  in  its  path.  The  Canadian 
Pacific  Railway  has  built  many  miles  of  snowsheds  to  protect 
its  line  from  such  snowslides  or  avalanches.  In  most  cases, 
however,  the  slopes  above  snowiine  are  not  steep  enough  for 
slides,  and  the  snow  heaps  up  year  after  year  until  hundreds 



of  feet  may  accumulate.    Permanent  snow  receives  the  name 
of  neve  from  the  Alps  where  glaciers  were  first  studied. 

The  pressure  of  overlying  snow  and  a  small  amount  of 
melting  and  freezing  gradually  turn  the  lower  layers  into  ice 
which  generally  has  a  distinct  stratification.  The  ice  thus 

Photo,  by  A.O.  Wheeler 


formed  moves  down  below  the  snowline  into  the  valley  and 
is  called  a  glacier,  which  ends  where  the  rising  tempera- 
ture at  lower  levels  thaws  the  ice  as  fast  as  it  descends. 
As  the  whole  ice  field  tends  to  pull  away  from  the  sides  of 
the  valley,  an  irregular  gap  is  left  round  the  upper  edge, 
called  a  "  bergschrund." 

The  motion  of  a  solid  substance  like  ice  merely  under  the 



pressure  of  its  own  weight  is  not  easily  explained,  though  the 
fact  of  "regelation"  aids  in  its  movements.  Water  expands 
when  freezing,  unlike  almost  all  other  substances,  so  that 
pressure  lowers  the  freezing  point,  and  where  the  pressure  is 
greatest  the  ice  may  change  to  water,  which  slips  to  a  point 
of  less  pressure  and  becomes  solid  again.  Glaciers  are  made 
up  of  separate  grains  or  small  individual  masses  of  ice  which 
can  move  among  themselves  under  pressure  and  become 
re-cemented  when  the  pressure  slackens;  and  glaciers  can 

FIG.  35. 

Photo,  by  Byron  Harmone 


adjust  themselves  to  changes  of  grade  by  breaking  across, 
also,  forming  crevasses,  great  fissures  often  extending  to  the 
bottom.  When  the  obstruction  is  past,  regelation  comes  into 
play  and  the  ice  becomes  solid  once  more.  On  steep  irregular 
descents  the  glacier  is  often  broken  up  into  ice  pinnacles 
called  semes,  which  disappear,  however,  lower  down. 

The  flow  of  glaciers  is  like  that  of  a  plastic  body,  such 
as  pitch,  and  their  motions  are  very  slow,  usually  not  more 
than  one  foot  a  day  and  never  more  than  sixty  feet.  The 
centre  of  a  glacier  moves  faster  than  the  edges  owing  to 
friction  on  the  floor  of  the  valley. 



As  the  ice  is  solid,  any  rocks  or  .debris  slipping  down  from 
the  cliffs  alongside  are  carried  down  on  its  surface  as  "  lateral 

Photo,  by  Melson 

moraines."     When  glaciers  meet,  the  two  adjoining  lateral 
moraines  join  to  make  a  "medial  moraine";    and  where  the 


ice  finally  melts,  all  the  transported  material  is  dumped  in  a 
crescent-shaped  ridge  called  a  "  terminal  moraine." 





Work  is  also  done  beneath  the  ice,  where  all  loose  bits  of 
rock  are  frozen  in  and  used  as  chisels  and  gouges,   while 

the  finer  stuff  serves  as 
sand-paper  and  polishing 

^^^^PPK^BHIM^  i    P°wder-      The   mass   of 
i&$3mbmit?mmBmrm    rocks  and  finely  ground 

"rock  flour"  dragged 
along  in  the  lower  part 
of  the  ice  is  left  behind  as 
boulder  clay  or  till  when 
the  ice  melts.  Many 

/^f      flip      t;tonp^      in      tVif* 

j/  r\ .' £*'  J  ;*  ***,'* j^. ^  *-» '  it  f"V  **%'*•  \H£**  4Jfci^^M«v  ^fJ'-'tSi  Liiv./       OL\-Fiivo        ill        im* 

r  ^.^*jfcsJiiiyil26Sif^x  S?^'f     clay  have  their  corners 

blunted  and  have  smooth 
faces  ground  upon  them, 
which  may  be  scratched 
WITH  STRIATED  by  hard  projecting  points 
as  they  are  forced  along. 

Such  stones  are  called  soled  boulders  or  striated  stones,  and 

are  very  characteristic  of  ice  action,  since  no  other  agency 

produces  such  effects.     Scattered  stones  left  after  the  glacier 

melts  are  called  erratics. 

The  rock  surface  beneath  the  ice  also  may  be  polished  and 

striated,  and  hills  of  harder 

rock    may    have    rounded 

forms    on    the    side    from 

which  the  ice  advanced,  and 

are  called  roches  moutonnees 

(sheep  rocks) .    In  the  lee  of 

such  hills  of   rock  boulder 

clay  or   loose    debris    may 

be    protected,    giving    the 

arrangement      called     crag 

and  tail. 

Since    glaciers    move    so 

slowly    as    compared   with 

water,  to  drain  a  given  area    FIG. ^  39 

they  must  have   an  enor- 
mously greater  channel.     Accordingly  the  former  V-shaped 

river  channels  are  enlarged  and  carved  into  wide  and  deep 




U-shaped  valleys  when  ice  occupies  a  region.  Finally,  small 
mountain  glaciers  hollow  for  themselves  armchair-like  nests 
called  cirques.  All  of  the  features  mentioned  above  are  well 
seen  in  the  Rocky  mountains  below  the  present  level  of  ice 
action,  and  all  but  the  U-shaped  valleys  and  cirques  are 
typically  shown  in  eastern  Canada  as  a  result  of  glaciation 
in  the  Ice  Age.  Where  a  U-shaped  valley  has  sunk  below  sea 
level  it  forms  a  long  narrow  inlet  called  a  fiord.  The  ragged 
outlines  of  the  coast  of  British  Columbia,  Labrador,  and  other 
regions  once  glaciated  illustrate  this  feature  excellently. 



ICEBERGS.  Where  glaciers  reach  the  sea,  masses  of  ice  break 
off  and  float  away  as  icebergs.  These  may  be  of  all  shapes 
and  sizes,  some  in  the  Antarctic  regions  even  reaching  several 
square  miles  in  dimensions.  Any  morainic  material  upon  the 
ice  is  carried  along  by  the  icebergs.  Thousands  of  bergs 
"calved"  from  the  Greenland  glaciers  are  carried  in  long 
processions  southwards  by  the  Labrador  Current,  at  the 
rate  of  about  a  mile  an  hour.  These  often  reach  the  Banks  of 
Newfoundland  and  get  aground  there,  where  the  warmer  air 
and  water  rapidly  melt  them,  dropping  their  load  of  clay  and 
stones  upon  the  banks,  which  are  being  built  up  of  materials 
freighted  from  Greenland,  a  thousand  miles  away. 



A  few  of  the  bergs  go  still  farther  south  and  get  into  the 
path  of  the  transatlantic  steamers  before  finally  melting. 


The  whole  series  of  deposits  formed  by  ice  and  by  the 
glacio-natant  waters — waters  coming  from  the  marginal  melting 
of  the  ice  sheets — is  called  drift.  The  greater  part  of  Canada 
is  covered  by  drift,  those  areas  which  were  not  worked  over 


by  ice  being  called  driftless.  The  largest  area  of  the  kind  in 
Canada  is  in  Yukon  territory ;  but  the  higher  parts  of  British 
Columbia  escaped  ice  action,  and  a  few  thousand  square 
miles  in  the  far  north-east  of  Labrador,  on  the  Torngat  table- 
land, are  also  driftless.  In  southern  Canada  only  a  small  area 
above  2500  feet  in  the  Shickshock  mountains  of  Gaspe 
shows  no  signs  of  ice  action. 

In  most  parts  of  Ontario  and  Quebec  the  present  surface 
of  the  country  still  preserves  the  characteristic  landscapes 
left  by  the  great  ice  sheets  which  vanished  thousands  of  years 
ago ;  and,  as  mentioned  earlier,  the  arrangement  of  lakes  and 
rivers  is  closely  related  to  the  work  of  the  ice. 



Air  and  water  are  close  partners,  and  several  results  of 
atmospheric  work  have  been  mentioned,  such  as  weathering 
and  the  causing  of  waves  and  currents. 

The  air  consists  essentially  of  two  gases,  nitrogen  and 
oxygen,  with  a  variable  amount  of  water  vapour.  The  specific 
gravity  of  dry  air  is  about  14^  as  compared  with  hydrogen, 
and  that  of  the  gaseous  form  of  water  is  9,  so  that  water 
vapour  is  the  lighter  of  the  two.  The  weight  of  the  atmosphere 
at  sea  level  is  about  14  pounds  per  square  inch,  or  equivalent 
to  a  column  of  mercury  30  inches  high.  At  18,000  feet  above 
the  sea  its  weight  is  only  half  as  much.  The  upper  limit  of  the 
air  is  vague,  since  the  gases  grow  rarer  until,  at  about  100 
miles,  they  are  no  longer  dense  enough  to  cause  meteors  to 
glow  by  friction. 

The  pressure  of  the  air  is  constantly  changing,  partly  by 
variations  of  temperature  and  partly  by  the  evaporation  of 
water  or  its  precipitation  as  rain  or  snow.  Expansion  of  the 
air  by  heat  causes  it  to  rise,  while  colder  air  comes  in  to  take 
its  place,  producing  winds. 

The  most  uniform  of  winds  are  the  trades  of  the  tropics, 
caused  by  the  ascent  of  warm,  moist  air  under  the  effect  of  a 
vertical  sun.  As  the  air  sucked  in  from  north  and  south 
comes  from  regions  of  less  motion  of  rotation  than  at  the 
equator,  where  the  surface  travels  1000  miles  an  hour,  these 
winds  appear  to  lag  and  move  in  diagonal  directions,  becoming 
respectively  north-east  and  south-east  trades.  As  the  air 
brought  in  by  the  trades  comes  from  cooler  latitudes  and  is 
warmed  up  as  it  approaches  the  equator,  the  trade  winds 
themselves  are  dry,  though  the  zone  of  calms,  the  doldrums, 
where  they  almost  meet,  is  excessively  rainy. 

Other  important  but  more  local  winds  called  monsoons  are 
seasonal,  blowing  inwards  toward  heated  tropical  lands  in 
summer  and  outwards  from  the  cooler  continent  toward  the 
warmer  seas  in  winter.  Many  parts  of  India  are  dependent 
on  the  rains  brought  by  the  monsoons  for  their  agriculture, 
and  a  failure  of  the  monsoon  means  famine. 

In  temperate  regions  the  great  cyclonic  storms,  such  as 
those  which  cross  Canada  from  west  to  east,  are  of  most 



importance,  though  the  west  or  north-west  winds,  which  blow 
more  commonly  and  are  sometimes  called  the  anti-trades, 
have  much  effect  on  the  winter  climate. 

One  strongly  blowing  west  wind,  crossing  the  mountains 
of  British  Columbia,  and  becoming  warm  and  dry  by  compres- 
sion as  it  descends  thousands  of  feet  to  the  foothills  and 
prairies  of  Alberta,  is  famous  as  the  chinook,  which  licks  off 

i   .. 


the  winter's  snow  and  renders  possible  the  cattle  and  horse 
ranches  of  the  region. 

/>WoRK  OF  THE  WIND.  On  dry  land  the  commonest  work  of 
wind  is  the  lifting  and  transport  of  dust,  familiar  everywhere. 
In  desert  climates  this  becomes  of  great  importance,  and 
immense  quantities  of  fine  rock  particles  travel  in  the  direction 
of  the  prevalent  winds.  In  moister  regions  where  there  are 
streams  and  pools  and  vegetation  this  dust  is  halted  and 
builds  up  a  soft,  unstratified  rock  called  loess,  the  best  example 
being  found  in  China,  where  dust  from  the  desert  of  Gobi  to 
the  east  has  formed  in  places  hundreds  of  feet  of  loess. 



Wind  has  one  advantage  over  water  as  a  transporting  agent, 
since  it  can  carry  its  load  up-hill  and  remove  it  completely 
even  from  an  enclosed  basin,  whereas  water  can  only  work 
downwards  and  can  do  no  work  below  its  base  level.  The 
winds  can  lift  and  carry  bodily  small  dust  particles,  but 
grains  of  sand  are  too  heavy  to  be  carried  in  this  way  by 
ordinary  winds,  so  that  the  grains  are  only  lifted  a  few  inches 
and  then  dropped.  By  constant  repetition  great  masses  of 
sand  are  thus  moved,  forming  dunes. 


Dunes  are  shifting  hills,  advancing  in  the  direction  of  pre- 
valent dry  winds.  When  wet  the  wind  has  no  power  to  lift 
sand.  The  most  perfect  dunes  are  naturally  found  in  deserts, 
e.g.  in  Nubia  or  Peru,  and  take  the  form  of  a  crescent  or 
horse's  hoof,  with  its  outer  curve  facing  the  prevalent  wind. 
On  that  side  a  low  stream  of  sand  grains  may  be  seen  dancing 
upwards  to  the  crest  and  then  dropping  in  the  eddy  which 
forms  a  steeper  slope  on  the  inner  face.  The  surface  of  the 
sand  is  rippled.  Such  regularly  formed  desert  dunes  are 
sometimes  called  barchans. 

Sand  dunes  are  to  be  seen  near  Wellington  in  Prince  Edward 
county,  Ontario,  on  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Erie,  and  at 


many  other  places.  They  are  sometimes  serious  invaders, 
covering  fields  and  orchards  and  even  houses.  In  the  Old 
World  they  have  been  conquered  by  planting  certain  kinds 
of  grasses,  followed  by  pine  trees. 

Winds  do  important  work  also  in  scouring  and  wearing 
down  by  a  sort  of  sandblast  action  all  rocks  exposed  to  driving 
particles  in  desert  regions.  Egyptian  monuments  facing  the 
desert  often  have  their  inscriptions  destroyed  in  this  way; 
but  good  examples  are  not  found  in  Canada. 

One  effect  of  the  work  of  dry,  powerful  winds  is  the  drifting 
of  the  lighter  soils  from  the  fields  in  southern  Alberta.  This 
soil-drift,  as  it  is  called,  is  a  serious  menace  to  the  wheat-fields 
near  Lethbridge,  Alberta.  The  thin  prairie  sod  protects  the 
sandy  soil  beneath,  but  when  broken  and  not  covered  by  a 
crop  the  whole  surface  may  be  blown  away  by  a  strong 
west  wind,  so  that  the  air  for  miles  to  the  east  is  thick 
with  dust  particles. 


Life  is  closely  bound  up  with  water  and  air  and  also  with 
sunlight,  since  all  the  food  of  the  world  originates  in  the  work 
of  plants  containing  chlorophyll.  For  at  least  part  of  the  year 
water  must  be  in  the  liquid  form  if  life  is  to  continue,  so  that 
a  suitable  temperature  is  necessary  also.  The  individual 
living  being  is  insignificant,  but  the  power  of  multiplication 
makes  some  species  of  great  importance  as  rock  formers. 
Both  plants  and  animals  have  a  part  to  play  and  will  be 
referred  to. 

GEOLOGICAL  WORK  OF  PLANTS.  SOILS.  Plant  life  exists  in 
some  form  in  almost  every  part  of  the  world  except  on  wide 
snowfields  and  a  few  of  the  driest  deserts,  such  as  the  nitrate 
region  in  Chile.  The  relation  of  plants  to  soils  is  a  fundamental 
one  and  may  be  considered  first.  Most  soils  consist  of  a  basis 
of  finely  divided  mineral  matter  mixed  with  humus,  the 
product  of  decaying  plant  remains,  a  good  soil  containing 
from  5  to  20  per  cent,  of  organic  materials.  The  mineral 
basis  of  a  soil  may  be  sandy,  clayey,  etc.,  and  should  con- 
tain supplies  of  indispensable  chemical  elements,  especially 
phosphorus,  potash,  lime,  and  sulphur. 


The  beginning  of  soil  production  in  a  new  region,  e.g.  one 
just  freed  from  a  sheet  of  ice,  is  generally  made  by  the  growth 
of  wind-borne  lichens,  since  the  lichen  is  a  very  efficient 
partnership  of  a  fungus  with  an  alga,  the  latter  supplying 
food  and  the  former  attending  to  outward  relations.  The 
death  and  decay  of  lichen  after  lichen  prepares  the  way  for 
wind-borne  spores  of  mosses,  and  the  mossy  sponge  gives 
lodgment  for  ferns  and  bird-sown,  berry-bearing  plants, 
followed  by  trees  with  winged  seeds.  Ultimately  a  consider- 
able thickness  of  humus  is  built  up. 

The  decay  of  roots  affords  some  mixture  of  organic  with 
mineral  matter  in  the  soil,  but  the  aid  of  earthworms  or 
burrowing  mammals,  such  as  the  mole  or  the  western  gopher, 
is  necessary  for  the  proper  stirring  up  of  the  soil  ingredients. 

Protective  Work  of  Plants.  Once  a  soil  is  prepared  in  most 
temperate  climates  a  covering  of  grasses  and  other  low-grow- 
ing plants  forms  a  sod  or  turf,  or  else  forest  spreads,  protecting 
the  soil  from  wind  or  rain  erosion.  It  is  interesting  to  note 
that  the  "bad  lands,"  almost  useless  because  so  completely 
gullied  and  scoured  by  rain,  are  found  in  regions  of  low  rain- 
fall, .since  the  water  supply  is  not  sufficient  for  a  complete 
mat  of  grasses,  while  the  well-protected  prairie  with  larger 
rainfall  scarcely  suffers  at  all  in  this  way. 

The  protective  effect  of  forests  is  well  known.  They  specially 
regulate  the  run-off  of  rain  and  the  sudden  thawing  of  snow, 
thus  spreading  the  flow  of  water  more  evenly  over  the  year. 
Many  mill  streams  used  in  Ontario  in  earlier,  better  wooded 
days  now  dry  up  in  summer,  and  in  several  countries  forest 
land  is  preserved  at  the  headwaters  of  important  rivers,  to 
regulate  their  flow.  The  forest  lands  of  the  foothills  and 
mountains  in  Alberta  have  been  reserved  by  the  government 
largely  to  protect  the  headwaters  of  the  rivers  which  flow 
eastwards  into  the  plains. 

Rock  Formation  by  Plants.  A  number  of  plants  secrete 
hard  parts  which  accumulate  to  form  beds  of  rock.  The  deli- 
cate siliceous  shells  of  diatoms  are  good  examples  of  this, 
forming  beds  of  diatom  earth  on  the  bottom  of  lakes,  as  in 
Muskoka.  This  material  is  of  some  value  as  an  abrasive. 

The  formation  of  travertine  and  of  bog  iron  ore  beds  is 
largely  due  to  mosses  and  other  plants  removing  carbon 


dioxide  from  the  solutions  of  lime  or  iron  compounds,  thus 
depositing  them  about  themselves. 

In  the  sea,  nullipore  seaweeds  (Lithothamnion,  etc.)  secrete 
carbonate  of  lime  and  may  form  great  masses  of  limestone, 
usually  in  partnership  with  marine  animals ;  while  chara  and 
other  plants  help  in  depositing  marl  in  fresh  waters. 

The  mangrove  tree,  growing  densely  along  protected  shores 
in  the  tropics  and  sending  down  aerial  roots  in  all  directions, 
fixes  the  mud  brought  by  the  tides  and  slowly  extends  a 
slimy,  foul-smelling  margin  of  land  into  the  shallow  sea. 

Fossil  Fuels.  Much  the  most  important  geological  work  of 
plants  from  the  economic  side  is  the  storing  of  their  own 
tissues  in  bogs  or  shallow  water  as  peat,  which  may  later  be 
transformed  into  coal.  The  growth  of  peat  may  be  studied 
in  many  places  in  all  the  provinces  of  Canada,  the  Indian 
term,  muskeg,  being  generally  used  instead  of  the  Old  World 
name,  bog. 

Certain  mosses,  especially  sphagnum,  are  active  in  this 
work,  but  many  other  swamp  plants  take  a  part  in  it,  and 
the  leaves  and  branches  or  trunks  of  trees  near  by  may  also 
be  enclosed  in  peat.  While  plant  tissues  decay  completely 
on  dry  land,  under  water  in  the  presence  of  tannin  formed  in 
the  bog  the  decay  takes  a  different  course  and  is  much  less 
complete.  The  main  change  going  on  is  the  escape  of  two 
gases,  carbon  dioxide,  and  methane  or  marsh  gas,  a  com- 
pound of  carbon  and  hydrogen,  diminishing  the  amount  of 
oxygen  and  hydrogen  present.  Thus  peat  changes  from  a 
pale  brown  on  top  of  the  bog  to  black  muck  at  the  bottom, 
the  latter  being  richer  in  carbon  and  poorer  in  oxygen  and 
hydrogen  compounds. 

But  for  the  fact  that  peat  clings  tenaciously  to  the  last 
25  or  30  per  cent,  of  water,  so  that  it  cannot  be  dried  beyond 
that  stage  by  ordinary  means,  it  would  provide  a  most 
excellent  fuel. 

Materials  originally  like  peat  but  buried  for  long  periods 
of  time  advance  farther  in  the  loss  of  gases  mentioned,  and 
form  lignite,  which  generally  retains  from  15  to  30  per  cent,  of 
water.  Sub-bituminous  coal  comes  next,  containing  less  water, 
and  finally  true  bituminous  coal,  with  very  little  water  and 
55  or  more  per  cent,  of  fixed  carbon,  the  rest  consisting  of 


hydrocarbons  which  burn  with  a  yellow  smoky  flame.  Where 
mountain-building  stresses  cause  folding  of  the  beds  of  bitu- 
minous coal,  most  of  the  remaining  hydrocarbons  pass  off 
and  anthracite  or  hard  coal  remains,  containing  80  per  cent, 
or  more  of  fixed  carbon  and  so  little  volatile  matter  that  it 
burns  with  a  blue  smokeless  flame.  Anthracite  is  the  rarest 
variety  of  coal  and  is  nowhere  commonly  used  except  in  the 
eastern  United  States  and  Canada,  and  the  known  supply 
may  not  last  for  more  than  a  generation  longer. 

Practically  all  types  of  coal,  from  low-grade  lignite  to 
semi-anthracite,  occur  in  Alberta  and  British  Columbia, 
where  all  stages  of  change  are  found  to  be  related  to  the 
amount  of  disturbance  and  folding  of  the  enclosing  rocks, 
lignite  occurring  in  flat,  undisturbed  beds  and  the  higher 
grades  where  mountain-building  forces  have  been  at  work. 

GEOLOGICAL  WORK  OF  ANIMALS.  The  geological  work 
done  by  animals  consists  chiefly  in  bequeathing  their  hard 
parts  for  the  formation  of  limestones,  a  work  in  which  most 
of  the  types  of  animals  except  the  highest,  the  vertebrates, 
are  of  some  consequence.  Two  very  low  types,  the  protozoons 
and  the  polyps,  are  particularly  efficient. 

Foraminifers.  Many  of  the  unicellular  animals  form  shells 
of  lime,  through  which  there  are  many  little  pores  or  openings 
for  pseudopodia,  thus  justifying  the  name  foraminifer;  and 
most  of  them  cluster  in  small  colonies,  like  Globigerina.  Their 
minute  shells  accumulate  in  vast  numbers  on  certain  sea 
bottoms  as  a  greyish  ooze,  which  ultimately  may  be  con- 
solidated to  limestone,  particularly  the  soft  variety  called 
chalk.  The  white  cliffs  of  Albion  are  of  chalk  which  consists 
mainly  of  foraminiferal  shells. 

Along  with  the  lime-secreting  protozoa  there  are,  in  smaller 
numbers,  some  which  build  their  shells  of  silica.  These  with 
the  siliceous  spicules  of  slightly  higher  animals,  the  sponges, 
may  form  siliceous  beds.  Usually,  the  silica  is  aggregated  into 
nodules  or  concretions,  as  flint  in  chalk,  while  in  older  lime- 
stones the  result  is  chert,  which  differs  little  from  flint.  Most 
foraminifera  are  of  microscopic  size;  one  group,  the  num- 
mulites,  however,  grew  to  be  quite  large,  their  flat  shells  reach- 
ing the  size  and  shape  of  a  coin,  which  suggested  the  name 
"coin  animal."  Their  shells  were  deposited  on  a  tremendous 


scale  in  the  Mediterranean  region  during  Eocene  times, 
forming  widespread  nummulitic  limestones,  some  of  which 
have  been  built  into  the  famous  pyramids  near  Cairo. 

Corals.  Among  the  most  impressive  rock  builders  are 
the  polyps  which  secrete  coral,  but  their  work,  except  on 
a  minor  scale,  is  confined  to  warm  climates  (68°  F.  as  a 
minimum)  and  clear  seas,  within  a  depth  of  about  150  feet. 
Under  these  conditions  corals  of  numerous  species,  aided 
by  some  other  animals,  as  well  as  nullipore  algae,  build 
massive  reefs  either  along  shore,  as  fringing  reefs,  or  separated 
from  the  shore  by  a  channel,  when  they  are  called  barrier 
reefs.  When  a  reef  surrounds  a  lagoon,  either  with  or  without 
islands,  it  is  called  an  atoll. 

The  corals  do  not  build  up  a  solid  mass  of  rock,  but  the 
waves  break  off  and  grind  up  projecting  corals,  filling  in  the 
spaces  and  cementing,  the  whole  solidly  together.  One  or 
more  openings  permit  the  movement  of  tides  and  currents 
through  barrier  reefs  and  atolls,  and  the  coming-in  of  a  river 
with  fresh  and  muddy  water  always  causes  a  gap  in  the  reef. 
Good  harbours,  like  that  of  Mombasa  in  East  Africa,  may  be 
formed  in  this  way. 

A  theory  proposed  by  Darwin  and  supported  by  Dana  and 
other  geologists  accounts  for  atolls  as  being  built  up  stage  by 
stage  round  islands  on  a  sinking  sea  bottom,  a  fringing  reef 
changing  to  a  barrier  reef  separated  by  a  channel  from  the 
island,  and  the  island  itself  finally  disappearing,  leaving  only 
the  ring  of  upgrowing  coral  reef  with  its  wave-built  islets 
covered  with  palm  trees. 

This  theory  is  certainly  correct  for  the  island  of  Funafuti, 
north  of  Fiji,  where  borings  show  reef  materials  to  a  depth 
of  1114  feet,  and  is  probably  true  of  many  other  atolls.  In 
other  cases,  however,  there  is  no  evidence  of  the  supposed 
sinking  of  the  sea  bottom,  and  another  explanation  must  be 
looked  for.  The  greatest  coral  reef  in  the  world  extends  as  a 
wide  barrier  for  noo  miles  along  the  north-east  coast  of 
Australia,  affording  a  well-protected  channel  for  shipping  for 
the  whole  distance. 

Shell  Fish.  The  different  orders  of  shell  fish,  aided  by  sea 
urchins,  starfish,  etc.,  probably  do  even  more  work  in  removing 
the  lime  from  sea  water  to  form  their  shells  than  the  polyps 


do  in  the  building  of  coral,  but  their  work  is  scattered  on  all 
sea  shores,  even  in  the  Arctic  zone,  and  is  nowhere  heaped  up 
monumentally  like  a  coral  reef.  Many  of  our  Palaeozoic  lime- 
stones are  made  up  almost  wholly  of  their  shells,  and  they 
have  been  great  rock  formers  from  the  Cambrian  to  the 
present.  Marl,  deposited  mainly  by  shell  fish  in  our  lakes,  is 
of  importance  in  the  making  of  Portland  cement. 

Vertebrates.     There  are  a  few  operations  carried    on  by 
vertebrates  which  have  a  geological  bearing,  although  the 


results  are  trifling  as  compared  with  those  of  the  foraminifers, 
corals,  and  shell  fish. 

Seabirds,  for  instance,  form  thick  deposits  of  guano  on 
islands  off  desert  coasts,  as  near  Chile  and  Peru.  Though 
these  are  removed  by  man  as  a  most  useful  manure,  the  clouds 
of  seabirds  gradually  replenish  the  supply. 

Among  mammals  the  beaver  and  man  perform  engineering 
work  influencing  geological  processes.  The  beaver's  dams 
form  lakes  in  which  the  forest  perishes,  peat  and  silt  are 
deposited  and  ultimately  a  "beaver  meadow"  is  created. 

Man  is  far  the  most  active  geological  agent  among  mammals, 
as  a  farmer  clearing  and  cultivating  the  land,  as  a  builder  of 
cities  whose  crumbling  bricks  may  form  the  only  hills  in  a 


flat  plain  like  that  of  Mesopotamia,  and  as  an  engineer  build- 
ing dams  and  embankments,  excavating  canals,  mining  the 
sulphides  hidden  in  the  earth  and  roasting  them,  thus  destroy- 
ing vegetation  and  exposing  bare  hills  and  plains  to  rain 
erosion.  The  mining  and  burning  of  coal,  restoring  to  the  air 
carbon  dioxide  removed  millions  of  years  ago,  may  slowly 
modify  the  climates  of  the  world.  The  activities  of  man  in 
shaping  the  earth  to  his  needs  or  wishes  go  beyond  the  usual 
province  of  geology,  however. 


From  the  account  of  the  epigene  forces  just  given  it  is 
evident  that  their  general  tendency  is  destructive,  the  tearing 
or  wearing  down  of  all  projecting  parts  of  the  earth,  moun- 
tains, plains,  continents,  and  islands,  and  the  deposit  of  the 
materials  as  sediments  beneath  the  sea.  In  time  even  the 
lowlands  would  disappear  by  solution,  and  where  land  once 
was  there  would  remain  only  shoals  in  a  universal  sea.  The 
hydrosphere,  now  covering  nearly  three-fourths  of  the  earth's 
surface,  would  then  cover  the  whole  and  become  complete. 

This  nihilistic  work  of  water  and  its  auxiliaries  has  been  in 
progress  since  the  earliest  known  times.  Even  in  the  very 
earliest  ages  (Grenville  and  Keewatin)  waves  and  rivers 
worked  effectively,  since  water-formed  sediments  were  laid 
down  on  a  large  scale. 

Though  the  work  of  destruction  has  been  unintermitting 
it  has  never  succeeded  in  conquering  the  lands  and  covering 
them  with  the  sea.  After  every  lowering  they  have  always 
risen  again,  so  that  in  the  main  the  continental  masses  seem 
to  be  permanent. 

The  conservative  factors  in  the  world  have  been  the  hypo- 
gene  forces  which  have  constantly  been  engaged  in  uplifting 
lands  and  depressing  sea  bottoms,  restoring  the  inequalities 
which  the  epigene  forces  strive  to  abolish.  The  earthquake 
and  the  volcano,  the  two  most  dreaded  manifestations  of 
these  subterranean  adjustments  of  the  earth's  crust,  may 
destroy  a  city,  a  human  anthill,  from  time  to  time,  but  the 


full  result  of  the  hypogene  forces  is  eminently  constructive 
and  restorative. 

The  failure  of  either  side  to  win  a  final  victory  in  the  great 
war  of  forces  has  made  the  earth  the  wonderful  and  beautiful 
and  habitable  globe  which  we  know;  and  the  contest,  so 
vital  to  the  existence  of  all  living  beings,  is  going  on  all  around 
us  and  should  arouse  our  keenest  interest. 


In  summing  up  the  effects  of  many  of  the  forces  which  have 
been  referred  to,  the  element  of  time  becomes  a  factor  of 
great  importance,  since  great  results  may  come  from  the 
slow  accumulation  of  individually  trifling  contributions,  like 
particles  of  dust  blown  by  the  wind  or  the  invisible  shells  of 
foraminifers.  Geologists  then  are  greatly  interested  in  the 
length  of  time  available  in  accounting  for  the  changes  which 
have  gone  on  in  the  world. 

There  are  various  ways  of  computing  the  length  of  past 
time,  some  purely  geological,  others  astronomic  or  physical. 

As  an  example  of  geological  methods  one  may  take  the 
number  of  years  required  to  provide  the  amount  of  salt  in 
the  sea,  supposing  that  it  has  all  been  brought. in  by  rivers 
with  their  present  annual  contribution  of  salt.  This  works 
out  to  about  90,000,000  of  years. 

Attempts  have  been  made  to  sum  up  the  maximum  thick- 
ness of  sediments  deposited  in  different  ages  of  the  world, 
assuming  a  definite  rate  of  formation  for  each  variety  of 
sediment,  and  results  have  been  reached  ranging  from 
70,000,000  years  to  more  than  twice  that  length  of  time. 

Physical  methods  of  estimating  the  permissible  length  of 
geological  time  have  been  founded  on  the  rate  of  cooling  of 
the  earth,  following  the  nebular  theory;  and  on  the  slow- 
ing down  of  the  earth's  motion  by  tidal  friction  caused 
by  the  moon.  These  and  other  methods  were  believed  a 
few  years  ago  to  limit  geological  time  to  not  more  than 
10,000,000  or  20,000,000  years,  a  quite  inadequate  supply 
for  the  needs  of  geology. 

However,   the  comparatively  recent   discovery  of  radio- 


active  substances  in  the  rocks  has  completely  altered  the 
situation  so  far  as  estimates  depending  on  the  cooling  of  the 
earth  are  concerned.  From  the  relations  of  radioactivity 
certain  physicists  suggest  that  rocks  from  the  Pre-cambrian  of 
Quebec  are  from  222,000,000  to  715,000,000  years  old;  and 
others  even  extend  geological  time  to  1,310,000,000  years  as 
regards  rocks  found  in  the  United  States  and  1,640,000,000 
for  Ceylon.  The  estimates  drawn  from  radioactivity  have 
so  enlarged  the  time  possibilities  of  the  world's  past  history 
that  there  is  ample  room  for  all  the  operations  geologists  find 
necessary  in  building  and  transforming  the  rocks  of  which 
the  crust  is  composed. 

It  is  worthy  of  note  that  in  Canadian  geology,  which 
includes  the  most  complete  series  of  ancient  rocks  known, 
geological  forces  like  those  of  the  present  were  at  work  in 
the  earliest  ages.  Rain  and  rivers  and  large  bodies  of  standing 
water  are  implied  by  the  sediments;  volcanoes  poured  out 
lava  streams  or  showered  ashes  as  in  later  times;  and  lime- 
stones and  carbon  even  suggest  life. 

These  first  of  known  rocks  are  far  removed  from  the 
beginning  of  the  world. 



IN  the  discussion  of  the  dynamics  of  the  world  it  has  been 
shown  that  various  forces  are  at  work  modifying  and  shaping 
it  in  different  ways.  The  structures  resulting,  that  is,  the 
architecture  of  the  world,  may  now  be  considered. 


Most  of  the  land  surface  consists  of  sedimentary  rocks  laid 
down  by  water  in  beds  or  strata,  and  it  is  natural  to  begin 
with  the  most  widely  spread  structures,  those  of  stratified 
rocks.  Afterwards  the  structures  of  eruptive  or  igneous 
rocks  will  be  considered,  and  finally  those  of  schistose 
rocks  which  may  include  modified  examples  of  either  of  the 
two  other  types. 


Water  and,  to  a  less  extent,  wind  lay  down  materials  bed 
by  bed,  each  bed,  or  stratum,  being  the  result  of  a  more  or 




less  continuous  process.     Some  break  or  change  in  the  con- 
ditions   causes   a  parting    of    one    stratum    from    another. 

The  thickness  of  a  stratum  may 
vary  from  an  inch  or  two  or  even 
less  in  fine  materials  to  several 
feet  in  coarse  deposits  such  as  con- 
glomerate. There  may  be  less 
marked  divisions  within  a  stratum 
giving  rise  to  lamination. 

Where   the  materials  have  been 

FIG.  46.     CROSS    BEDDING    IN 

SANDSTONE,  DUE  TO  WAVES   dumped  intermittently  by  wave  or 
AND  CURRENTS,  THOUSAND  current  action  over  the  edge  of  a 


current  bedding,  with  subordinate  structures  diagonal  to  the 
main  stratification.  This  is  often  seen  in  sandstones  and 
conglomerates.  All  strata  thin  out  and  end  somewhere, 

but  their  area  varies  greatly.  Where  the  sediments  come 
from  a  central  point,  like  the  mouth  of  a  river,  the  strata 
tend  to  have  an  imperfect  lenticular  form.  The  surface 
of  a  stratum  may  show  ripple  marks  due  to  wind  or  gentle 
waves  or  tides,  and  there  may  also  be  rain  prints  and  mud 
cracks,  the  latter  due  to  shrinkage  on  drying.  Rarely  there 
may  be  tracks  or  footprints  of  animals.  All  of  these  markings 



have  their  bearing  on  the  history  of  the  beds,  since  they  are 
contemporary  records  of  events. 


In  almost  all  cases  strata  are  broken  asunder  by  joints 
or  partings  about  at  right  angles  to  the  stratification,  and 
commonly  there  are  two  sets  of  joints  cutting  one  another 
nearly  at  right  angles.  In  quarrying  the  dimensions  of  the 
blocks  which  can  be  obtained  are  determined  by  the  thickness 


of  the  stratum  and  the  spacing  of  the  joints.  Frequently 
the  direction  of  the  jointage  is  uniform  for  long  distances, 
implying  a  common  cause. 

Joints  may  not  become  apparent  in  a  rock  till  it  is  quarried, 
but  in  limestones  exposed  to  the  weather  they  may  be  opened 
up  by  solution,  forming  fissures  several  inches  wide.  It  is 
important  for  the  quarryman  and  the  miner  to  understand 
the  jointage  of  the  stone  he  is  working  in,  so  as  to  economise 
labour  and  explosives  and  to  obtain  well-shaped  blocks. 

The  cause  of  joints  is  not  very  well  understood,  but  it  is 
generally  looked  for  in  the  sudden  adjustment  of  rocks  under 
strain,  often  accompanied  or  caused  by  an  earthquake  shock. 
A  torsional  or  twisting  strain  may  be  relieved  by  two  sets 



of  fractures  roughtly  at  right  angles  to  one  another,  which 
would  account  for  a  common  arrangement  of  joints,  and  very 
probably  took  place  in  many  cases. 

^tf9B^  ^  i 


Various  chemical  changes  may  go  on  in  a  rock  long  after  it 
has  become  a  part  of  a  series  of  beds,  through  the  action  of 

seeping  waters,  causing 
concretions  of  different 
materials.  The  commonest 
concretions  are  those  of 
lime  in  clay  or  shale, 
rounded  or  flattened  forms 
of  limestone  sharply 
bounded  and  remaining 
after  the  enclosing  rock 
has  crumbled  away.  When 
broken  there  may  be  a 
FIG.  49.  CONCRETIONS  OF  CARBONATE  *Q8SU  as  a  nucleus,  such 
OF  LIME  FROM  PLEISTOCENE  CLAY,  as  a  fern  leaf  in  coal- 
measure  shales  or  a  small 
fish  or  shell  as  in  the  marine  clays  at  Ottawa. 

The  "kettles"  of  Kettle  Point  on  Lake  Huron  are  large 
spherical  concretions  of  radiating  calcite  crystals,  which  have 
bent  the  shale  beds  apart  in  their  growth,  while  most  lime 
concretions  do  not  interfere  with  the  bedding. 

Concretions  of  impure  siderite  (clay  ironstone)  are  of  the 
same  kind,  and  in  the  coal  measures  of  some  countries  have 
been  used  as  iron  ores  under  the  names  of  sphaerosiderite  or 
pisolitic  ores. 

Marcasite  (a  sulphide  of  iron)  is  common  as  concretions  in 
shales  or  slate  and  often  occurs  in  coal. 

Flint  or  chert  nodules  are  really  concretions  of  silica  in 
chalk  or  limestone. 

In  sandstones  the  concretions  show  little  difference  chemi- 
cally from  the  rest  of  the  rock  except  for  rudely  spherical 
arrangements  of  limonite.  Some  of  them  in  the  Potsdam 
sandstone  of  eastern  Ontario  are  cylindrical,  several  feet  in 
length,  cutting  across  a  number  of  strata,  and  even  ten  feet 


in  width.  They  separate  easily  from  the  rock  like  tree  trunks, 
for  which  they  have  been  taken.  The  cause  of  these  forms 
is  uncertain  and  it  may  be  that  they  should  not  be  included 
with  ordinary  concretions. 

The  evidence  that  in  some  cases  strata  have  been  pushed 
aside  in  the  growth  of  concretions  shows  that  powerful  forces 
have  been  at  work  in  their  formation,  chiefly  perhaps  the 
molecular  forces  that  build  up  crystals. 


Most  sediments  have  been  laid  down  on  a  flat  or  only 
gently  inclined  sea  bottom,  but  in  many  regions  the  stratified 
rocks  are  no  longer 
in  their  original 
position,  but  are 
found  more  or  less 
tilted.  The  amount 
of  tilt  as  mea- 

,          -  ,,  FIG.    5O.      DIAGRAM    SHOWING    STRIKE    AND    DIP 

sured     from     the 

horizontal  is  called  the  dip,  which  may  be  expressed  in  degrees 
from  o°  to  90°.  The  direction  of  the  dip,  i.e.  of  the  greatest 
inclination,  should  be  noted  also;  and  a  direction  at  right 
angles  to  it  is  called  the  strike,  corresponding  generally  to  the 
line  of  outcrop.  At  o°  dip  the  strike  is  indeterminable,  and 
at  90°  the  strike  is  the  most  salient  feature.  The  dip  is  not 
reckoned  beyond  90°,  though  the  beds  may  really  have  re- 
volved through  more  than  a  right  angle  and  may  actually 
be  overturned.  Instruments  called  clinometers  are  used  to 
determine  dips. 

The  importance  of  dip  in  mining  operations  is  evident.  If 
a  coal  seam  dips  uniformly  at  20°  westwards,  one  can  reckon 
the  depth  to  which  a  shaft  would  have  to  be  sunk  in  order  to 
reach  the  coal  at  a  point  one  mile,  for  instance,  west  of  the 
outcrop.  However,  it  should  be  noted  that  the  dip  commonly 
changes  from  point  to  point  and  cannot  be  assumed  to  be 
uniform  for  long  distances. 

FOLDS.  In  most  cases  the  beds  are  found  to  be  bent,  instead 
of  being  tipped  as  a  block  on  a  gigantic  scale ;  and  if  the  curves 
are  followed  out  one  recognises  a  wavelike  arrangement,  with 



a  crest  or  saddle,  which  is  called  an  anticline ;  and  a  trough, 
called  a  syncline.  Occasionally  in  mountains  one  can  actually 

see  the  beds  folded  into 
anticlines  and  synclines, 
but  more  often  only  a 
part  of  the  fold  is  visible. 
Anticlinal  ridges  and  syn- 
clinal troughs  do  not 
run  indefinitely  in  either 
direction,  but  tend  to 
FIG.  51.  OPEN  SYMMETRICAL  FOLD  SHOW-  diminish  and  at  length 

ING    AN    ANTICLINE    OR    UPWARD  BEND     disappear    when    followed 

out.    Most  anticlines  are 

elongated  domes  and  most  synclines  elongated  basins.  The 
amount  of  bending  may  be  slight,  giving  open  folds,  or 
extreme,  when  the  sides  may  be  forced  together,  causing  a 
closed  fold. 

Folds  may  be  symmetrical,  when  a  vertical  plane  would 
divide  the  anticline  or  syncline  into  similar  halves,  but  usually 


they  are  unsymmetrical,  and  not  infrequently  they  are  over- 
turned or  recumbent.  Folds  may  be  "carinate"  when  a 
keel-like  anticline  or  syncline  passes  upwards  or  downwards 
into  unfolded  beds. 

Folds  of  various  kinds  are  displayed  on  a  large  scale  in 
the  Rocky  mountains,  running  parallel  to  the  direction 
of  the  range  and  apparently  caused  by  a  powerful  thrust 
from  the  Pacific.  The  folded  beds  may  be  20,000  feet  or 
more  in  thickness. 

On  the  other  hand,  in  parts  of  the  Selkirks  and  in  the  older 



•^Milt  'ot)l|>-- '/  "— t 

rocks  of  the  east  there  may  be  intricate  crumplings  of  the 
strata,  like  wavelets  and  ripples  on  ocean  waves. 

Gentle  anticlinal  folds  or  domes  are  the  most  favourable 
localities  to  search 
for  oil,  and  syn- 
clinal basins  are 
commonly  found  in 
coal  regions. 

Where  rocks  are  i^, 
bent  on  a  very  long 
and     broad     scale,  FIG  53     OVERTURNED  FOLD,  CLEARWATER  RIVER 
often  with  subordi- 
nate undulations  as  well,  the  terms  geanticline  and  geosyn- 
cline  may  be  used,   the  latter  structure  forming  the  usual 
beginning  for  the  building  of  a  new  mountain  range.    A  long 
and  wide  depression  of  the  sea  bottom  becomes  more  and 
more  depressed  as  layers  of  sediment  are  piled  upon  it,  until 
lateral  pressure  throws  the  gentle  down- 
ward curve  of  the  geosyncline  into  sharper 
folds  of  the  more  common  type. 

In   addition   to   the   usual   folds  con- 

FIG.  54- 

MO>          E 

f   an   antidine   and   a   syncline 

there  are  in  some  places  monoclinal  folds  with  the  bend  in 
only  one  direction. 


Rocks  are  mostly  hard  and  resistant  solids;  some  of  our 
building  stones,  for  instance,  will  stand  .a  tremendous  crushing 
strain,  and  it  is  a  surprise  to  find  that  they  can  be  crumpled 
into  folds  like  so  much  cloth  or  paper.  It  must  not  be  for- 
gotten, however,  that  all  solids  yield  under  sufficient  strain, 
especially  when  the  process  is  aided  by  heat,  and  act  more 
or  less  as  if  they  were  plastic.  In  the  case  of  mountain  folds 
one  must  suppose  that  there  was  a  sufficient  load  resting 
on  the  beds  to  force  them  to  yield  plastically.  We  may 
assume  that  at  a  certain  depth  all  rocks  may  be  deformed 
without  rupture,  and  this  region  below  the  surface  may  be 
called  the  zone  of  plasticity.  Above  this  and  reaching  to 
the  surface  is  the  zone  of  fracture. 



Rocks  differ  greatly  in  strength,  and  where  strong  and 
weak  rocks  are  interbedded  there  will  be  an  intermediate 

zone  in  which  some 
beds,  such  as  shale, 
yield  plastically, 
and  others,  such 
as  quartzite,  adjust 
themselves  by 
breaking  into 
/  blocks.  Examples 
of  this  kind  are 
found  in  the 

FAULTS.  In  the 
upper  parts  of  the  earth's  crust  we  shall  expect  the  rocks 
to  break  under  sufficient  stress,  and  the  blocks  thus  formed 
will  slip  into  a  new  position  of  rest.  Such  adjustments  take 
place  along  certain  planes  of  dislocation  and  are  called  faults. 
Usually  the  shifting  is  in  a  more  or  less  vertical  direction  and 

FIG.    55.     FOLDING    UNDER    THRUST    FAULT, 

FIG.    56.     NORMAL    FAULTS,    SHOWING    A    HORST    AND    A    GRABEN 

the  amount  of  change  of  level  on  one  side  as  compared  with 
the  other  is  called  the  throw.  There  are,  however,  faults  in 
every  direction,  even  horizontal,  as  was  proved  in  the  earth- 
quake at  San  Francisco. 

Normal  Faults.      In  most  examples  of  faulting  one  finds 



that  there  has  been  expansion  of  the  surface,  with  a  tendency 

of  the  blocks  to  slip  down  under  the  action  of  gravity,  the 

part  with  the  smallest  support 

slipping   farthest.      This   is   the 

natural  arrangement  and  is  called 

normal    faulting.      The    surface 

along   which   the   yielding   took 

place   is   called  the  fault  plane, 

though  it  is  not  always  a  real 

plane;    and  it  is  often  polished 

or  even  striated,  when  it  is  said 

to  be  slicken-sided.    Usually  clay 

or  talc  or  some  other  secondary 

mineral   has   been  formed  in   a 

case  of  slickensides. 

The  throw  of  faults  may  be  of 
all  dimensions,  from  a  fraction  of 
an  inch  to  thousands  of  feet, 
and  the  amount  of  throw  may 
diminish  in  each  direction  till 
the  fault  runs  out;  or  a  single 
fault  may  divide  up  into  man}?- 
smaller  faults. 

Sometimes  a  solid,  broad-based  block  of  rock  stands  up 
centrally,  while  slice  after  slice  slips  down  on  each  side,  giving 
rise  to  a  horst;  and  at  others  the  central  strip  is  too  poorly 
supported  and  drops,  making  a  long  rift  or  trough,  often 
called  a  graben.  This  is  sometimes  the  case  where  the  central 
part  of  a  gentle  anticline  yields  and  sinks,  the  keystone 
dropping  out  of  the  arch.  The  basins  of  Lake  Tanganyika 
and  other  lakes  in  Africa  are  explained  in  this  way,  and  the 
basin  of  the  Dead  Sea  is  another  example. 

Reversed  or  Thrust  Faults.  Faults  may  be  caused  also 
by  a  push  which  results  in  an  upward  movement  of  the  rocks 
instead  of  the  normal  downward  slip,  and  the  term  reversed 
or  thrust  fault  is  applied  to  them.  In  this  case  there  is 
compression  of  the  surface  instead  of  expansion,  and  the 
type  is  most  frequent  and  important  in  mountain  regions, 
such  as  the  Rockies. 

In  some  cases  it  seems  as  if  long  slabs  or  blocks  of  the  crust 




were  broken  apart  longitudinally,  and  then  more  or  less  tilted 
and  thrust  one  upon  another  like  ice  cakes  in  a  spring  flood, 
each  riding  upon  the  lower  edge  of  the  next  one.  This  is  well 

Castle  M C.  Li m&ston e  Cretaceous     Beds 

FIG.    58.     THRUST    FAULT    NEAR    GHOST    RIVER,    BOW    PASS 

Showing  Castle  Mountain  limestone  (Cambrian)  pushed  seven  miles  over  Cretaceous 
beds.   After  McConnell,  Geological  Suri'ey,  Canada. 

shown  in  the  eastern  part  of  the  Rockies  at  Bow  Pass,  where 
five  blocks  may  be  seen  in  succession,  each  with  a  steep  cliff 
showing  the  edges  of  the  strata  to  the  north-east  and  a  gentler 
slope  following  the  dip  of  the  strata  toward  the  south-west. 
In  the  case  of  the  outer  block  the  movement  has  been  up  a 

FIG.  59. 

t'noto.  by  E.  S.  Moore 

somewhat  inclined  plane  for  a  distance  estimated  at  seven 
miles.  In  the  highlands  of  Scotland  the  Moine  thrust  fault 
has  driven  Pre-cambrian  beds  ten  miles  over  Palaeozoic  rocks, 
and  even  greater  thrusts  have  been  described  in  Sweden 
and  in  the  Alps. 



There  is  some  reason  to  think'that  these  thrust  faults  began 
as  overturned  folds,  which 'were  torn  asunder  at  the  sharply 
bent  crest  of  the  anticline, ,  thus  connecting  one  type  of  fault 
with  folds.  There  are  examples  also  of  regions  which  have 
first  been  folded  and  then  broken  up  and  rearranged  by 
faulting,  giving  very  complicated  structures. 



Where  sediments  are  formed  continuously,  each  bed  resting 
regularly  and  uniformly  upon  the  one  below,  the  strata  are 
said  to  be  conformable',  but  there 
are  many  examples  known  of  un- 
conformity or  discordance  in  strati- 
fied rocks,  where  the  lower  and 
older  beds  have  been  tilted  or 
folded  and  then  planed  down  by 
the  epigene  forces  before  the  later  ,  Js 
beds  were  deposited.  This  gives 
rise  to  a  discordance  and  indicates 
an  important  break  in  time.  The 
angular  difference  between  the 
two  series  of  rocks  may  be  of  all 
grades.  The  beds  of  the  Lower 
Palaeozoic  atGananoque  (Thousand 
Islands)  rest  flatly  upon  the  almost  vertical  and  greatly  dis- 
torted Pre-cambrian  gneisses  and  quartzites,  the  oldest  rocks 
known,  and  the  discordance  is  one  of  the  greatest  imaginable. 
On  the  other  hand,  there  may  in  some  cases  be  no  angular 

.  _rT    discordance     separating     beds     of 

very  different  ages,  though  the 
older  beds  may  have  been  eroded 
into  a  very  uneven  surface  before 
the  later  ones  were  deposited. 
This  relation  may  be  called  dis- 

The  older  rocks  were  eroded  but  not  f          .,  ,.    ,.          •   -L     •.      r 

tilted  before  the  later  strata  were    Conformity    to    distinguish    it    from 


There  are  cases  where  the  older  beds  had  been  thrown 
into  folds  and  then  the  surface  levelled  before  the  next 
rocks  were  formed,  so  that  the  later  beds  sometimes  cut 

e  or  unconformity 
in  stratified  rocks,  (b)  Pronounced 
dscordance  between  Pre-cambrian 
and  Cambrian  rocks,  near  Ganan- 
oque,  Ontario. 



them  at  an  angle  and  at  others,   over  anticlines  and  syn- 
clines,  are  parallel  with  them. 

Photo,  by  W.  F.  Ferrier 
FIG.    62.     UNCONFORMITY,    UTAH 



The  work  of  volcanoes  is  open  to  study  on  the  surface  and 
the  resulting  structures  are  well  known.    Where  lava  is  given 

Photo,  by  Tempest  A  nderson 
FIG.    63.     PA-HOE-HOE    LAVA,    KILAUEA,    HAWAII 

off  from  a  volcano  it  forms  streams  which  may  spread  as 
wide,  flat,  thin  sheets  if  the  lava  is  very  fluid,  or  may  be  short, 



thick,  and  steeply  inclined  if  it  is  viscid ;  and  all  intermediate 
forms  may  be  found.  The  thin  sheets,  if  one  follows  another 
somewhat  regularly,  may  imitate  the  arrangement  of  sedi- 
mentary rocks. 

Lava  sheets  or  streams  usually  have  peculiar  surface 
features;  they  may  have  a  fairly  smooth  but  wrinkled  or 
ropy  surface,  called  the  pa-hoe-hoe  surface  in  Hawaii ;  or  a 
rough  slaggy  surface,  sometimes  extremely  rugged,  full  of 
projecting  points  and  edges,  called  aa  in  Hawaii.  The  internal 
structure  also  may  be  of  interest.  If  a  lava  stream  is  somewhat 

FIG.    64.    A  A    LAVA,    ETNA 

fluid  in  the  beginning,  steam  bubbles  may  ascend  toward  the 
top,  where  cooling  may  have  advanced  too  far  to  let  them 
escape.  Thus  the  upper  part  of  the  stream  may  become 
vesicular  and  crowded  with  small  holes.  If  these  holes  are 
very  numerous  and  slender,  the  light  material  called  pumice 
may  result. 

AMYGDALOIDS.  Ancient  vesicular  lava  usually  has  the 
openings  filled  with  later  minerals,  such  as  calcite,  agate, 
and  zeolites,  and  is  then  called  an  amygdaloid,  the  separate 
inclusions  receiving  the  name  amygdules,  from  the  Latin 
word  for  an  almond.  Good  examples  occur  in  Keweenawan 
lavas  near  Lake  Superior. 



into  water  its  surface  is  very  rapidly  cooled  and  lobe  after 

lobe  pushes  forward  to  be 
quickly  arrested,  resulting 
in  oval  masses  piled  on 
one  another  like  sacks  of 
wool  or  pillows.  This 
structure  is  found  in  lavas 
belonging  to  our  most  an- 
cient rocks,  the  Keewatin. 
Where  explosions  take 
place  the  lava  may  be 
blown  into  very  fine  dust, 
into  somewhat  coarser 
particles  called  volcanic 
ash,  larger  ones  called 
lapilli,  and  still  larger 
ones,  a  few  inches  or  even 
several  feet  in  diameter, 

called  bombs.  Such  bombs  may  have  rotated  in  the  air  and 
have  been  twisted  into  a  spindle  shape,  or  may  have  cooled 
on  the  surface  while  gases  were  still  expanding  within,  the 
outer  crust  being  fractured,  giving  the  bread-crust  structure. 
The  loose  materials  may  fall  on  the  land  or  into  water, 
forming  tuffs  of  various  kinds,  sometimes  well  stratified. 

Since  more  fragments  fall  near  the  crater  of  a  volcano  than 
farther  away,  the  centre  grows  faster  than  the  edges  and  a 
beautiful  conical  shape  may  result,  as  in  Fujiyama  or  Teneriffe; 
and  they  may  be  called  stmto-volcanoes  because  of  this 
arrangement  of  the  loose  materials.  In  most  volcanoes  there 
are  both  lava  streams  and  fragmental  beds,  giving  a  less 
regular  form,  and  often  accidents  in  the  way  of  explosions 
may  destroy  the  symmetry.  In  old  volcanoes  like  Etna 
eruptions  are  apt  to  break  out  in  different  places,  building 
parasitic  cones  here  and  there  on  the  flanks  of  the  original 
cone.  Such  small  craters  formed  wholly  of  loose  materials  at 
a  single  eruption  are  often  very  regularly  shaped,  and  are 
called  cinder  cones.  Occasionally  a  lava  stream  has  pushed 



out  on  one  side,  destroying  the  symmetry.    Cinder  cones  are 
well  displayed  in  Mexico  (see  Fig.  15). 


DIKES.  Molten  rock  originates,  so  far  as  known,  at  great 
depths,  and  much  the  larger  part  never  escapes  in  volcanoes, 
but  cools  below  the  surface  under  very  different  conditions. 
The  commonest  form  in  which  eruptives  occur  is  in  dikes, 
which  are  sheets  of  rock  filling  fissures,  perhaps  opened  as  the 
magma,  or  fluid  rock,  ascended.  Dikes  are  apt  to  be  nearly 


vertical,  though  they  may  change  their  direction  and  pinch  out 
or  split  up  into  smaller  dikes.  Their  thickness  may  be  no  more 
than  a  fraction  of  an  inch  or  may  reach  two  hundred  vards, 
and  some  dikes  of  diabase  extend  for  fifty  miles  or  more.  Thev 
are  found,  often  in  great  numbers,  in  all  the  mining  regions  of 
northern  Ontario,  and  are  in  some  cases  supposed  to  have 
brought  with  them  the  materials  of  which  the  ores  were 
formed.  Their  walls  are  very  distinct,  except  in  the  case  of 
pegmatite  dikes,  which  represent  the  last  part  of  a  granitic 
magma  to  remain  fluid,  and  ramify  quite  irregularly  into 
the  adjoining  rocks,  which  were  probably  still  hot  when  they 
were  injected. 

SHEET-LIKE  FORMS  AND  LACCOLITHS.     Occasionally  dikes 


can  be  followed  up  to  a  certain  level,  where  they  spread  out 
thinly  between  two  beds  of  sedimentary  rocks,  forming  sheets 
or  sills,  as  may  be  seen  on  Thunder  bay,  Lake  Superior.  In 
most  respects  they  are  like  horizontal  dikes  and  need  no 
particular  description.  The  rock  must  have  been  very  fluid 
to  permit  of  this;  another  structure  results  if  the  magma  is 
more  viscid.  Instead  of  spreading  widely  the  molten  material 
heaps  up  at  a  particular  level  and  rises  into  a  cake-like  form, 
called  a  laccolith  (stone  cistern),  lifting  up  the  beds  above  into 
a  dome.  Well-formed  laccoliths  have  a  flat  floor  and  dome- 
shaped  upper  surface,  but  they  are  often  very  irregular,  and 

After  G.  K.  Gilbert. 

there  are  intermediate  stages  between  laccoliths  and  sills, 
called  laccolithic  sills. 

A  related  structure  may  take  on  the  shape  of  a  basin,  the 
floor  beneath  collapsing  as  the  magma  ascends  from  under  it, 
as  may  be  seen  in  the  eruptive  sheet  which  brought  with  it 
the  Sudbury  nickel  ores.  The  sheet  in  this  case  was  a  mile 
and  a  half  thick  and  cooled  very  slowly  under  9000  feet  of 
sediments,  allowing  the  magma  to  split  up  by  the  aid  of 
gravity  into  a  lighter  rock  above  (micropegmatite,  a  kind 
of  granodiorite)  and  a  heavier  rock  beneath  (norite),  while 
the  heaviest  ingredient  of  all,  the  sulphides,  settled  into  the 
hollows  at  the  bottom. 

BATHOLITHS.  Laccoliths  are  known  to  rest  upon  a  floor  of 
older  rock,  but  a  somewhat  similar,  though  usually  larger 



structure,  called  a  btitholith  (rock  of  the  depths),  seems  to 
reach  down  indefinitely,  its  foundations  never  having  been 
seen,  perhaps  because  erosion  has  not  gone  deep  enough  to 
disclose  them  or  perhaps  because  the  materials  join  on  to  a 
layer  of  similar  plastic  rock  below.  Batholiths  dome  up  the 

Section   along    A-B 
From    Northwest    to  Southeast 


Scale  of  Miles 

FIG.  68.     THE    SUDBURY    BASIN,    ONTARIO 

rocks  above  and  probably  make  the  deep-seated  sub-structure 
of  great  mountain  chains. 

The  dome  formed  by  a  batholith  may  be  low  with  rocks 
above  dipping  at  small  angles  away  from  it,  or  lofty  with  the 
neighbouring  rock  dipping  steeply  or  even  standing  vertical. 
In  this  case  the  whole  upper  part  of  the  structure  has  often 
been  removed  by  erosion,  disclosing  the  central  parts,  usually 
consisting  of  coarse-grained  granite,  granodiorite  or  diorite. 



Within  the  flatter  domes  one  often  finds  remnants  of  the 
overlying  rocks,  "roof  pendants"  more  or  less  metamorphosed 

by  the  magma  into  which 
they  sank. 

The  magma  of  batholiths 
does  not  appear  to  have 
been  very  fluid,  but  from  it 
or  from  some  related  source 
dikes  of  granite  or  porphyry 
generally  penetrate  the  en- 
closing rocks,  which  must 
have  been  distended  and 
probably  fissured  by  the 
upwelling  of  the  magma 
forming  the  batholith. 

Batholiths  are  the  most 
characteristic    structural 
FIG.  69.    PLAN  AND  CROSS  SECTION     form  of  our  Canadian  Lau- 

rentian,  covering  in  all  hun- 
dreds of  thousands  or  a  million  square  miles  of  northern 
Canada  with  their  oval  curves,  and  they  make  the  greater 
part  of  the  Coast  Range  of  British  Columbia. 

STOCKS  OR  BOSSES.  Smaller,  but  still  important,  masses  of 
eruptive  magma  seem  to  have  ascended  into  the  overlying 
rocks  without  lifting  them  as  domes,  perhaps  melting  their 
way  through  and  absorbing  more  or  less  of  the  materials 
encountered.  These  masses  of  granite,  etc.,  often  resist 
weathering  and  stand  out  as  hills  when  the  enclosing  rocks 
have  been  removed.  Stocks  may  really  be  the  lower  parts  of 
volcanic  necks  in  some  cases. 

Some  writers  speak  of  plugs  of  magma  driven  up  through 
the  strata  above  as  bysmaliths ;  and  the  term  chonolith  has  been 
suggested  for  irregularly  shaped  masses  of  intruded  rock. 


COLUMNS.  Practically  all  rocks,  sedimentary  or  eruptive, 
are  parted  by  joints,  but  apparently  for  different  reasons,  the 
joints  of  eruptives  being  probably  due  to  contraction  on 



cooling  and  not  to  the  relief  of  strains  caused  by  torsion 
or  folding.  Fine-grained  eruptives,  especially  the  basalts, 
often  have  a  wonderfully  perfect  system  of  contraction 
joints  suggesting  the  name  basaltic  columns.  These  columns 
are  about  at  right  angles  to  the  surface  of  cooling  and 
therefore  radiate  outwards  in  volcanic  necks,  and  lie  cross- 
wise in  dikes  and  stand  vertically  in  sheets  of  lava  or 
laccolithic  sills. 

The  columns  may  be  hexagonal  in  shape,  but  often  have 

Photo,  by  E.  M.  Burwash 
FIG.    70.      BASALTIC    COLUMNS    NEAR    MOUNT    GARIBALDI,    B.C. 

five,  four,  or  even  three  sides,  or  else  may  have  seven  or  eight. 
The  thickness  varies  from  a  few  inches  to  several  feet.  They 
are  generally  broken  into  segments  by  a  kind  of  ball  and 
socket  joint,  and  in  a  dike  they  may  look  like  a  pile  of  cord- 
wood.  Examples  may  be  seen  in  the  diabase  dikes  and  sheets 
north  of  Lake  Superior,  but  more  perfect  prismatic  structure 
is  displayed  by  some  of  the  western  lavas.  The  columns  of 
the  Giant's  Causeway  in  Ireland  and  of  the  Cave  of  Staffa 
in  Scotland  are  famous. 

grained  eruptives,  such  as  granite,  diorite,  etc.,  show  much 



less  regularity  of  form  and  give  rise  to  ruder  shapes.    In  most 
cases  there  are  joints  in  three  planes,  but  not  always  at  right 

angles  to  one  another.  In 
many  granites  one  of  the 
planes  is  about  parallel  to 
the  original  surface  of  the 
cooling  mass,  giving  the 
effect  of  banks  a  few  feet 
in  thickness ;  while  the  other 
joints  are  at  right-angles  to 
this  direction.  The  joint 
fissures  may  allow  water  to 
enter  and  the  angles  of 
the  oblong  blocks  become 
rounded  by  weathering,  re- 
sulting in  wool  sack -like 
masses  which  lie  separate 
from  one  another  and  almost 
suggest  drift  boulders.  This 

FIG.   7I.     SHEETING    AND    JOINTING   IN     fe     best    seen     jn     UnglaCiated 

countries,  and  is  well  shown 
in  the  Matopos  Hills  in  South  Africa'and  in  central  India. 



Both  sedimentary  and  eruptive  rocks  may  take  on  the 
schistose  structure,  which  means  literally  a  cleavable  struc- 
ture, since  these  rocks  can  be  cleft  or  split  more  readily  in  one 
direction  than  in  others.  This  direction  of  easy  division  is 
generally  due  to  the  arrangement  of  certain  minerals,  espe- 
cially mica,  chlorite,  and  hornblende,  which  have  their  crystals 
so  arranged  that  the  cleavage  planes  are  parallel.  Since 
the  very  perfect  cleavage  of  the  micas  and  chlorite  comes 
from  the  thin  plates  or  leaves  into  which  they  readily  split, 
the  name  foliation  may  be  given  to  this  arrangement  of  the 
schistose  rocks. 

In  the  case  of  gneiss  there  may  be  also  a  banding  of  different 
minerals,  some  layers  having  more  of  the  light  minerals  an4 


others  of  the  dark  ones,  a  very  characteristic  feature  of  many 
Laurentian  gneisses.  This  may  be  caused  by  the  rolling  out  of 
masses  of  granite  penetrated  by  basic  dikes,  or  by  the  penetra- 
tion of  thin  sheets  of  granite  between  the  layers  of  schist,  by 
what  is  called  lit-par-lit  injection. 

Where  a  porphyritic  rock  has  been  sheared  and  rolled  out, 
the  porphyritic  crystals,  especially  feldspars,  often  resist  the 
pressure  better  than  the  other  minerals  and  form  augen  or 
"eyes,"  with  an  unbroken  central  part  and  crushed  materials 
tailing  out  in  each  direction,  the  whole  forming  a  bulge  in  the 
foliation  of  the  micas  above  and  below. 

The  schistose  structure  of  some  gneisses  is  the  result  of  a 
dragging  of  the  minerals  into  parallelism  with  the  edges  of 
batholiths,  as  the  central,  hotter  part  of  the  magma  con- 
tinued to  push  up  after  the  sides  had  grown  cold.  On  this 
account  one  finds  rather  perfect  gneissoid  or  schistose  struc- 
ture near  the  margin  of  batholiths,  passing  gradually  through 
the  form  "  granitoid  gneiss  "  to  granite  proper  where  no  parallel 
arrangement  of  the  minerals  can  be  seen. 

Gneissoid  and  other  schistose  structures  are  the  prevalent 
features  of  the  Pre-cambrian  of  northern  Canada,  and  are 
usually  steeply  inclined  or  nearly  vertical,  as  if  the  whole  series 
of  rocks  was  on  edge.  Many  of  the  physiographic  features  of  the 
region,  ridges,  ravines,  river  channels,  etc.,  are  bound  up  with 
the  schistose  arrangement  of  the  rock-forming  minerals,  which 
has  resulted  from  ancient  mountain-building  operations. 


A  structural  feature  confined  to  fine-grained  argillaceous 
rocks,  called  slaty  cleavage,  is  wide-spread  and  important  in 
many  places.  It  resembles  lamination  in  unchanged  sediments, 
but  has  no  real  relation  to  sedimentary  layers  and  may  cut 
across  the  lamination  at  any  angle.  Slaty  cleavage  causes  a 
parting  into  thin  plates  or  sheets,  and  is  not  unlike  the  more 
perfect  varieties  of  schistose  structure  in  this  respect.  It  is 
not  the  result  of  the  cleavage  of  micas,  however,  but  is  caused 
by  the  rearrangement  of  the  small  particles  of  shales  by 
shearing  motions  under  great  pressure,  the  particles  swinging 
so  that  their  longest  axes  are  parallel. 


Slaty  cleavage  may  be  very  persistent  in  dip  and  direction 
over  miles  of  mountain  range,  as  in  the  Selkirks,  and  is 
evidently  the  result  of  wide-reaching  causes  connected  with 
mountain  building. 

The  practical  value  of  this  power  of  splitting  into  thin 
uniform  plates  is  shown  in  the  preparing  of  slates  for 
roofing  purposes. 




ONE  is  apt  to  think  of  the  world  as  a  finished  work  like  a 
statue,  hewn  and  polished  long  ages  ago  by  some  great  artist 
and  left  complete  and  changeless.  We  speak  of  the  "everlast- 
ing hills"  and  of  "terra  firma"  as  if  the  present  state  of  things 
were  permanent;  and  yet  we  are  everywhere  surrounded  by 
proofs  that  the  world  is  not  finished,  but  is  constantly  under- 
going change.  The  summer  rain  makes  gullies  in  the  fields 
and  carries  down  mud  to  the  streams;  the  melting  snow  in 
spring  turns  all  the  streams  to  torrents  that  hurry  down  mud 
and  sand  and  gravel  and  even  large  stones  to  the  lake  or  sea ; 
and  the  frost  quarries  blocks  of  the  hardest  rock  from  the 
cliffs,  heaping  a  talus  at  their  feet.  If  one  follows  up  the  work 
of  wind  and  weather  and  running  water,  it  soon  becomes 
evident  that  not  alone  the  hills  but  all  the  land  that  rises 
above  the  sea  is  being  constantly  attacked  and  the  materials 
dumped  on  the  sea  bottom.  If  nothing  interfered  with  the 
process,  in  time  every  continent  and  island  would  be  carved 
down  to  sea  level,  and  finally  a  universal  ocean  would  cover 
all  the  world. 

This  catastrophe  has  never  taken  place,  however,  because 
there  are  counteracting  forces  that  lift  up  the  sea  bottom  in 
places  to  make  dry  land,  as  one  can  see  on  the  old  marine 
beaches  still  containing  sea  shells  hundreds  of  feet  above 
the  Gulf  of  St.  Lawrence  in  eastern  Ontario  and  Quebec.  In 
many  places  one  even  finds  ancient  sea  shells  in  the  rocks  of 
mountain  tops. 

It  is  evident  that  while  some  forces  are  tearing  down  the 
mountains  and  devouring  the  dry  land,  others  are  heaving  up 
the  surface  and  rebuilding  the  hills  and  mountains;  so  that 



the  earth  has  never  been  finished,  but  is  still  in  the  making. 
The  earth  was  not  created  once  for  all  ages  ago  and  left  as 
finished,  but  creation  is  still  going  on  all  about  us. 

Nevertheless,  these  processes  cannot  be  eternal ;  they  must 
have  had  a  beginning,  and  one  naturally  asks  where  the 
materials  came  from  and  how  they  were  brought  together  to 
form  the  earth  as  we  know  it.  In  regard  to  this  certain  facts 
are  known,  and  two  very  interesting  theories  have  been 
proposed  to  account  for  them. 

The  crust  of  the  earth  with  its  covering  of  water  and  air  is 
made  up  of  a  large  number  of  chemical  elements,  and  it  has 
been  shown  by  the  spectroscope  that  most  of  these  occur  in 
the  sun  as  well  as  in  the  more  distant  stars.  Beside  this,  the 
cold  solid  bodies  that  come  to  the  earth  from  space,  the 
meteorites,  contain  no  new  elements.  They  are  composed  of 
familiar  substances  found  in  the  earth,  though  in  different 
proportions  from  those  of  terrestrial  minerals.  If  the  rest  of 
the  visible  universe  consists  of  the  same  ingredients  as  our 
earth,  though  in  the  gaseous  form  owing  to  heat,  and  if  the 
dark  solid  bodies  of  space  also,  so  far  as  they  reach  us,  contain 
only  well-known  elements  of  the  earth,  it  is  highly  probable, 
if  not  certain,  that  the  earth  has  had  an  origin  similar  to  that 
of  the  other  bodies  in  the  universe. 

It  has  just  been  mentioned  that  bodies  made  up  of  intensely 
hot  incandescent  gases  and  also  cold  and  dark  bodies  exist  in 
space,  both  composed  of  the  elements  found  in  the  earth. 
One  could  imagine  the  earth  as  beginning  either  as  a  mass 
of  hot  gas  or  as  a  swarm  of  cold,  solid  particles  compacted 
together;  and  both  theories  have  been  advocated,  the  first 
under  the  name  of  the  Nebular  Theory,  and  the  other  as  the 
Planetesimal  Theory.  An  outline  of  these  two  hypotheses  will 
be  given. 


This  theory  was  first  suggested  by  the  philosopher  Kant, 
but  was  worked  out  more  completely  by  the  astronomer 
Laplace,  and  was  so  simple  and  beautiful  that  for  many  years 
it  was  generally  accepted  as  true.  Our  solar  system  is  supposed 
to  have  begun  as  a  vast  lens  or  disc  of  hot  gases  containing  all 

THE   MAKING   OF  THE   WORLD       139 

the  material  of  the  sun  and  planets  and  extending  beyond  the 
orbit  of  the  outermost  planet.  This  lens  of  gas,  or  nebula, 
was  supposed  to  be  in  rotation  about  a  central  axis  and  to  be 
cooling  down  by  the  loss  of  heat  into  space.  As  the  cooling 
progressed  the  lens  shrank  correspondingly,  but  the  rate  of 
motion  remained  the  same,  so  that  the  speed  of  rotation  of 
the  outer  parts  of  the  nebula,  travelling  round  a  smaller  circle, 
steadily  increased.  In  time  the  centrifugal  force  of  this  outer 
belt  of  gas  just  balanced  the  gravitational  pull  of  the  rest  of 
the  nebula  and  a  ring  of  gas  was  left  behind.  This  is  called 
annulation.  Later  the  material  of  the  ring  came  together 
about  a  centre  and  rotated  about  its  own  axis  in  the  same 
direction  as  the  parent  nebula. 

Ring  after  ring  was  left  behind  at  definite  intervals,  and 
some  of  the  subordinate  masses  of  gas  repeated  the  process 
on  a  small  scale.  The  primary  spheres  of  gas  condensed  to 
form  planets  and  the  secondary  ones  made  satellites  like  our 
moon.  The  vast,  central,  remaining  mass  of  gas,  still  incan- 
descent, is  the  sun;  and  the  sun,  the  planets,  and  the  satellites 
with  few  exceptions  rotate  in  the  same  direction;  while  the 
planets  have  orbits  nearly  in  the  same  plane,  which  is  also 
nearly  the  plane  of  the  sun's  equator.  The  whole  system  is 
steadily  cooling ;  all  the  inner  planets,  like  our  earth,  are  cold 
and  solid  at  the  surface ;  the  larger  outer  planets  may  still  be 
quite  hot ;  while  the  huge  central  mass,  the  sun,  still  remains 
intensely  hot. 

Following  the  regular  course  of  the  hypothesis,  our  earth 
began  as  a  sphere  of  glowing  gas  extending  beyond  the  orbit 
of  the  moon,  which  was  formed  from  a  ring  of  gas  left  behind 
during  cooling  and  contraction.  Later  the  earth  became  a 
molten  ball  with  an  immense  atmosphere,  including  the  present 
gases  and  other  volatile  constituents,  such  as  water  and  carbon 
dioxide.  The  white-hot,  molten  sphere  cooled  so  far  that  a 
solid  crust  of  rock  formed,  and  this  at  length  lost  its  red  heat 
and  reached  a  temperature  where  liquid  water  could  exist, 
collecting  in  the  hollows  to  form  the  sea,  though  still  too  hot 
to  permit  of  life.  Finally  the  surface  of  the  earth  and  the  sea 
upon  it  became  cold,  ordinary  geological  conditions  com- 
menced, and  lowly  plants,  and  later  animals,  were  introduced, 
spreading  far  and  wide  in  the  waters, 


While  the  broad  outline  of  the  hypothesis  seems  beautifully 
simple  and  attractive  and  accounts  for  some  well-known 
phenomena,  such  as  the  rise  in  temperature  in  depth  as 
shown  in  mines  and  bore  holes,  and  the  shape  of  the  earth 
that  of  a  rotating  sphere  of  liquid,  yet  a  careful  study  brings 
to  light  a  great  number  of  discrepancies  between  the  theoty 
and  the  facts  of  astronomy  and  geology.  Scarcely  any  of  the 
astronomical  features  of  the  solar  system  agree  exactly  with 
the  requirements  of  this  hypothesis;  the  planets  do  not 
revolve  about  the  sun  exactly  in  the  plane  of  the  ecliptic, 
as  they  should,  and  their  axes  of  rotation  are  all  inclined 
to  it  instead  of  being  vertical  as  one  would  expect.  Some 
of  the  satellites  revolve  in  the  wrong  direction  and  with  an 
unaccountable  speed.  A  careful  mustering  of  the  known 
nebulae  shows  that  the  annular  form  is  very  rare,  while 
many  of  them  have  spiral  shapes:  this  does  not  accord 
with  the  requirements  of  the  nebular  hypothesis  as  origin- 
ally stated.  For  these  and  other  reasons  astronomers  find 
the  theory  unsatisfactory. 

Geologists  also  have  numerous  and  serious  objections  to  it. 
If  the  nebular  plan  was  carried  out  with  anything  like  exact- 
ness, the  earth  should  be  a  perfect  spheroid  of  rotation  with 
no  elevations,  such  as  continents  and  islands,  nor  great 
depressions,  such  as  ocean  basins;  and  the  sea  should  cover 
the  earth's  crust  everywhere  to  the  same  depth,  forming  a 
complete  hydrosphere,  just  as  there  is  a  complete  atmosphere. 
Again,  the  oldest  known  rocks  all  over  the  world  are  sedi- 
mentary, i.e.  they  were  formed  under  water;  and  nowhere 
do  we  find  any  remains  of  the  earth's  supposed  crust  formed 
by  the  cooling  of  the  molten  sphere.  At  the  very  beginning 
of  known  geological  time  there  were  bodies  of  water,  so  that 
the  earth  could  not  have  been  hot  enough  to  evaporate 
the  seas.  Proofs  of  an  ice  age  at  a  very  early  time  in  the 
earth's  history  show  that  for  many  millions  of  years  the 
earth  has  not  been  steadily  cooling  down  as  the  nebular 
hypothesis  demands.  Instead  of  this  we  know  that  con- 
ditions as  to  temperature  have  fluctuated  up  and  down  at 
various  times,  the  changes  keeping  within  such  narrow 
limits  that  living  beings  have  inhabited  sea  and  land  for 
an  immense  period  of  time. 

THE  MAKING  OF  THE  WORLD       141 


The  fall  of  meteorites  proves  that  there  are  cold  and  solid 
materials  for  world  building  still  available  in  space,  and  a 
"meteoric"  theory  of  the  origin  of  the  earth  was  proposed 
many  years  ago,  according  to  which  a  swarm  of  meteorites 
moving  swiftly  and  generating  heat  by  their  collisions  might 
ultimately  combine  to  produce  a  molten  globe  as  the  start- 
ing point  for  our  earth;  but  this  theory  has  not  received 
much  support. 

More  recently  the  Planetesimal  Theory  has  been  brought 
forward  by  Chamberlin,  a  well-known  geologist,  and  Moulton, 
an  astronomer,  to  account  for  the  creation  of  the  earth.  The 
word  "  planetesimal "  means  a  minute  planet,  a  cold  particle 
travelling  through  space  at  planetary  speed.  In  essence  the 
theory  describes  the  world  as  built  up  mainly  or  wholly  by 
the  coming  together  of  such  cold  particles  under  the  influence 
of  gravity.  The  innumerable  "shooting  stars"  which  still 
bombard  the  earth,  coming  swiftly  out  of  cold  space,  shining 
brightly  for  a  moment  from  the  intense  friction  with  our 
atmosphere,  and  then  being  dissipated  to  fall  as  minute 
particles  to  the  earth,  may  be  looked  upon  as  remnants 
of  the  vast  numbers  of  planetesimals  which  combined  to 
form  the  earth. 

An  elaborate  process  has  been  suggested  to  connect  the 
formation  of  planets  with  the  "knots"  of  light  often  observed 
in  spiral  nebulae,  but  it  would  lead  too  far  into  astronomical 
speculations  to  discuss  it  here.  The  theory  supposes  a  long 
period  of  growth  by  the  accumulation  of  the  planetesimals, 
the  surface  of  the  central  sphere  remaining  cold.  Until  a  size 
greater  than  that  of  the  moon  was  attained,  no  atmosphere 
could  be  held  by  such  a  growing  world  because  of  its  small 
gravitative  power;  but  ultimately  the  materials  of  the  air 
and  also  of  the  water  of  the  world  would  arrive  and  surround 
the  central-mass.  Increasing  compression  by  gravitation 
would  take  place  as  the  mass  grew  and  heat  would  result, 
with  chemical  reactions  and  crystallisation  of  the  compounds 
formed.  Tidal  kneading  due  to  the  pull  of  the  moon  and  sun 
would  play  a  part  and  radioactive  matter  coming  in  with 


the  planetesimals  would  produce  heat ;  as  a  result  the  interior 
of  the  earth  would  become  hot,  parts  of  it  hot  enough  to  melt 
as  lava  and  eruptive  rock.  Yet  the  surface  of  the  earth  would 
remain  cool  enough  from  the  beginning  for  water  to  exist  in 
the  liquid  form  and  carry  on  its  characteristic  work  as  shown 
in  the  stratified  rocks. 

There  is  much  greater  flexibility  in  the  planetesimal  theory 
than  in  the  nebular  one,  and  the  suggestion  of  a  world  cold 
from  the  beginning,  perhaps  even  warming  up  through  the 
ages,  fits  much  better  with  the  demands  of  historical  geology 
than  the  supposition  of  a  molten  world  slowly  cooling  through 
the  whole  of  geological  time. 

It  should  be  remembered,  however,  that  the  planetesimal 
theory  is  still  under  discussion.  It  must  not  be  looked  upon 
as  a  proved  fact,  but  rather  as  the  most  probable  way  of 
accounting  for  the  earth  and  its  history:  it  may  undergo 
modification  as  knowledge  increases. 



HISTORICAL  Geology,  as  the  name  implies,  is  simply  the 
history  of  the  earth  from  the  earliest  time  of  which  we  have 
evidence  in  the  rocks  to  the  dawn  of  conditions  as  we  now  know 
them.  This  history  is  two-fold;  it  is  at  once  a  record  of 
physical  events  and  an  account  of  the  various  races  of 
organisms  which  have  inhabited  the  earth.  Incidentally 
the  present  position,  character,  and  extent  of  the  component 
layers  of  rock  form  part  of  the  subject  of  historical  geology. 

Theories  as  to  the  origin  of  the  globe,  however  useful  they 
may  be  to  the  geologist,  are  not  commonly  regarded  as  part 
of  historical  geology.  We  begin  with  the  most  ancient  actual 
evidence  and  trace  the  history  onward  from  that  time. 

History,  like  time,  cannot  be  other  than  continuous,  but 
even  human  history  has  many  gaps  owing  to  the  failure  of  a 
record.  In  geological  history,  however,  an  almost  continuous 
record  must  have  been  made,  since  land  and  water,  with  the 
consequent  erosion  and  sedimentation,  have  always  existed. 
It  by  no  means  follows,  however,  that  we  shall  ever  be  able 
to  read  the  story  continuously,  because  some  of  the  pages 
may  still  be  under  the  sea,  others  hidden  by  overlying  strata, 
and  still  others  totally  destroyed  by  subsequent  erosion.  It 
is  evident  also  that  the  rock  pages  of  this  history  are  not  piled 
one  above  the  other  continuously  in  any  one  place,  but  that 
the  leaves  are  scattered  over  the  globe,  some  here  and  some 
there.  No  country,  however  large  and  varied,  contains  within 
its  borders  the  whole  series  of  strata  from  the  beginning  to 
the  present  time.  It  is  the  business  of  the  geologist  to  gather 
together  the  scattered  pages  from  the  whole  world  and  arrange 
them  in  chronological  order,  or,  in  other  words,  to  decipher 
the  history  of  the  globe. 


It  is  apparent  that  our  knowledge  of  past  events  can  be 
acquired  only  by  a  study  of  the  rocks  themselves.  There  is 


scarcely  any  fact  revealed  in  the  examination  of  rocks  that 
may  not  assist  in  increasing  our  knowledge  of  geological 
history.  In  order  to  interpret  into  history  the  phenomena 
exhibited  by  rocks  it  is  necessary  to  understand  the  processes 
now  at  work  on  the  globe.  For  instance,  we  see  the  waves  on 
a  sandy  shore  sorting  and  arranging  the  grains  of  sand :  when 
we  find  sand  grains  similarly  arranged  in  an  ancient  stratum 
of  rock  we  may  safely  infer  that  it  was  formed  by  wave  action 
near  an  ancient  shore.  We  see  shells  being  embedded  in  mud 
along  a  coast:  when  we  find  similar  shells  in  layers  of  hard 
rock  we  may  conclude  that  that  rock  was  formed  at  or 
below  sea  level,  although  it  may  be  now  thousands  of  feet 
above  the  sea. 

Admitting,  therefore,  that  almost  any  fact  revealed  by  the 
rocks  throws  light  on  their  history,  it  has  been  found,  never- 
theless, that  certain  principles  are  of  especial  value  in  piecing 
together  into  a  chronological  whole  the  scattered  pages  of 
the  earth's  history.  These  are: 

SUPERPOSITION.  This  principle  may  be  briefly  stated  as 
follows:  the  stratum  above  is  younger  than  that  beneath. 
For  instance,  in  ascending  the  gorge  of  the  Niagara  river  we 
pass  upwards  from  a  layer  of  red  shale  to  a  layer  of  sandstone, 
to  grey  shales  and  limestones,  and  finally  to  a  heavy  layer  of 
dolomite.  These  various  layers  correspond  in  age  to  their 
position  in  the  series,  the  red  shales  at  the  bottom  being  the 
oldest  and  the  dolomite  at  the  top  the  youngest. 

UNCONFORMITIES.  When  layers  of  rock  lie  evenly  one  on 
another,  as  at  Niagara,  they  are  said  to  be  conformable,  and 
one  may  conclude  that  the  record  is  fairly  complete;  but  in 
many  cases  the  succession  is  broken  by  unconformities  or 
discordances  that  interrupt  the  record,  as  though  a  leaf  or 
chapter  had  been  torn  out  of  a  book.  In  such  a  case  one 
finds  the  lower  beds  more  or  less  upturned  and  their  edges 
worn  off,  while  the  later  rocks  rest  upon  the  planed-off  surface. 
In  general,  one  can  interpret  an  unconformity  as  meaning 
that  the  earlier  rocks  had  been  tilted  or  folded  and  thus  raised 
above  the  sea,  where  weather,  frost,  and  running  water  de- 
stroyed the  projecting  parts;  while  afterwards  the  region 
was  lowered  beneath  the  sea  again  before  the  later  set  of 
sediments  was  deposited.  It  is  evident  that  these  processes 


require  time  for  their  accomplishment,  so  that  a  marked 
discordance  means  a  very  considerable  gap  in  the  record. 

Beneath  some  of  our  older  formations  one  finds  a  surface 
with  structures  corresponding  to  the  base  of  a  great  mountain 
range,  and  one  can  infer  an  astonishing  series  of  changes, 
where  rocks  laid  down  on  a  sea  bottom  have  been  bent  up 
into  domes  or  folds  thousands  of  feet  high  and  penetrated  by 
dikes  or  masses  of  molten  granite.  Then  the  whole  vast  chain 
has  been  slowly  attacked  and  carved  down  by  superficial 
forces  until  the  surface  has  been  levelled  almost  to  a  plain. 
Finally  the  later  sheet  of  sediment  has  been  laid  down  on  the 
upturned  edges  of  the  ancient -structures.  Such  a  discordance 
undoubtedly  implies  an  interval  of  long  ages,  probably  many 
millions  of  years.  What  happened  during  the  vast  interval  is 
recorded  only  negatively  by  the  mountain  stumps  that  remain 
outlining  the  foundations  of  the  huge  structures  destroyed 
by  "the  tooth  of  time"  while  the  region  stood  above  the 
level  of  the  sea. 

Unconformities  are  generally  distinct  and  easily  recognised 
when  any  considerable  area  is  studied;  but  occasionally 
there  is  no  angular  break  between  the  two  series  of  rocks,  so 
that  one  could  imagine  them  to  form  a  continuous  succession. 
In  such  disconformities,  as  they  may  be  called,  the  older 
rocks  have  usually  been  more  or  less  cut  by  valleys,  which 
have  been  filled  in  by  the  later  sediments. 

BASAL  CONGLOMERATES.  Where  an  upper  series  of  rocks 
begins  with  coarse  materials,  forming  a  "basal  conglomerate," 
the  break  is  instantly  evident,  even  if  no  unconformity  of 
angle  is  to  be  seen  between  it  and  the  lower  series.  Such  a 
conglomerate,  made  up  of  fragments  of  the  bed  beneath, 
proves  that  the  lower  series  had  been  consolidated  into  firm 
rock  and  had  then  been  broken  up,  the  angular  fragments 
being  rounded  by  currents  or  waves  or  even  by  glacial  action 
before  the  materials  were  worked  up  into  the  later  formation. 
All  these  requirements  mean  the  lapse  of  time.  If  pebbles  or 
boulders  of  several  kinds  of  rocks  derived  from  different 
sources  occur  in  the  basal  conglomerate,  the  destruction  of  the 
older  series  must  have  been  widespread  and  the  time  interval 
probably  long. 

Where  two  or  more  unconformable  series  of  rocks  have 


been  folded,  squeezed,  and  rolled  out  in  mountain  building, 
the  planes  of  discordance  may  become  unrecognisable  and 
the  separation  of  the  formations  may  be  difficult  or  impossible. 
Basal  conglomerates,  however,  even  if  the  pebbles  are  rolled 
out  into  lenses,  may  give  much  help  in  disentangling  the 
relations  if  their  materials  are  well  enough  preserved  to 
determine  the  beds  from  which  they  were  derived.  Where  the 
rolling  out  has  gone  to  the  extreme,  as  in  some  schistose  rocks, 
even  the  pebbles  of  conglomerate  disappear,  and  there  is  often 
no  clue  to  the  order  of  succession. 

LITHOLOGICAL  CHARACTERS.  Where  other  more  satisfac- 
tory means  of  working  out  the  succession  of  the  rocks  are 
not  available,  one  may  make  use  of  the  actual  nature  of  the 
rocks  themselves.  If  rocks  at  different  places  are  alike  it  is 
natural  to  think  of  them  as  formed  under  the  same  conditions 
and  at  the  same  time,  and  sometimes  one  can  actually 
follow  a  particular  rock  from  point  to  point  with  little  or  no 
change,  thus  proving  positively  that  two  widely  separated 
outcrops  are  continuous  with  one  another  and  therefore 
of  the  same  age. 

There  are  cases,  however,  where  one  can  begin  with  one 
rock,  such  as  sandstone,  and  end,  perhaps  miles  away,  with 
another  rock,  such  as  shale.  These  two  rocks  were  evidently 
formed  at  the  same  time  and  in  the  same  body  of  water,  but 
under  different  conditions,  sand  being  deposited  at  one  place 
and  mud  at  another,  and  a  mixture  of  the  two  at  intermediate 
points.  This  shows  that  the  lithological  method  of  correlating 
rocks  at  a  distance  from  one  another  must  be  used  with 
caution,  particularly  when  one  remembers  that  similar  con- 
ditions resulting  in  similar  rocks  have  recurred  again  and 
again  in  the  earth's  history. 

FOSSILS.  Except  in  the  very  oldest  rocks,  the  evidences  of 
the  existence  of  plants  and  animals  are  of  the  highest  value 
in  working  out  the  orderly  succession  of  the  strata  and  in 
correlating  the  rocks  of  one  locality  with  those  of  another.  In 
addition,  the  history  of  the  organisms  which  have  inhabited 
the  globe  is,  in  itself,  a  part  of  historical  geology  and  goes 
hand  in  hand  with  the  record  of  physical  events  to  make  up 
the  history  of  the  earth. 

We  do  not  know  when  life  began  on  the  earth,  and  it  is 


doubtful  if  we  ever  shall  know.  Evidences  of  the  existence  of 
organised  beings  have  been  found  in  very  old  rocks,  but  not 
in  the  most  ancient  rocks  of  all.  Whether  or  not  animals  or 
plants  inhabited  the  globe  in  this  very  early  time,  who  shall 
say?  In  the  science  of  geology  negative  statements  may 
sometimes  be  made  with  certainty;  generally,  however,  such 
statements  are  intended  to  express  only  our  present  knowledge 
of  the  point  in  question.  Particularly  with  regard  to  the 
history  of  life  one  must  remember  that  statements  as  to  the 
non-existence  of  certain  animals  at  certain  times  mean  only 
that  evidences  of  their  existence  have  not  been  found. 

We  know  that  organised  creatures  have  inhabited  the  globe 
continuously  from  the  time  of  their  first  appearance  to  the 
present.  We  know  that  life  has  changed,  one  group  of 
organisms  being  succeeded  by  another  in  orderly  succession 
throughout  the  geological  ages.  We  know  that  the  older  an 
organism  is  the  more  it  differs  from  creatures  now  living. 
Finally  we  infer,  on  very  substantial  grounds,  that  these 
different  races  of  organisms  have  not  been  separately  created, 
but  that  the  younger  has  descended  from  the  older  by  a 
process  of  organic  evolution. 

The  concrete  evidences  on  which  the  above  assertions  are 
made  are  known  as  fossils,  and  that  branch  of  geological 
science  which  deals  with  this  evidence  is  paleontology.  One 
should  avoid  the  popular  conception  of  a  fossil  as  the  remains 
of  an  extinct  organism,  or  the  equally  erroneous  idea  that  a 
fossil  is  something  petrified  or  converted  into  stone.  Anything 
found  in  the  rocks  that  indicates  indubitably  the  existence  of 
an  organism  in  time  earlier  than  the  Recent  is  a  fossil.  Among 
the  more  obvious  fossils  are  shells,  in  the  natural  condition 
or  altered  into  some  other  substance  (petrified),  teeth,  spines, 
scales,  bones,  wood,  spores,  seeds,  and  in  rare  cases  even 
flesh  and  hair.  Less  obvious,  but  just  as  truly  fossils,  are 
moulds  and  casts  of  shells  or  other  parts  of  creatures,  impres- 
sions of  leaves,  footprints,  borings,  burrowings,  and  excre- 
ments. A  shell  found  buried  in  the  sand  or  mud  on  the  shore 
of  Lake  Ontario  is  not  a  fossil;  but  the  same  shell  found  in 
the  same  vicinity  but  in  a  stratum  of  sand  or  mud  not  formed 
by  the  present  Lake  Ontario  is  a  fossil.  Fossils,  therefore,  do 
not  necessarily  represent  extinct  organisms. 


The  number  of  known  fossils  is  enormous;  hundreds  of 
thousands  of  different  creatures  have  inhabited  the  globe 
throughout  the  geological  ages.  The  history  of  these  creatures, 
their  habits,  their  evolution,  their  migrations,  their  battles 
for  supremacy,  their  rise  and  fall  constitute  a  large  part  of 
historical  geology. 

The  time  during  which  a  creature  is  known  to  have  existed 
is  called  its  range.  Some  fossils  have  a  short  range  and  others 
a  long  range.  Naturally  the  long-range  forms  belong  to  domi- 
nant races  represented  by  great  numbers  of  individuals1 
such  forms  are  worthy  of  especial  mention  in  recounting  the 
history  of  their  time.  Short-range  forms  are  usually  repre- 
sented by  fewer  individuals,  and  they  may  be  confined  to  a 
single  formation  or  even  to  a  single  stratum:  these  are  less 
worthy  of  mention  in  a  general  account  of  the  life  of  their 
time.  On  the  other  hand,  they  rise  to  the  highest  rank  of 
importance  in  the  eyes  of  the  professional  geologist.  The 
very  fact  of  their  short  range  enables  him  to  regard  them  as 
"thumb  marks"  of  the  stratum  to  which  they  belong  and 
renders  them  of  inestimable  value  in  fixing  the  relative  age 
of  the  associated  strata. 

The  rocks  of  the  Niagara  gorge,  already  used  as  an  example, 
contain  some  long-range  and  some  short-range  fossils:  the 
former  are  interesting  in  that  they  indicate  the  general  life  of 
the  time,  but  the  latter  are  like  dates  on  a  coin,  fixing  the  age 
of  the  rock  which  contains  them.  If  we  find  an  isolated  bed 
of  rock,  perhaps  miles  away,  containing  the  same  fossils  as 
one  of  the  beds  at  Niagara,  we  are  justified  in  concluding  that 
it  is  of  the  same  age  as  the  corresponding  bed  there. 

Unfortunately  many  rocks,  particularly  the  older  ones, 
contain  no  fossils,  so  that  other  methods  must  be  used  to 
determine  their  age.  Where  the  succession  of  the  rocks  has 
been  worked  out  on  a  physical  basis,  fossils  may  be  used  to 
supplement  the  conclusions  arrived  at:  for  instance,  the 
fossils  below  and  above  an  unconformity  are  unlike,  and  the 
greater  the  unconformity  the  greater  is  the  difference  in  the 
fossils.  In  the  case  of  a  disconformity,  the  fossils  below  and 
above  the  break  are  usually  different,  but  not  extremely  so. 
A  difference  in  the  fossils  may  lead  a  geologist  to  suspect 
the  existence  of  a  disconformity,  and  the  discovery  of  a 


disconformity  will  lead  to  a  careful  search  for  fossils  as 
corroborative  evidence. 

Even  where  the  succession  of  the  different  beds  of  rock  is 
continuous  one  cannot  always  be  sure  of  their  order  in  time. 
Where  a  fold  has  been  closed  and  its  upper  part  carved  away, 
leaving  the  two  sides  pressed  together  and  vertical,  there  are 
often  puzzling  relationships ;  and  where  a  succession  of  strata 
has  been  overturned  in  mountain  building,  the  lower  beds 
may  be  younger  than  the  upper  ones.  There  are  even  cases 
where  ancient  rocks  have  been  pushed  bodily  over  much 
younger  rocks,  so  that  the  overlying  bed  may  be  millions  of 
years  older  than  the  one  beneath,  as  in  the  thrusting  of  ranges 
of  the  Rocky  mountains  over  the  foothills  in  southern  Alberta. 

It  is  evident  then  that  the  correlation  of  the  rocks  of  different 
regions,  where  the  evidence  of  fossils  is  wanting,  presents  many 
difficulties ;  so  that  the  relations  of  the  ancient  crystalline 
rocks  without  fossils  can  seldom  be  worked  out  with  as  much 
certainty  as  those  of  later  ages.  Since  more  than  half  of 
Canada  consists  of  these  ancient  rocks,  it  is  evident  that  we 
have  one  of  the  most  difficult  regions  to  study  in  this  respect ; 
but  the  greatness  of  the  area  and  the  unusually  good  ex- 
posures of  the  rocks  give  probably  the  best  opportunity  in 
the  world  for  working  out  their  relationships. 

Even  when  working  on  fossiliferous  formations  one  must 
remember  that  the  record  available  is  usually  that  of  the  sea 
bottom  only.  Marine  plants  and  animals  which  have  hard 
parts  may  be  very  well  preserved,  but  there  may  be  little 
evidence  of  conditions  on  the  land.  The  record  of  the  inhabi- 
tants of  the  land,  especially  in  the  older  periods,  is  usually 
wanting  and  is  always  very  meagre.  A  leaf  or  a  piece  of  wood 
waterlogged  and  buried  in  the  mud,  or  a  few  bones  or  a  feather 
brought  down  by  some  stream,  may  be  all  that  remains  to  us 
of  the  plants  and  animals  of  a  continent. 

At  the  present  time  rocks  are  being  formed  under  very 
different  conditions  in  different  parts  of  the  world.  In  the 
deeper  parts  of  the  sea,  organisms  are  being  entombed  which 
do  not  exist  in  the  shallow  waters  along  the  coast;  Arctic 
organisms  are  entirely  different  from  those  of  the  Torrid 
Zone ;  the  freshwater  shells  which  accumulate  on  lake  bottoms 
differ  from  the  marine  shells  of  the  ocean ;  swamps  and  lagoons 


are  inhabited  by  creatures  not  known  in  the  open  sea.  It  is 
apparent,  therefore,  that,  at  the  same  time,  very  different 
rocks  containing  very  different  organisms  are  being  formed. 
These  varying  sets  of  conditions  are  known  as  fades;  thus 
we  have  marine,  freshwater,  pelagic,  littoral,  and  other  facies. 
There  is  no  reason  to  doubt  that  conditions  of  sedimentation 
varied  as  greatly  in  geological  time  as  they  do  at  present, 
consequently  we  may  expect  to  find  strata  of  different  facies 
throughout  the  geological  record.  At  once  we  are  confronted 
by  an  added  difficulty  in  deciphering  the  geological  history 
of  the  earth,  but  as  the  record  left  by  marine  organisms  is  the 
most  continuous,  we  rely  on  that  almost  entirely  for  the  sub- 
dividing of  rocks  and  time.  Strata  of  facies  other  than  marine 
are  fitted  into  the  geological  column  by  whatever  accessory 
evidence  is  available.  » 

While  marine  deposits  rank  first  in  importance,  there  are, 
however,  some  land  deposits  preserved  on  a  large  scale,  giving 
clear  evidence  of  what  took  place  on  the  continents;  such  as 
desert  formations  and  glacial  "tillites"  or  ancient  boulder 
clays.  A  red,  irregularly  bedded  sandstone  may  be  clearly 
the  work  of  desert  winds,  though  now  thousands  of  miles 
from  the  nearest- arid  region;  and  one  may  find  striated 
stones  in  tillites  within  the  tropics  on  several  continents, 
proving  the  former  existence  of  great  ice  sheets  where  now 
frost  is  unknown.  The  growths  in  low-lying  swamps,  also, 
may  be  preserved  by  a  sinking  of  the  land  allowing  marine 
deposits  to  cover  them,  and  sometimes  an  old  soil  with  the 
trunks  of  trees  may  be  sealed  up  in  the  same  way. 


The  preservation  of  land  deposits  is  very  infrequent  in  the 
older  rocks  and  by  no  means  common  in  the  later  ones,  so 
that  our  time  scale  depends  mainly  on  the  sediments  of  the 
sea.  Since  the  inhabitants  of  the  sea  have  often  left  their 
shells  or  other  hard  parts  to  be  studied  by  the  palaeontologist, 
the  broad  divisions  of  geological  time  are  usually  made  in 
accordance  with  the  character  of  the  marine  life  of  the 
different  eras.  Thus,  in  most  works  on  geology,  the  world's 
history  is  divided  into  grand  subdivisions  on  the  basis  of  life. 


We  distinguish  the  Palceozoic,  or  time  of  ancient  life,  the 
Mesozoic,  or  time  of  middle  life,  and  the  Cenozoic,  or  time  of 
recent  life ;  and  some  geologists  place  a  Proterozoic  before  the 
Palaeozoic,  and  even  an  Archeozoic  before  that,  although  we 
know  very  little  of  the  life  of  the  world  before  the  beginning 
of  the  Palaeozoic. 

In  former  times  a  numerical  classification  was  employed, 
the  oldest  rocks  then  known  being  the  Primary,  the  Mesozoic 
the  Secondary,  and  the  Cenozoic  the  Tertiary.  While  the 
terms  "Primary"  and  "Secondary"  have  entirely  fallen  into 
disuse,  the  term  "Tertiary"  is  still  employed  for  a  division  of 
the  Cenozoic.  Frequently  the  whole  time  before  the  Palaeo- 
zoic is  included  under  the  term  Archcean,  meaning  simply 
"ancient,"  but  in  the  latest  works  the  rather  clumsy  expres- 
sion Pre-cambrian  is  made  use  of  for  the  time  before  the  first 
distinctly  fossiliferous  formation. 

Just  as  a  day  is  divided  into  hours,  and  an  hour  into 
minutes,  etc.,  we  require  corresponding  terms  for  our  sub- 
divisions of  geological  time,  but  it  is  evident  that  the  same 
terms  will  not  apply  both  to  a  division  of  time  and  to  the 
corresponding  division  of  the  rocks  made  during  that  time. 
For  instance,  we  may  speak  of  a  subdivision  of  time  as  an  era, 
but  we  cannot  call  a  division  of  rocks  an  era.  Much  confusion 
has  arisen  in  the  use  of  terms  for  the  various  subdivisions  of 
rocks  and  time.  In  an  attempt  to  standardise  the  method  of 
nomenclature  the  International  Geological  Congress  proposed 
the  following  system: 


Era  Group 

Period  System 

Epoch  Series 

Age  Stage 



Unfortunately,  this  system  has  not  been  universally  adopted, 
perhaps  because  the  familiar  expression  "Formation"  is  not 
included.  The  system  employed  by  the  Geological  Survey  of 
Canada  is  as  follows : 



.  Era 

Period  System 

Epoch  Series 

Stage  Formation 


In  this  method  of  nomenclature  the  word  "Group"  is  not 
used  in  a  definite  sense  as  the  rock  equivalent  of  "P>a,"  but 
it  is  employed  to  designate  an  assemblage  of  strata  the  exact 
subdivisions  of  which  may  be  unknown  or  in  doubt. 

Geological  time,  therefore,  is  divided  into  grand  divisions, 
eras;  the  eras  into  periods;  the  periods  into  epochs,  etc.  In 
order  to  distinguish  between  the  different  eras,  periods/  and 
minor  divisions,  it  is  necessary  to  give  a  name  to  each  of  them. 
In  coining  such  names  it  is  now  the  universal  practice  to  use 
only  geographical  terms;  thus,  Onondaga  stage  if  speaking 
of  "time  and  Onondaga  formation  if  speaking  of  the  rocks.  In 
the  early  days  of  geological  science  this  method  was  not 
employed,  and  in  consequence  many  terms  were  introduced 
which  are  not  in  accord  with  the  geographical  method  of 
nomenclature.  As  already  stated,  the  greatest  divisions  of  all 
are  based  on  life  terms,  Paleozoic,  Mesozoic,  etc.,  and  others, 
such  as  Carboniferous,  on  the  character  of  the  rock  itself. 

Strictly  speaking,  the  name  of  an  era  or  other  division  of 
either  time  or  rocks  is  a  proper  adjective  and  should  be 
followed  by  the  noun  "era,"  or  whatever  term  is  appropriate. 
In  practice,  however,  it  is  customary  to  omit  the  noun  and  to 
write  "the  Palaeozoic,"  "the  Silurian,"  without  introducing 
either  the  time  or  rock  term. 

Geology  is  a  progressive  science,  with  new  discoveries  con- 
stantly being  made,  and  with  new  points  of  view  constantly 
being  set  up;  in  consequence,  it  is  not  surprising  that  authors 
differ  in  their  method  of  classifying  rocks  and  time.  No  two 
men  in  writing  a  history  of  human  events  would  divide  their 
matter  similarly  into  books,  chapters,  etc.  Is  it  to  be  expected 
that  the  much  more  complex  history  of  the  earth  will  impress 
all  observers  in  exactly  the  same  way?  At  the  end  of  this 
chapter  a  table  is  given  which  indicates  the  method  of 
classification  employed  in  this  book. 


The  age  of  eruptive  rocks  may  be  determined  in  most  cases 
by  their  relationships  to  sedimentary  formations.  Lava 
streams  or  beds  of  volcanic  ash  lying  between  two  sedimentary 
rocks  are  evidently  of  intermediate  age,  and  any  eruptive 
mass  that  penetrates  sedimentary  beds  is  clearly  of  later  age 
than  those  beds.  Where  eruptive  rocks  cover  large  areas  to 
the  exclusion  of  sediments,  and  where  there  have  been  erup- 
tions at  different  times  and  of  different  kinds,  the  age  relations 
become  more  complex ;  but  often  one  can  work  out  a  succes- 
sion of  events,  one  eruptive  penetrating  an  earlier  one  as 
bosses  or  dikes,  thus  disclosing  the  relative  age. 

Where,  however,  the  region  has  been  acted  on  by  mountain- 
building  forces  and  has  suffered  metamorphic  changes,  trans- 
forming the  original  massive  rocks  into  schists  and  gneisses, 
the  order  of  succession  is  much  more  difficult  to  unravel.  The 
great  developments  of  granite  and  gneiss  in  northern  Canada, 
often  out  of  reach  of  any  sedimentary  rock  to  indicate  the 
time  scale,  provide  very  difficult  problems  to  solve,  since  the 
granites  and  gneisses  of  one  period  may  be  very  much  like 
those  of  another,  as  in  the  case  of  the  so-called  Laurentian 
and  Algoman  rocks. 

Eruptives  are  sometimes  looked  on  as  accidental  features 
and  are  not  included  in  the  general  time  scale  founded  on  the 
succession  of  sedimentary  rocks,  but  where  they  cover  great 
areas,  as  in  Canada,  the  problem  of  their  age  and  relations  to 
the  sediments  cannot  be  passed  over  despite  the  difficulty  of 
working  them  out. 

In  the  table  on  the  following  page  the  names  printed  in 
italics  are  used  only  in  America. 











Upper  Cretaceous 
Lower  Cretaceous 

Upper  Jurassic 
Jurassic                        Middle  Jurassic 
Lower  Jurassic  =  Liassic 






Upper  Carboniferous 
Lower  Carboniferous 


Upper  Devonian 
Middle  Devonian 
Lower  Devonian 


Upper  Silurian  =  Cay  ugan 
Middle  Silurian  =  Niagaran 
Lower  Silurian  —  Oswegan 


Upper  Ordovician  —  Cincinnatian 
Middle  Ordovician  =  Champlainian 
Lower  Ordovician  =  Canadian 


Upper  Cambrian  =  Croixian 
Middle  Cambrian  =  A  cadian 
Lower  Cambrian  =  Waucobian 



Late  Proterozoic 


Early  Proterozoic 

Sudburian  or  Timiskamian 

1  ARCHIE-! 



Keewatin  and  Grenville 



THE  history  of  the  development  of  life  on  the  earth  is  in- 
timately connected  with  the  record  of  physical  events.  The 
study  of  fossils  is  a  part  of  geological  science  necessary  for 
the  historical  account  and  of  practical  value  in  working  out 
the  sequence  of  the  rocks. 

Fprtunate  is  the  beginner  in  geology  who  has  a  knowledge 
of  the  sciences  of  zoology  and  botany,  for  fossils  are  closely 
related  to  the  animals  and  plants  now  inhabiting  the  earth. 
So  close  is  this  relationship  that  the  methods  of  study  used  in 
zoology  and  botany  are  equally  applicable  in  the  case  of  fossils. 
The  organisms  of  the  past  are  links  in  one  great  chain  of  life, 
and  they  may  be  fitted  into  any  scheme  of  classification  that 
includes  all  living  creatures. 

To  the  practical  geologist  the  ability  to  recognise  a  fossil  on 
sight  is  of  the  first  importance.  He  does  not  require  a  name  in 
order  to  fix  the  fossil  in  his  memory,  but  in  order  to  speak  or 
write  of  it  some  short  and  definite  designation  is  necessary. 
Many  living  creatures  have  popular  names,  but  fossils,  being 
little  known  except  to  scientists,  have  not  acquired  names  of 
that  kind.  In  consequence  the  scientific  method  of  nomen- 
clature is  used  almost  entirely  for  fossils. 

The  individual  organism,  animal  or  vegetable,  living  or 
fossil,  is  known  as  a  species  and  is  given  a  name ;  for  instance, 
the  American  elm  is  called  Ulmus  americanus:  the  latter 
word  "  americanus"  refers  only  to  this  species,  but  the  former 
word  "  Ulmus"  is  applied  to  other  kinds  of  elm  and  is  followed 
by  a  second  word  to  indicate  the  species.  In  other  words,  all 
the  different  kinds  of  elms  belong  to  the  genus  Ulmus,  but 
only  the  American  elm  is  Ulmus  americanus.  This  system 
of  naming  is  quite  the  same  as  that  used  for  persons,  except 
that  the  order  of  the  two  names  is  reversed.  John  Smith 
would  become  Smith  John  if  written  according  to  the 
usage  of  scientists. 



This  method  of  naming  indicates  also  the  fundamental 
principle  underlying  the  classification  of  organisms.  The 
species  Ulmus  americanus  is  an  individual  plant,  but  all  related 
forms  are  included  in  the  genus  Ulmus.  Similarly,  related 
genera  are  grouped  together  in  families,  families  in  orders, 
orders  in  classes,  etc.  Classification,  therefore,  serves  two 
main  purposes:  it  enables  us  to  speak  and  write  of  organisms 
without  the  constant  use  of  long  explanations,  and  it  in- 
dicates the  relationships  that  exist  among  the  various  kinds 
of  creatures. 

It  is  obviously  impossible  in  an  elementary  work  on  geology 
to  attempt  anything  like  an  adequate  description  of  the  various 
kinds  of  organisms;  nevertheless,  the  student  should  realise 
that  a  knowledge  of  organisms  is  an  essential  part  of  geology. 
On  the  other  hand,  lest  the  beginner  be  discouraged,  he  should 
remember  that  many  eminent  geologists  have  only  a  general 
knowledge  of  fossils:  in  these  days  of  specialisation  they  turn 
to  the  palaeontologist  for  a  solution  of  those  problems  which 
demand  an  intimate  knowledge  of  fossils. 

In  this  work  a  short  description  of  the  different  important 
groups  of  fossils  will  be  given  in  the  historical  account,  at  the 
times  when  they  first  appear.  The  following  brief  synopsis  of 
the  classification  of  organisms  contains  only  those  groups  of 
creatures  of  importance  in  geological  history.  The  student  is 
advised  to  make  use  of  this  table  for  reference  when  he  is 
reading  the  accounts  of  fossils  given  on  later  pages. 



Sub-kingdom  INVERTEBRATA.     Animals  without  backbone. 
Branch  PROTOZOA.     Animals  of  one  organic  cell  only. 

Order    FORAMINIFERA.     Small    animals    with    delicate    shell    of 

carbonate  of  lime. 
Branch  CCELENTERATA.     Animals  with  a  single  body  cavity  for  all 

vital  functions. 
Class  SPONGI^E.     Pores  through  the  wall  of  the  body;    skeleton 

of  spicules  of  lime,  silica,  or  horny  matter. 
ANTHOZOA.     The  corals.    Body  wall  without  pores. 
HYDROZOA.     Resemble  corals  but  are  smaller  and  differ 
in  some  details. 


Order    GRAPTOLITOIDEA.     Extinct  order.    See  page  206. 

STROMATOPOROIDEA.     Extinct  order.    See  page  224. 
Branch   ECHINODERMATA.     Animals  covered  with  plates  of  car- 
bonate    of     lime;      water     vascular 
system  present. 

Class  CRINOIDEA.  Plated  body  or  cup  attached  to  the  sea  floor 
by  a  jointed  stem;  circlet  of  waving  arms 

CYSTOIDEA.  Resemble  crinoids  but  with  less  development 
of  arms.  Plates  sometimes  porous. 

BLASTOIDEA.  Resemble  crinoids  but  have  bud-shaped 
bodies  and  plumes  instead  of  waving 
arms.  Extinct. 

ASTEROIDEA.     Free-swimming  star  fishes;    not  attached 
to  sea  floor;     mouth   downward;     star- 
shaped  bodies. 
ECHINOIDEA.     Free-swimming  sea  urchins;  body  spherical 

or  cake-shaped,  cardiform,  etc. 

Branch  VERMES.     The  worms.     Bilateral,  elongated  animals,  seg- 
mented or  unsegmented. 

Class  ANNELIDA.     The  segmented  worms.    Body  composed  of  a 
number  of  joints.    Seaworms,  earthworms, 
Sub-order  TUBICOLA.     Inhabiting  calcareous  tubes. 

ERRANTIA.     The  free-swimming,  marine  worms. 
Branch  MOLLUSCOIDEA.     Animals  with  short,   simple   alimentary 
canal;    respiratory  organs  in  front  of 

Class  BRYOZOA.  Very  small  organisms  living  in  colonies  and 
secreting  a  compound  skeleton  resembling 
that  of  corals. 

BRACHIOPODA.  Much  larger  than  Bryozoa;  not  in  colonies, 
but  single;  secrete  a  bivalved  shell 
each  valve  of  which  is  symmetrical 
about  a  median  line.  See  page  208. 

Branch  MOLLUSC  A.  Bilateral,  highly  developed  organisms  with 
heart  and  systemic  circulation;  body 
enclosed  in  mantle;  fleshy  foot-like  struc- 
ture on  under  side;  shells  differ  in  the 
different  classes. 

Class  PELECYPODA.     Known     also     as     Lamellibranchs     and 
Bivalves;      include    such    creatures    as 
the  common   clam,    oyster,    etc.      Foot 
hatchet-shaped;    gills  usually  leaf-like. 
SCAPHOPODA.     With  long,  tapering,  tubular  shell. 
GASTROPODA.     Shells     single,     hence     called     Univalves; 
shells  saucer  shaped  or  spiral;    foot  a 
creeping    or    swimming    organ.       Snails 
and  related  creatures. 

CEPHALOPODA.  Highly  developed  molluscs.  Edges  of 
foot  rolled  up  to  form  a  tube  through 
which  the  water  from  the  gill  cavity 
is  ejected.  Squids,  nautilus,  cuttle- 
fish, etc. 


Order  NAUTILOIDEA.  Free-swimming  marine  organisms  with 
straight  or  coiled  shells.  The  shells 
are  divided  into  chambers  by  simple 

AMMONOIDEA.     Like  Nautiloidea,  but  the  edges  of  the 

partitions  are  puckered  so  that  their 

union  with  the  shell  wall  is  not  simple 

but  complicated.    Extinct. 

BELEMNOIDEA.     With    a    cigar-shaped    internal    shell. 

Belemnites  proper  are  extinct. 
Branch  ARTHROPODA.     The    higher    invertebrate     animals    with 

jointed  legs. 
Class  CRUSTACEA.     Breathe  by  gills;    generally  aquatic;    many 

limbs  and  segments. 

Sub-class  TRILOBITA.     Crustacea     with     only     one     pair     of 
antennae  and  a  very  characteristic 
three-lobed  body. 
EUCRUSTACEA.     Two    pair    of    antennae;      non-tri- 

lobite  body. 

Super-order  PHYLLOPODA.     Elongated  body,  laterally  com- 
pressed shell. 
OSTRACODA.     With  bivalved  shell  covering  the 

whole  body. 

CIRRIPEDIA.     The  barnacles,  etc. 
MALACOSTRACA.     The  higher  crustaceans  with 
a  constant  number  of  seg- 
ments, 20  or  21. 
Order  SCHIZOPODA.     Eyes  on  movable  stalks. 

DEC  APOD  A.     With  ten  feet;   lobsters,  crabs,  etc. 
Class  ACERATA.     Body  divided  into  two  regions;    breathe  by 


Sub-class  MEROSTOMATA.     The  king  crabs  and  related  forms. 
Order  EURYPTERIDA.     A  group  of  peculiar  extinct  organ- 
isms.   See  page  230. 

Sub-class  ARACHNIDA.     The  spiders,  scorpions,  mites,  etc. 
Sub-branch  MYRIOPODA.     Long-bodied,         wingless        arthropods 
breathing  by  tracheae.    The  thousand- 
legs,  etc. 
INSECTA.     The  insects. 

Sub-kingdom  VERTEBRATA.     Animals  with  backbone. 
Class  AGNATHA.     Fish-like  forms  but  without  jaws. 

PISCES.     The  fishes.   Long-bodied,  aquatic;   breathe  by  gills. 
Sub-class  ELASMOBRANCHII.     Cartilaginous  fish  with  several  gill 

clefts.  Sharks,  rays,  and  various 
extinct  groups. 

HOLOCEPHALI.     The  chimeras,  etc. 
DIPNOI.     The  lung  fishes. 
TELEOSTOMI.     Ganoids  and  scaly  fishes. 
Order  CROSSOPTERYGII.     With  fringed  fins. 

ACTINOPTERYGII.     With  shortened  fin   axes  and  long 

Class  AMPHIBIA.     Broad-headed  animals  without  external  scales 

or  plates;   undergo  a  metamorphosis. 
Order  STEGOCEPHALIA.     Extinct  forms  with  plated  cheeks. 


Class  REPTILIA.     Cold-blooded  animals  with  no  metamorphosis. 
Order  ANOMODONTIA.     Primitive  extinct  forms. 

SAUROPTERYGIA.     Long-necked,    extinct,    aquatic   rep- 

CHELONIA.     The  turtles. 
ICHTHYOPTERYGIA.     Short-necked,      extinct,       aquatic 


RHYNCHOCEPHALIA.     Primitive  type  of  land  reptile. 
SQUAMATA.     Elongated  forms  like  the  snakes  and  some 

extinct  water  reptiles. 

DINOSAURIA.     A  great  group  of  extinct  land  reptiles. 
CROCODILIA.     Crocodiles,  alligators,  etc. 
ORNITHOSAURIA.     Extinct  flying  reptiles. 
Class  AVES.     The  birds. 

Sub-class  ARCII^EORNITHES.     Peculiar  extinct  birds  with  teeth. 

NEORNITHES.     All  other  birds. 
Order  RATITS.     Flat-breasted    birds    without   the   power   of 


CARINAT^E.     Flying  birds,  with  a  crest  on  the  breastbone. 
Class  MAMMALIA.     The  mammals.    Warm-blooded  animals;  suckle 

the  young. 
Sub-class  PROTOTHERIA.     Oviparous. 

METATHERIA.     Young  born  immature  and  carried  in 

a  brood  pouch.    Kangaroos,  etc. 

EUTHERIA.     Young  capable  of  independent  existence. 
Order  CETACEA.     Whales. 

SIRENIA.     Manatees  and  dugongs. 

EDENTATA.     Ant-eaters,  armadillos,  and  extinct  forms. 

UNGULATA.     The  hoofed  animals.     Horse,  cattle,  deer, 

elephant,  etc. 

RODENTIA.     The  rodents.    Beaver,  hedgehogs,  rats,  etc. 
CARNIVORA.     The  predaceous,  flesh-eating  mammals. 
INSECTIVORA.     Shrews,  moles,  etc. 
CHIROPTERA.     Bats. 
PRIMATES.     Lemurs,  monkeys,  man. 


Sub-kingdom  CRYPTOGAMS.     The  lower  plants  in  which  reproduction 

is  effected  by  means  of  spores. 

Branch  THALLOPHYTA.  Unicellular  or  multicellular  plants  of 
simple  construction.  The  larger  forms 
grow  as  flattened  expansions  which  do 
not  show  root,  stem,  and  leaves  as  in 
the  higher  plants. 

Class  ALG;E.  Includes  unicellular  organisms  of  microscopic 
size  (diatoms  and  desmids),  the  red  and  brown 
sea  weeds,  and  the  freshwater  green  and 
blue-green  weeds.  \ 

FUNGI.  The  funguses.  No  importance  as  fossils. 
Branch  BRYOPHYTA.  Spore-bearing  plants  composed  of  cellular 
tissue  which  shows  little  differentiation. 
By  sexual  reproduction  a  spore-case 
arises  in  which  the  spores  are  asexually 
produced.  Mosses  and  liverworts,  of 
little  importance  as  fossils. 



PTERTDOPHYTA.  The  tissue  is  not  evenly  cellular  through- 
out the  plant,  but  is  partly  differen- 
tiated into  special  tissue  which  forms 
longitudinal  bundles  and  facilitates 
the  transmission  of  fluids.  On  this 
account  the  pteridophytes  are  called 
"vascular  cryptogams."  Ferns,  horse- 
tails, and  club  mosses. 

Sub-kingdom  PHANEROGAMS. 






Plants  that  reproduce  by  means  of 


The  most  lowly  of  the  flowering  plants. 
Primitive  forms  are  scarcely  to  be 
distinguished  from  the  highest  pteri- 
dophytes. The  name  means  "naked- 
seeded,"  and  is  derived  from  the  fact 
that  the  seed  is  not  enclosed  in  the 

These  plants  fade  into  the  pteridophytes  on 
the  one  hand,  and  less  clearly  into  conifers 
on  the  other.  Most  existing  cycads  have 
short  trunks  which  bear  a  crown  of  leaves 
resembling  those  of  a  tree  fern.  The  bark 
is  marked  by  numerous  leaf  scars.  The 
leaves  are  large,  pinnate,  and  of  firm 
structure.  A  cross  section  of  the  stem 
shows  many  variations,  but  always  there 
is  a  large  amount  of  pithy  tissue  often 
alternating  with  rings  of  wood.  These 
plants  are  one  of  the  sources  of  sago, 
which  is  stored  in  the  pithy  tissue.  Fossil 
cycads  are  of  great  importance:  they  are 
known  principally  from  leaves,  but  also 
from  trunks  and  fruits. 

Resemble  cycads  in  the  method  of  fertilisa- 
tion.     The   foliage  resembles   that  of  the 
maidenhair  fern;   they  are  called  "maiden- 
hair trees"  in  consequence. 
Unlike  the  cycads  these  trees  form  long 
tapering   trunks   from   which    branches 
arise,  either  in  whorls  or  irregularly.    In 
both    cases    the    general    effect    of    the 
branching  is  to  produce  a  tree  of  taper- 
ing,  cone-like  outline.     The  leaves  are 
always   small,    frequently   elongate;     in 
this  respect  the  conifers  differ  strikingly 
from  the  cycads. 

The  true  flowering  plants  in   which  the 
seed  is  enclosed  in  an  ovary. 



WHEN  geologists  first  attempted  to  work  out  the  history  of 
the  world  they  naturally  began  with  the  rocks  at  hand  in 
England,  France,  or  Germany:  it  was  found  that  these  rocks 
contained  sea  shells  and  that  they  had  clearly  been  laid  down 
on  the  sea  bottom.  It  was  presently  found  that  the  most  con- 
venient way  of  classifying  them  was  by  the  character  of  the 
life  of  the  time  as  shown  by  the  fossils,  and  gradually  a  scheme 
of  classification  grew  into  shape  in  which  the  history  of  the 
world  was  divided  into  great  divisions,  each  with  its  own 
types  of  life. 

The  lowest  division  was  called  the  Palceozoic,  or  Time  of 
Ancient  Life  (from  the  Greek  words  palaios,  ancient,  and  zoon, 
an  animal).  Following  the  succession  of  formations  down- 
wards in  the  Palaeozoic,  the  lowest  beds  containing  fossils 
were  named  the  Cambrian,  and  for  a  long  time  investigation 
practically  stopped  at  that  limit.  The  rocks  below  were  not 
alone  void  of  fossils,  but  often  had  such  confused  and  com- 
plicated arrangements  that  they  seemed  quite  hopeless  and 
were  set  aside  in  despair  as  a  "basal  complex"  or  "funda- 
mental complex."  Something  had  to  be  done  with  them, 
however,  in  the  classification,  and  since  they  showed  no 
evidence  of  life  they  were  called  Azoic  (without  life),  to  bring 
them  into  line  with  the  "zoic"  system. 

Doubts  arose,  however,  as  to  the  real  absence  of  life  in 
these  older  times  because  of  the  apparently  sudden  appearance 
of  the  multitude  of  animals  that  swarmed  in  the  Cambrian 
sea;  in  consequence,  some  geologists  suggested  the  name 
Eozoic  (dawn  of  life).  As  a  compromise  between  the  two 
hostile  views  many  writers  used  the  term  Archcean  (ancient), 
which  implies  no  theory,  and  others  the  negative  expression 
Pre-cambrian.  Both  are  still  in  good  use. 

It  is  not  surprising  that  the  classification  of  the  troublesome 
rocks  below  the  Cambrian  should  long  have  been  neglected  in 
L  161 


Europe,  since  only  small  and  scattered  areas  of  them  exist  in 
the  countries  where  geology  was  earliest  cultivated,  and  the 
succession  in  Europe  is  very  incomplete,  except  apparently  in 
Finland.  Even  in  Canada,  with  the  largest  and  best  exposed 
Pre-cambrian  area  in  the  world,  there  are  still  difficulties  in 
the  classification,  especially  of  the  older  and  more  meta- 
morphosed parts. 

The  first  serious  attempt  to  subdivide  the  basal  complex 
was  made  by  a  Canadian,  Sir  William  Logan,  first  Director  of 
our  Geological  Survey.  He  found  a  great  thickness  of  steeply 
tilted,  crystalline  rocks,  mostly  gneisses,  underlying  all  others 
along  the  St.  Lawrence  valley,  and  named  them  the  Laurentian. 
He  divided  the  Laurentian  into  a  lower  part,  the  Ottawa  gneiss, 
and  an  upper  part,  the  Grenville  series,  supposed  to  be  the 
younger  of  the  two.  Above  rocks  of  this  kind,  on  the  north 
shore  of  Lake  Huron,  a  series  of  comparatively  flat-lying  and 
unchanged  sediments  was  named  the  Huronian. 

For  a  long  time  this  classification  of  the  Pre-cambrian  was 
accepted  as  sufficient,  not  only  in  North  America,  but  also 
in  Europe. 

Later  the  name  Keewatin  was  given  to  rocks  west  of  Lake 
Superior  which  had  been  included  in  the  Huronian,  but  were 
proved  by  Dr.  Lawson  to  be  older  than  the  Laurentian,  and 
therefore  far  older  than  the  original  Huronian. 

Still  later  it  was  found  that  a  great  series  of  sedimentary 
rocks,  younger  than  the  Keewatin  and  Grenville  series,  but 
older  than  the  Huronian,  existed  near  Lake  Timiskaming,  at 
Sudbury  and  elsewhere.  The  gaps  between  these  rocks  and 
those  above  and  below  are  profound,  great  enough  to  allow 
time  for  the  elevation  and  destruction  of  mountain  chains,  so 
that  it  was  necessary  to  place  them  in  a  division  by  themselves. 

The  final  result  is  the  classification  given  on  page  154, 
which  may,  however,  have  to  be  revised  in  later  years  as 
our  knowledge  of  these  obscure,  half-obliterated  pages  of 
the  earliest  history  of  Canada  and  the  rest  of  the  world 
grows  more  complete. 

In  all  the  older  writings  on  the  geology  of  Canada,  the  whole 
of  the  Pre-cambrian  is  included  under  the  term  Archaean; 
but  some  American  geologists  use  it  only  for  the  Pre-huronian 
series,  and  put  the  Huronian  and  later  series  into  the  Algon- 


kian.  This  usage  has  not  been  adopted  in  Canada  except, 
sometimes,  for  parts  of  the  western  Pre-cambrian. 

The  terms  Proterozoic  and  Archeozoic  are  used  by  some 
good  authorities  to  express  ancient  life  relationships  which 
almost  certainly  existed,  but  of  which  there  is  little  direct 

In  the  account  of  the  Archaean  formations  we  shall  dis- 
regard the  subdivision  into  Proterozoic  and  Archaeozoic  and 
begin  with  the  oldest  known  formations,  the  Grenville  and 


Note  the  "Canadian  shield"  surrounding  Hudson  bay  and  the  smaller  areas  to 
the  east  and  west. 

Keewatin,  as  shown  in  the  table  on  page  154.     To  these  a 
third  series  will  be  added,  the  Coutchiching. 


Logan  considered  the  Laurentian  (Ottawa  gneiss)  the  oldest 
of  the  Canadian  rocks,  since  it  underlies  all  others,  and 
believed  that  it  consisted  of  metamorphosed  sediments,  the 
banded  structure  commonly  observed  in  gneisses  being  looked 
on  as  evidence  of  stratification.  It  has  been  proved,  however, 
by  later  field  work,  especially  since  the  petrographic  micro- 
scope came  into  use,  that  the  granites  and  also  most  of  the 
Laurentian  gneisses  are  eruptive  masses,  batholiths  which 
have  domed  up  the  Grenville  series  of  the  east  and  the 


Keewatin  of  the  west,  sending  dikes  into  them  and  splitting 
off  and  carrying  away  fragments.  It  is  certain,  therefore,  that 
these  underlying  granites  and  gneisses  are  younger  than  the 
overlying  rocks,  since  the  age  of  an  eruptive  rock  is  reckoned 
from  the  time  when  it  cooled. 

Accordingly  the  Grenville  and  the  Keewatin,  probably 
of  about  the  same  age,  are  the  earliest  of  known  rocks.  As 
the  Grenville  was  studied  first  it  may  take  precedence  of 
the  Keewatin. 

The  most  striking  Grenville  rock  is  crystalline  limestone, 
sometimes  white,  like  coarse  marble,  but  often  grey  or  coloured, 
and  sometimes  charged  with  minerals  such  as  graphite,  mica, 
hornblende,  augite,  or  serpentine.  As  this  is  the  least  resistant 
rock  of  the  series  it  is  usually  found  in  valleys  and  makes  the 
bed  of  rivers  or  lakes. 

Along  with  the  crystalline  limestone  and  sometimes  inter- 
bedded  with  it,  one  generally  finds  gneiss  or  quartzite,  the 
former  often  containing  pyrite,  garnet,  and  graphite,  while 
the  latter  is  generally  glassy  and  more  or  less  mixed  with 
garnet,  feldspar,  or  other  silicates. 

The  gneiss  of  the  Grenville  differs  markedly  in  most  cases 
from  the  Laurentian  gneiss,  which  is  really  a  schistose  granite : 
it  is  often  duller  in  colour,  weathers  rusty  from  the  decay  of 
the  pyrite,  and  may  contain  graphite  or  sillimanite,  which  are 
not  found  in  Laurentian  gneiss.  Analyses  show  that  it  has  the 
composition  of  a  slate  or  shale. 

The  quartzite  of  the  Grenville  is  not  so  widely  found  as  the 
other  rocks,  but  is  well  seen  at  the  Thousand  islands. 

Schistose  conglomerate  is  occasionally  mentioned  as  a 
rock  of  the  Grenville  series,  but  it  may  really  be  a  basal 
conglomerate  of  a  later  formation  and  will  not  be  de- 
scribed here. 

Most  of  the  Grenville  rocks,  in  spite  of  their  crystalline  or 
schistose  character,  are  really  sediments,  evidently  water- 
formed  as  sand  or  mud  or  limey  materials,  exactly  as  sediments 
have  been  laid  down  in  all  the  later  ages  of  the  world ;  and  it 
is  astonishing  to  find  this  earliest  of  formations  presenting  in 
a  disguised  form  all  the  common  kinds  of  stratified  rocks. 
There  are  even  suggestions  of  life  in  the  graphite,  the  carbon 
of  which  may  have  come  from  primitive  plants,  and  the  calcite 

ARCH^AN   OR   PRE-CAMBRIAN       165 

of  the  limestone  which  may  have  been  formed  of  the  hard 
parts  of  animals. 

At  one  time  it  was  believed  that  a  peculiar  interbanding  of 
calcite  and  serpentine  was  a  fossil  protozoan  which  received  the 
name  of  Eozoon  canadense,  the  Canadian  "dawn  animal"; 
but  there  is  proof  that  this  is  a  mistake,  so  that  the  evidence 
for  life  in  the  Archaeozoic  does  not  go  beyond  the  carbon  and 
lime  found  in  its  rocks. 

Closely  associated  with  the  Grenville  there  is  an  interesting 
eruptive  rock,  nepheline  syenite,  apparently  produced  by  the 
emanations  from  later  granites  acting  on  the  limestones.  The 
only  corundum  mined  in  Canada  occurs  in  such  syenites  at 
Craigmont,  Ontario. 

The  Grenville  in  its  greatest  development  forms  a  very  thick 
series  of  rocks,  reaching,  according  to  Adams  and  Barlow, 
17,824  feet  in  Burleigh  and  Chandos  townships  of  eastern 
Ontario,  and  as  much  as  94,406  feet  along  the  Hastings  road, 
50,286  feet  being  pure  limestone.  If  the  last  estimate  is 
correct  there  are  few,  if  any,  limestone  formations  of  later 
ages  to  compare  with  it. 


These  rocks  are  widely  found  from  Lake  Huron  eastward 
in  southern  Ontario  and  Quebec,  extending  along  the  southern 
border  of  the  "  Canadian  Shield"  from  Georgian  bay  to  a  point 
beyond  St.  Maurice  river  at  Three  Rivers,  Quebec,  their 
eastern  boundary  being  somewhat  uncertain.  Rocks  of  a 
similar  kind,  probably  of  the  same  age,  are  found  in  various 
places  toward  the  north-east  in  Labrador,  especially  along  the 
southern  coast  and  in  the  north-east  peninsula.  Crystalline 
limestones  are  largely  developed  also  north  of  Hudson  straits 
in  Baffin  Land.  The  Grenville  rocks,  which  are  well  displayed 
in  the  Thousand  Islands  region,  extend  across  the  St.  Lawrence 
into  the  Adirondack  mountains  of  New  York,  covering  a  wide 
area,  while  similar  rocks  are  reported  from  the  states  farther 
east.  Dr.  Adams  estimates  the  extent  over  which  these  rocks 
are  distributed  at  83,000  square  miles,  and  thinks  that 
originally  they  may  have  covered  the  whole  region. 

There  are  crystalline  limestones  and  sedimentary  gneisses 


in  the  wide-spread  Shuswap  series  of  British  Columbia,  the 
oldest  rocks  in  the  province,  which  may  be  Grenville  in  age, 
though  at  such  a  distance  and  in  the  absence  of  fossils  this 
cannot  be  certainly  proved. 

The  oldest  sediments  found  in  the  Pre-cambrian  of  Scot- 
land, Scandinavia,  and  Finland  much  resemble  the  Canadian 
Grenville,  and  rocks  of  the  same  type  are  known  in  India  and 
in  southern  Brazil ;  so  that  in  several  continents  the  geological 
record  begins  with  sediments,  now  metamorphosed  into  crys- 
talline limestones  with  graphite,  garnetiferous  gneiss,  and 
quartzite.  Whether  they  are  all  of  the  same  age,  however, 
there  is  at  present  no  means  of  determining. 


The  easily  weathered  Grenville  limestones  provide  some  of 
the  best  soils  of  south-eastern  Ontario  and  the  adjacent  parts 
of  Quebec.  The  limestones  themselves  furnish  handsome 
marble  near  Bancroft  and  elsewhere,  and  they  are  burnt  for 
lime  when  pure  enough.  Graphite,  phlogopite  or  amber  mica, 
talc,  magnesite,  and  corundum  are  mined  in  the  Grenville  to 
an  important  extent ;  and  in  former  years  apatite  (phosphate) 
and  iron  ore  (magnetite)  were  obtained  in  considerable  quan- 
tities from  deposits  connected  with  the  Grenville  series. 


Grenville  rocks  are  apt  to  run  as  long  bands  between  areas 
of  gneiss,  since  they  commonly  form  synclinal  troughs  caught 
between  the  batholiths  of  the  Laurentian.  These  bands  may 
run  out  as  tongues  or  may  change  their  strike  and  enclose 
oval  areas  of  gneiss.  Usually  the  Grenville  rocks  have  steep 
dips,  as  might  be  expected  under  the  circumstances.  The 
originally  flat-lying  Grenville  sediments  were  domed  up  into 
mountain  ranges  by  the  rise  of  the  batholiths  beneath,  but 
these  ancient  mountains  have  usually  been  so  far  eroded  as 
to  leave  only  the  lower  parts  of  the  Grenville  syncline,  pro- 
tected by  the  more  resistant  gneisses  on  each  side.  Rarely, 
as  at  St.  Jean  de  Matha  in  Quebec,  do  we  find  the  Grenville 
rocks  lying  nearly  horizontal  at  the  top  of  broad  low  domes 
which  have  escaped  complete  destruction. 



The  Keewatin  rocks  in  their  typical  locality  on  Lake-of-the- 
Woods  are  strikingly  different  from  those  of  the  Grenville 
series,  consisting  mostly  of  volcanic  materials  of  various  kinds 
with  only  subordinate  sedimentary  deposits,  or,  in  some  areas, 
none  at  all.  The  sedimentary  rocks  which  do  occur  are  chiefly 
black  slates  and  greywacke,  which  have  very  little  in  common 
with  the  limestones,  gneisses,  and  quartzites  of  the  Grenville, 
though  they  seem  to  occupy  about  the  same  position  in  the 
west  as  the  Grenville  in  the  east.  Old  lavas  like  the  western 
Keewatin  rocks  have  been  found  conformably  beneath  Gren- 
ville rocks  in  eastern  Ontario  by  Miller  and  Knight,  however, 
confirming  the  conclusion  that  the  two  series  are  of  about  the 
same  age.  * 

The  Keewatin  was  a  time  of  great  volcanic  eruptions, 
which  took  place,  at  least  in  part,  beneath  the 'sea,  as  is 
proved  by  the  "pillow"  or  "ellipsoidal"  structure  often 
observed.  The  majority  of  the  lavas  were  very  basic,  such  as 
basalts,  and  have  since  been  weathered  into  greenstones,  or 
have  been  squeezed  or  rolled  out  into  green  schists.  In  most 
cases  the  green  mineral  of  the  schists  is  chlorite,  but  near  the 
granite  contacts  it  may  be  changed  to  hornblende.  In  places 
there  are  amygdaloidal  lavas,  and  also  ash  rocks  or  agglo- 
merates made  of  volcanic  bombs  and  lapilli. 

In  smaller  amounts  one  finds  rhyolites,  now  often  trans- 
formed into  pale  schists,  with  mica  in  the  form  of  sericite. 
In  addition  to  the  volcanic  rocks  there  are  dikes,  sheets,  and 
bosses  of  basic  and  acid  rocks  related  in  various  ways  to  those 
described  before,  and  also  dikes  of  pegmatite  and  granite 
coming  from  the  later  Laurentian  batholiths. 

The  sediments  found  in  subordinate  amounts  include  mainly 
greywacke  and  slate,  the  latter  rock  sometimes  black  and 
charged  with  carbon.  Conglomerates,  also,  have  been  ascribed 
to  the  Keewatin,  but  it  is  probable  that  they  really  belong  to 
the  next  geological  period. 

The  only  economic  mineral  found  in  the  original  Keewatin 
region  is  gold,  which  occurs  in  many  places  at  or  near  Lake- 


of-the- Woods,  as  well  as  Rainy  lake,  but  has  nowhere  been 
mined  with  profit. 


A  band  of  Keewatin  interspersed  with  granite,  gneiss,  and 
later  sediments  extends  to  Thunder  bay.  It  includes  lavas, 
ash  rocks,  and  schists  like  those  just  mentioned,  and  also 
extensive  iron  ranges,  as  at  Hunter's  island  and  the  Mattawin 
river,  in  which  banded  jasper  plays  a  large  part.  In  this  case 
the  iron  occurs  as  hematite  or  as  hematite  mixed  with  mag- 
netite. Thus  far  the  typical  iron  ranges  of  the  region  have 
supplied  no  ore,  though  important  mines  occur  near  Ely 
in  Minnesota,  on  the  Vermilion  iron  range,  just  south  of 
Hunter's  island.  A  large  deposit  of  magnetite  rather  low  in 
grade,  and  sulphurous,  occurs,  however,  as  lenses  in  a  ridge 
of  greenstone  at  Atikokan,  where  some  mining  has  been  done, 
the  ore  being  smelted  at  Port  Arthur. 

The  next  important  band  of  Keewatin  appears  at  Michi- 
picoten  bay,  on  the  north-east  side  of  Lake  Superior,  running 
first  eastward,  then  curving  north,  and  finally  running  for  fifty 
miles  or  more  to  the  west.  In  addition  to  lavas,  often  showing 
typical  pillow  structure,  there  are  pale-green  schists  with 
carbonates,  and  ridges  of  the  iron  formation  of  an  unusual 
kind,  in  many  cases  including  great  deposits  of  siderite 
associated  with  pyrite.  By  the  weathering  of  these  materials 
the  Helen  iron  ore  deposit  was  formed,  the  most  important 
thus  far  worked  in  Canada.  The  ore  is  partly  limonite  and 
partly  hematite,  and  pyrites  has  been  obtained  from  the 
same  mine.  A  large  deposit  of  siderite,  which  when  roasted 
gives  a  fair  ore,  is  now  worked  at  the  Magpie  mine,  a  few 
miles  away  from  the  Helen  mine. 

Large  areas  of  Keewatin  occur  north  of  Sudbury  at  Moose 
mountain,  where  an  iron  mine  has  been  worked,  and  extend 
with  interruptions  of  later  eruptives  and  sediments  of  the 
Timiskaming  series  to  the  Porcupine  region,  where  some 
valuable  gold  deposits  are  enclosed  partly  in  these  and  partly 
in  later  rocks.  In  addition  large  or  small  areas  of  rocks  like 
the  Keewatin  with  lavas  and  iron  formation  have  been  found 
widely  scattered  over  the  Archaean  to  the  north-east  and 

ARCH^AN    OR   PRE-CAMBRIAN        169 

north-west  of  James  bay.     Probably  more  of  them  will  be 
discovered  as  the  regions  farther  north  are  explored. 


The  Keewatin  bands  in  western  Ontario  sometimes  cross 
the  boundary  and  extend  into  Minnesota  and  other  neigh- 
bouring states,  in  some  places  furnishing  large  deposits  of 
iron  ore,  but  away  from  the  Lake  Superior  region  Keewatin 
rocks  have  not  been  found  with  certainty.  It  is  of  interest  to 
note,  however,  that  interbanded  silica  and  iron  ore  are  found 
in  connection  with  the  most  ancient  rocks  of  several  countries, 
as  in  Brazil,  South  Africa,  Australia,  and  Scandinavia.  What- 
ever the  source  of  these  masses  of  silica  and  iron  oxide,  the 
process  of  forming  them  seems  to  have  been  wide-spread  in 
the  world  in  the  earliest  known  ages,  while  in  later  times  they 
are  rare  or  entirely  absent. 


When  field  work  was  carried  eastward  from  Lake-of-the- 
Woods  to  Rainy  lake  it  was  found  that  sedimentary  rocks 
occur,  in  some  places  on  a  large  scale,  beneath  the  Keewatin 
lavas  and  schists  of  the  latter  region.  They  are  widely  differ- 
ent from  those  of  the  Grenville  and  consist  of  monotonous 
grey  gneisses  and  mica  schists  often  containing  garnets 
and  staurolites.  The  Coutchiching  represents  muddy  or 
sandy  sediments. 

The  sedimentary  and  volcanic  rocks  of  the  series  which 
have  been  described  must  have  been  laid  down  upon  a  floor 
of  solid  rock,  the  bottom  of  the  sea  in  those  days,  but  it  is 
very  surprising  that  no  such  floor  has  ever  been  discovered. 
It  seems  to  have  been  destroyed  and  worked  over  into  other 
forms  during  the  tremendous  changes  that  followed. 


In  every  known  region  of  the  Keewatin  and  Grenville  the 
rock  beneath  consists  of  gneiss  or  granite  which  has  welled  up 
in  a  molten  state,  forming  batholiths  and  doming  up  the  over- 


lying  lavas  and  sediments,  whose  remnants  remain  as  synclinal 
meshes  or  tongues  between  the  greatly  eroded  masses  of  gneiss. 
Strictly  speaking,  eruptive  rocks  should  be  looked  on  as  in  a 
sense  accidental,  and  not  to  be  included  in  the  divisions  of  a 
time  scale;  but  the  building  of  batholithic  mountains  over  the 
immense  area  shown  in  our  Archaean  region  marks  an  event  of 
great  importance  in  the  geological  history  of  the  country,  and 
probably  demanded  a  vast  length  of  time.  It  seems  desirable, 
then,  to  take  up  the  Laurentian  as  marking  a  long-continued 
and  most  significant  series  of  operations  profoundly  affecting 
Canadian  conditions  for  all  later  time  and  forming  the  sub- 
stratum of  the  great  Canadian  Shield,  about  which  the  con- 
tinent has  been  built  up,  largely  of  materials  derived  from  the 
Laurentian  mountains. 

The  rocks  of  the  Laurentian  have  mainly  the  composition 
of  granite,  granodiorite,  or  syenite,  with  smaller  amounts  of 
gabbro  or  diorite ;  but  usually  these  materials  have  a  schistose 
or  banded  structure  and  are  termed  gneiss.  The  rocks  are 
mostly  coarse-grained  and  often  contain  porphyritic  feld- 
spar crystals,  and,  in  many  cases,  they  have  been  sheared 
into  "porphyritic  granitoid  gneiss,"  a  very  common  phase 
of  the  Laurentian. 

Laurentian  batholiths  are  often  oval,  but  sometimes  irre- 
gular in  shape  where  several  upwellings  have  combined,  and 
have  a  schistose  structure  parallel  to  the  curving  edge, 
changing  inwards  to  the  ordinary  structure  of  granite.  They 
may  be  of  all  sizes,  from  a  few  miles  to  fifty  miles  in  longest 
diameter,  as  on  Rainy  lake;  and  their  general  arrangement 
runs  roughly  north-east  (5o°-8o°  east,  of  north),  indicating  the 
direction  of  the  great  mountain  chains  of  which  they  formed 
the  cores.  The  steeply  dipping  schists  surrounding  many  of 
the  larger  batholiths  outline  the  foundations  of  ranges  which 
may  have  been  higher  than  the  present  Rockies. 

Cutting  all  the  rocks  mentioned  there  are  dikes  of  coarse 
pegmatite,  the  last  of  the  granitic  materials  to  crystallise, 
often  with  giant  crystals  of  feldspar  and  other  minerals.  Two 
large  dikes  have  been  worked  in  eastern  Ontario  as  mines  of 
potash  feldspar,  supplying  thousands  of  tons  for  the  use  of 
potteries.  In  a  general  way,  however,  the  Laurentian  is  very 
barren  of  valuable  products  except  in  a  few  places  where 


granite  is  quarried  for  paving  or  other  purposes.  As  mapped 
on  the  Canadian  Shield  the  Laurentian  covers  an  enormous 
space,  probably  more  than  1,000,000  square  miles,  though 
there  is  reason  to  believe  that  similar  batholithic  upheavals 
took  place  at  a  later  age.  As  the  rocks  of  the  two  ages  are 
much  alike,  the  two  sets  of  granites  and  gneisses  have  been 
separated  only  in  a  few  areas  which  have  been  mapped 
in  detail. 


There  are  other  large  areas  which  have  the  character  of  the 
Laurentian  and  underlie  unconformably  all  formations  except 
the  very  oldest  in  the  Selkirk  and  Gold  Range  mountains  of 
British  Columbia,  and  smaller  ones  in  Nova  Scotia  and  New 
Brunswick.  Outside  of  Canada  the  Laurentian  extends  south 
at  the  Thousand  islands  and  forms  a  large  part  of  the  Adiron- 
dack mountains,  and  similar  ancient  granites  and  gneisses 
occur  in  the  Appalachians  and  in  other  regions  of  the  United 
States.  Rocks  of  the  Laurentian  type  exist  in  Greenland,  and 
cover  a  large  part  of  the  Scandinavian  Shield  in  Norway, 
Sweden,  and  Finland,  and  a  smaller  tract  in  the  Highlands  of 
Scotland.  It  is  probable  that  these  regions  were  once  directly 
connected  with  the  Canadian  area. 

All  the  great  subdivisions  of  the  world  include  areas  of 
granite  and  gneiss  at  the  base  of  the  geological  succession, 
occupying  apparently  the  same  position  as  our  Laurentian, 
and  similar  rocks  have  been  found  in  drill  holes  beneath 
hundreds  and  even  thousands  of  feet  of  later  rocks.  They 
occur,  for  instance,  at  noo  or  1200  feet  beneath  the  city  of 
Toronto.  It  seems  probable  that  they  everywhere  underlie 
the  oldest  sedimentary  rocks  and,  therefore,  form  the  universal 
basement  for  the  later  geological  formations. 


Before  the  next  series  of  sedimentary  rocks  was  laid  down 
there  must  have  been  a  tremendous  interval  to  permit  of  the 
destruction  of  the  great  mountain  ranges  of  the  Canadian 
Shield.  This  seems  to  have  been  a  dry  land  period  when  the 


weather,  running  water,  perhaps  also  frost  or  ice,  did  effective 
work,  for  the  overlying  materials,  Grenville  or  Keewatin,  of 
the  batholithic  mountains  seem  to  have  been  largely  destroyed 
and  the  granite  cores  deeply  eaten  into.  What  became  of  the 
materials  we  do  not  always  know,  but  in  any  case  the  basal 
rocks  of  the  next  great  period  of  known  geological  time 
consist  of  debris  that  must  have  come  from  this  destruction. 
How  long  the  interval  of  erosion  lasted  there  is  no  way  of 
estimating,  but  it  must  have  meant  millions  of  years. 


On  the  erosion  surface  of  the  ancient  mountain  area  a  great 
succession  of  sediments — conglomerates,  sandstones,  grey- 
wackes,  and  shales — was  laid  down,  now  metamorphosed  into 
schist  conglomerate,  quartzite,  slate,  or  schist,  etc.  The 
thickest  known  development  of  the  series  is  in  the  Sudbury 
region,  which  has  been  more  carefully  studied  than  the  others 
and  may  be  considered  typical. 

Conglomerate  is  not  extensively  found  in  this  series  near 
Sudbury,  but  when  it  occurs  it  consists  of  well-rounded 
pebbles  and  stones  of  various  kinds  with  a  cement  like 
greywacke.  The  lowest  rock  of  the  series  is  the  Copper  Cliff 
arkose,  often  so  much  recrystallised  as  to  resemble  syenite  or 
felsite.  It  was  formed  under  conditions  which  allowed  granites 
or  gneisses  to  crumble  without  much  decay  of  the  feldspars, 
so  that  the  climate  was  probably  either  desert-like  or  cool  and 
moist,  the  latter  being  more  likely. 

Then  follows  greywacke  with  thin  slaty  layers  very 
uniformly  stratified  with  coarser  and  finer  bands,  perhaps 
representing  the  change  of  seasons,  and  finally  quartzite  in 
thick  beds,  sometimes  showing  cross  bedding.  The  whole 
series  has  been  tilted,  often  at  an  angle  of  45°  or  more,  and 
the  total  thickness  is  not  less  than  20,000  feet. 

Towards  the  end  of  Sudburian  time  there  were  eruptions 
of  very  basic  lava,  showing  pillow  forms  and  also  amygdaloids. 
All  of  the  rocks  mentioned  are  older  than  the  adjoining 
granites  and  gneisses,  which  often  contain  fragments  of  the 
sediments,  and  penetrate  them  in  elaborate  ways.  In  such 


cases  the  sedimentary  rocks  are  more  or  less  metamorphosed 
into  schists  or  even  into  gneiss. 

The  Sudbury  rocks  just  described  seem  to  be  of  the  same 
age  as  the  Timiskaming  series  to  the  north  and  east,  near 
Lake  Timiskaming,  and  at  the  gold  mines  of  Porcupine. 
Except  that  there  is  more  conglomerate,  the  rocks  are  alike 
in  almost  every  respect,  and  they  have  been  cut  by  granites 
as  at  Sudbury. 

The  Pontiac  series  in  Quebec  has  similar  relations,  and  this 
is  true  also  of  the  Dore  conglomerate  on  Michipicoten  bay. 


Here  there  are  schistose  conglomerates  several  thousands  of 
feet  thick,  enclosing  boulders  of  a  great  variety  of  rocks,  such 
as  granite,  greenstone,  and  iron  formation,  sometimes  reach- 
ing diameters  of  two  or  three  feet.  This  conglomerate  is 
possibly  of  glacial  origin,  but  the  stones  enclosed  in  it  are 
too  much  squeezed  and  rolled  out  to  give  the  final  evidence 
of  ice  action. 

Much  farther  to  the  west,  between  Thunder  bay  and  Lake- 
of- the- Woods,  a  great  series  of  sedimentary  schists  and  con- 
glomerates, called  by  Lawson  the  Seine  series,  reminds  .one 
very  much  of  the  Sudburian.  It  too  is  upheaved  and  cut  by 
later  granites  which  have  often  greatly  metamorphosed  the 
sedimentary  rocks. 

If  all  of  these  areas  belong  to  the  same  period,  which  is 


probable,  the  Sudbury  and  related  series  represent  a  thick  and 
wide-spread  group  of  coarse  sediments,  probably  laid  down  in 
shallow  seas  after  the  original  land  surface  had  sunk  beneath 
the  waters,  perhaps  formed  as  delta  materials  near  the  mouths 
of  great  rivers. 

The  Hastings  series  in  eastern  Ontario,  sometimes  considered 
a  less  metamorphosed  part  of  the  Grenville,  is  believed  by 
Miller  and  Knight  to  be  the  equivalent  of  the  Timiskaming 
series,  since  a  conglomerate  at  its  base  includes  pebbles  derived 
from  the  Grenville.  The  Hastings  series  contains  limestones, 
which  are  infrequent  in  the  Sudbury  and  Timiskaming  series. 

Rocks  of  the  age  just  described  have  not  yet  been  recognised 
in  other  parts  of  America  or  in  other  continents. 


All  the  series  of  rocks  thus  far  mentioned,  both  sedimentary 
and  eruptive,  have  undergone  great  changes  since  they  were 
first  formed,  and  are  now  so  metamorphosed  by  mountain- 
building  activities,  folding,  faulting,  shearing,  and  penetration 
by  later  eruptives,  that  their  original  character  is  often  hard 
to  determine.  The  older  series,  such  as  the  Grenville  and 
Keewatin,  have  of  course  suffered  more  than  the  Sudburian, 
but  all  have  been  more  greatly  changed  than  the  later 
Pre-cambrian,  which  remains  to  be  described. 

In  spite  of  this  blurring  of  the  record  there  is  reason  to 
believe  that  the  condition  of  the  world  was  not  greatly 
different  from  that  of  later  ages.  The  world  was  not  intensely 
warm,  as  old  theories  suggested,  for  water  was  at  work  during 
the  whole  time.  There  were  mountain-building  thrusts,  great 
volcanic  eruptions,  and  also  the  slow  wearing  down  of  the 
mountains,  but  the  same  type  of  work  has  been  going  on  ever 
since,  and  so  far  as  geologists  know,  with  much  the  same 
intensity.  Except  as  to  life,  of  which  we  know  nothing 
positively,  it  is  surprising  to  find  our  earliest  glimpses  of  the 
earth  so  like  conditions  which  reach  even  to  the  present. 



Granites  and  gneisses  seem  everywhere  to  have  invaded 
and  tilted  or  folded  or  domed  up  the  sedimentary  rocks  just 
described,  very  much  as  the  Laurentian  eruptives  acted  upon 
the  Grenville  and  Keewatin.  It  is,  in  fact,  often  very  difficult 
to  distinguish  the  two  sets  of  deep-seated  eruptives,  each  of 
which  seems  to  have  formed  batholithic  mountains.  Dr. 
Lawson  has  given  these  later  granites  and  gneisses  the  name 
of  Algoman.  Up  to  the  present  there  are  only  a  few  localities 
where  they  have  been  separated  from  what  was  formerly 
called  Laurentian.  The  Algoman  granites  and  the  dikes  sent 
off  from  them  are  credited  with  supplying  the  gold  of  most  of 
the  mines  in  northern  Ontario,  especially  those  of  Porcupine, 
which  include  one  of  the  greatest  gold-mines  in  the  world, 
the  Hollinger  mine,  as  well  as  several  other  important  deposits. 


Following  the  Algoman  eruptions  of  granite  came  a  great 
period  of  erosion  when  at  least  the  southern  part  of  the 
Canadian  Shield  was  dry  land,  and  was  slowly  attacked  by 
the  epigene  forces  and  ultimately  was  reduced  to  a  peneplain 
with  a  surface  of  gently  rounded  hills  and  shallow  valleys. 
It  appears  as  if  this  process  of  levelling  was  so  thorough  that 
all  later  weathering  and  destruction  of  the  surface  during  dry 
land  conditions  have  not  greatly  changed  the  character  of 
the  country. 


After  what  appears  to  have  been  the  longest  break  in  the 
Pre-cambrian  history  of  Canada,  the  Huronian  begins  as 
coarse  sedimentary  rocks  formed  at  or  near  the  southern  edge 
of  the  shield,  with  the  greatest  development  in  the  typical 
locality  on  the  north  shore  of  Lake  Huron.  These  rocks  were 
mapped  on  a  small  scale  more  than  sixty  years  ago  by  Logan's 
assistant,  Murray;  but  the  country  was  covered  by  forests 


and  difficult  to  traverse  except  by  canoe  routes,  so  that  his 
work  was  more  or  less  imperfect.  Recent  work  by  Collins  of 
the  Geological  Survey  shows  that  the  Huronian  really  con- 
sists of  two  divisions  separated  by  an  important  discordance, 
the  lowest  being  named  the  Bruce  series  and  the  upper  the 
Cobalt  series. 

The  Bruce  series  begins  with  1000  to  2000  feet  of  white 
quartzite,  often  conglomeratic  at  the  base,  followed  by  thinner 
formations  of  conglomerate,  limestone,  and  greywacke;  it 
ends  with  1000  feet  of  white  quartzite  and  40  feet  of  grey- 
wacke, the  whole  series  having  a  thickness  of  3000  feet  or 


more.      Most  of   the  beds  are  water  laid,  though  there  are 
hints  of  dry  land  conditions  in  some  deposits. 

After  a  somewhat  important  break  implying  a  good  deal 
of  erosion  of  the  Bruce  series,  the  Cobalt  series  commences 
with  a  boulder  conglomerate  which  is  really  a  tillite  or  ancient 
boulder  clay.  This  is,  of  course,  a  continental  formation  made 
under  arctic  conditions  and  implies  an  important  glacial 
period,  the  earliest  certainly  proved  in  the  history  of  the 
world.  This  basal  conglomerate  or  tillite  has  furnished  good 


specimens  of  striated  stones  at  Cobalt  and  two  other  places; 
and  its  great  boulders,  often  far  from  their  source,  with  other 
features  closely  like  the  effects  of  ice  in  other  ages,  support 
this  evidence. 

The  tillite  is  followed  by  600  or  800  feet  of  white  quartzite, 
nearly  3000  feet  of  "slate  conglomerate,"  and  thousands  of 
feet  of  red  or  white  quartzite,  including  the  showy  jasper 
conglomerate  with  red  pebbles  in  a  white  ground.  Then 
come  200  feet  of  cherty  limestone  and  400  feet  of  white 


quartzite,  the  whole  series  measuring  probably  more  than 
12,000  feet  in  the  region  north  of  Lake  Huron. 

The  basal  tillite  of  the  Cobalt  series,  or  Upper  Huronian, 
has  been  followed  from  the  typical  Huronian  region  to  Cobalt, 
and  is  believed  to  occur  at  Chibougamau  and  at  other  points 
in  the  north  and  north-east,  so  that  it  seems  to  be  much  more 
widely  spread  than  the  Bruce  series,  which  has  not  been  found 
with  certainty  away  from  the  typical  Huronian  region. 

Among  the  Huronian  rocks  the  limestone  often  looks 
comparatively  modern  and  suggests  animal  life,  though  no 
fossils  have  yet  been  found  in  it,  unless  the  limestone  of 
Steeprock  lake  in  the  Seine  River  region  far  to  the  west  is 
considered  to  be  of  this  age.  In  the  Steeprock  limestone  two 


or  three  species  of  Atikokania  occur,  an  organism  supposed 
to  be  related  to  the  sponges  or  to  the  somewhat  problematic 
Archceocyathina  of  the  Cambrian.  These  are  large  fossils  and 
do  not  suggest  the  earliest  beginnings  of  life.  Black  carbon- 
aceous slate  occurs  in  a  thin  bed  at  Cobalt,  suggesting,  perhaps, 
plant  life  as  the  source  of  carbon. 

Huronian  rocks  extend  south  of  Lakes  Huron  and  Superior 
into  Michigan,  Wisconsin,  and  Minnesota,  and  are  of  im- 
portance as  containing  iron  ores.  Formations  considered 
Huronian  are  found  also  in  Newfoundland,  and  one  or  two 
obscure  fossil  forms  have  been  reported  from  them.  Whether 
the  "Beltian"  rocks  of  the  west  are  Huronian  or  not  is 
uncertain.  They  will  be  mentioned  later.  Pre-cambrian 
sediments  not  greatly  metamorphosed  occur  in  various  parts 
of  the  world  and  may  be  of  Huronian  age,  but  a  certain 
correlation  is  impossible  at  such  great  distances  in  the  absence 
of  fossils. 


The  Animikie  begins,  it  is  believed,  with  a  great  trans- 
gression of  the  sea  over  the  Canadian  Shield.  Rocks  of  this 
age  were  first  described  from  the  Thunder  Bay  region,  where 
they  have  a  thickness  of  1500  or  2000  feet  and  rise  as  cliffs 
of  chert  and  slate  with  one  or  more  great  sheets  or  sills  of 
diabase,  forming  the  flat-topped  hills  so  characteristic  of  the 
north-east  side  of  the  Lake  Superior  coast.  Farther  south- 
east sandstone  or  quartzite  shows  beneath  these  rocks,  and  at 
some'  points  there  is  a  little  impure  iron  ore.  A  thin  con- 
glomerate underlies  the  formation  at  a  few  points  on  Thunder 
bay,  resting  on  the  upturned  edges  of  the  Keewatin  and 
Lauren tian  schists  and  gneisses.  Silver  has  been  mined  at 
several  places  in  these  rocks  and  the  dikes  that  intersect  them, 
the  mine  on  Silver  islet  being  worked  in  the  richest  deposit. 

The  continuation  of  the  Animikie  into  Minnesota  supplies 
the  great  iron  deposits  of  the  Mesabi,  perhaps  the  most 
important  in  the  world. 

The  thickest  group  of  rocks  ascribed  to  the  Animikie  is  the 
Whitewater  series  enclosed  as  a  basin  within  the  nickel-bearing 
eruptive  of  Sudbury.  This  consists  of  a  boulder  conglomerate, 

ARCH^AN   OR  PRE-CAMBRIAN        179 

followed  by  tuff,  black  slate,  and  sandstone,  the  whole  reach- 
ing a  thickness  of  9450  feet.  The  slate  is  rich  in  carbon,  like 
the  black  slate  at  Kakabeka  falls  near  Fort  William ;  and 
veins  of  anthraxolite,  much  like  anthracite  in  appearance  and 
composition,  are  found  in  both  places.  The  shale  was  probably 
once  bituminous,  suggesting  life  at  the  time,  and  anthraxolite 
was  pitch  which  has  since  lost  its  volatile  constituents.  This 
material  has  several  times  roused  false  hopes  of  coal  mines. 

Several  other  regions  in  northern  Canada  display  rocks 
like  the  Animikie,  but  usually  associated  with  volcanics  and 
sandstones  belonging  to  the  next  age.  They  are  found  along 
the  east  shore  of  Hudson  bay,  in  the  northern  part  of  Labra- 
dor, and  near  Great  Bear  lake,  and  in  many  places  include 
iron  ores  of  a  low  grade. 

The  rocks  of  the  Animikie,  when  not  modified  by  later 
sheets  of  diabase,  look  very  modern,  so  that  fossils  might  be 
expected,  though  none  have  been  found  with  certainty.  They 
often  lie  nearly  flat  and  are  seldom  folded  except  in  the  in- 
terior of  the  Sudbury  nickel  basin,  where  collapse  has  caused 
compression,  forming  a  number  of  narrow  anticlines.  Often, 
however,  these  beds  have  been  faulted  and  the  blocks  .gently 
tilted,  as  near  Port  Arthur  and  Fort  William. 

The  Animikie  has  not  been  reported  from  other  countries 
except  in  the  states  to  the  south  and  west  of  Lake  Superior, 
in  the  iron  region. 


After  a  considerable  break  the  Keweenawan  follows  the 
Animikie,  but  without  much  angular  discordance.  This 
appears  to  have  been  a  time  of  emergence  of  the  land,  often 
with  immense  outpourings  of  lava,  probably  equalling  in  this 
respect  the  Keewatin.  A  basal  conglomerate,  sometimes 
bouldery,  may  rest  upon  the  Animikie,  as  near  Thunder  bay, 
or  else  upon  the  Lauren tian  or  the  Keewatin;  and  this  is 
followed  by  white  and  red  sandstones,  limestones,  and  shaly 
rocks,  the  whole  having  a  thickness  of  1300  or  1400  feet  near 
Thunder  bay.  The  rocks  show  cross  bedding  and  mud  cracks, 
the  feldspars  in  some  of  the  sandstones  are  little  weathered, 


and  red  colours  are  common — all  features  suggesting  con- 
tinental and  probably  desert  conditions. 

The  sedimentary  rocks  just  mentioned  are  cut  by  many 
dikes  and  are  interbedded  with  sills  of  diabase,  and  resting 
upon  them  at  various  places  on  the  north  and  north-east 
shores  of  Lake  Superior  there  are  thousands  of  feet  of  lavas. 
These  are  mainly  basic,  the  equivalents  of  the  modern  basalts, 
but  there  are  also  quartz  and  feldspar  porphyries  and  felsites, 
representing  the  modern  rhy elites.  Along  with  the  lava  flows 
there  are  conglomerates  and  sandstones  in  comparatively 
small  amounts,  formed  of  contemporary  volcanic  materials 
such  as  the  porphyries. 

The  lavas  are  often  highly  amygdaloidal  and  with  uneven 
slaggy  surfaces,  but  show  no  pillow  structure.  The  amyg- 
daloids  contain  a  variety  of  minerals,  including  agates, 
thompsonites,  etc.,  which  make  pretty  ornamental  stones; 
and  also  native  copper  in  small  amounts. 

While  copper  has  not  been  mined  profitably  on  the  Canadian 
side  of  Lake  Superior,  some  of  the  most  important  copper 
mines  in  the  United  States  have  been  worked  on  Keweenaw 
point  in  Michigan. 

The  volcanic  series  has  a  thickness  of  11,230  feet  on  Michi- 
picoten  island  and  of  16,208  feet  at  Mamainse  near  the  east  end 
of  the  lake,  but  is  twice  or  three  times  as  thick  in  Michigan. 

The  Lake  Superior  Keweenawan  has  been  more  thoroughly 
studied  than  that  of  any  other  area,  but  red  sandstones  and 
conglomerates,  generally  with  lavas  which  are  often  copper- 
bearing,  occur  near  Lake  Athabasca  and  Great  Slave  lake, 
and  cover  a  very  large  area  east  of  Great  Bear  lake  and 
near  the  suggestively-named  Coppermine  river  on  the  Arctic 
coast  of  Canada,  whence  the  Eskimos  in  early  days  obtained 
native  copper  for  tools  and  weapons. 

While  the  Keweenawan  lavas  have  not  yet  furnished  much 
copper  in  Canada,  it  is  believed  that  eruptive  rocks  of  the 
same  age  and  origin  have  been  of  great  importance  in  pro- 
viding the  ores  of  several  mining  regions  of  northern  Ontario. 
This  is  probably  true  of  the  great  boat-shaped  sill  of  riorite 
and  micropegmatite  with  which  all  the  Sudbury  nickel-copper 
ores  are  associated,  and  also  of  the  diabase  sheet  with  which 
the  rich  silver  veins  of  Cobalt  are  connected. 


Undoubted  Keweenawan  rocks  are  not  known  beyond  the 
Canadian  Shield  except  in  the  states  bordering  on  Lake 
Superior.  Sandstones  and  conglomerates,  probably  of  desert 
origin,  called  the  Torridonian,  occur  as  the  latest  Pre-cambrian 
in  the  highlands  of  Scotland,  and  similar  rocks  are  found 
in  other  continents  as  well  as  Europe. 


Beside  the  vast  area  of  Pre-cambrian  of  the  Canadian  Shield, 
not  far  from  2,000,000  square  miles  in  area,  there  is  another 
Pre-cambrian  region,  narrow  and  long,  extending  from  south- 
east to  north-west  as  the  central  axis  of  the  Cordilleran 
mountain  chains,  making  up  most  of  the  Purcell,  Selkirk, 
and  Gold  ranges  of  British  Columbia.  This  area  has  been 
studied  in  much  less  detail  than  parts  of  the  Pre-cambrian 
of  Ontario  and  Quebec,  and  the  age  relations  are  much  less 
certain;  so  that  it  seems  wiser  to  take  up  these  formations 
separately  instead  of  attempting  to  include  them  under  the 
subdivisions  known  in  eastern  Canada.  Two  subdivisions  are 
generally  recognised :  a  lower  one,  called  the  Shuswap  series, 
which  has  been  intruded  by  batholiths  of  granite  or  diorite; 
and  an  upper  one,  commonly  called  the  Beltian,  from  a  thick 
series  found  in  the  states  to  the  south  and  referred  to  the 
Algonkian  by  most  American  geologists. 


The  Shuswap  series  was  so  named  by  Dr.  Dawson,  who 
thought  it  equivalent  to  the  Laurentian  or  Grenville  of 
eastern  Canada.  It  includes  various  schists,  sedimentary 
gneisses,  quartzite,  and  crystalline  limestone,  much  meta- 
morphosed by  the  granites  and  other  eruptives  which  pene- 
trate them,  or  perhaps  by  the  depth  to  which  they  were 
formerly  buried,  causing  regional  metamorphism.  Professor 
Daly  thinks  the  latter  is  the  true  cause.  These  rocks  rather 
closely  resemble  the  eastern  Grenville,  and  sometimes  contain 
graphite.  Daly  puts  their  thickness  at  29,900  feet.  The 
granites  and  eruptive  gneisses  which  penetrate  them  have 
the  look  of  Laurentian  rocks. 



The  Beltian  rests  unconformably  on  the  Shuswap  series  and 
consists  of  sediments  which  have  been  much  less  metamor- 
phosed. Dawson  and  Daly  divide  them  into  a  lower  part,  the 
Nisconlith  series,  and  an  upper  part,  the  Selkirk  series.  The 
Nisconlith  is  made  up  of  quartzites,  slates,  and  limestone, 
the  last  rock  in  small  amounts.  The  Selkirk  series  includes 
similar  rocks,  but  less  metamorphosed.  The  total  thickness 
of  the  Beltian  section  is  given  at  32,752  feet.  Most  of  these 
rocks  seem  to  have  been  laid  down  under  water,  but  there  are 
many  instances  of  beds  containing  ripple  marks,  mud  cracks, 
and  casts  of  salt  crystals,  implying  shallow  water  or  dry  land 
conditions,  perhaps  even  a  desert  climate. 

It  is  probable  that  the  Beltian  rocks  were  laid  down  in  a 
great  geosyncline,  running  about  north-west  and  south-east, 
and  sinking  gradually  as  the  beds  were  deposited. 

Although  many  of  the  Beltian  rocks  of  British  Columbia 
are  little  changed  and  closely  like  the  overlying  Cambrian,  no 
fossils  have  been  found  in  them.  Very  similar  sedimentary 
rocks  in  Montana,  to  the  south,  have  been  found  by  Walcott 
to  contain  a  few  fossils,  the  best  known  being  an  arthropod 
named  Beltina,  an  animal  fairly  high  up  in  the  scale  of  life  hi 
spite  of  the  fact  that  it  occurs  7000  feet  below  the  base  of  the 
Cambrian.  Why  fossils  should  be  so  very  rare  in  these 
sediments  is  one  of  the  puzzles  of  historical  geology. 

Rocks  like  the  Beltian  occur  for  a  long  distance  south  of 
the  boundary  and  are  found  in  the  Grand  Canyon  of  the 
Colorado  in  Arizona. 

It  is  probable  that  the  Beltian  beds  were  deposited  later 
than  the  Sudbury  or  Timiskaming  series,  since  they  have  not 
been  invaded  by  batholithic  areas  of  granite  and  gneiss:  but 
whether  they  correspond  to  the  Huronian,  the  Animikie,  or 
the  Keweenawan,  or  perhaps  to  more  than  one  of  these 
divisions,  there  is  no  means  of  deciding. 


Except  near  the  southern  edge  of  the  Canadian  Shield,  the 
rocks  of  the  Huronian  and  later  series  are  generally  little 
changed  and  their  record  is  easily  read.  The  boulder  clay  or 


tillite  of  the  Cobalt  series  is  as  typical  and  well  preserved 
as  that  of  the  Permo-Carboniferous,  which  came  millions  of 
years  later,  and  is  just  as  suggestive  of  chill  ice  fields  and 
wintry  blizzards  as  the  Pleistocene  boulder  clay  of  Ontario 
in  a  period  just  before  the  present.  There  are,  too,  in  the 
Keweenawan  clear  proofs  of  desert  heat  and  drought  with 
sand  storms  and  withering  winds  as  in  the  Sahara;  but  most 
of  the  sediments  show  moderate  conditions,  flowing  rivers, 
waves  that  left  ripple  marks,  the  effects  of  weathering,  all 
like  the  familiar  surroundings  of  the  present,  with  perhaps  a 
more  wide-spread  volcanic  activity  in  Canada  during  the 
Keweenawan  than  at  any  later  time. 

Our  knowledge  of  the  life  of  the  Pre-cambrian  world,  how- 
ever, is  still  most  meagre.  Not  a  dozen  species  of  plants  or 
animals  are  known  from  the  many  thousands  of  feet  of 
sediments  laid  down  on  sea  bottoms  just  like  the  present. 
There  is  nothing  to  justify  a  prophecy  that  the  shallow 
waters  would  swarm  with  living  beings  in  the  next  period 
of  geological  time. 



THE  Pre-cambrian  era  is  followed  by  another  long  era  to  which 
the  name  Palceozoic  is  given,  on  account  of  the  ancient  char- 
acter of  all  the  life  of  the  time.  Between  the  beginning  and 
the  close  of  the  Palaeozoic  vast  physical  changes  took  place, 
and  extensive  development  occurred  in  the  animal  and 
vegetable  worlds.  The  duration  of  the  Palaeozoic  was  so  long 
and  the  physical  and  faunal  changes  so  great  that  the  era  is 
easily  divided  into  a  number  of  periods.  It  is  proposed  to 
consider  first  these  periods  one  by  one,  in  order  that  the 
student  may  become  acquainted  with  the  march  of  events 
before  discussing  the  Palaeozoic  as  a  whole;  a  summary  of 
Palaeozoic  history  is  deferred,  therefore,  until  after  the  various 
periods  have  been  studied. 

The  lowest  division  of  the  Palaeozoic  group  of  rocks  is 
known  as  the  Cambrian  system,  and  the  same  term  is  applied 
to  the  time  during  which  these  rocks  were  deposited — the 
Cambrian  period.  The  name  is  derived  from  "Cambria,"  the 
Roman  name  for  the  northern  part  of  Wales. 

Time  is  continuous;  we  can  conceive  of  no  breaks  in  the 
continuity  of  time.  Similarly  there  is  every  reason  to  believe 
that  sedimentation  and  the  consequent  production  of  strati- 
fied rocks  has  likewise  been  continuous  from  the  inception  of 
geological  time  to  the  present.  It  is  well  for  the  student  to 
understand  clearly  at  this  point  that  the  Cambrian  is  separated 
from  the  Pre-cambrian,  not  by  the  failure  of  geological  pro- 
cesses to  make  a  record  of  the  interval,  but  by  the  failure  of 
man  to  find  that  record.  It  is  true,  nevertheless,  that  nearly 
everywhere  where  Cambrian  rocks  are  found  they  rest  uncon- 
formably  on  the  Pre-cambrian,  indicating  an  interval  of  time 
which  is  one  of  the  most  marked  in  all  geological  history. 
Even  this  pronounced  break  in  our  earth's  history  is  being 
bridged  by  advancing  knowledge,  for  the  Lower  Cambrian 
rocks  of  southern  British  Columbia  rest  with  scarcely  a 
perceptible  disconformity  on  the  earlier  Pre-cambrian  strata. 




Very  little  is  known  as  to  the  size  and  shape  of  the  North 
American  continent  at  the  beginning  of  Cambrian  time,  but 
it  was  probably  larger  than  at  present,  and  certainly  of  very 
different  shape.  We  have  every  reason  to  believe,  however, 
that  the  Cambrian  began,  as  far  as  certain  and  visible  record 
is  concerned,  during  a  downward  folding  of  the  continent 
and  a  consequent  invasion  of  the  sea  along  a  comparatively 
narrow  axis  extending  from  California  northward  through 
eastern  British  Columbia  to  the  Arctic  ocean.  This  depression 
is  called  the  Cordilleran  trough. 

Simultaneously,  or  perhaps  a  little  later,  a  similar  narrow 
depression  developed  from  the  Gulf  of  Mexico  to  the  maritime 
provinces  of  Canada  (Appalachian  trough).  Most  of  the  time 
during  which  the  continental  seas  maintained  this  lineal 
arrangement  is  known  as  Lower  Cambrian.  American  geo- 
logists refer  to  it  as  Waucobian,  but  the  student  must  remem- 
ber that  the  two  terms  are  synonymous  for  North  America 
only.  The  geologists  of  the  world  have  not  adopted  the 
name  Waucobian  to  replace  the  older  term,  Lower  Cambrian, 
in  its  world- wide  application. 

The  subsidence  of  the  continent,  foreshadowed  by  the 
formation  of  the  two  troughs  .in  the  Lower  Cambrian,  was 
continued  in  Middle  Cambrian  time,  and  the  waters  of  the 
Pacific  ocean  were  permitted  to  extend  beyond  the  limits 
of  the  Cordilleran  trough  and  to  cover  a  large  part  of  the 
continent  south  and  west  of  the  Great  Lakes.  At  the  same  time 
the  Atlantic  waters  advanced  into  narrow  troughs  in  the 
Acadian  region.  The  strong  development  of  Middle  Cambrian 
strata  in  the  maritime  provinces  has  led  to  the  adoption  of 
the  name  Acadian  for  the  Middle  Cambrian  of  North  America. 

A  more  or  less  complete  withdrawal  of  the  sea  marks  the 
close  of  Middle  Cambrian  time,  but  a  submergence  of  still 
greater  extent  followed  and  resulted  in  the  oceanic  waters 
covering  about  31  per  cent,  of  the  present  area  of  the  con- 
tinent, The  terra  Croixian  is  applied  by  American  geologists 



to  the  Upper  Cambrian  epoch  because  rocks  of  this  age  are 
well  developed  on  the  St.  Croix  river  in  Wisconsin. 

Maps  may  be  drawn  to  show  the  distribution  of  land  and 
water  at  any  time  in  the  past.  Such  maps  are  known  as 
palceogeographic,  and  are  not  to  be  confused  with  geological 
maps,  which  indicate  the  geographical  extent  of  the  various 


The  white  areas  are  land;  the  vertically  lined  areas  were  covered  by  the  sea  in  the  earliest 
Lower  Cambrian;  the  horizontally  lined  areas  were  covered  by  the  sea  in  the  later  Lower 
Cambrian  time.  From  Pirrson  and  Schuchert,  "  Textbook  of  Geology." 

formations.  Geological  maps  are  drawn  from  ascertained 
facts:  palaeogeographic  maps  are  constructed  upon  data  of 
many  kinds — the  known  extent  of  the  rocks,  their  position,, 
their  physical  characteristics,  the  variations  in  fauna  indi- 
cating migrations  of  animals  and  plants,  and  many  other 

The  chief  value  of  palaeogeography  to  the  beginner  is  that 


a  general  conception  of  the  distribution  of  land  and  water  at 
a  given  time  enables  him  to  deduce  the  present  position  of  the 
strata  deposited  during  that  time.  It  may  be  generally  stated 
that  sediments  are  always  accumulating  in  off-shore  seas. 
Consequently,  knowing  the  shore  line  during  a  given  time,  we 
may  safely  conclude  that  deposits  of  that  age  were  formed  in 
the  adjoining  sea.  It  does  not  necessarily  follow  that  we  shall 
always  find  them  in  that  locality  now,  as  they  may  have 
been  covered  by  subsequent  strata  or  removed  by  erosion. 
It  does  follow,  however,  that  rocks  of  a  given  age  can  be 
found-  only  where  comparatively  shallow  seas  existed  at  the 
time  in  question. 

Applying  these  general  principles  to  the  Cambrian  rocks  of 
North  America,  we  find  an  explanation  of  the  great  gap 
between  the  Pre-cambrian  and  the  Cambrian  in  the  fact  that 
the  off-shore  position  was  farther  out  to  sea  than  at  present. 
The  continent  has  not  yet  been  sufficiently  elevated  to  bring 
into  view  the  rocks  formed  during  this  time.  As  we  are  unable, 
therefore,  to  decipher  the  history  of  this  period,  we  have  fallen 
into  the  habit  of  calling  it  an  "interval."  Such  intervals, 
numerous  in  the  course  of  geological  history,  are  merely 
unread  passages  in  the  unfolding  tale  of  the  earth:  they  do 
not  represent  breaks  in  the  continuity  of  sedimentation.  The 
whole  history  has  been  written,  leaf  by  leaf,  in  the  book  of  the 
rocks;  unfortunately,  up  to  the  present,  many  of  the  leaves 
have  not  been  found,  and,  more  unfortunately,  many  of  them 
probably  will  never  be  found. 

It  is  significant,  also,  that  it  is  the  existence  of  these  gaps 
that  enables  us  to  divide  the  history  of  the  earth  into  eras 
and  periods.  ,  To  a  certain  extent,  therefore,  our  geological 
subdivisions  are  founded  on  a  lack  of  knowledge;  but  this 
thought  must  not  be  carried  too  far,  as  the  unread  intervals 
correspond  to  great  physical  events  in  the  history  of  the  earth. 


We  have  seen  that  at  the  close  of  Keewatin  time  the  eastern 
part  of  Canada  was  thrown  into  great  folds  with  a  general 
north-east  trend;  these  folds  have  persisted  to  the  present 



day.  In  the  Lower  Cambrian,  and  more  particularly  in  the 
Middle  Cambrian,  the  waters  of  the  Atlantic  ocean  invaded 
the  troughs  between  these  folds;  in  consequence,  we  find 
narrow  belts  of  Cambrian  rocks  running  in  a  general  north- 
east direction  in  Newfoundland,  Cape  Breton,  Nova  Scotia, 
southern  New  Brunswick,  and  the  Gaspe  Peninsula  of  Quebec. 
The  rocks  are  mostly  argillaceous  sandstones  and  shales  with 
very  little  admixture  of  limestone. 

The  wide-spread  continental  seas  of  the  Upper  Cambrian, 
in  their  latest  and  most  extreme  phase,  lapped  the  shores 
of  the  old  Pre-cambrian  continent  from  Brockville  to  the 


The  areas  in  eastern  Quebec  may  be,  in  part,  Lower  Ordovician,  and  the  areas  along  the 
Atlantic  coast  of  Nova  Scotia  are  very  uncertain  as  to  age. 

vicinity  of  Ottawa  and  easterly  along  the  base  of  the  Lauren- 
tide  mountains.  The  waves  found  plenty  of  prey  in  the 
decayed  surface  of  the  old  continent  for  the  creation  of  a 
fringe  of  sandstone  along  the  shore  and  in  the  shallow  off- 
shore waters.  This  sandstone,  known  as  the  Potsdam  forma- 
tion, is  now  to  be  seen  along  the  old  shore  as  indicated  above, 
and  in  somewhat  wider  areas  in  the  extreme  western  part  of 
the  province  of  Quebec.  The  rock  is  usually  a  white  or 
variegated  sandstone,  composed  almost  entirely  of  quartz 
grains.  While  generally  too  hard  for  fine  carving,  the  stone 
is  adapted  to  building  purposes  and  has  been  quarried  exten- 
sively at  Smiths  Falls,  Perth,  and  in  the  township  of  Nepean 
in  Ontario,  also  at  Beauharnois  and  other  places  in  Quebec, 


We  have  seen  that  the  Pre-cambrian  rocks  have  a  very 
slight  width  where  they  cross  the  St.  Lawrence  river  at 
the  Thousand  islands.  The  exposures  of  Potsdam  sandstone 
mentioned  above  are  east  of  the  old  axis.  It  is  to  be  expected 
that  a  similar  fringe  of  sandstone  would  mark  the  shore  of 
the  old  Upper  Cambrian  sea  on  the  west  side  also.  Doubtless 
such  a  fringe  was  formed,  but  its  exact  location  is  not  ascer- 
tainable  as  it  has  been  buried  under  later  rocks  formed  in 
later  seas  which  advanced  farther  on  the  continental  axis. 
This  is  a  good  example  of  the  obliteration  of  a  record  by 
burial.  Nevertheless  there  is  proof  of  the  existence  of  this 
sandstone,  as  a  few  small  exposures  are  known  at  Kingston 
Mills  and  in  the  township  of  Loughborough.  Also  its  presence 
has  been  revealed  by  boring  through  the  overlying  rocks  at 
points  farther  west. 

Following  the  contact  of  the  Pre-cambrian  with  later 
rocks  north  and  west  from  the  vicinity  of  Kingston  to  the 
Arctic  ocean,  we  find  no  more  Cambrian  rock  except  near 
Sault  Ste.  Marie.  A  variegated  sandstone,  probably  of  Upper 
Cambrian  age,  forms  the  "pictured  rocks"  in  Michigan  to 
the  west  of  the  outlet  of  Lake  Superior  and  crosses  the  St. 
Mary  river  into  Canada  at  Sault  Ste.  Marie. 

The  grandest  exposures  of  Cambrian  rocks  are  found  along 
the  inner  ranges  of  the  Rocky  mountains.  We  have  seen  that 
in  early  Cambrian  time  a  local  sinking  of  the  continent  per- 
mitted the  sea  to  invade  this  region.  The  original  narrow 
depression,  the  Cordilleran  trough,  continued  through  long 
geological  periods  to  mark  the  axis  of  an  area  of  progressive 
submergence.  The  sediments  accumulating  in  this  trough 
were  gradually  bent  downward,  resulting  in  the  production  of 
one  of  the  great  structural  elements  of  the  continent — the 
Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline.  Sediments  of  Lower,  Middle, 
and  Upper  Cambrian  time  accumulated  in  this  depression  to 
a  thickness  of  12,200  feet  at  Mount  Robson  near  the  line  of 
the  Grand  Trunk  Pacific  Railway,  and  in  the  southern  part 
of  the  province  of  British  Columbia  to  the  enormous  thickness 
of  more  than  18,500  feet.  Many  of  the  grandest  peaks  of  the 
Canadian  Rockies  are  composed  of  Cambrian  rocks.  The 
stupendous  changes  whereby  these  sea-made  rocks  have  been 
raised  to  their  present  lofty  position  occurred  at  a  much  later 


date,  and  constitute  one  of  the  most  fascinating  chapters  in 
geological  history. 

The  Cambrian  rocks  of  the  mountains  were  originally  sand- 
stones and  shales  towards  the  bottom,  with  more  limestone 
at  the  top.  The  severe  metamorphism  which  the  strata  have 
undergone  has  altered  the  sandstone  into  quartzite  and  the 
shale  into  slate;  the  limestones  have  been  converted,  in  part 
at  least,  into  marble.  The  cracking  and  deformation  which 
these  rocks  have  suffered  in  the  process  of  mountain-making 
have  rendered  them  unfit  for  structural  purposes.  Attempts 


have  been  made  to  use  the  slates  for  roofing  without  great 
success.  Lake  Louise,  one  of  the  beauty  spots  of  the  world, 
nestles  among  towering  peaks  of  Cambrian  rocks. 


The  Proterozoic  contains  some  meagre  evidence  of  the 
existence  of  life,  but  the  fossils  are  so  extremely  rare  and 
so  poorly  preserved  that  they  are  of  little  or  no  assist- 
ance in  working  out  the  geological  record.  With  Cam- 
brian time,  however,  life  developed  to  an  extent  •  that  fills 
us  with  astonishment  at  its  complexity  and  the  apparent 
abruptness  of  its  appearance. 


It  is  a  most  significant  fact  that  all  the  branches  of  in- 
vertebrate animals  had  their  inception  in  or  before  the  Cam- 
brian period.  Assuming  that  all  life  developed  from  one 
original  source,  we  are  forced  to  conclude  either  that  a  very 
long  time  intervened  between  the  Pre-cambrian  and  the 
Cambrian  or  that  life  existed  in  the  Pre-cambrian  to  an 
extent  very  much  in  excess  of  the  evidence  that  has  yet 
been  found. 

We  can  scarcely  conceive  of  the  numerous  animals  of  the 
Cambrian  having  existed  without  plants  for  food;  never- 
theless, the  actual  evidence  of  vegetable  life  is  very  meagre. 
Certain  markings  and  impressions  are  thought  to  represent 
seaweeds,  and  in  all  probability  do,  but  certain  evidence  of 
plant  tissue  has  yet  to  be  found. 

While  we  are  impressed  by  the  high  development  of  the 
Cambrian  invertebrates,  two  points  must  be  carefully  noted: 
first,  that  the  total  amount  of  life  is  very  meagre,  both  in  the 
number  of  species  and  in  the  actual  number  of  individuals, 
compared  with  the  great  faunas  of  succeeding  geological 
ages;  second,  despite  the  high  degree  of  development  attained, 
the  organisms  are  the  most  primitive  examples  known  of  the 
classes  to  which  they  belong. 

Although  it  is  important  to  recognise  the  unexpectedly 
high  development  of  Cambrian  life  on  account  of  its  bearing 
on  the  evolution  of  organisms,  we  may  eliminate  most  of 
the  classes  in  an  account  of  the  dominant  life  of  the  time. 
Most  of  the  groups  are  so  feebly  represented  that  they  require 
no  further  mention.  The  great  majority  of  Cambrian  fossils 
are  either  trilobites  or  brachiopods;  the  two  crustacean 
super-orders,  ostracods  and  phyllopods,  are  also  of  importance. 

TRILOBITES.  These  animals  are  crustaceans — i.e.  they  are 
allied  to  lobsters  and  crabs,  and  therefore  are  to  be  ranked 
high  among  invertebrate  creatures.  Trilobites  are  primitive 
crustaceans,  however,  and  differ  from  all  other  members  of 
the  class  in  possessing  a  longitudinal  furrowing  of  the  shell 
into  three  lobes — whence  the  name  tri-lobite.  The  dorsal 
surface  is  covered  by  a  thin  investment  which  is  divided 
transversely  into  three  portions — an  anterior  part,  the 
head  or  cephalon;  a  central  part,  the  body  or  thorax;  and 
a  posterior  part,  the  tail  or  pygidium.  The  cephalon  is 



composed  of  three  pieces — a  central  part,  and  two  lateral  pieces 
known  as  free  cheeks.    The  line  of  suture  between  the  parts 

is  called  the  facial  suture,  and  is 

of  the  first  importance  in  classi- 
fying trilobites. 

The  thorax  is  composed  of 
narrow  transverse  pieces  called 
thoracic  rings:  the  number  of 
these  varies  greatly  in  different 
genera  and  is  of  importance  in 

The  pygidium  is  a  single  piece, 
but  it  shows  evidence  of  having 
arisen  by  the  fusion  of  a  number 
of  original  segments. 
FIG.  79.  A  TRILOBITE  DISSECTED        The   under   side  was  protected 
TO  SHOW  CHIEF  POINTS  OF   by    a    very    delicate    investment 

THE    ANATOMY  .  .  r 

(«)  The  head  or  buckler,  consisting  of   carrying  one  pair  of  appendages 

the  central  part  (cranidmm)  and  two     to  each    Original  Segment five   for 

fixed  cheeks;  (b)  The  thorax,  consist- 

ing  of  a  variable  number  of  separate  the    head,     One    for    each     thoracic 

"rings";    (c)   Ihe   tail  or  pygidium  .                                           r                   i           r         i 

in  a  single  piece.    Note  the  longitudi-  Ting,     and     One      IOr     each     of      the 

he  whole  animal.  origmal  SegmentS  of  the   tail. 

Three  types  of  trilobites  are  recognised  according  to  the 
position  of  the  facial  suture — a  low  type  in  which  there  is 
no  suture  on  the  upper  surface,  an  intermediate  type  in  which 



(A)  Simplest  type  with  no  free  cheek;  (B)  Intermediate  type  with  the  free  cheek  including  the 
posterior  angle  of  head;  (c)  Highest  type  in  which  the  free  cheek  does  not  include  the 
posterior  angle  of  the  head. 

the  suture  terminates  at  the  back  of  the  head,  and  a  high 
type  in  which  it  comes  out  at  the  side  of  the  head. 

Trilobites  are  characteristic  of  the  whole  of  the  Palaeozoic 
era,  and  were  the  dominant  organisms  of  the  Cambrian  period. 
The  Cambrian  trilobites  belong  to  the  first  two  types  only; 
the  higher  forms  had  not  yet  appeared. 



Fifty-five  genera  and  more  than  300  species  of  Cambrian 
trilobites  are  known:  their  great  diversity  is  shown  by  the 
remarkable  variation  in  size, 
from  the  little  Agnostus,  one- 
fourth  of  an  inch  long  with 
only  two  thoracic  rings,  to 
the  giant  Paradoxides,  rang- 
ing up  to  eighteen  inches 
in  length  with  as  many  as 
twenty  thoracic  rings.  The 
three  divisions  of  Cambrian 
time  are  so  clearly  marked 
by  different  types  of  trilo- 
bites that  the  Lower  Cam- 
brian is  known  as  the 
Olenellus  zone,  the  Middle 
as  the  Paradoxides  zone,  and 
the  Upper  as  the  Olenus 

Cambrian  these  creatures 
rank  in  importance  next  to 
the  trilobites;  they  survive 
throughout  all  succeeding  ages  and  exist  in  the  seas  of  the 
present  day. 

The  shell  of  a  brachiopod  consists  of  two  halves  or  valves 
which  are  not  alike  as  in  the  case  of  the  common  clam.  On 
the  other  hand,  a  line  drawn  from  the  beak  to  the  front 
margin  of  the  shell  divides  both  valves  into  similar  halves; 
in  this  respect,  also,  the  shell  of  a  brachiopod  differs  from  that 
of  a  clam.  Brachiopods  live  with  the  beak  of  the  shell  down- 
ward, and  are  attached  to  the  floor  of  the  sea  by  a  fleshy 
structure,  the  peduncle,  which  generally  comes  out  between 
the  two  shells.  It  is  customary  to  draw  figures  of  brachiopods 
in  the  reversed  position,  i.e.  with  the  beak  up. 

In  the  simplest  forms  the  two  valves  are  not  connected  by 
a  definite  hinge,  and  the  peduncle  emerges  freely;  in  higher 
forms  the  valves  are  hinged  and  fit  closely  together,  neces- 
sitating a  special  opening  for  the  peduncle.  Modifications 
of  this  passage,  of  increasing  complexity,  occur  with  the 


From  a  restoration  by  Lapworth. 



advance  of  geological  time;  as  these  changes  are  in  accord 
both  with  the  march  of  time  and  the  evolution  of  the  race, 
they  are  used  as  the  main  basis  for  the  classification  of 

The  soft  body  of  the  brachiopod  lies  between  the  two 
valves,  to  which  it  is  attached  by  two  thin  sheets  of  tissue, 


I.  Interior  of  the  brachial  valve  showing  the  loop  (S)  and  muscle  scars  (a)  •  2.  Interior  of  the 
pedicle  valve  showing  the  muscle  scars  (p,  d),  the  opening  for  the  passage  of  the 
peduncle  (F),  and  the  deltidial  plates  (D) ;  3.  Another  species  showing  the  fleshy  breath- 
ing arms;  4.  Vertical  section  through  both  valves  showing  the  closing  muscles  (a),  the 
opening  muscles  (c),  and  the  breathing  arms.  After  Davidson. 

the  mantles.  The  vital  organs  are  confined  to  the  lower  or 
beak  side  of  the  space  between  the  valves,  but  the  greater 
portion  of  this  space  is  occupied  by  two  plumose  "arms," 
which  serve  as  breathing  organs  and  also  for  conducting 
particles  of  food  to  the  mouth  which  lies  between  them.  It 
was  the  mistake  of  regarding  these  arms  as  creeping  organs 
that  led  to  the  name  "brachiopod/'  or  "arm-footed." 



In  the  simpler  brachiopods  the  arms  are  without  a  hard 
shelly  support,  but  in  the  higher  forms  calcareous  structures 
are  developed  in  one  valve  to  give  rigidity  to  the  arms.  These 
supports  may  be  simple  spurs  or  spirally  coiled  threads,  or 
loop-like  structures.  The  characteristics  of  these  arm-supports 
are  of  great  importance  in  classification,  second  only  to  the 
structure  of  the  opening  for  the  peduncle. 

Forty-four  genera  and  477  species  of  Cambrian  brachiopods 
have  been  described.  It  is  significant  that  of  these  229 
species  belong  to  the  lowest  order,  in  which  the  peduncle 
emerges  freely  between  the  valves  and  there  is  no  hinge,  and 
that  1 88  species  belong  to  a  higher  order,  still  without  hinge, 


i.  Simplest  type  without  hinges;  2.  Type  with  hinge,  but  without  calcareous  support  for 
breathing  arms ;  3.  Type  with  spiral  supports;  4.  Type  with  looped  supports.  Figures: 
and  2  show  vascular  markings  and  muscle  scars. 

but  with  a  slight  modification  in  the  peduncular  opening. 
The  remaining  no  species  have  a  simple  hinge,  but  there  are 
no  representatives  of  the  higher  orders  with  calcareous 
supports  for  the  arms  and  complex  peduncular  passages. 

OSTRACODS.  Ostracods  are  small  crustaceans  enclosed  in 
a  bivalved  shell.  In  the  fossil  condition  only  the  shells  are 
known :  these  resemble  very  closely  a  half-bean,  but  they  are 
usually  of  smaller  size  than  the  average  bean.  The  outline 
varies  with  the  different  genera,  and  details  of  surface  orna- 
mentation are  of  value  in  determining  species.  The  Cambrian 
rocks  of  the  maritime  provinces  of  Canada  alone  have  yielded 
about  forty  species  of  ostracods. 

PHYLLOPODS.  Like  trilobites  and  ostracods,  these  organisms 
are  crustaceans;  they  are  closely  related  to  the  ostracods, 
but  the  shell  is  not  in  two  pieces  and  it  does  not  cover 


the  whole  of  the  body.  Some  very  interesting  forms  have 
been  obtained  from  the  Cambrian  rocks  of  British  Columbia. 

Despite  the  great  age  and  serious  metamorphism  of  most 
Cambrian  strata,  some  few  favoured  localities  have  yielded 
fossils  in  an  exquisite  state  of  preservation.  Not  only  are  the 
hard  parts  preserved,  but  impressions  of  soft  tissue  are  found, 
and  indications  of  such  delicate  organs  as  the  antennae  and 
limbs  of  crustaceans.  The  most  remarkable  of  these  rare  and 
beautifully  preserved  fossils  were  obtained  by  Dr.  Walcott 
from  shales  of  Middle  Cambrian  age  near  Burgess  pass, 
British  Columbia.  They  include  jelly-fish,  sea-cucumbers, 
worms,  and  some  of  the  higher  arthropods  with  the  various 
organs  delicately  preserved. 

It  will  be  noticed  that  in  the  above  account  only  the  life 
of  the  sea  has  been  mentioned.  We  know  nothing  of  the 
continent  which  doubtless  made  up  most  of  Canada  in 
Cambrian  time,  except  that  it  had  a  weathering  rock  surface 
from  which  rivers  brought  down  mud  and  sand.  Probably  it 
was  bare  of  plant  life — a  desert — because  land  plants  had  not 
yet  come  into  being.  Without  land  vegetation,  one  may 
suppose  an  equal  lack  of  air-breathing  animals.  The  continent 
was  seemingly  a  lifeless  wilderness. 


The  fossils  of  this  region  are  distinctly  of  an  Atlantic  type 
and  show  relationships  to  European  species.    The  commonest 
fossils  are  trilobites ;  brachiopods  are  less  numerous ;  ostracods 
and  other  types  occupy  third  place.   Common  examples  are: 

Paradoxides  eteminicus,  Conocoryphe  baileyi,  Microdiscus 

Brachiopods : 

Protorthis  billingsi,  Lingulella  gregwa. 


The  Potsdam  sandstone  of  Ontario  and  Quebec  shows  few 
fossils.  The  one  really  characteristic  species  is  Lingulella 
acuminata.  Worm  burrows  and  the  tracks  of  unknown 
organisms  have  been  found. 


Trilobites:  i.  Ogygopsis  klotzi;  2.  Neolenus  serratus;  3.  Agnostus  montis;  4.  Ptychoparia 
cordillerce.  Phyllopod:  5.  Anomalocaris  canadensis.  Brachiopods:  6.  Micromitra 
pannula,  ventral  and  side  views;  7.  Obolus  mcconnelli,  pedicle  and  brachial  views- 
8.  Acrotreta  depressa,  pedicle  and  lateral  views.  Nos.  i,  2,  4  and  5  natural  size,  the  other 
figures  greatly  enlarged.  After  Walcott. 



The  Cambrian  rocks  of  this  region  are  not  rich  in  fossils 
throughout,  but  in  places  the  characteristic  species  of  Lower, 
Middle  and  Upper  Cambrian  are  found  in  abundance  and  in 
an  excellent  state  of  preservation.  The  fauna  is  distinctly  of 
a  Pacific  type,  and  while  generally  similar,  it  differs  from  that 
of  the  eastern  region  in  detail:  for  instance,  the  typical 
Paradoxides  is  absent  from  the  middle  division,  but  its  place 
is  taken  by  related  genera. 

The  Middle  Cambrian  is  much  the  richest  in  fossils;    the 
following  characteristic  examples  are  all  from  that  horizon : 
Trilobites : 

Ogygopsis  klotzi,  Neolenus  sermtus,  Ptychoparia  cordillerce, 

Agnostus  montis. 
Brachiopods : 

Obolus  mcconnelli,  Micromitra  pannula,  Acrotreta  depressa. 

Anomalocaris  canadensis. 



CAMBRIAN  time  was  followed  by  a  long  period  to  which  the 
name  Ordovician  has  been  given,  as  the  rocks  of  this  system 
were  first  studied  in  Wales,  a  part  of  which  was  inhabited  in 
Roman  times  by  a  tribe  called  the  Ordovices. 


We  have  seen  that  the  later  stages  of  Cambrian  time  were 
marked  by  a  great  advance  of  the  sea  on  the  continent.  The 
close  of  the  Cambrian  and  the  beginning  of  the  Ordovician 
seem  to  indicate  a  general  withdrawal  of  the  water  from  the 
present  land  areas.  The  conditions  are  not  well  understood 
for  the  whole  continent,  but  it  is  known  that  a  gradually 
receding  sea  occupied  the  country  from  eastern  Ontario 
south  and  east  through  parts  of  the  maritime  provinces 
and  the  eastern  United  States  to  the  Atlantic  ocean.  At  the 
same  time  a  pronounced  submergence  occurred  in  Nevada 
and  Utah.  This  period  of  emergence  and  of  deposition  in 
rather  confined  areas  represents  the  Lower  Ordovician  or 
Canadian  time. 

Now  followed  a  downwarping  of  the  eastern  interior  of  the 
continent  whereby  seas,  not  in  connection  with  the  Atlantic 
ocean,  covered  large  areas  in  the  eastern  United  States  and 
the  southern  part  of  eastern  Canada.  It  is  believed  that  this 
submergence  finally  became  so  pronounced  that  a  broad  con- 
nection was  established  across  the  highlands  of  Canada  with 
the  waters  of  the  Arctic  ocean.  Many  oscillations  of  land  and 
water  occurred  during  this  time,  which  is  known  as  the  Middle 
Ordovician,  and  is  sometimes  erroneously  called  Champlainian. 

The  Middle  Ordovician  seas  having  largely  withdrawn,  a 
new  invasion  of  waters  spread  over  the  continent  from  the 
Gulf  of  Mexico  northward  and  eventually  became  united  with 




a  great  flood  advancing  southward  from  the  Arctic  ocean. 
This  epoch  is  the  Upper  Ordovician,  and  is  called  Cincinnatian 
by  American  geologists. 

The  physical  conditions  in  the  Cordilleran  region  are  not  so 
well  understood,  but  the  Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline  con- 
tinued to  be  an  area  of  depression,  with  the  result  that 


White  areas,  land;  vertically  linel  areas,  water  in  early  Richmond  time;  horizontally  lined 
areas,  water  in  middle  Richmond  time.  From  Pirrson  and  Schuchert,  "  Textbook  of  Geology  " 

Ordovician  strata  were  deposited  on  top  of  the  great  accumula- 
tions of  Cambrian  sediments. 

The  close  of  Ordovician  time  was  marked  by  a  dis- 
turbance of  the  continent  in  the  Atlantic  border  region. 
This  or  later  disturbances  seriously  affected  the  Ordovician 
strata  of  the  maritime  provinces,  throwing  them  into  folds 
and  greatly  altering  their  original  physical  characteristics. 
As  the  Green  mountains  of  Vermont  and  their  southern 


extension,  the  Taconic  range,  were  first  uplifted  at  this  time, 
the  event  has  been  called  the  Green  Mountain  or  Taconic 
revolution.^  It  is  to  be  noted,  however,  that  the  Ordovician 
rocks  of  the  interior  of  the  continent  show  scarcely  any  effect 
of  this  upheaval  of  the  region  along  the  Atlantic  coast. 

The  Ordovician  as  a  whole  was  a  period  of  limestone  forma- 
tion, although  shales  form  a  prominent  element  in  the  strata 
of  certain  localities.  On  the  other  hand,  sandstones  occur  to 
a  very  limited  extent.  The  movements  of  land  and  water 
were  on  a  grand  scale  in  Ordovician  time ;  the  formations  are 
heavier  and  of  greater  geographical  extent  than  is  usual  in 
any  later  systems. 


The  Canadian  occurrences  of  Ordovician  strata  may  be 
grouped  in  areas  as  follows: 

i.  ACADIAN  AREA.  If  a  line  be  drawn  along  the  axis  of 
Lake  Champlain,  thence  north  to  the  St.  Lawrence  river,  and 
down  the  river  to  the  ocean,  it  will  cut  off  from  the  rest  of 
Canada  an  area  which  has  been  greatly  disturbed,  not  only 
by  the  Taconic  revolution  above  referred  to,  but  by  subse- 
quent earth  movements  of  great  magnitude.  This  line  marks 
the  location  of  a  great  fault — the  Champlain  fault — as  the 
strata  on  the  two  sides  have  been  thrown  hundreds  of  feet  out 
of  accord.  The  Ordovician  rocks  to  the  east  of  the  fault  have 
been  so  upturned  and  metamorphosed,  and  the  characteristic 
fossils  so  destroyed,  that  their  study  is  attended  with  diffi- 
culties far  exceeding  those  of  the  other  Ordovician  regions 
of  Canada.  Strata  of  this  age  occur  in  belts  of  limited  extent 
with  a  general  north-east  and  south-west  trend ;  the  chief  of 
these  are  as  follows: 

(a)  The  eastern  townships  of  Quebec. 

(b)  The  south-eastern  part  of  the  Peninsula  of  Gaspe. 

(c)  Central   New   Brunswick   from   Chaleur  bay  south- 
westward  across  the  province. 

(d)  Northern    Nova    Scotia    from   Minas  basin    to   the 
eastern  point  of  the  mainland. 

1  In  the  light  of  recent  investigations  this  event  scarcely  deserves 
the  name  "  revolution."  It  was  formerly  regarded  as  of  great  magnitude. 



2.  ANTICOSTI  ISLAND.    The  northern  coast  of  the  island  of 
Anticosti  is  occupied  by  Ordovician   rocks   which   are   un- 
disturbed, as  the  island  lies  north  of  the  Champlain  fault. 
Well-preserved  fossils  may  be  obtained  in  abundance  from 
the  exposures  along  this  coast. 

3.  ST.  LAWRENCE  AREA.     Eastern  Ontario  and  western 
Quebec,  from  the  Potsdam  sandstone  area  to  the  Champlain 
fault  and  along  the  north  shore  of  the  St.  Lawrence  river  to 
a  short  distance  below  the  city  of  Quebec. 

4.  ONTARIO  AREA.     Ordovician  rocks  cross  the  province 
of  Ontario  in  a  broad  belt  extending  from  Lake  Ontario 
to    Georgian  bay,   and  reappearing  on  the  north  shore  of 
Manitoulin   island  and  on   the  islands  between  Manitoulin 
and  the  mainland.     The  belt  is  widest  in  the  south,  form- 
ing the  shore  of  Lake   Ontario   from   Kingston   to   beyond 
Toronto;     on    Georgian    bay   it    reaches    from    Matchedash 
bay  to   Owen  sound. 

A  great  system  like  the  Ordovician  is  naturally  divisible 
into  series,  and  the  series  into  formations.  While  the  series 
may  be  recognised  the  world  over,  the  lesser  divisions,  forma- 
tions, are  necessarily  of  limited  extent.  As  an  example  of  the 
subdivision  and  classification  of  the  rocks  of  the  Ordovician 
system,  those  occurring  in  Ontario  are  arranged  as  follows: 






Upper  Ordovician  or 


Middle  Ordovician  or 
"  Champlainian  " 

Collingwood                  4 
Black  River 
Aylmer  (Chazy) 

Lower  Ordovician  or 

Theresa  (Beekmantown) 

These  formations  consist  of  rock  differing  in  composition 
and  appearance,  but  not  always  sufficiently  so  to  enable  one 



to  state  the  formation  from  which  a  given  sample  has  been 
taken.  As  each  formation,  however,  has  its  own  distinctive 
fossils,  an  examination  of  these  affords  certain  evidence  as  to 
the  age  of  the  rock. 

In  the  area  under  consideration  successively  higher  forma- 
tions are  encountered  as  one  goes  westward  from  the  Pre- 
cambrian  axis.  Naturally,  on  the  east  side  of  the  axis  the 
younger  formations  are  encountered  as  one  advances  east- 
ward. The  formation  at  Kingston  is  Black  River,  and  at 
Toronto,  Lorraine. 

FIG.    86.      SKETCH    MAP    OF    EASTERN    CANADA    SHOWING    IN    BLACK    THE 

Small  areas  also  occur  in  Nova  Scotia,  and  the  area  in  New  Brunswick  dotted  in  Fig.  102  is 
in  part  Ordovician. 

5.  HUDSON  BAY  AREA.     Ordovician  rocks  occupy  a  con- 
siderable area  to  the  west  of  Port  Nelson  and  Fort  Churchill 
on  the  west  side  of  Hudson  bay. 


7.  MANITOBA  AREA.     Ordovician  rocks,  with  a  width  of 
about   100  miles,   extend  from  the  international  boundary 
northward   along   the   flank   of    the   Pre-cambrian   axis   to 
Latitude  56°  N. 

8.  ROCKY  MOUNTAIN  AREA.    Ordovician  rocks  overlie  the 
Cambrian  strata  in  the  middle  ranges  of  the  Rocky  mountains. 



The  limestones  of  the  Ordovician  system  are  extensively 
quarried  for  building,  for  lime  and  cement-making,  for  con- 
crete, and  for  macadam.  Large  quarries  are  operated  in  Middle 
Ordovician  strata  at  Hull,  Ottawa,  Montreal,  Quebec,  King- 
ston, Longford  Mills,  and  other  places.  The  bituminous  shales 
of  the  Collingwood  and  Utica  formations  were  distilled  for  oil 
before  the  discovery  of  petroleum,  and  may  again  be  required 
for  this  purpose. 

Middle  Ordovician  rocks  yield  excellent  building-stone  at 
Tyndall,  Manitoba,  and  the  upper  division  has  been  quarried 
at  Stony  mountain  and  elsewhere  in  Manitoba  for  crushed 
rock  and  lime-making. 

Marble  is  obtained  from  Ordovician  rocks  in  the  meta- 
morphic  area  of  the  eastern  townships  of  Quebec. 

The  natural  gas  of  central  Ohio  and  of  the  Leamington  and 
Norfolk  and  Elgin  county  fields  in  Ontario  is  derived  from 
strata  of  this  age  by  boring  through  the  overlying  rocks. 

Most  of  the  celebrated  mineral  waters  of  Ontario  and 
Quebec  issue  from  Ordovician  rocks,  more  particularly  in  the 
St.  Lawrence  area. 


Compared  with  that  of  the  Cambrian,  the  life  of  the  Ordo- 
vician is  more  varied  and  much  more  abundant;  it  has  been 
called  the  "first  great  fauna."  The  predominance  of  limestone 
attests  the  great  amount  of  life,  as  many  of  these  rocks  are 
visibly  composed  of  the  remains  of  shelled  organisms. 


Ordovician  plants  are  known  by  distinct  impressions  which 
leave  no  doubt  as  to  their  origin  from  seaweeds  which  were 
entombed  on  the  floor  of  the  sea.  Terrestrial  plants  are 


Plant  remains  being  meagre  and  vertebrates  almost  entirely 
absent,  the  Ordovician  life  was  essentially  one  of  inverte- 



brates.  As  the  time  was  very  long  and  many  changes  took 
place,  it  is  somewhat  difficult  to  speak  of  the  life  as  a  whole ; 
this  difficulty  is  increased  by  the  fact  that  no  classes  and  few 
orders  are  absolutely  confined  to  the  period.  On  the  other 
hand,  certain  groups  of  organisms  reached  their  maximum 
development;  these  are  to  be  regarded  as  particularly  char- 
acteristic, but  they  do  not  by  any  means  represent  the 
whole  life.  These  outstanding  groups  are  brachiopods, 
trilobites,  graptolites,  cystids,  receptaculites,  and  possibly 
bryozoans.  A  brief  account  of  the  life  of  the  time  follows. 
SPONGES.  Many  sponges  occur,  particularly  in  the  lower 

i.   Columnaria  halli    2.  Streptelasma  corniculum.   After  Billings  and  Lambe. 

part  of  the  system;  in  Canada,  however,  examples  of  this 
kind  of  creature  are  rare. 

RECEPTACULITES.  These  very  characteristic  Ordovician 
creatures  are  of  doubtful  zoological  position,  but  are  probably 
allied  to  the  sponges.  They  build  hollow,  vase-shaped  skeletons 
of  considerable  size — up  to  a  foot  in  diameter.  The  wall  is 
composed  of  an  inner  and  an  outer  layer  connected  by  pillars. 
The  fossils  are  easily  recognised,  even  in  fragments,  by  the 
peculiar  curved,  radial  arrangement  of  the  pillars,  which  is 
reflected  on  both  the  inner  and  outer  wall.  Beautifully  silici- 
fied  specimens  are  common  at  Paquette's  rapids  in  Ontario, 
and  very  large  examples  are  frequent  in  the  Ordovician 
rocks  of  Manitoba. 

CORALS.    Corals  are  small  soft-bodied  animals  in  which  a 



single  body  cavity  performs  all  the  vital  functions,  i.e.  there 
is  no  intestine  or  circulatory  system.  Corals  may  live  singly 
or  in  colonies;  in  either  case  they  secrete  a  skeleton  of  car- 
bonate of  lime  which  is  correspondingly  single  or  compound. 
Streptelasma  is  a  common  example  of  single  Ordovician  corals, 
and  Columnar ia  of  the  compound  type.  While  corals  are  more 
abundant  than  in  the  Cambrian,  they  do  not  reach  the  im- 
portant position  which  they  fill  in  later  geological  periods. 

GRAPTOLITES.  Hydrozoa  are  coelenterate  animals  like 
corals,  but  of  simpler  organisation  and  smaller  size.  Grap- 
tolites  are  thought  to  be  hydrozoans  which  build  compound 
skeletons  of  horny  matter  instead  of  lime.  In  the  fossil 



i.  Phyllograptus  angustifolius;    2.  Climacograptus  typicalis;   3.  Diplograftus  foliaceus. 
Natural  size.   After  Hall  and  Ruedemann. 

condition,  the  skeletons  of  graptolites  have  been  reduced  to 
graphite  and  appear  like  pencil  marks  on  slabs  of  rock.  In 
life  the  colonies  were  free  and  drifted  with  the  currents  of  the 
ocean.  This  habit,  together  with  the  fact  that  they  are  short- 
range  forms,  makes  them  very  valuable  for  the  determination 
of  the  different  formations.  These  organisms  are  among  the 
most  characteristic  of  Ordovician  fossils.  Diplograptus  and 
Monograptus  are  typical  simple  forms,  while  Phyllograptus 
and  Tetragraptus  exemplify  the  more  complex  kinds. 

ECHINODERMS.  These  organisms,  as  the  name  implies,  are 
characterised  by  the  possession  of  a  hard  outer  crust  or  shell 
composed  of  plates  or  rods  of  carbonate  of  lime.  There  are 
two  rather  distinct  types  of  echinoderms — those  that  are 
fastened  by  a  stalk  to  the  sea  floor,  such  as  the  existing  sea 



lilies,  and  those  which  are  capable  of  locomotion,  like  the  star- 
fishes and  sea-urchins  of  to-day. 

In  the  Ordovician,  sea-urchins  are  unknown  and  star-fish 
are  represented  by  rare  examples  only.    The  fixed  or  stalked 


i.   Cupulocrinus  humilis;    2.  Ottawacrinus  typus;   3.  Pleurocystis  squamosus;    4.  Reteocrinus 
\alveolatus;  5.  locrinus  subcrassus ;  6.  Glyptocrinusdecadactylus;  7.  Malocystismurchisoni. 
All  figures  natural  size.  After  Springer  and  Hall,  and  from  original  photographs. 

type,  however,  is  common;   of  these,  two  different  kinds  are 
found,  known  as  cystids,  and  crinoids  or  sea  lilies. 

'  Cystids  are  stalked  echinoderms  of  simple  organisation  and 
without  a  circlet  of  waving  arms  at  the  top ;  they  are  the  sim- 
plest of  all  echinoderms,  and  reached  their  maximum  develop- 
ment in  the  Ordovician.  Malocystis  and  Pleurocystis  are  the 
commonest  genera  in  the  Ordovician  rocks  of  eastern  Canada. 


Crinoids,  or  sea  lilies,  resemble  cystids  in  the  possession  of  a 
jointed  column  or  stem  and  a  plated  cup  or  body;  they 
differ,  however,  by  having  a  circlet  of  waving  arms  above 
the  cup.  The  popular  name  "  sea  lily  "  is  given  on  account 
of  the  general  resemblance  to  a  lily,  not  because  crinoids  are 
plants  or  in  any  way  related  thereto. 

Crinoids  were  so  abundant  in  the  Ordovician  that,  in  certain 
places,  whole  layers  of  rock  are  made  up  of  the  disassociated 
plates.  Owing  to  the  disintegration  of  the  remains  after 
death,  entire  specimens  are  found  only  in  favoured  localities. 
The  Middle  Ordovician  rocks  at  Kirkfield,  Ontario,  have 
yielded  a  remarkable  assemblage  of  crinoids,  and  the  strata 
of  the  upper  division  at  Toronto  are  in  places  filled  with 
columns  although  whole  specimens  are  rare.  Common  genera 
are  Archaocrinus,  Glyptocrinus,  Heterocrinus,  Cupulocrinus, 
and  Dendrocrinus. 

Although  crinoids  were  numerous  in  the  Ordovician,  they 
attained  a  much  greater  development  later;  they  are  not  so 
typical  of  the  Ordovician  as  are  the  cystids. 

BRACHIOPODS.  These  organisms  attained  a  remarkable 
development,  reaching,  if  not  their  maximum,  a  position  only 
equalled  by  that  of  the  next  great  system.  The  thin-shelled 
hingeless  types,  so  characteristic  of  the  Cambrian,  are  less 
in  evidence,  their  place  being  taken  by  hinged  forms  which, 
however,  are  without  a  calcareous  support  for  the  arms.  The 
highest  type  has  not  yet  made  its  appearance  in  force. 
Common  genera  of  the  Canadian  Ordovician  rocks  are  Hebert- 
ella,  Rafinesquina,  Dalmanella,  Plectambonites,  Zygospira, 
Dinorthis,  and  Platystrophia.  Plectambonites  sericeus  is  so 
common  both  in  the  middle  and  upper  divisions  that 
thick  layers  of  limestone  are  composed  almost  entirely  of 
its  remains. 

BRYOZOA.  These  organisms,  almost  unknown  in  the  Cam- 
brian, appear  with  extraordinary  profusion  in  the  Ordovician, 
and  maintain  a  position  of  great  importance  throughout  the 
whole  of  the  Palaeozoic  era.  By  reason  of  their  great  numbers 
and  wide  distribution,  and  the  limited  range  in  time  of 
individual  species,  bryozoans  are  of  the  highest  value  in 
determining  the  formations  of  the  Ordovician  and  later 
Palaeozoic  systems.  On  the  other  hand,  their  study  is  attended 


i.  Rafinesquina  alternata,  brachial  and  pedicle  views;  2.  Dalmanella  testudinaria,  brachial 
and  side  views;  3.  Orthis  tricenaria,  brachial  and  side  views;  4.  Zygospira  recuruirostris; 
.  5.  Dinorthis  pectinella,  pedicle  and  lateral  views;  6.  Catazvga  headi,  brachial  and  lateral 
views;  7.  Zygospira  modesta,  brachial  and  pedicle  views;  8.  Rhynchotrema capax,  lateral 
and  pedicle  views;  9.  Plectambonites  sericeus,  external  of  brachial  and  internal  of 
pedicle  valves;  10.  Camerella  volborthi,  brachial  and  pedicle  views;  n.  Dinorthis 
subquadrata;  12.  Hebertella  borealis,  pedicle  and  lateral  views ;  13.  Hebertella  imperator, 
pedicle  view.  All  figures  natural  size.  After  Billings  and  others. 



with  many  difficulties  which  detract  from  their  value  in  the 
hands  of  the  amateur. 

Bryozoans  are  extremely  small,  sack-shaped  animals  with 
a  simple  coiled  intestine  and  a  circlet  of  waving  arms  around 
the  mouth.  They  live  in  colonies  and  build  a  compound 
skeleton  resembling  that  of  a  compound  coral.  The  bryozoan 
skeleton,  however,  is  very  much  finer,  as  the  little  individuals 
are  seldom  of  greater  diameter  than  a  needle.  The  skeleton 

*  4M^  '# ;::/B 

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r      \     np  "T^ — r     ^v^     \  \    \ 

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i.  Portion  of  a  branching  colony,  natural  size;  2.  Surface  enlarged  showing  the  openings 
of  the  tubes;  3.  Tangential  section,  showing  the  tubes  in  cross  section  and  the  small 
hard  nodes  (acanthopores) ;  4.  The  same  greatly  enlarged;  5.  Vertical  section,  showing 
the  tubes  and  the  cross  partitions  (diaphragms).  After  Nicholson. 

of  a  typical  Ordovician  bryozoan  may  be  sub-globular,  hemi- 
spheric, cake-shaped,  branching  like  a  tree,  or  forming  a 
crust  over  other  objects.  By  the  naked  eye  the  average 
bryozoan  would  scarcely  be  recognised  as  a  fossil.  If  the 
surface  be  examined  with  a  lens,  it  is  seen  to  be  covered  with 
small  pits;  these  pits  are  the  openings  of  the  cells  in  which 
the  individual  creatures  lived.  If  the  fossil  be  broken  across, 
the  fractured  surface  presents  a  fibrous  appearance;  the 
fibres  are  really  little  tubes  closely  set  together.  Each  tube 
represents  the  cavity  in  which  a  bryozoan  lived,  and  the  pits 



on  the  surface  are  the  openings  of  these  tubes.  All  bryozoans 
do  not  show  this  tubular  structure,  but  the  great  majority  of 
Ordovician  bryozoans  do.  Common  genera  are  Prasopora, 
Monticulipora,  Dekayella,  Batostoma,  and  Hallopora. 

GASTROPODS.  These  organisms,  the  belly-footed  molluscs, 
secrete  a  single-valved  spiral  or  saucer-shaped  shell  which 
is  borne  on  a  hump  at  the  posterior  part  of  the  body.  The 
familiar  garden  snail  .will  serve  as  an  example  of  the  class. 
Gastropods  of  a  simple  kind  are  quite  abundant  in  certain 


Ostracoda:    i.  Beyrichia  tuberculata;   2.  Leperditia  hisingeri.    Bryozoa:   3.  Hallopora  dahi; 
4.  Bythopora  delicatula;   5.  Dekalella  ulrichi;   6.  Prasopora  selwyni. 

strata  of  the  Ordovician,  but  they  do  not  attain  the  important 
position  which  they  fill  at  a  later  time. 

Typical  Ordovician  gastropods,  each  representing  a  differ- 
ent type,  are  Hormotoma,  Raphistomina,  Bellerophon,  and 
Maclurea.  The  latter  genus  is  particularly  characteristic  of 
the  period. 

PELECYPODS.  The  bivalved  molluscs,  of  which  the  common 
clam  is  a  typical  example,  are  called  pelecypods  because  they 
have  a  hatchet-shaped  foot  or  creeping  organ.  These  creatures 
form  the  great  bulk  of  the  shell-fish  of  the  present  day,  and 
they  existed  in  vast  numbers  throughout  the  geological  ages. 
Almost  unknown  in  Cambrian  time,  they  are  represented  in 
the  Ordovician  by  thin-shelled,  primitive  types  which  are 



without  the  complicated  hinge  apparatus  characteristic  of 
modern  forms. 

Pelecypods  are  rare  in  Lower  Ordovician  rocks.    Cyrtodonta 
and  Ctenodonta  are  common  Middle  Ordovician  genera.    More 


i.  Hormotoma  anna  (Beekmantown) ;  2.  Hormotomatrentonensis  (Trenton);  3.  Raphistomina 
canadensis  (Beekmantown) ;  4.  Maclurea  logani  (Black  River) ;  5.  Liospira  vitruvia 
(Trenton);  6.  Sinuites  cancellatus  (Trenton).  All  figures  natural  size. 

numerous  species  occur  in  the  upper  division,  and  they 
may  be  secured  in  abundance  from  the  strata  exposed  near 
Toronto.  Particularly  numerous  are  Modiolopsis,  Bysso- 
nychia,  and  Pterinea. 

CEPHALOPODS.  These  are  the  largest,  the  most  highly 
specialised,  and  the  strongest  and  most  predaceous  of  the 
molluscs.  The  class  includes  such  forms  as  the  squids,  cuttle- 



fish,  and  pearly  nautilus.  The  latter  organism  is  closely  related 
to  the  type  of  cephalopod  which  existed  in  Palaeozoic  time,  and 
may  be  described  as  typical  of  the  class. 


i.    Byssonychia  radiata  (Lorraine);    2\  Pterinea  demissa  (Lorraine) ;*  3.    Ctenodonta  nasuta 
(Black  River).   All  figures  about  seven-eighths  natural  size. 

The  shell  of  the  pearly  nautilus,  which  sometimes  attains 
a  diameter  of  a  foot  or  more,  is  like  a  gradually  tapering  cone 

Modiolopsis  modiolaris  in  Lorraine  shale. 

which  has  been  coiled  symmetrically  in  one  plane.  The  interior 
is  divided  into  compartments  by  transverse  partitions,  known 
as  septa,  which  are  connected  with  one  another  by  a  small 



tube  called  the  siphuncle.    The  animal  lives  in  the  outermost 
compartment;     the    inner    compartments    are   empty,    and 

probably  serve  as  an  apparatus 
to  keep  the  creature  at  fixed 
depths  in  the  water.  The  outer 
layer  of  the  shell  shows  broad 
transverse  strips  of  white  and 
brown.  When  this  layer  is 
removed  the  shell  presents  a 
beautiful  pearly  surface,  whence 
the  name  "pearly  nautilus." 
Cephalopods  of  this  type  are 
called  Nautiloids. 

In    the    Ordovician,   Creatures 

the     pearly    nautilus 
r  j 

abounded.  Many       of       them 

. .  rr          ,        .  •'.--« 

differed,  however,  in  having 
straight  instead  of  coiled  shells ;  they  are  known  as  Orthoceras 
in  consequence.  A  straight  form  with  a  rapidly  tapering  cone, 
Gonioceras,  is  very  characteristic  of  the  Middle  Ordovician 


(a)   The  mantle   enclosing    the    body    and 

passing  backwards  as  a  narrow  tube,  the    verV 
siphon;   (b)   Dorsal  lobe  of  mantle;   (c)  * 

hood;  (d)  Funnel;   (h)  Muscle;  (o)  Eye. 
After  Owen. 


i.  Plectoceras  halli,    2.  Trocholites   ammonius;    3.    Gonioceras.    From   specimens   and  from 
"  Lethcea  Geognostica." 

time;  Endoceras  is  a  type  of  large  size  with  a  relatively  big 
siphuncle;  Trocholites  and  Eurystomites  are  coiled  forms. 
Actinoceras  crebriseptum  is  one  ef  the  commonest  and  most 
striking  fossils  found  in  the  rocks  near  Toronto. 



TRILOBITES.     Trilobites  reached  their  maximum  develop- 
ment in  the  Ordovician.    All  the  Cambrian  species  and  most 



The  bottom  specimen  has  the  outer  shell  removed,  exposing  the  edges  of  the  septa;    the 
top  specimen  is  half  worn  away,  showing  the  septa  and  the  siphuncle. 


i.  Ogygites  canadensis  (Collingwood) ;  2.  Cryptolithus  tesselatus  (Trenton  to  Lorraine) ; 
3.  Triarthrus  spinosus  (Utica  and  Collingwood);  4.  Ceraurus  pleurexanthemus.  All 
figures  about  natural  size. 

of  the  genera  have  become  extinct,  their  place  being  taken  by 
new  races  which  belong,  for  the  most  part,  to  the  intermediate 



type,  although  a  few  of  the  lowest  type  survive  and  a  few  of 
the  highest  type  are  introduced.  Common  genera  are  Isotelus, 
Calymene,  Trinucleus,  Triarthrus,  and  Cheirurus. 

OSTRACODS.    The  remains  of  the  small  shells  of  these  crea- 
tures are  abundant  in  the  Ordovician  rocks  of  certain  localities. 

i.  Isotelus  maximus  (Lorraine) ;  2.  Calymene  senaria  (Trenton) ;  3.  Isotelus  gigas  (Trenton). 

Leperditia  canadensis  is  very  common,  and  may  be  collected 
in  extraordinary  numbers  from  the  exposures  near  L'Original 
in  Ontario. 

VERTEBRATES.  Animals  with  backbones  have  not  been 
found  in  the  Ordovician  rocks  of  Canada,  but  fragmentary 
remains  of  a  few  primitive  fish  have  been  discovered  in 
Colorado,  Wyoming,  and  South  Dakota. 



THIS  period,  like  the  two  preceding,  derives  its  name  from  the 
locality  in  which  it  was  first  studied — in  this  case,  the  south 
part  of  Wales  and  the  adjoining  portions  of  England,  which 
region  was  formerly  inhabited  by  a  tribe  of  Britons  known 
as  "Silures." 


We  have  seen  that  the  Ordovician  was  brought  to  a  close 
by  a  physical  disturbance,  called  the  Taconic  revolution, 
which  to  some  extent  displaced  the  rocks  of  earlier  time  so 
that  the  Silurian  strata  rest  upon  them  with  more  or  less 
unconformity  throughout  the  Appalachian  region  of  the 
United  States  and  the  maritime  provinces  of  Canada.  In 
the  continental  interior  the  disturbance  was  much  less 
extensive,  as  the  Silurian  rocks  are  separated  from  the 
earlier  strata  by  only  a  slight  disconformity  which  in 
places  is  scarcely  perceptible. 

While  Ordovician  time  is  marked  by  great  continental 
elevations  and  depressions,  with  wide-spread  seas  and  con- 
sequent extended  formations,  the  Silurian  as  a  whole  witnessed 
only  one  great  depression  with  many  minor  oscillations.  The 
formations  of  the  Silurian  seas,  therefore,  are  more  local  and 
of  less  extent  than  those  of  the  Ordovician. 

The  initial  submergence  of  the  period  seems  to  have  affected 
the  Acadian  region,  for  the  lowest  strata  are  found  in  Nova 
Scotia  and  Anticosti  island.  Before  the  close  of  Lower  Silurian 
time,  the  seas  had  invaded  the  interior  of  the  continent  and 
the  middle  division  of  the  period  witnessed  the  maximum 
expansion,  with  waters  covering  a  large  part  of  the  continent, 
which,  however,  presented  the  appearance  of  a  vast  archi- 
pelago. Upper  Silurian  time  was  largely  an  epoch  of  emergence, 
with  the  marine  waters  gradually  withdrawing  from  the 
interior  region  and  later  from  the  Arctic  area  of  submergence. 





The  exposures  of  Silurian  rocks  in  Canada  may  be  grouped 
in  areas  as  below: 

1.  ACADIAN  AREA.    Silurian  rocks  occur  as  narrow  north- 
east and  south-west  strips  in  Newfoundland  and  Nova  Scotia  ; 
they  form  the  south  side  of  the  island  of  Anticosti,  and  occur 
over  a  wide  area  in  the  northern  part  of  New  Brunswick 
and   adjacent   portions   of   Quebec.     The  rocks  are  mostly 
black,    red   and   green   shales,   with   argillaceous   limestones 
and  some   sandstone. 

2.  ONTARIO  AREA.    Strata  of  this  period  form  a  wide  belt 
crossing  the  .province  of  Ontario  from  the  Niagara  river  to 
Manitoulin    island.      The   lower   rocks   are   sandstones   and 
shales,  but  with  the  deepening  seas  of  the  Middle  Silurian 
these  gave  place  to  heavy  dolomites,  which  were  again  followed 
by  shales  in  the  closing  stages  of  the  period. 

As  in  the  case  of  the  Ordovician,  this  area  will  be  used  to 
exemplify  the  subdivision  of  the  Silurian  system  into  series 
and  formations. 



SERIES                                  FORMATION 


Upper  Silurian  or 

Monroe  and  Bertie 

Middle  Silurian  or 


Lower  Silurian  or 


The  Cataract,  Medina,  Clinton,  and  Rochester  are  composed 
chiefly  of  sandstones  and  shales.  All  these  rocks  are  of  a  soft 
nature,  but  the  overlying  Lockport  is  a  heavy  dolomitic 
limestone  deposited  in  the  Middle  Silurian  sea  at  the  time  of 
its  greatest  extension  and  deepest  water.  In  consequence 
of  the  occurrence  of  this  hard,  heavy  stone  above  the 



soft  underlying  formations,  a  striking  feature  in  the  topo- 
graphy of  the  province  has  arisen.  Millions  of  years  have 
intervened  between  the  time  that  these  rocks  were  lifted 
out  of  the  sea  and  the  present.  During  all  this  time  the 
forces  of  erosion  have  been  at  work,  with  the  result  that 
the  softer  rocks  have  been  worn  away  except  where  the 
hard  Lockport  dolomitic  limestone  has  afforded  them  protec- 
tion. The  line  to  which  the  erosion  has  advanced  westward 
is  marked,  therefore,  by  a  steep  cliff  or  escarpment  (cuesta) 
which  reaches  from  Queenston  heights  to  Manitoulin  island, 

FIG.     101.     THE    NIAGARA    CUESTA 

except  where  it  is  interrupted  by  the  waters  of  Lake  Huron. 
The  province  is  divided,  therefore,  into  two  topographic  units 
—the  western  upland  and  the  eastern  lowland,  separated  by 
the  significant  escarpment  which  is  known  to  the  inhabitants 
of  the  region  as  the  Hamilton  Mountain.  Niagara  Falls  owes 
its  existence  to  the  same  set  of  causes;  for  had  there  been 
no  escarpment  there  would  be  no  falls,  and  no  escarpment 
would  have  been  formed  had  the  arrangement  of  hard  and 
soft  rocks  been  different.  To  the  sequence  of  events  in  the 
far-distant  Silurian  sea  we  owe  the  present  configuration  of 
the  province  and  the  possession  of  one  of  the  scenic  wonders 
of  the  world. 

From  the  above  remarks  it  is  apparent  that  the  soft  lower 



rocks  have  been  washed  away  except  where  they  are  covered 
by  the  Lockport  stone;  in  consequence,  these  formations 
have  little  or  no  lateral  extent  and  are  to  be  seen  only  in 
the  face  of  the  cliff.  Splendid  opportunities  for  their  study, 
however,  are  afforded  in  the  gorge  of  the  Niaraga  river  and 
along  the  face  of  the  escarpment  from  Queenston  heights 
to  Manitoulin  island. 

3.  HUDSON  BAY  AREA.    Silurian  rocks  form  the  west  coast 
of  Hudson  bay  from  the  mouth  of  the  Ekwan  river  to  Cape 

4.  MANITOBA  AREA.     A   belt   of  Silurian  rocks  occupies 



The  dotted  area  is  chiefly  Silurian,  but  includes  some  Devonian  towards  the  north  and  some 
Ordovician  towards  the  south.    Small  areas  of  Silurian  rocks  also  occur  in  Nova  Scotia. 

the  country  between  Lake  Winnipeg  and  Lakes  Manitoba 
and  Winnipegosis.  The  rocks  are  whitish,  yellowish,  and 
cavernous  dolomites,  passing  into  yellowish  and  reddish 
calcareous  shales. 

5.  ROCKY  MOUNTAIN  AREA.  Silurian  strata  overlie  the 
Ordovician  beds  in  the  eastern  ranges  of  the  Rocky  mountains. 
On  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway  dolomitic  limestones  and 
white  quartzites  occur  to  a  thickness  of  1850  feet.  The  belt 
seems  to  widen  toward  the  north  and  to  reach  into  Alaska. 


The  Silurian  strata  of  the  Acadian  region  contain  no 
deposits  of  economic  importance.  Their  original  composition 



and  the   results  of  subsequent   deformation  have  rendered 
them  unfit  for  building  purposes. 

In  Ontario  sandstones  are  quarried  from  the  Cataract 
formation  at  a  number  of  points  along  the  face  of  the  Niagara 
cuesta,  particularly  at  the  forks  of  the  Credit  river,  north  of 
Toronto.  This  stone,  both  grey  and  brown,  has  been  used 
extensively  in  Toronto  and  other  places  in  western  Ontario. 
The  heavy  limestones  and  dolomites  of  the  Lockport  and 
Guelph  formations  are  used  for  building  and  lime-making  at 


Ordovician,  black;  Silurian,  dotted;  Devonian,  black  with  white  dots. 

Queenston,  Hamilton,  Guelph,  Owen  Sound,  and  Wiarton. 
Hard  cherty  layers  of  the  Lockport  formation  yield  an  excel- 
lent material  for  road-making,  and  the  Silurian  rocks  of 
Manitoba  are  employed  for  crushed  stone. 

The  shallowing  seas  and  desert  climate  of  later  Silurian 
time  permitted  the  evaporation  of  sea  water,  with  the  con- 
sequent deposition  of  beds  of  gypsum  and  salt.  Gypsum  is 
extensively  quarried  from  these  strata  at  Paris  and  Caledonia 
in  Ontario,  and  near  Gypsumville  in  northern  Manitoba.  Salt 
is  produced  in  large  amount  from  the  Silurian  rocks  of  western 
Ontario,  particularly  near  Windsor.  Deep  holes  are  bored 
through  the  overlying  rocks  into  the  salt-bearing  strata. 



Water  is  allowed  to  pass  down  the  bore-holes,  and  the  resulting 
brine  is  pumped  up  and  evaporated. 


The  formations  of  the  Silurian  system  in  Ontario  have  been 
given  in  some  detail ;  the  rocks  of  the  other  areas  are  similarly 
divided  into  formations,  but  these  formations  are  not  the 
same,  and  they  do  not  bear  the  same  names.  Nevertheless, 
the  formations  of  the  Silurian  or  of  any  other  system,  in 
any  part  of  the  world,  may  be  compared  with  one  another. 
Such  comparisons  are  usually  called  correlations,  and  they 
are  expressed  by  means  of  correlation  tables. 

The  following  table  is  introduced  as  an  example;  it  shows 
the  correlation  of  the  Silurian  rocks  of  Arisaig,  Nova  Scotia, 
as  determined  by  Williams,  with  those  of  Ontario  and  of 





Nova  Scotia 



Ross  Brook 
Beech-hill  Cove 

Ludlow  (part) 
Upper  Llandovery 
Lower  Llandovery 
Lower  Llandovery 

Medina  and  Cataract 


In  many  respects  the  general  life  of  this  period  is  similar  to 
that  of  the  Ordovician.  Trilobites,  brachiopods,  cephalopods, 
and  bryozoans  still  abound ;  graptolites  and  cystids,  however, 
show  a  marked  decline ;  sponges,  corals,  and  crinoids  occur  in 
greater  profusion  than  before.  A  new  type  of  life,  the  euryp- 
terids,  disputes  the  supremacy  of  the  seas  with  the  trilobites; 
fishes  occur  in  some  abundance;  and  the  first  terrestrial 
plants  make  their  appearance. 

While  the  Silurian  life  of  the  whole  world  is  similar,  it  is  by 



no  means  identical  in  the  different  continents.  Even  in  North 
America  the  life  differs  in  the  different  basins  of  deposition. 
The  fossils  of  the  Acadian  area  resemble  those  of  Ontario,  but 
only  a  few  species  are  identical.  The  Silurian  fossils  from  the 
Hudson  Bay  and  Manitoba  areas  differ  from  those  of  Ontario 

FIG.    104.     SILURIAN    CORALS 

i.  Strombodes  pentagonus  ;  2.  Favosites  favosus  ;  3.  Diphyphyllum  multicaule  ;  4.  Omphyma 
verrucosa ;  5.  Halysites  catenulatus  ;  6.  Halysites  catenulatus,  seen  from  above.  All  figures, 
except  No.  5,  are  slightly  under  half  size,  and  represent  specimens  from  Manitoulin  island. 

and  show  a  closer  relationship  to  European  forms,  indicating 
a  migration  through  Arctic  regions.   The  fossils  of  the  Silurian 
rocks  of  the  Rocky  Mountain  area  are  not  numerous:    they 
indicate  a  fauna  derived  from  Pacific  waters. 
An  outline  of  the  life  of  Silurian  time  follows : 
PLANTS.    In  the  lower  part  of  the  Silurian,  as  in  the  Ordo- 
vician,  no  vegetable  life  of  higher  organisation  than  seaweeds 



has  been  found;  in  the  upper  part,  however,  occurs  the 
earliest  known  terrestrial  plant,  Psilophyton,  a  very  primitive 
spore-bearing  plant  discovered  by  Dr.  Dawson  in  the  Silurian 
rocks  of  Gaspe. 

SPONGES.  In  Middle  Silurian  time  a  type  of  sponge  with 
very  thick  walls  composed  of  interlocking  spicules  of  silica 
makes  its  appearance  in  some  numbers.  On  account  of  the 
rigid  character  of  the  skeleton,  these  sponges  are  known 
as  "stony"  or  "lithistid"  sponges:  they  may  be  procured 
in  abundance  from  the  cherty  layers  at  the  top  of  the 
"mountain"  at  Hamilton,  Ontario. 

CORALS.  Corals  are  much  more  abundant  than  in  the 
Ordovician;  in  Middle  Silurian  time  they  formed  great  reefs. 
Fossil  hill  in  Manitoulin  island  is  a  famous  collecting-ground 
for  these  Silurian  corals.  The  remains  are  enclosed  in  lime- 
stone, but  have  been  converted  into  silica  and  weather  out  on 
the  surface  on  account  of  their  superior  hardness.  Common 
genera  are,  Haly sites  (chain  coral),  Favosites  (honey-comb 
coral),  Diphyphyllum,  Strombodes,  and  Omphyma.  Haly  sites 
is  the  most  characteristic  fossil  of  the  Silurian  rocks  of 
the  Rocky  mountains,  which  are  called  the  Halysites  beds 
in  consequence. 

GRAPTOLITES.     True  graptolites  such  as  characterised  the 

Ordovician  are  far  less 
abundant  in  the  Silurian 
strata.  There  is,  however, 
a  strong  development  of  a 
related  type  of  creature  in 
which  the  skeleton  is  a 
frond-like  expansion  com- 
posed of  numerous  irregu- 
lar branches;  these  are 
called  dendroid  graptolites, 
in  allusion  to  their  form. 
They  occur  in  great  abun- 

Dictyonema  crassibasale  from  the  Silurian  at  Hamil-    danCC  in  the    cherty  layers 
ton,  Out.    About  one-half  size.   After  Bassler.         Q{  ^  Lockport   formation 

on  the  top  of  the  mountain  at  Hamilton.  Dictyonema  is  a 
common  and  characteristic  example. 

STROMATOPOROIDS.    These  are  very  peculiar  creatures,  the 

FIG.    105.     SILURIAN    DENDROID 


i.  Weathered  specimen  of  a  stromatoporoid  showing  the  concentric  laminae;  2.  Vertical 
section  of  a  stromatoporoid  (Clathrodictyon)  showing'the  horizontal  laminae  and  vertical 


i.  Callocystis  jewetti,  a  very  perfect  specimen  from  the  Rochester  shale  at  Grimsby,  Ont. 
2.  Eucalyptocrinus  ccelatus  ;  3.  Ichthyocrinus  Icevis  ;  4.  Stephanocrinus  angulatus 
5.  Caryocrinus  ornatus.  All  figures  seven-eighths  natural  size. 



exact  relationships  of  which  are  doubtful.  The  skeletons 
consist  of  innumerable  delicate  laminae  of  carbonate  of  lime 
placed  only  a  fraction  of  a  millimetre  apart  and  connected  by 


I.  Conchidium   decussatum,  this    large   species   is   common   in  the    Silurian   of    Manitoba; 
2.  Spirifer  niagarensis  ;    3.  Dalmanella  elegantulcf    4.  Spirifer  striatus;  5.  Rhynchotreta 
".  cuneata  americana  ;    6.  Hindella  umbonata  ;    7.  Ccelospira  planoco  ivexa.      All    figures 
^natural  size.  After  Billings,  Whiteaves,  Hall,  and  photos. 

little  rods  or  pillars.  In  spite  of  their  delicate  structure  the 
skeletons  reach  large  dimensions,  sometimes  feet  in  diameter; 
in  some  places  they  build  Up  whole  beds  of  limestone. 



While  stromatoporoids  are  not  unknown  in  the  Ordovician, 
they  .first  reach  a  position  of  importance  in  Silurian  time. 
The  strata  of  the  lower  and  middle  divisions  in  Ontario 
contain  many  species,  and  whole  layers  of  rock  on  the 
Saskatchewan  river  are  composed  of  their  remains.  Stro- 
matopora,  Actinostroma,  and  Clathrodictyon  are  common 


I.  Platyceras  niagarense  ;  2.  Diaphorostoma  niagarense  ;  3.  Three  species  of  Ccelocaulus  ; 
4.  Liospira  perlata  ;  5.  Pycnomphalus  salaroides.  Nos.  i  and  2  about  four-fifths  natural 
size.  Rochester  shale,  Grimsby;  Nos.  3,  4  and  5  from  casts  from  the  Guelph  dolomite; 
No.  3  about  one- third  natural  size;  Nos.  4  and  5  about  three-fourths  natural  size. 

CYSTIDS.  These  creatures  are  less  abundant  than  in  the 
Ordovician,  but  some  highly-developed  types  still  exist.  The 
Rochester  shale  has  yielded  some  beautifully  preserved  forms 
at '.Grimsby  and  other  points  along  the  Niagara  cuesta. 
Caryocrinus  and  Callocystis  are  typical. 

CRINOIDS.  Sea  lilies  are  more  abundant  than  in  the  Ordovi- 
cian ;  they  occur  in  great  numbers  both  in  Europe  and  America, 
but  well-preserved  specimens  are  not  common  in  the  Canadian 



rocks.  The  best  specimens  have  been  obtained  from  tha 
Rochester  shale  at  Grimsby,  and  the  overlying  limestone 
contains  vast  numbers  of  broken  fragments.  Stephanocrinus 
and  Eucalyptocrinus  are  the  commonest  genera. 

BRACHIOPODS.  Brachiopods  occur  in  extraordinary  numbers 


I.  Dawsonoceras  annulatum,  from  a  specimen  from  Ontario;  2.  Phragmoceras  lincolatum, 
from  a  specimen  from  Keewatin;  3.  Megalomus  canadensis,  large  specimen  with  shell 
from  the  Guelph  formation  of  Ontario;  4.  Megalomus  canadensis,  cast  of  the  interior. 
All  figures  about  three-eighths  natural  size. 

throughout  the  Silurian,  occupying  a  position  scarcely  inferior 
to  that  which  they  filled  in  the  Ordovician.  The  hinged  type 
without  arm  supports  is  still  dominant,  but  the  more  highly 
developed  brachiopod  with  complicated  calcareous  loops  and 
spirals  for  the  support  of  the  arms  makes  its  appearance 



in  some  abundance.  Of  the  simpler  type,  the  most  character- 
istic genera  are  Dalmanella  and  Rhy  nchonella  ;  of  the  higher 
type,  A  try  pa,  Ccelospira,  and  Spirifer. 

GASTROPODS.  These  forms  are  increasing  in  numbers  and 
importance.  Ordovician  genera  such  as  Hormoioma,  Lopho- 
spira,  and  Liospira  still  survive,  and  genera  of  less  importance 
in  the  Ordovician  become  very  numerous,  e.g.  Platyceras  and 
Diaphorostoma.  The  Guelph  formation  contains  a  remark- 
able assemblage  of  gastropods,  many  of  them  belonging  to 
new  genera,  e.g.  Pycnomphalus. 

PELECYPODS.  The  bivalves  greatly  resemble  those  of  the 
Ordovician  seas:  many  of  the  genera  are  identical,  but  the 
species  are  different.  Megalomus  canadensis  is  a  very  large 
pelecypod  characteristic  of  the  Guelph  formation,  where  it 
occurs  in  remarkable  abundance. 

CEPHALOPODS.  The  nautiloid  with  straight  shell  is  still 
abundant  and  is  represented  by  a  number  of  genera,  of 
which  Dawsonoceras  will  serve 
as  an  example.  Coiled  and 
curved  forms  are  more  com- 
mon than  in  the  Ordovician, 
e.g.  Phragmoceras. 

TRILOBITES.  Trilobites  are 
abundant,  but  they  are  some- 
what past  the  supremacy  they 
enjoyed  in  Cambrian  and 
Ordovician  time.  The  inter- 
mediate type  is  still  abundant, 
but  the  highest  type  occurs 
in  increasing  numbers.  The 
decline  of  the  trilobites  is 
attributed  to  the  incoming 
of  eurypterids  and  armoured 
fish.  Examples  of  the  simpler 
type  are  Acidaspis,  Lichas, 

and         IllcBUUS,       and       Of 
1-1  /^    i 

higher       type       Calymene 

OSTRACODS.        These     little 
creatures  are  still  abundant  fossils. 


the  i.  Dalmanites  limulurus,  Ontario;  2.  Acidaspis 
i  perarmata,  Lake  Winnipegosis  ;  3.  Bumastus 

and  Lrriensis,  a  typical  European  species  re- 
sembling  the  American  B.  ioxus;  4.  Lichas 
bottom,  a  large  type,  sometimes  seven  inches 

in  length-  Figures  much  reduced- 

The  Guelph  formation  of 


Ontario  shows  several  species,  and  they  are  particularly 
abundant  in  the  Silurian  strata  of  northern  Manitoba. 

EURYPTERIDS.  These  very  peculiar  organisms  are  confined 
to  Palaeozoic  time:  they  are  probably  related  to  the  existing 
king  crab,  but  differ  in  many  important 
details.  The  animals  were  of  very  general 
organisation  and  capable  of  swimming, 
crawling  on  the  bottom,  or  digging  in 
mud,  but  they  were  not  specialised  to 
perform  any  of  these  functions  in  a  very 
perfect  manner.  Some  of  the  species  were 
of  great  size,  exceeding  a  metre  in  length. 

FIG.  112.  EURYPTERUS  T^y  first  reach  *  position  of  importance 
REMIPES  toward  the  close  of  Silurian  time.     It  is 

About  one -eighth  natural  significant  that  their  appearance  marks 

size.       From     Clarke    and      .  V    -,  •  •,    •,  • 

Ruedemann,  "  The  Eury-  the  time  of  the  decline  of  the  tnlobites. 

FISH.  Fragmentary  remains  of  fish  have 

been  found  in  Ordovician  rocks,  but  Silurian  strata  have 
yielded  the  earliest  fish  fauna  worthy  of  the  name,  as  un- 
doubted remains  have  been  found  in  Europe,  Pennsylvania, 
New  York,  New  Brunswick,  and  Newfoundland.  The  fish  of 
this  time  belong  to  two  types:  sharks  and  the  remarkable 
group  known  as  Ostracoderms.  The  sharks  are  represented 
chiefly  by  the  hard  granules  of  the  dermal  investment  and 
by  spines.  The  ostracoderms  are  primitive  organisms  of  fish- 
like  appearance  and  habit.  Unlike  all  existing  fish,  however, 
the  head  and  trunk  were  covered  with  a  thick,  hard  invest- 
ment (armour  plate),  and  the  creatures  were  not  possessed  of 
jaws.  On  the  latter  account  some  authors  place  the  ostraco- 
derms lower  than  the  fishes  and  refer  them  to  a  separate 
class,  the  Agnatha. 

Silurian  ostracoderms  were  more  primitive  than  those  of 
the  next  period,  and  occur  in  much  fewer  number.  An  inter- 
esting Canadian  example  is  Cyathaspis  acadica  from  the 
Nerepis  hills,  King's  county,  New  Brunswick. 

Air-breathing  invertebrates  are  represented  for  the  first 
time  by  primitive  scorpions,  e.g.  Palceophonus,  and  by  insects. 

Before  the  close  of  the  Silurian,  as  shown  above,  North 
America  had  become  more  or  less  clothed  with  vegetation. 
Psilophyton  and  other  land  plants  crept  over  the  rocks  and 



lifted  their  green  stalks  a  few  inches  above  them.  The  green 
of  land  plants  covered  what  had  been  the  desolation  of  bare 
rocks;  and  the  finding  of  the  scorpion  and  insects  just 


From  Pirrson  and  Schuchert,  "  Textbook  of  Geology." 

mentioned  is  suggestive  of  air-breathing  animals  feeding 
upon  the  herbage.  The  earth  already  had  its  innocent 
plant-feeding  inhabitants  and  the  predatory  creatures  that 
devoured  them. 



THE  name  Devonian  is  derived  from  the  type  locality  in 
Devonshire  where  rocks  of  this  system  were  studied  by  the 
great  English  pioneers  of  stratigraphic  geology,  Sedgwick 
and  Murchison.  The  system  as  developed  in  south-western 
England  is  much  contorted  and  broken,  and  its  base  has  not 
yet  been  revealed;  in  consequence,  geologists  in  other  parts 
of  the  world  have  great  difficulty  in  correlating  their  Devonian 
strata  with  those  of  the  type  locality,  and  even  in  drawing 
the  line  between  the  formations  of  Silurian  and  of  Devonian 
time.  It  is,  perhaps,  a  matter  of  regret  that  the  type  region 
for  this  great  system  had  not  been  established  elsewhere, 
where  fossils  are  better  preserved  and  the  limits  of  the  system 
better  defined.  Such  regions  are  to  be  found  in  many  parts 
of  the  world,  e.g.  in  the  Rhine  valley  and  in  the  State  of  New 
York,  where  one  of  the  most  complete  sequences  of  Devonian 
rocks  is  known. 

Before  Devonian  time  diverse  facies  do  not  seem  to  have 
added  greatly  to  the  difficulty  of  deciphering  the  history, 
but  in  this  period  there  is  evidence  of  two  very  distinct 
facies,  and  from  this  time  on  facies  becomes  a  factor  to  be 
carefully  regarded. 

Before  the  name  Devonian  was  given  to  the  strata  of 
south-western  England,  a  great  series  of  sediments  in  Scotland 
had  been  called  the  Old  Red.  These  strata  contain  no  marine 
organisms,  but  they  abound  in  the  remains  of  fishes  and 
plants;  they  are  freshwater  deposits,  a  freshwater  facies, 
whereas  the  English  rocks  belong  to  a  marine  facies.  It  is 
now  known  that  both  these  facies  are  of  Devonian  age; 
they  are  recognised  in  various  parts  of  the  world,  and  are 
found  in  Canada. 


We  have  seen  that  emergent  conditions  prevailed  towards 
the  close  of  Silurian  time,  with  the  result  that  practically 



the  whole  of  the  present  area  of  North  America  became  land. 
Devonian  time  was  ushered  in  by  an  invasion  of  the  sea  into 
narrow  troughs  in  the  Acadian  region  of  Canada,  the  Appala- 
chian region  of  the  United  States,  and  the  Rocky  Mountain 
geosyncline  of  the  west;  also,  a  flood  advanced  northward 
from  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  This  epoch  of  narrow  seas  con- 
stitutes the  Lower  Devonian. 

A  greater  subsidence  of  the  continent  followed,  permitting 
the  union  of  the  waters  from  the  Gulf  with  those  from  the 
Atlantic,  and  an  advance  northward  of  the  united  flood  over 
a  considerable  portion  of  the  continental  interior.  In  the 
Cordilleran  area,  also,  there  was  a  considerable  advance  of 
the  oceanic  waters.  This  time  of  maximum  depression  and 
flooding  is  the  Middle  Devonian. 

The  later  or  Upper  Devonian  epoch  saw  a  gradual  elevation 
of  the  continent,  with  a  consequent  draining  away  of  these 
seas  over  the  whole  of  its  area. 

In  the  Acadian  region,  terrestrial  movements  of  a  marked 
kind  characterised  the  Devonian  as  the  land  mass  was  gradu- 
ally raised  and  the  rocks  much  folded  and  twisted.  These 
movements  were  accompanied  by  upwellings  of  molten 
matter  from  the  interior  of  the  earth  and  the  consequent 
formation  of  great  granite  masses,  as  at  St.  George,  New 
Brunswick,  and  in  the  Little  Megantic  mountains  and  other 
places  in  the  province  of  Quebec.  Flows  of  volcanic  rock,  in 
all  probability  of  Devonian  age,  occur  in  many  parts  of 
Nova  Scotia  and  New  Brunswick.  The  remarkable  series  of 
isolated  mountains,  known  as  the  Monteregian  hills,  which 
arise  abruptly  from  the  Palaeozoic  plain  of  western  Quebec 
and  stretch  from  Montreal  mountain  to  Brome  mountain, 
are  regarded  as  the  pipes  of  Devonian  volcanoes  of  which  all 
other  evidence  has  long  since  disappeared. 


In  North  America  Williams  recognises  four  great  provinces 
of  Devonian  rocks,  each  of  which  carries  a  fauna  of  distinctive 
character  which  reveals  more  or  less  clearly  the  oceanic  basin 
or  basins  from  which  it  has  been  derived.  These  provinces  are : 


Eastern  Border  Province — Maritime  provinces  and  Maine. 

Eastern  Continental  Province — Southern  and  east  central 
states,  the  province  of  Ontario,  and  the  region  south  of 
Hudson  bay. 

Interior  Continental  Province — Iowa,  Minnesota,  Illinois, 
Manitoba,  and  the  Mackenzie  River  district. 

Western  Continental  Province — Great  Basin  region,  Nevada, 

Without  regard  to  faunal  provinces,  the  Devonian  rocks  of 
Canada  fall  naturally  into  geographical  areas  as  below: 


Undoubted  Devonian,  black;  mixed  Devonian  and  Carboniferous,  dotted.  Other  small  areas 
occur  in  Nova  Scotia  and  New  Brunswick,  particularly  in  the  northern  part  of  the  dotted 
region  in  Figure  102. 

i.  ACADIAN  AREA.  Narrow  and  isolated  belts  of  Devonian 
rocks  disposed  in  a  north-east  and  south-west  direction  occur 
at  a  number  of  places  in  Nova  Scotia,  New  Brunswick,  and 
Gaspe.  In  Nova  Scotia,  these  rocks  form  an  interrupted  belt 
reaching  from  Minas  basin  to  the  Strait  of  Canso.  In  Cape 
Breton,  rocks  of  this  system  occur  near  Hawkesbury  in 
Southern  Inverness,  on  Madame  island,  and  at  several  points 
in  Richmond  county. 

In  New  Brunswick,  the  Devonian  strata  are  confined  to 
small  areas  in  the  southern  part  of  the  province.  A  much 
larger  belt  extends  through  the  peninsula  of  Gaspe  from  its 
eastern  extremity  to  the  Matapedia  river.  This  area  is 



important,  as  it  presents  the  best  section  of  the  Lower  Devonian 
rocks  to  be  found  in  Canada.  Outliers  of  this  area  along 
Chaleur  bay  and  on  the  Restigouche  river  are  of  Upper 
Devonian  age  and  continental  origin;  they  are  comparable 
with  the  Old  Red  of  Scotland,  and  contain  the  remains  of  fish 
and  terrestrial  plants. 

The  Devonian  rocks  of  the  Acadian  region  are  sandstones, 
limestones,  shales,  and  conglomerates;  in  Nova  Scotia  and 
New  Brunswick  they  are  much  contorted  and  broken  by 
subsequent  earth  movements.  The  strata  of  the  Gaspe  area, 
however,  are  less  disturbed  and  contain  some  heavy  beds  of 
sandstone  suitable  for  structural  purposes. 

2.  ONTARIO  AREA.  Devonian  rocks  form  practically  the 
whole  of  the  western  peninsula  of  Ontario  west  of  a  line  from 
Fort  Erie  on  Lake  Erie  to  Port  Elgin  on  Lake  Huron.  The 
rocks  include  sandstone,  limestone,  and  shale.  The  lowest 
Devonian  rocks  are  not  present,  as  the  sea  had  not  advanced 
into  this  region  until  late  in  Lower  Devonian  time.  The 
deposits  belong,  for  the  most  part,  to  the  period  of  maximum 
flood  in  Middle  Devonian  time.  The  following  table,  modified 
from  Stauffer,  indicates  the  formations  of  the  Devonian  of 
Western  Ontario. 








Portage  and  Chemung 

Port  Lampton  beds 


Huron  shale 



Ipperwash  limestone 
Petrolia  shale 
Widder  beds 
Olentangy  shale 


Delaware  limestone 


Onondaga  limestone 
Springvale  sandstone 



Oriskany  sandstone 


In  a  general  way  it  may  be  said  that  these  ^formations, 
from  the  lowest  to  the  highest,  are  encountered  as  one  passes 
westward  across  the  area. 

The  Oriskany  sandstone  rests  unconformably  on  the 
Silurian  rocks;  it  is  of  very  limited  extent,  and  is  quarried 
near  Cayuga  for  use  as  a  lining  in  acid  hearth  furnaces  on 
account  of  its  highly  siliceous  character. 

The  centre  of  the  region  is  occupied  by  the  Middle  Devonian 
limestones;  they  are  quarried  for  cement-making,  for  con- 
crete, and  for  building.  The  petroleum  of  Oil  Springs  and 
Petrolia  is  derived  from  strata  of  this  age. 

The  Huron  shale  of  the  Upper  Devonian  series  is  remark- 
able on  account  of  containing  large  spherical  concretions  of 
brown  calcite,  which  sometimes  reach  a  diameter  of  several 
feet.  Kettle  point  on  Lake  Huron  received  its  name  from  the 
fact  that  the  partially  submerged  concretions  along  the  shore 
resemble  inverted  sugar  kettles.  The  shales  are  bituminous, 
and  may  become  a  source  of  oil. 

3.  JAMES  BAY  AREA.     A  large  area  of  Devonian  rocks 
occurs  in  the  region  immediately  south-west  of  James  bay. 
The  fossils  resemble  those  of  the  Ontario  area,  and  suggest 
that  the  rocks  were  formed  in  the  same  sea.    In  support  of 
the  conjecture  that  the  Devonian  seas  were  continuous  across 
the  highlands  of  Ontario,  may  be  mentioned  the  occurrence 
of  scattered  Devonian  fossils  and  even  the  outcrops  of  isolated 
layers  of  Devonian  limestone  at  different  places  in  the  Pre- 
cambrian  region  of  Northern  Ontario,  particularly  on  the 
Kenogami  river,  as  recorded  by  Professor  Parsons. 

Large  beds  of  gypsum  are  exposed  on  the  Moose  river  and 
at  other  points  in  the  region,  and  will  prove  of  great  value  if 
the  country  is  ever  settled. 

4.  MANITOBA-MACKENZIE  RIVER  AREA.     Devonian  rocks 
pass  in  a  north-westerly  direction  diagonally  across  the  pro- 
vince of  Manitoba,  with  a  width  of  about  50  miles:    Lakes 
Manitoba  and  Winnipegosis  lie  very  largely  within  this  belt. 
After  some  interruption,  owing  to  covering  by  later  rocks, 
the  system  again  appears  to  the  north-west,  and  with  gradu- 
ally increasing  width  extends  nearly  to  the  mouth  of  the 
Mackenzie  river.     An  immense  area  to  the  south  of   Great 
Bear  lake  and  to  the  west  and  south  of  Great  Slave  lake  is 


occupied  by  rocks  of  this  system.  As  the  Devonian  strata 
rest  directly  on  the  old  Pre-cambrian  axis  in  the  northern 
part  of  this  area,  it  is  evident  that  the  Devonian  flood  reached 
wide  dimensions  in  this  region.  The  fossils  found  in  these 
rocks  indicate  that  the  fauna  belonged  to  a  sea  which  did  not 
communicate  with  that  in  which  the  Ontario  and  James  Bay 
rocks  were  deposited. 

The  Devonian  rocks  of  Manitoba  are  subdivided  as  follows: 

Elm  Point. 

The  lower  or  Elm  Point  formation  consists  of  thin-bedded 
limestones  overlying  red  shales:  the  rocks  are  typically 
exposed  at  Elm  Point  and  Steep  Rock  on  Lake  Manitoba. 
The  limestones  are  extensively  quarried  for  cement-making 
and  lime-burning. 

The  Winnipegosan  formation  is  a  highly  dolomitic  lime- 
stone which  may  be  seen  to  best  advantage  on  the  east  shore 
of  Dawson  bay,  Lake  Winnipegosis,  where  it  forms  steep 
and  picturesque  cliffs. 

The  Manitoban  formation  is  composed  largely  of  almost 
pure  limestone,  which  is  much  more  heavily  bedded  than  the 
strata  of  the  Elm  Point  formation.  Cliffs  on  the  west  side  of 
Dawson  bay,  and  on  Snake  island  in  Lake  Winnipegosis, 
afford  numerous  fossils  characteristic  of  the  formation. 

The  following  classification  of  the  Devonian  strata  of  the 
Mackenzie  River  district  has  recently  been  published: 



Upper  Devonian 

Hay  River  limestone 
Hay  River  shales 
Simpson  shales 


Middle  Devonian 

Slave  Point  limestone 
Presqu'ile  dolomite 
Pine  Point  limestone 

Elm  Point 

5.  ROCKY  MOUNTAIN  AREA.    Devonian  limestones  accumu- 
lated to  a  great  thickness  in  the  Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline, 


and  now  form  a  conspicuous  element  in  the  easterly  ranges 
of  the  mountains.   Three  formations  are  recognised  as  follows : 

Lower  Banff  limestone. 
Intermediate  limestone. 
Sawback  limestone. 

The  Lower  Banff  limestone  is  the  most  conspicuous  forma- 
tion ;  it  is  a  hard  and  rather  dark  limestone  with  a  thickness 
of  2000  feet  in  the  Rockies  of  southern  Alberta.  This  forma- 
tion forms  the  conspicuous  lower  knee  of  the  mountain  shown 
in  Figure  129.  Fossils  are  few  and  poorly  preserved  in  the 
Devonian  rocks  of  the  mountains,  and  our  knowledge  of  the 
northward  extent  of  the  system  is  very  limited.  The  Cordil- 
leran  sea  is  thought  to  have  been  continuous  with  that  in 
which  the  Manitoba-Mackenzie  River  rocks  were  formed. 


Fossils  are  extremely  abundant  in  Devonian  rocks  in  all 
parts  of  the  world;  even  in  Arctic  and  Antarctic  regions, 
species  are  found  which  indicate  temperate  to  sub-tropical 
conditions.  It  is  a  fair  conclusion  that  the  climate  of  Devonian 
time  was  genial  over  the  whole  earth,  a  condition  very  favour- 
able to  the  development  of  great  numbers  of  animals,  but 
perhaps  not  so  favourable  to  the  development  of  new  orders. 

Devonian  life  differs  from  that  of  the  Silurian,  not  in  the 
introduction  of  many  new  groups  of  organisms,  but  in  the 
decline  of  paramount  groups  of  the  Silurian  and  the  great 
development  of  types  which  played  but  a  small  part  in  that 
period.  Cystids  and  graptolites,  so  characteristic  of  Silurian 
and  Ordovician  time,  are  practically  unknown.  Trilobites 
have  seriously  declined  and  brachiopods  are  somewhat  less 
abundant.  On  the  other  hand,  terrestrial  plants  reach  a 
position  of  great  importance;  gastropods  and  pelecypods 
increase;  and  there  is  a  development  of  corals  and  fish  so 
remarkable  that  the  period  has  been  called  The  Age  of 
Corals  and  Fish. 

While  the  difference  between  the  life  of  the  two  periods 
consists  largely  in  the  relative  development  of  the  classes  of 



organisms,  there  is,  nevertheless,  a  substantial  difference  whe*i 
the  two  faunas  are  compared  in  any  detail,  as  the  following 
brief  summary  will  show: 


The  lowly  Psilophyton  of  the  Silurian  was  the  forerunner  of 
a  terrestrial  flora  which  consisted  very 
largely  of  vascular  cryptogams  or  spore- 
bearing  plants,  but  some  primitive  gymnos- 
perms  are  known  as  well.  As  this  flora 
reached  a  greater  development  in  the  period 
following  the  Devonian,  its  consideration 
will  be  deferred  until  the  Carboniferous 
system  is  taken  up. 

In  Canada,  as  most  of  the  rocks  are  of 
marine  origin,  the  remains  of  plants  are  not 
common.  In  the  Acadian  region,  however, 
many  species  have  been  found,  particularly 
in  the  continental  Devonian  of  Gaspe. 



Psilophyton  princeps,  one 
of  the  earliest  land 
plants  from  the  De- 
vonian sandstone  of 
Gaspe.  Reduced. 
After  Dawson. 

SPONGES.  While  these  organisms  are  not 
particularly  abundant  throughout  the  sys- 
tem, some  of  the  fine  sandy  shales  of  the  Upper  Devonian 
in  the  State  of  New  York  have  yielded  a  remarkable  number 
of  delicate  siliceous  sponges,  some  of  which  attained  a  length 
of  a  foot  or  more  (Dictyospongidcs) . 

CORALS.  Corals  reached  a  wonderful  development  in  the 
warm  Devonian  seas  and  contributed  much  to  the  formation 
of  limestone,  more  particularly  where  they  were  segregated 
into  reefs.  As  corals  live  at  definite  depths  in  the  sea,  dislike 
muddy  water,  and  tend  to  a  colonial  manner  of  life,  it  is  not 
to  be  expected  that  all  Devonian  rocks  will  show  their 
remains  in  equal  profusion.  Many  of  the  shaly  members 
of  the  system  and  some  of  the  limestones  are  entirely 
without  corals. 

The  genus  Favosites,  already  referred  to  in  the  description 
of  Silurian  life,  is  represented  by  a  great  number  of  species, 
and  the  related  genus  MicheMnea  (bee's-nest  coral)  is  likewise 



abundant.     Of  the  single  type  of  coral,  Cyathophyllum  and 
Heliophyllum    are    common;    while    Diphyphyllum,  Crepido- 

phyllum,  and  Phillips- 
aster  are  examples  of 
the  compound  type. 

The  Onondaga  for- 
mation in  the  vicinity 
of  Port  Colborne,  On- 
tario, contains  vast 
numbers  of  corals 
which  have  been  con- 
verted into  silica,  and 
consequently  weather 
out  on  the  surface  as 
the  limestone  decays. 
FIG.  1 1 6.  SLAB  OF  ONONDAGA  LIMESTONE  The  banks  of  the  Aux 
of?o^TT<f RI°  SH°WING  THE  PROFUSION  Sables  river  in  Lamb- 


ton  county,  Ontario, 
yield  fossil  corals  in  an  exquisite  state  of  preservation. 

STROM ATOPOROIDS.  These  peculiar  reef-building  organisms 
form  whole  layers  of  limestone  of  many  feet  in  thickness. 
Petoskey,  Michigan,  and  Kelly  island  in  Lake  Erie  are  well- 
known  localities  for  the  collecting  of  stromatoporoids ;  they 
are  also  abundant  in  the  rocks  of  the  James  Bay  area.  These 
organisms  will  not  be  referred  to  again  as  they  do  not  survive 
the  Devonian,  at  least  in  America. 

ECHINODERMS.  Cystids  have  become  so  rare  that  they  may 
be  said  to  be  practically  extinct.  Crinoids  are  steadily  in- 
creasing, but  they  are  so  similar  to  the  Silurian  type  that  it 
is  difficult  to  express  the  difference  in  general  terms.  The 
commonest  Canadian  genera  are  Megistocrinus,  Dolatocrinus, 
and  Arthracantha. 

Blastoids  are  echinoderms  which  seem  to  replace  the 
cystids;  although  known  in  lower  formations,  they  first 
assume  a  position  of  importance  in  the  Devonian.  Like 
cystids  and  crinoids,  they  are  cup-shaped,  plated  organisms 
anchored  to  the  sea  floor  by  a  jointed  stem.  The  plates  of  the 
cup  are  very  regular  in  arrangement,  more  so  than  in  crinoids 
or  cystids,  from  which  they  also  differ  by  having  the  food- 
gathering  plumes  arranged  along  the  edges  of  five  V-shaped 



notches  in  the  upper  margin  of  the  cup.  Codaster  is  a  very 
primitive  blastoid,  and  is  common  in  the  Hamilton  strata  of 
the  Aux  Sables  river,  Ontario;  Granatocrinus  and  Pentre- 
mitidea  are  more  advanced  types  from  the  same  locality. 

BRYOZOA.     These  organisms  are  still  very  abundant,  but 
the  type  with  long  tubular  cells  is  giving  place  to  a  short- 

FIG.    Iiy.       DEVONIAN    CORALS 

i.  Michelinea  convexa  ;  2.  Phillipsaster  billingsi  ;  3.  Favosites  billingsi  ;  4.  Streptelasma 
prolificum;  5.  Heliophyllum  halli;  6.  Syringopora  hisingeri.  All  figures  about  five- 
sixteenths  natural  size  from  specimens  from  Ontario. 

celled  kind  in  which  the  little  individuals  inhabit  pits  which 
are  arranged  along  the  ribs  of  an  open,  lace-like  frond.  The 
gerius  Fenestella,  which  first  appeared  in  the  Silurian,  is 
represented  by  a  great  many  species. 

BRACHIOPODS.       Brachiopods    continue    to    be    the   most 
abundant  shell-fish,  only  slightly  less  in  relative  importance 
than  in  the  Ordovician  and  Silurian. 



FIG.    1 1 8.       DEVONIAN    CRINOIDS    AND 

i  and  2.  Dolatocrinus  canadensis;  3.  Ancyrocrinus 
bulbosus  (roots);  4.  Arthracantha  punctobranch- 
iata;  5.  Cadaster  canadensis;  6  and  7.  Pentremi- 
tideafilosa;  8.  Granatocrinus  leda.  Figures  i  to  6 
half  size,  Figures  7  and  8  natural  size. 

Many  of  the  Silurian  genera  have  disappeared,  while  others, 
e.g.  Spirifer  and  A  try  pa,  attain  their  maximum  develop- 
ment. Brachiopods  with- 
out arm-supports  are  re- 
latively less  abundant, 
and  are  represented  by 
such  genera  as  Stropheo- 
donta  and  Chonetes.  The 
more  highly  -  developed 
forms  with  spiral  or 
looped  arm-supports  rule 
in  this  period — e.g.  Spiri- 
fer, Atrypa,  Athyris,  and 
Cvrtina  with  spires,  and 

'    .  A 

StnngOCephdlUS,        CentrO- 

•,,  j        T>        r_       ,    i 

nelld,        and        1  ereoratUta 

with    loODS 

PELECYPODS  AND  GASTROPODS.  These  molluscs  show  a 
steady  advance  on  the  position  they  occupied  in  Silurian  time ; 
the  general  type,  however,  is  practically  the  same.  Of  gas- 
tropods, Diaphorostoma,  Euomphalus,  and  Platycems  are 
the  most  abundant;  while  the  pelecypods  are  represented 
by  Conocardium,  Aviculopecten,  Grammy sia,  and  numerous 
other  genera. 

CEPHALOPODS.  The  nautiloid  shells,  so  characteristic  of 
Ordovician  and  Silurian  time,  still  occur  in  abundance,  and 
are  represented  by  the  old  straight-shelled  type,  Orthoceras] 
the  sack-shaped  type  with  restricted  apertures,  Gomphoceras 
and  Phragmoceras;  the  curved  type,  Cyrtoceras;  and  the 
coiled  type,  Gigantoceras  and  Centroceras. 

In  addition  to  the  cephalopods  of  this  kind,  there  occurs 
for  the  first  time  a  new  type  which  is  destined  to  replace  the 
nautiloids  and  to  become  the  dominant  creature  of  a  later 
era.  The  nautiloid  shell  has  been  described  on  page  213 ;  the 
new  cephalopod  differs  in  that  the  suture,  or  line  of  union 
between  the  partitions  and  the  shell  proper,  is  not  simple  as 
in  the  nautiloids,  but  angulated  and  folded.  The  primitive 
forms  of  the  new  type,  as  seen  in  the  Devonian,  show  a 
comparatively  simple  angulation  of  the  sutures  and  are 
known  as  clymenoids. 


I.  Spirifer  pennaius  arkonensis;  2.  Spirifer  pennatus  thedfordensis;  3.  Cyrtina  hamil- 
tonensis;  4.  Stropheodonta  incequistriata;  5.  Chonetes  coronatus;  6.  Atrypa  reticularis- 
7.  Rhipidomella  vanuxemi;  8.  Athyris  spiriferoides.  All  figures  seven-eighths  natural 
size,  from  specimens  from  Ontario. 


I.  Conocardium  trigonale;    2.  Aviculopecten  parilis;    3.  Plcuronotus  decewi;    4.  Platvceras 
qmnquesmuatum;  5.  Diaphorostoma  lineatum.   After  Billings,  Whiteaves,  and  Hall. 



TRILOBITES.  The  trilobites  show  a  marked  decline  in  the 
Devonian;  nevertheless,  many  new  species  appear  which 
belong  for  the  most  part  to  genera  already  introduced  in 


i.  Gigantoceras  inelegans;    2.  Tornoceras  uniangulare-,     3.  Poterioceras  eximium;    4.  Cen- 
troceras  ohioense.   All  figures  much  reduced.   After  Hall. 

the  Silurian.     Common  examples  are  Phacops,  Proetits,  and 

EURYPTERIDS  are  still  abundant;    the  higher  crustaceans 

are  increasing,  and  terrestrial 
air-breathing  invertebrates  are 
much  more  prominent  than  in 
the  earlier  periods. 

INSECTS.  Insects  like  our 
mayflies  are  known  from  near 
FIG.  122.  DEVONIAN  TRILOBITES  St.  John,  N.B.,  Pldtyphemera 
i.  crypkaus  boothi;  2.  Prottus  rowi;  3.  Pha-  antiQua,  with  a  five-inch  spread 

copsrana.    Half  size.   After  Hall.  r         •  T^        c       JJ         ±Tk'    1 

of  wing.      Dr.  Scudder  thinks 

that   one  'insect,   Xenoneum   antiquorum,    was  possessed   of 
a  chirping  organ. 



FISH.  Fish  made  their  first  appearance  in  the  Ordovician 
period,  and  reached  but  a  feeble  development  in  the  Silurian ; 
in  the  Devonian,  however,  they  attained  a  position  of  great 
importance.  Remains  of  fishes  are  extremely  abundant  in 
the  Old  Red  Sandstone  of  Scotland,  and  many  examples  are 
known  from  the  deposits  of  similar  facies  in  the  Acadian 
region  of  Canada.  The  truly  marine  Devonian  also  has  fur- 
nished fossil  fishes  in  both  Ontario  and  Manitoba. 

The  different  types  of  fish  represented  in  Devonian  time 
are  briefly  described  below: 

Ostracoderms.   Jawless,  fish-like  organisms,  without  paired 

Bothriolepis  canadensis.   Much  reduced.   After  Patten. 

fins,  and  with  the  head  and  anterior  portion  of  the  trunk 
covered  with  plates.  Cephalaspis  has  a  large  triangular  head 
shield,  and  the  body  is  covered  with  quadrangular  scales. 
Five  species  are  known  from  New  Brunswick  and  Quebec. 
Bothriolepis  canadensis  is  a  more  highly  developed  ostra- 
coderm  from  Scaumenac  bay,  Quebec;  in  this  fossil  there 
are  separate  head  and  body  shields  each  composed  of  a  number 
of  plates,  also  a  pair  of  pectoral  fins  or  "rowing  arms"  like- 
wise covered  with  plates  and  articulated  to  the  angles  of  the 
head  shield.  This  remarkable  organism  is  closely  related  to 
the  better  known  Pterichthys,  of  which  many  species  are 
known  in  different  parts  of  the  world. 

Sharks.  Using  this  term  in  the  widest  sense,  the  Devonian 
period  presents  a  great  number  of  different  types,  some  of 
which  are  known  only  by  teeth  or  spines,  while  others  are 



preserved  in  a  manner  to  show  the  whole  outline  of  the  animal. 
Cladoselache  is  a  very  primitive  form  from  the  Devonian 
rocks  of  Ohio,  and  Pleuracanthus  is  likewise  a  simple  form 
which  is  not  known  in  Canada,  although  teeth  of  related 
genera  are  found  in  New  Brunswick.  Small  spiny  fish  known 
as  acanthodians  are  represented  by  eight  species  in  the 
Devonian  rocks  of  Quebec  and  New  Brunswick.  The  presence 
of  large,  shark-like  fish  is  attested  by  the  presence  of  spines 
known  as  ichthyodorulites,  of  which  Machcer  acanthus  will  serve 
as  a  Canadian  example. 

Lung-fishes.  These  peculiar  fish,  in  which  the  air  bladder 
is  modified  into  a  breathing  organ  (lung),  are  of  rare  occur- 
rence at  the  present  time,  but  in  the  Devonian  period  they 

FIG.   124.     JAWS    OF    THE    "TERRIBLE    FISH*' 
Dinichthys  hertzeri,  from  the  Devonian  shales  of  Ohio.    Much  reduced.    After  Newberry. 

seem  to  have  played  a  very  important  role.  Scaumenacia 
curia  is  the  best  known  Canadian  example,  from  the  famous 
region  of  Scaumenac  bay,  Quebec.  A  peculiar  group  of  fish, 
probably  related  to  the  lung-fishes,  is  the  Arthrodira,  in 
which  the  head  and  trunk  are  protected  by  thick  plates,  as  in 
the  ostracoderms.  Some  of  these  fish  reached  extraordinary 
dimensions,  e.g.  Dinichthys  measured  more  than  a  metre 
across  the  head.  Coccosteus  from  Quebec,  Macropetalichthys 
from  Ontario,  and  Dinichthys  from  Manitoba  are  the  best 
known  Canadian  examples. 

Ganoids.  Although  the  line  of  separation  between  the 
ganoids  and  the  true  bony  fish,  or  teleosts,  is  very  indistinctly 
marked,  a  ganoid  may  be  distinguished  by  the  possession  of 
a  cartilaginous  skeleton  and  thick  rhomboidal  scales,  instead 
of  the  bony  skeleton  and  thin  flexible  scales  of  the  teleost. 
The  most  primitive  ganoids,  the  Crossopterygii,  were  parti- 



cularly   abundant   in  and  characteristic  of  Devonian  time. 
These  fish  possessed  "fringed  fins,"  i.e.  the  fin  had  a  central 

FIG.    125.     DEVONIAN    FISH 

i.  Scaumenacia  curta,  Canadian  lung-fish;  2.  Cheirolepis  canadensis,  Canadian  heterocerca 
ganoid  fish;  3.  Holoptychius  quebecensis,  Canadian  fringe-finned  ganoid;  4.  Eusthen- 
opteron  foordi,  Canadian  fringe-finned  ganoid.  Figures  i  and  2  about  one-fourth  natural 
size,  Figures  3  and  4  about  three-eighths  natural  size.  After  Traquair  and  Whiteaves. 

axis  from  which  the  fin-rays  sprang  out  on  two  sides,  and 
the  joints  of  the  backbone  continued  to  the  tip  of  the  tail 
(diphycercal) .  Holoptychius,  a  stout  fish  of  two  feet  or  more 



in  length,  is  the  best  known  example,  and  is  represented  by 
Holoptychius  quebecensis  from  Scaumenac  bay. 

The  heterocercal  ganoids,  in  which  the  paired  fins  have  no 
scaly  axis,  and  in  which  the  termination  of  the  vertebral 
column  turns  up  into  the  dorsal  lobe 
of  the  caudal  fin,  are  of  less  frequent 
occurrence  than  the  crossopterygian 
fish;  nevertheless,  they  begin  their 
existence  in  Devonian  time  and  reach 
a  remarkable  development  later. 
Cheirolepis  canadensis  is  the  only 
Canadian  example. 

The  Devonian  fish  fauna  is  remark- 
able on  account  of  its  rapid  develop- 
ment, the  variety  of  forms  represented, 

Head  shieT/on7e^oured  fish,    the  bizaiTe  shaP6  °f  many  °f  its  mem- 

cephaiaspis   campbeiitonensis.  bers  and  the  size  and  ferocity  of  others, 

About  one-third  natural  size.        .  ....  ..,,         ,        . 

its  coincidence  with  the  decline  of  the 

trilobites,  and  the  evidence  it  affords  of  the  futility  of  armour, 
as  none  of  the  plated  fish  survive  the  Devonian  period. 
AMPHIBIA.     The  higher  air-breathing  vertebrates  seem  to 

FIG.    126.      DEVONIAN 

FIG.    127.     KETTLE    POINT,    LAKE    HURON 
Port  Huron  shales  with  concretions  of  carbonate  of  lime. 

have  made  a  beginning  in  the  Devonian,  but  the  evidence 
is  not  very  extensive.     A  single  footprint  from  the  Upper 


Devonian  of  western  Pennsylvania  is  thought  to  attest  the 
presence  of  a  forerunner  of  the  amphibians  of  the  next 
great  period. 

On  the  land  great  advances  took  place  during  the  Devonian ; 
the  creeping  club  mosses  had  aspired  to  become  trees,  and 
in  Eastern  Canada  there  seem  to  have  been  the  stiff  uncouth 
beginnings  of  forests.  Air-breathing  animals,  too,  had  pro- 
gressed so  far  that  numerous  insects  flitted  among  the  trees: 
these  creatures  probably  possessed  chirping  organs;  the 
country  was  no  longer  voiceless. 



THE  closing  stages  of  the  Palaeozoic  era  were  marked  by  such 
varying  conditions  in  different  parts  of  the  world  that  the 
strata  are  with  difficulty  arranged  in  correlated  groups  or 
even  in  comparable  systems  for  the  different  continents. 
European  geologists  recognise  two  great  systems,  the  Carboni- 
ferous and  the  Permian.  In  India,  South  Africa,  and  Aus- 
tralia, while  true  Carboniferous  rocks  are  recognised,  the 
upper  or  Permian  system  is  so  ill  denned  that  the  term 
Permo-Carboniferous  is  adopted  for  the  later  rocks.  In 
North  America  the  lower  strata  are  so  well  developed  in  the 
Mississippi  valley,  and  so  sharply  marked  off  from  the  over- 
lying rocks,  that  they  are  thought  to  represent  a  great  system 
in  themselves:  this  system  is  known  as  the  Mississippian, 
and  is  comparable  with  the  Lower  Carboniferous  of  European 
geologists.  The  rocks  above  the  Mississippian  likewise  form 
a  very  distinct  unit  and  are  embraced  in  a  great  system,  the 
Pennsylvanian,  by  American  geologists.  The  highest  strata 
of  all,  which  one  would  expect  to  correlate  with  the  Permian 
of  Europe,  are  so  feebly  developed  and  fade  so  imperceptibly 
into  the  underlying  Pennsylvanian  rocks  that  they  may  be 
included  in  that  system. 











Upper  Carboniferous 

Lower  Carboniferous 


•  - 



The  great  terrestrial  movements  which  have  determined 
the  definition  of  systems  in  North  America  have  naturally 
affected  Canada  as  well  as  the  United  States;  therefore,  it 
would  seem  to  be  advisable  to  adopt  the  nomenclature  of 
the  geologists  of  the  United  States.  On  the  other  hand,  it 
does  not  seem  advisable  to  leave  out  of  the  literature  the  old 
term  Carboniferous  in  an  elementary  work  intended  to 
give  a  general  survey  of  geological  history. 

The  term  Carboniferous  owes  its  origin  to  the  fact  that 
the  strata  contain  a  great  amount  of  carbon  in  the  form  of 
beds  of  coal.  The  practice  of  naming  systems  or  formations 
according  to  the  kind  of  rock  was  quite  common  in  the  early 
days  of  the  science,  but  it  has  been  abandoned  in  favour  of 
the  use  of  geographic  terms.  European  geologists  recognise 
two  subdivisions  of  the  Carboniferous  system,  a  lower  series 
with  predominating  limestones  representing  sedimentation 
in  a  deep  sea,  and  an  upper  series  which  carries  the  coal  and 
is  consequently  known  as  the  "Coal  Measures." 


The  advancing  seas  of  early  Carboniferous  time  invaded  a 
continent  which  had  largely  emerged  by  the  close  of  the 
Devonian  period.  These  waters  extended  northward  from 
the  Gulf  of  Mexico,  and  gradually  spread  over  a  great  area 
in  the  region  of  the  Mississippi  river  and  northward  into 
Michigan,  Ohio,  and  Pennsylvania.  At  the  same  time  the 
Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline  was  flooded,  probably  into 
Arctic  regions,  and  fossils  entombed  which  suggest  a  connec- 
tion between  the'  Cordilleran  and  mid-continental  basins. 
A  third  limited  area  of  invasion  was  in  the  Acadian  region  of 
Canada,  where  the  seas  advanced  over  upturned  Devonian 
rocks,  on  which  their  deposits  now  rest  with  pronounced 
unconformity.  The  fossils  from  this  area  are  very  different 
from  those  of  the  mid-continental  and  Cordilleran  regions, 
and  indicate  that  there  was  no  communication  across  the 
Alleghanian  highlands.  A  retreat  of  the  sea,  abrupt  in  the 
Cordilleran  region  but  more  gradual  in  the  mid-continental 


region,  brought  the  Mississippian  or  Lower  Carboniferous 
epoch  to  a  close. 

Upper  Carboniferous  (Pennsylvanian)  time  was  marked  in 
eastern  North  America  by  slight  crustal  movements  and 
shallow  invasions  of  the  seas  into  more  or  less  land-locked 
basins,  wherein  were  deposited  the  great  accumulations  of 
vegetable  matter  which  have  subsequently  become  coal. 

Greater  terrestrial  movements  affected  the  Pacific  border 
of  the  continent  in  the  Upper  Carboniferous  epoch.  The  seas 
advanced  for  the  first  time  on  the  western  flank  of  the  old 
land,  which  throughout  long  ages  had  existed  to  the  west- 
ward of  the  Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline.  The  deposits  of 
this  sea  are  distinctly  marine,  and  they  never  contain  coal; 
on  the  other  hand,  the  sedimentary  rocks  are  frequently 
mingled  with  volcanics,  indicating  a  state  of  great  unrest  in 
the  terrestrial  crust  of  this  area. 


Accumulations  of  vegetable  matter,  buried  in  the  rocks 
and  subsequently  subjected  to  the  pressure  exerted  by  the 
overlying  rocks  or  by  crustal  movements,  are  altered  into 
coal.  It  is  apparent  that  the  character  of  the  coal  will  vary 
with  the  degree  to  which  these  forces  have  acted:  if  the  pres- 
sure is  slight  and  the  duration  of  action  not  too  long,  the 
resulting  coal  will  be  woody  and  the  gaseous  constituents  of 
the  original  matter  will  be  expelled  to  a  minimum  degree. 
On  the  other  hand,  heavy  forces  acting  for  a  long  time  will 
so  alter  the  original  matter  that  it  will  be  reduced  to  the 
condition  of  carbon,  and  the  gaseous  constituents  will  be 
largely  expelled.  Between  these  extremes  lie  all  possible 
stages  in  the  gradual  transformation  of  woody  matter 
into  coal. 

The  more  important  constituents  of  coal  are  carbon  (un- 
combined  or  fixed  carbon),  volatile  matter,  ash,  and  water. 
The  relative  percentages  of  these  ingredients  determine,  to  a 
very  large  extent,  the  commercial  classification  of  coals.  The 
varieties  more  commonly  recognised  are  as  follows: 

LIGNITE.  The  least  altered  type,  with  low  fixed  carbon  and 


water  up  to  20  per  cent.  They  are  soft,  are  liable  to  disintegra- 
tion, and  are  of  relatively  low  heating  power. 

SUB-BITUMINOUS.  Coals  with  low  percentage  of  fixed  carbon 
and  6  per  cent,  or  more  water.  They  are  intermediate  between 
lignites  and  bituminous  coals. 

BITUMINOUS.  Coals  with  12  to  35  per  cent,  of  volatile  matter 
are  sometimes  called  humic  or  soft  coals.  They  contain  much 
volatile  matter,  and  consequently  burn  readily  with  pro- 
nounced flames.  When  coals  of  this  class  burn  without  a 
tendency  to  fuse  together  they  are  called  non-coking;  when 
they  exhibit  this  property  they  are  coking  coals,  and  are 
valuable  for  the  making  of  coke.  Cannel  coal  is  a  highly 
gaseous  type  of  fine  grain  and  dull  lustre;  it  is  used  for  gas- 
making  and  for  domestic  heating  in  grates. 

SEMI-ANTHRACITE.  Coals  with  7  to  12  per  cent,  of  volatile 
matter.  They  are  non-coking  and  burn  freely  and  quickly 
with  the  production  of  yellow  flames  and  intense  heat;  in 
consequence,  they  are  of  particular  value  for  the  rapid  raising 
of  steam  and  for  use  in  forges. 

ANTHRACITE.  Hard  coal  with  3  to  5  per  cent,  of  volatile 
matter.  Anthracite  burns  with  an  intense  heat  and  scarcely 
any  flame:  it  is  comparatively  clean  to  handle  and  produces 
a  minimum  of  sooty  gases,  and  in  consequence  is  highly 
desirable  for  domestic  use. 

Accumulations  of  vegetable  matter  of  sufficient  extent 
eventually  to  make  beds  of  coal  have  been  formed  during 
many  of  the  geological  periods  from  the  Devonian  onward. 
In  Upper  Carboniferous  time,  however,  these  accumulations 
were  so  much  greater  than  in  any  other  epoch  that  the  bulk 
of  the  world's  supply  of  coal  is  obtained  from  strata  of  this 
age.  The  strata  containing  the  beds  of  coal  were  called  the 
"Coal  Measures"  by  the  early  geologists,  and  the  term  is  still 
used,  but  not  commonly,  as  a  formational  name.  The  Coal 
Measures  consist  of  layers  of  sandstone,  shale,  and  coal  with 
a  minimum  of  limestone.  As  marine  fossils  are  seldom,  if  ever, 
found  in  the  measures,  we  must  conclude  that  the  vegetable 
matter  accumulated  in  freshwater  marshes  or  in  marshes 
originally  salt,  but  which  became  brackish  and  eventually 
fresh  by  the  cutting  off  of  communication  with  the  open  sea. 

The  underclay  beneath  the  coal  beds  frequently  shows  the 


roots  of  trees,  and  erect  trunks  have  been  found  in  many 
places,  e.g.  at  the  South  Joggins,  Nova  Scotia.  It  is  con- 
cluded, therefore,  that  the  coal-forming  plants  grew  in  situ, 
although  there  is  evidence  that  in  some  cases  the  vege- 
table matter  had  been  drifted  into  the  position  in  which 
the  coal  is  found. 

The  occurrence  in  the  same  section  of  numerous  beds  of 
coal  separated  by  layers  of  sandstone  and  shale  bears  witness 
to  the  oscillatory  character  of  the  waters;  and  the  presence 
of  beds  of  coal,  sometimes  many  feet  in  thickness,  can  be 
accounted  for  only  on  the  assumption  of  a  gradually 
sinking  bottom. 


Carboniferous  rocks  occur  only  in  the  extreme  east  and  the 
extreme  west  of  the  Dominion;  three  general  areas  may  be 
recognised  as  below: 

i.  ACADIAN  AREA.  Carboniferous  rocks  occupy  a  large 
triangular  district  of  about  10,000  square  miles  in  the  province 
of  New  Brunswick,  and  form  a  somewhat  broken  belt  across 
the  province  of  Nova  Scotia  from  the  Bay  of  Fundy  to  Sydney 
harbour  in  Cape  Breton.  Across  Cabot  strait  beds  of  this 
age  reappear  on  the  western  side  of  Newfoundland. 

The  Carboniferous  rocks  of  this  area  are  classified  as  follows : 





Coal  Measures 
Upper  Carboniferous 

Millstone  Grit 

Lower  Carboniferous 

Windsor  (local) 
Other  local  formations 

The  Lower  Carboniferous  rocks  are  coarse  elastics  indicating 
rapid  deposition,  limestone  with  the  fossils  characteristic  of 
the  time,  and  beds  of  gypsum  which  are  extensively  mined 
in  both  provinces. 


The  Albert  shale,  a  formation  of  Lower  Carboniferous  or, 
possibly,  Devonian  age,  in  New  Brunswick  is  so  strongly 
impregnated  with 
hydrocarbons  that 
oil  and  ammon- 
ium sulphate  may 
be  obtained  in 
commercial  quan- 
tities by  distilla- 
tion. Layers  of 
sandstone  associ- 
ated with  these 
shales  yield  both 
petroleum  and 
natural  gas.  The 
production  of  pe- 
troleum is  small, 
but  natural  gas  is 
supplied  to  Monc- 
ton,  Hillsboro,  and 
other  places.  The 
output  in  1913 
was  800,000,000 
cubic  feet,  but  in  1915  it  had  fallen  to  430,000,000  cubic  feet. 
The  natural  alteration  of  seepages  of  petroleum  from  the  Albert 
shale  has  resulted  in  the  formation  of  veins  of  a  black  shining 
mineral  called  albert it e.  This  substance  was  mined  for  more 
than  thirty  years  and  employed  as  a  high-grade  gas  coal :  the 
supply  is  apparently  exhausted. 

The  Millstone  grit  is  of  wide  extent,  and  constitutes  nearly 
all  of  the  large  district  in  New  Brunswick.  The  rocks  are 
chiefly  sandstones,  suitable  for  building  and  for  the  making 
of  grindstones  and  pulpstones.  The  strata  are  conformable 
with  the  overlying  Coal  Measures,  and  contain  thin  seams  of 
coal  which  are  worked  to  a  limited  extent  in  New  Brunswick. 

The  Coal  Measures  consist  of  alternating  beds  of  shale 
and  coal  mingled  with  sandstones  similar  to  those  of  the 
Millstone  grit. 

Coal-mining  in  Nova  Scotia  is  one  of  the  most  important 
industries  in  Canada:  more  than  65,000,000  metric  tons  have 


Lower    Carboniferous,    dotted;     Upper    Carboniferous,    black; 
Permo-Carboniferous,  vertically  lined. 



been  mined,  and  it  is  estimated  that  the  coal  fields  contain 
a  reserve  of  7,500,000,000  tons  capable  of  being  worked.  The 
coal  is  of  the  bituminous  type,  with  the  variety  cannel  coal 


The  lower  knee  to  the  left  is  the  Lower  Banff  limestone;    the  darker,  more  sloping  section 
above  is  the  Lower  Banff  shale;    the  upper  knee  is  the  Upper  Banff  limestone  covered 
t    by  the  Rocky  Mountain  quartzite  at  the  top... Mines  Branci,  Dept.  of  Mines,  Canada. 

in  limited  amount, 
productive  regions: 

The  following  table  indicates  the  chief 









Port  Hood 
Broad  Cove 


Cajte  Dauphin 
Glace  Bay 
Victoria-  Lingan 
Sydney  Mines 


2.  ROCKY  MOUNTAIN  AREA.  The  great  Rocky  Mountain 
geosyncline  continued  to  be  an  area  of  deposition  during  the 
Carboniferous;  in  consequence,  strata  of  this  age  are  found 
to  a  great  thickness  in  the  mountains  of  British  Columbia 
and  Alberta.  The  rocks  extend  far  to  the  north,  but  their 
exact  limits  have  not  yet  been  ascertained.  The  great  ranges 
of  the  Eastern  Rockies  overlooking  the  plains  are  capped  by 
Carboniferous  rocks  of  which  three  formations  are  clearly 
shown,  at  least  in  the  southern  part  of  the  ranges.  Near 
the  line  of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway  these  formations 
are  as  follows: 







Rocky  Mountain 

800  feet 

Hard,  white 

Upper  Banff 

2300  feet 

Hard,  compact 
limestone,  cherty 
in  places 


Lower  Banff 

1  200  feet 

Hard,  dark- 
coloured  shale 

The  difference  in  hardness  of  the  limestone,  shale,  and 
quartzite  gives  the  formations  a  clear  definition  on  the  cliff- 
face  of  the  mountains.  The  superior  hardness  of  the  Rocky 
Mountain  quartzite  causes  it  to  form  the  summits  of  the 
ranges,  as  all  the  later  and  softer  rocks  which  originally  over- 
laid it  have  been  removed  by  erosion. 

The  Rocky  Mountain  quartzite  contains  certain  beds 
carrying  a  small  amount  of  phosphoric  acid.  These  have 
been  suggested  as  a  source  of  phosphorus,  but  they  have  not 
yet  been  proved  to  be  of  economic  value. 

In 'Upper  Carboniferous  time  the  lands  which  had  existed 
for  long  ages  in  western  British  Columbia  sank  beneath 
the  waters  of  the  Pacific  ocean,  and  strata  of  this  age 
were  deposited  over  very  large  areas  to  a  thickness,  in 
places,  of  at  least  9500  feet.  The  formation  has  been  called 



the  Cache  Creek  group,  and  consists  of  a  lower  series  of 
shaly  rocks  and  an  upper  series  of  limestone.  Volcanic  activity 
was  pronounced,  and  igneous  rocks,  both  effusive  and  frag- 
mental,  are  mingled  with  the  sedimentaries.  The  actual 
areas  covered  by  these  rocks  can  scarcely  be  indicated,  as 
they  have  been  much  eroded  and  hidden  by  later  rocks  both 
igneous  and  sedimentary. 



The   Carboniferous   flora   consists   essentially   of   vascular 
cryptogams,   with   an   admixture   of  primitive   seed-bearing 

plants.  The  cryptogams  were 
undoubtedly  the  chief  coal- 
forming  plants,  as  they  lived 
in  the  low  marshes  so  charac- 
teristic of  the  period.  The 
seed-bearing  plants  likewise 
contributed  to  the  making  of 
coal,  as  their  remains  are  found 
together  with  those  of  the 

The  vascular  cryptogams,  or 
Pteridophyta,  were  represented 
by  ferns,  tree-ferns,  calamites, 
sigillarias,  and  lepidodendrons. 
FIG.  130.    CARBONIFEROUS  FERNS   The  great  importance  of  each 
AND  CYCAS-FERNS  of  these  plants  justifies  a  brief 

A.  Odontopteris   subcuneata;     B.   Neuropteris  Hpsrr  infirm 

cordata-,      c.    Eletkopteris    longhitica;      D.  ueSCnptlDn. 

Dictyopteris  obliqua;     E    Phyllopteris  anti-         Impressions    of    leaVCS    Very 
qua;  E'.  Natural  size  (of  E);  F.  Neuropteris  J 

cyclopteroides.  Species  from  eastern  Canada,  like  those  of  modem  femS  have 

From  Dawson,  "Acadian  Geology"  .  f  ,    .  , 

been  found  in  great  numbers 

in  the  Coal  Measures.  Until  quite  recently  these  leaves  were 
believed  to  represent  true  ferns;  it  is  now  known,  however, 
that  some  of  them  bore  seeds,  and  therefore  are  to  be  con- 
sidered as  gymnosperms.  Palaeobotanists  suspect  that  others 
of  these  fern-like  plants,  in  which  seeds  have  not  actually 
been  found,  are  likewise  to  be  ascribed  to  the  gymnosperms. 


The  fern-like  leaves,  therefore,  belong  either  to  ferns  proper 
or  to  fern-like  plants  actually  or  probably  bearing  true  seeds, 
and  known  by  the  very  appro- 
priate name  Cycadofiliacales,  or 
cycas-ferns,  in  allusion  to  their 
intermediate  position  between 
the  ferns  and  the  lowest  gym- 
nosperms,  the  cycads.  Hymeno- 
phyllites  from  the  eastern  coal 
fields  is  probably  a  true  fern: 
the  cycas-ferns  will  be  con- 
sidered under  the  gymnosperms. 

Giant  ferns  with  leaves  sup- 
ported on  a  trunk  like  a  tree       FIG.  131.    CARBONIFEROUS 
were  of  common  occurrence  in  TREE-FERNS 

the  forests  of  both  Devonian  and  Carboniferous  time.  They 
are  known  as  tree-ferns,  and  are  represented  by  Psaronius 
and  several  other  genera  from  our  rocks. 

Calamites  are  very  closely  allied  to  the  common  horsetail, 
which  may  be  found  growing  on  wet,  sandy  soil  to  a  height 
of  about  eighteen  inches  in  many  parts  of  Canada.  The 
calamites,  however,  reached  the  dimensions  of  trees,  with  a 
diameter  up  to  fifteen  inches,  and  had  a  large  central  pith 
surrounded  by  an  external  zone  of  woody  tissue.  Narrow 
vertical  fluting  is  characteristic  of  both  the  inside  and  the 
outside  of  this  woody  cylinder.  At  irregular  intervals  the 
continuity  of  the  fluting  is  interrupted  by  "nodes,"  from 
which  arise  whorls  of  limbs.  A  great  many  species  of  calamites 
are  known:  Dawson  records  nine  from  the  coal  fields  of 
Nova  Scotia  alone. 

In  addition  to  the  calamites  which  have  been  determined 
from  stems,  a  considerable  number  of  related  forms  have 
been  identified  from  foliage,  e.g.  Asierophyllites  and  Annularia. 

The  sigillarias  were  trees  that  grew  to  a  height  of  100  feet 
or  more,  and  played  an  important  part  in  the  formation  of 
coal  beds.  They  were  evergreen,  spore-bearing  trees,  re- 
markable in  having  two  kinds  of  spores,  some  very  large  and 
others  very  small.  The  trunk  was  rather  ungraceful,  with  a 
diameter  as  great  as  six  feet  at  the  base;  it  terminated  in  a 
blunt  point,  and  very  rarely  bifurcated  or  branched.  Leaves 


sprang  in  a  regular  manner  from  the  whole  surface  of  the 
tree,  but  with  advancing  age  and  size  the  lower  leaves  fell 
off,  leaving  scars  on  the  bark.  As  these  scars  resemble  seals, 
the  plant  has  been  called  the  "seal-tree"  or  Sigillaria  (sigilla, 
a  seal).  The  bark  was  marked  by  pronounced  fluting,  with 
the  leaf-scars  arranged  in  parallel  rows  down  the  trunk. 
Botanically,  the  plant  is  related  to  the  existing  lycopods. 

Lepidodendron  resembles  Sigillaria  in  many  ways,  and  like 
it  is  related  to  the  lycopods  as  represented  by  the  existing 
club  mosses  and  ground-pines  of  our  woods.  The  trees  were 
tall  and  graceful,  with  slender,  gradually  tapering  trunks  and 
branches  which  arose  by  regular  bifurcation.  The  leaves, 

i.  Bark  of  Sigillaria;  2.  Bark  of  Lepidodendron. 

generally  small  and  elongated,  sprang  from  the  whole  surface 
as  in  Sigillaria,  and  left  scars  in  a  similar  manner.  The  bark 
was  not  fluted  as  in  Sigillaria,  and  the  large,  diamond-shaped 
scars  instead  of  being  in  vertical  rows  were  arranged  in  a 
spiral  manner  around  the  stem.  The  smaller  branches  bore 
cone-like  structures  at  their  extremities,  from  which  enormous 
numbers  of  spores  were  produced. 

Many  species  of  both  Lepidodendron  and  Sigillaria  are 
known  from  the  Carboniferous  rocks  of  eastern  Canada; 
also,  in  the  under-clay  are  found  numerous  roots,  to  which 
the  name  Stigmaria  is  given. 

The  gymnosperms  are  represented  by  the  Cycadofiliacales, 
already  referred  to,  and  the  Cordaitales,  which  show  relation- 
ships to  the  conifers. 


The  Cycadofiliacales  are  well  represented  in  the  coal  fields 
of  Nova  Scotia:  common  examples  are  Alethopteris,  Neuro- 
pteris,  and  Sphenopteris.  The  "fern-ledges"  near  St.  John, 
N.B.,  have  also  yielded  a  large  number  of  similar  forms. 

The  Cordaitales  were  the  most  important  gymnosperms 
in  Carboniferous  time,  and  they  may  be  considered  as  the 
dominant  type  of  gymnosperm  in  the  Palaeozoic  era.  These 
trees  are  related  on  the  one  hand  to  the  cycads  and  on  the 
other  to  the  more  primitive  conifers.  The  wood  resembles 
that  of  the  araucarian  conifers,  but,  unlike  the  true  conifers, 
the  leaves  are  remarkably  large.  The  trees  grow  to  a  large 
size,  sometimes  to  over  100  feet  in  height  and  10  feet  in  girth 
at  the  base.  They  appeared  in  Devonian  time  and  were  well 
represented  in  the  Devonian  rocks  of  eastern  Canada;  in  the 
Carboniferous  period,  as  stated  above,  they  reached  their 
maximum  development  and  rapidly  declined  thereafter. 
Cordaites  and  Dadoxylon  are  common  genera  in  the  Carboni- 
ferous rocks  of  Nova  Scotia  and  New  Brunswick. 


Carboniferous  time  witnessed  many  changes  in  the  inver- 
tebrate life ;  the  old  Palaeozoic  types,  so  long  dominant,  began 
to  give  place  to  new  orders  of  beings  destined  to  reach  a 
remarkable  development  in  the  following  era.  Furthermore, 
there  are  many  distinctive  features  in  the  life  of  the  time  which 
enable  us  to  summarise  its  main  characteristics  and  to  make 
a  fairly  clear  comparison  with  the  fauna  of  the  Devonian. 

The  great  groups  of  corals,  trilobites,  and  nautiloids  show  a 
marked  decline ;  the  pelecypods,  gastropods,  and  the  new  type 
of  cephalopod  increase;  crinoids  and  blastoids  reach  their 
maximum  development;  protozoa  spring  suddenly  to  a 
position  of  great  importance;  and  the  higher  arthropods, 
including  many  air-breathing  forms,  become  a  striking  feature 
of  the  life  of  the  time. 

The  Acadian  Carboniferous  strata  were  deposited  in  a  sea 
which  was  quite  distinct  from  the  great  mid-continental 
ocean;  in  consequence,  the  fossils  differ  somewhat  from  the 
more  typical  American  forms.  The  strata  of  the  Rocky 
Mountain  area  are  very  poor  in  fossils,  and  the  few  that  occur 
are  not  well  preserved.  To  the  Canadian  student,  therefore, 


Carboniferous  invertebrates  are  of  little  practical  value, 
although  their  importance  in  general  historical  geology  is  as 
great  as  ever. 

The  following  list  includes  a  few  of  the  most  characteristic 
Carboniferous  fossils: 

PROTOZOA.  These  little  unicellular  organisms  are  repre- 
sented by  a  great  number  of  forms  which,  in  places,  form 
whole  layers  of  rock.  Fusulina,  a  small  spindle-shaped  form, 
is  the  most  common  example. 

CORALS.  Of  the  Devonian  genera  many  are  extinct,  but  some 
survive,  particularly  Diphyphyllum.    The  most  characteristic 
form,    however,    is   Lithostrotion,    a 
compound   coral   having  a  rod-like 
axis  in  the  centre  of  each  corallite. 

Echinoderms.  Crinoids  and  blas- 
toids  reach  their  maximum  develop- 
ment. Of  the  former,  the  genera 
are  remarkably  numerous;  Platy- 

FIG     133       THE  TYPICAL  CAR-  •  • 

••"-" J  Actinocrinus  will  serve  as 

se.  One-fourth  examples.  Blastoids  are  at  the  maxi- 
naturaisize.  mum  development  and  disappear 

with  the  close  of  the  period.  Pentremites  is  the  commonest 
genus.  For  the  first  time  sea  urchins  are  important;  they 
differ  from  all  modern  forms  in  that  the  shell  is  composed  of 
more  or  fewer  than  twenty  rows  of  plates.  Melonites  and 
Archceocidaris  are  common  examples. 

BRACHIOPODS.  These  creatures,  long  dominant  among  the 
shell  fish,  are  still  numerous,  but  in  this  period  they  begin  to 
yield  to  the  molluscs  which  are  destined  to  replace  them  in 
the  seas  of  later  ages.  Spirifer  is  still  abundant,  but  the  loop- 
bearing  types,  Terebratula  and  Dielasma,  are  increasingly 
important.  The  most  characteristic  of  all  the  brachiopods  is 
Productus.  In  the  Acadian  Carboniferous  Productus  semi- 
reticulatus,  a  cosmopolitan  species,  is  common ;  other  examples 
are  Spirifer  glabra  and  Dielasma  sacculus. 

BRYOZOA.  A  peculiar  screw-like  bryozoan,  Archimedes,  is 
one  of  the  most  striking  fossils  of  the  period;  it  is  entirely 
confined  to  rocks  of  this  age. 

PELECYPODS  AND  GASTROPODS.  Both  these  groups  are 
more  strongly  represented  than  before,  but  the  majority  of 


the  species  belong  to  old  types.  More  particularly  in  the  case 
of  the  former  group,  there  is  a  significant  admixture  of  new 
forms  heralding  the  great  change  to  come.  Euompkalus  and 



i.  Actinocrinus  multiramosus,  three-eighths  natural  size;  2.  Platycrinus  tricondactylus; 
3.  Melonites  multiporus,  three-eighths  size;  4.  Archimedes  wortheni,  three-fourths  size; 
5.  Pentremites  sulcatus,  half  size;  6.  Pleurotomaria  mississippiensis,  half  size; 
7.  Productus  semireticulatus,  seven-eighths  size;  8.  Dielasma  sacculus,  seven-eighths 
•size;  9.  Allorisma  pleuropistha,  half  size;  10.  Euomphalus  pentangulatus ;  n.  Goniatites 
lyoni,  three-eighths  size;  12.  Myalina  recurvirostris ,  three-eighths  size;  13.  Edmondia 
trapeziformis,halt  size;  14.  Fusulina  cylindrica,  in  rock. 

Bellerophon  are  the  commonest  gastropods,  and  Schizodus  and 
Myalina' are  typical  pelecypods. 

CEPHALOPODS.  A  few  Orthoceras  survive,  and  there  are  many 



coiled  nautiloids.  The  nautiloid  type  of  cephalopod  continues 
to  exist  to  the  present,  but  it  never  again  occupies  a  position 
of  importance.  The  most  characteristic  cephalopods  are  the 
goniatitoids,  with  more  strongly  angulated  sutures  than  in 
the  clymenoids  of  the  Devonian. 

TRILOBITES.  Only  one  family,  the  Proetidce,  remains:  it  is 
represented  by  five  genera,  of  which  Phillipsia  is  the  most 

THE     HIGHER    ARTHROPODS.       The    higher    invertebrate 


i.  Prestwichia  dance;    2.  Phillipsia  lodiensis;    3.  Eophrynus  prestwichii  (spider) ;     4.  Steno- 
dictya  (insect).   After  Handlirsch. 

animals  with  jointed  limbs  reach  a  development  hitherto 
unknown.  Among  the  aquatic  forms  the  ostracods,  phyllo- 
carids,  and  phyllopods  occur  in  abundance.  Eurypterids 
survive,  and  Prestwichia  is  a  very  characteristic  related  form. 
Spiders,  scorpions,  and  myriopods  occur  in  abundance,  and 
there  is  a  remarkable  development  of  insects:  these  belong 
mostly  to  the  types  with  straight  or  net-veined  wings,  and 
sometimes  measure  more  than  two  feet  from  tip  to  tip  of  the 


wings.  Haplophlebium  barnesii,  a  form  with  seven  inches' 
expanse  of  wing,  was  found  in  the  Carboniferous  rocks  of 
Cape  Breton. 


FISH.  The  armoured  fish  of  the  Devonian  disappear  with 
its  close,  and  the  crossopterygian  ganoids  give  place  to  another 
type,  in  which  the  extremity  of  the  vertebral  column  turns 
up  into  the  dorsal  lobe  of  the  tail  and  the  paired  fins  are 
without  the  scaly  axis  and  marginal  fringe.  A  family  of  these 
fish,  the  Palceoniscidce,  reached  a  position  of  pre-eminence;  it 
is  represented  by  numerous  species  in  the  Carboniferous  rocks 
of  the  world,  and  by  at  least  five  from  the  Lower  Carboniferous 

A  Canadian  Carboniferous  insect.   From  Dawson,  "Acadian  Geology." 

rocks  of  New  Brunswick.  Rhadinichthys  alberti,  a  small  fish 
from  the  Albert  shales  of  New  Brunswick,  is  the  best  known 
Canadian  form. 

In  addition  to  the  Palceoniscidce,  the  Carboniferous  fish 
fauna  consists  chiefly  of  a  few  survivals  of  crossopterygians 
and  many  lung-fishes  and  sharks. 

AMPHIBIA.  The  lowest  air-breathing  vertebrates  are  known, 
on  the  evidence  of  footprints  only,  from  the  Devonian  rocks. 
In  Lower  Carboniferous  time  these  impressions  are  more 
numerous,  and  in  the  upper  part  of  the  system  not  only 
footprints,  but  actual  skeletons  have  been  found.  These 
animals  are  all  small,  not  exceeding  three  feet  in  length; 
they  are  mostly  salamander-like,  but  legless,  eel-like  forms 
are  known  as  well.  Many  years  ago  a  number  of  imperfect 
skeletons  of  these  primitive  amphibians  were  found  by  Sir 
William  Dawson  at  the  South  Joggins,  Nova  Scotia.  Prior  to 


Rhadinichthys  alberti,  Albert  shales  of  New  Brunswick;  2.  Cheirodus  granulosus,  Scotland; 
3.  Eurynotus  crenatus,  Scotland;  4.  Pleuracanthus  gaudryi,  France.  No.  i  seven- 
eighths  natural  size,  after  Lambe  ;  Nos.  2  and  3  reduced,  after  Traquair  ;  No.  4  reduced, 
after  Brongniart. 


these  discoveries,  in  1841,  Sir  William  Logan  recorded  the 
occurrence  of  footprints  at  Horton  Bluff — the  first  evidence  of 
Carboniferous  air-breathing  vertebrates  found  in  the  world. 
Exclusive  of  footprints,  at  least  seventeen  species  of  Amphibia 
were  described  by  Dawson  and  the  great  English  palaeontol- 
ogist, Owen,  from  the  Carboniferous  rocks  of  Nova  Scotia. 
For  the  Canadian  student  no  better  examples  of  Carbon- 
iferous amphibians  could  be  cited  than  those  illustrated  in 

FIG.  138 

i.  Restoration  of  Carboniferous  landscape  in  Nova  Scotia,  showing  primitive  amphibians; 
2.  Erect  trunk  of  Catamites  in  which  the  bones  of  some  of  the  amphibians  were  found. 
From  Dawson,  "Acadian  Geology" 

Figure  138,  a  reproduction  of  Dawson's  original  woodcut, 
published  in  1878. 

REPTILES.  It  has  long  been  a  matter  of  dispute  whether 
or  not  true  reptiles  appeared  in  Carboniferous  time.  Professor 
Williston  now  holds  the  opinion  that  a  single  skeleton,  lacking 
the  skull,  is  the  only  known  representative  of  Carboniferous 
reptiles.  The  remains  were  found  at  Linton,  Ohio,  in  Upper 
Carboniferous  rocks,  and  have  been  given  the  appropriate 
name  Eosauravus. 

Not  much  is  known  of  conditions  on  the  dry  land  during 
the  Carboniferous,  but  in  eastern  Canada,  as  in  many  other 
parts  of  the  northern  hemisphere,  there  were  vast  marshy 


forests  in  the  lowlands  with  rank,  almost  tropical,  growths. 
Air-breathing  inhabitants  were  numerous,  and  the  life  was 
varied,  for  Sir  William  Dawson  has  shown  that  there  were 
little  snails  feeding  on  the  fern  leaves,  myriapods  burrowing 
in  decaying  tree- trunks,  many  insects  flitting  among  the 
trees,  and  scorpions  and  spiders  on  the  look-out  for  them. 
Even  the  vertebrates,  in  the  form  of  little  amphibians,  crept 
up  the  tree- trunks  and  rested  in  hollow  stumps;  so  that  the 
lowlands,  at  least,  displayed  a  varied  and  interesting  life. 

Judging  by  the  coal  plants  found  even  within  the  Arctic 
Circle  in  the  great  northern  islands  of  Canada,  the  climate 
and  the  life  seem  to  have  been  uniform  all  over  the  world. 



THIS  system  receives  its  name  from  the  province  of  Perm  in 
Russia,  where  it  is  well  developed.  In  Europe  the  rocks  of 
the  system  rest  conformably  or  unconformably  on  the  under- 
lying Carboniferous  strata.  In  North  America  no  structural 
break  marks  the  upper  limit  of  the  Carboniferous;  in  con- 
sequence, the  Permian  system  is  ill  denned:  it  fades  im- 
perceptibly into  the  Upper  Carboniferous  or  Pennsylvanian, 
and  in  the  opinion  of  American  geologists  is  not  worthy  of 
being  considered  a  great  system. 


The  shallow  seas  of  Upper  Carboniferous  time  had  begun 
to  retreat  before  the  close  of  that  epoch,  and  by  the  middle 
of  the  Permian  they  had  withdrawn  almost  entirely  from  the 
present  area  of  the  continent:  in  consequence,  no  marine 
strata  were  deposited  over  regions  now  accessible,  and  we  have 
no  record  of  sedimentation  for  Upper  Permian  time  in  North 
America.  In  other  parts  of  the  world,  however,  notably  in 
South  Africa,  a  continuous  record  is  available  which  fills  in 
the  gaps  that  would  exist  in  geological  history  were  North 
America  to  be  relied  on  to  tell  the  whole  story. 

We  have  already  seen  that  much  volcanic  activity  was 
manifested  in  the  Pacific  Coast  region  during  the  Upper 
Carboniferous ;  this  state  of  unrest  continued  into  the  Permian 
and  may  be  regarded  as  the  warning  of  great  events  to  come, 
for  one  of  the  most  profound  disturbances  that  have  affected 
the  earth's  crust  occurred  toward  the  close  of  Permian  time. 
We  have  seen  that  the  continent  had  been  sufficiently  uplifted 
to  drain  off  the  seas  by  the  middle  of  the  period.  This  upward 
movement  continued  through  the  closing  stages  of  the 



Permian,  and  was  manifested  with  such  intensity  in  eastern 
North  America  that  the  Appalachian  mountains  were  elevated, 
the  terrestrial  strains  relieved,  and  the  continent  prepared 
for  another  cycle  of  erosion.  To  this  great  event  the  name 
Appalachian  revolution  is  given:  with  it  the  old  order  of 
things  closes  and  the  Palaeozoic  era  ends. 


Hitherto  the  geological  history  of  the  world  can  be  fairly 
well  illustrated  by  using  North  America  as  an  example.  The 
conditions  in  Permian  time,  however,  were  so  varied  in 
different  parts  of  the  globe  that  general  deductions  cannot 
be  drawn  from  the  history  as  revealed  by  the  rocks  of 
this  continent. 

In  western  Europe  the  Permian  rocks  are  chiefly  con- 
glomerates, sandstones,  and  shales  of  a  prevailing  red  colour. 
The  red  colour,  the  paucity  of  fossils,  and  the  occurrence  of 
beds  of  gypsum  indicate  deposition  under  desert  conditions. 
The  strata  are  usually  unconformable  with  the  underlying 
Carboniferous,  and  seem  to  have  been  rapidly  deposited  in 
isolated  basins.  Passing  westward  into  European  Russia  and 
thence  into  Asia,  Permian  rocks  are  found  over  wide  areas; 
they  are  truly  marine  deposits  with  a  rich  pelagic  fauna. 

In  the  southern  hemisphere  very  different  conditions  seem 
to  have  prevailed.  North  of  the  equator,  in  India,  there  is  a 
great  accumulation  of  sediments  of  freshwater  origin  known 
as  the  Gondwana  system,  including  strata  varying  in  age  from 
Carboniferous  to  Middle  Mesozoic.  The  Permian  system  as 
recognised  in  Europe  is  not  to  be  distinguished,  but  the  lower 
part  of  the  Gondwana  is  roughly  correlated  with  it  and  is 
called  Permo-Carboniferous. 

In  South  Africa  the  great  Karoo  formation,  covering  thou- 
sands of  square  miles,  is  comparable  in  age,  in  fossils,  and  in 
conditions  of  sedimentation  with  the  Gondwana  of  India. 
In  Australia,  resting  on  true  Carboniferous  rocks,  is  a  series 
of  strata  also  ascribed  to  the  Permo-Carboniferous.  These 
rocks  are  coal- bearing  and  show  a  flora  comparable  with 
that  of  India  and  South  Africa;  in  this  case,  however,  strata 


of  marine  origin  are  associated  with  the  fresh  or  brackish 
water  deposits.  In  South  America,  also,  the  characteristic 
plants  of  the  Gondwana  system  are  found  in  strata  ascribed 
to  Permo-Carboniferous  age. 

On  account  of  the  striking  similarity  in  the  plant  life 
of  these  regions,  and  for  other  reasons,  many  geologists 
believe  that  Asia,  Africa,  Australia,  and  South  America 
were  united  into  a  great  transverse  continent,  to  which  the 
name  Gondwana  Land  has  been  given. 

A  most  remarkable  feature,  common  to  all  the  regions 
mentioned  above,  is  the  occurrence  of  great  beds  of  boulder 
clay,  filled  with  striated  stones  and  resting  on  a  striated 
surface  of  the  underlying  formations.  The  lowest  formation 
of  the  Karoo  series  of  South  Africa,  the  Dwyka,  is  of  this 
nature;  the  Talchir  conglomerate  at  the  base  of  the  Gond- 
wana of  India  is  similar;  and  the  Permo-Carboniferous  de- 
posits of  Australia  and  South  America  present  the  same 
interesting  feature. 

In  view  of  these  facts,  geologists  are  now  agreed  that  an 
extensive  glaciation  affected  the  southern  hemisphere  and 
even  reached  north  of  the  equator  in  Permo-Carboniferous 
time — a  glaciation  exceeding  that  of  more  recent  times  in 
the  northern  hemisphere.  To  this  great  event  the  name 
Permo-Carboniferous  Ice  Age  is  given. 

If  the  geological  history  of  South  Africa  and  Australia  had 
been  written  before  that  of  Europe  and  North  America,  the 
great  divisional  lines  would  have  been  drawn  at  different 
levels.  Instead  of  the  Australian  geologists  having  to  use 
such  terms  as  Permo-Carboniferous,  we  should  be  struggling 
with  hyphenated  words  derived  from  great  systems  estab- 
lished by  our  antipodean  cousins. 


Permian  strata  are  of  comparatively  small  extent  in  Canada; 
two  or  possibly  three  areas  may  be  recognised,  as  follows: 

i.  ACADIAN  AREA.  Conformably  overlying  the*  Coal 
Measures  is  a  series  of  reddish  sandstones  and  shales, 
sometimes  with  thin  seams  of  coal.  The  rocks  occur  in  Nova 


Scotia  along  the  shores  of  Northumberland  strait  and  form 
the  whole  of  Prince  Edward  island.  The  prevailing  red 
colour  of  the  rocks  and  soils,  together  with  the  deep  green  of 
the  vegetation,  gives  a  very  characteristic  appearance  to  the 
scenery  of  the  island.  The  better  grades  of  sandstone  are  used 
for  building,  and  the  shales  for  brick-making.  That  these 
rocks  are  to  be  exactly  correlated  with  the  Permian  of  Europe 
is  not  established;  they  are  not  separated  by  any  physical 
breaks  from  the  Coal  Measures  and  do  not  contain  conclusive 
marine  fossils.  In  consequence,  the  term  Permo-Carboniferous 
is  less  liable  to  create  a  false  impression. 

2.  ROCKY  MOUNTAIN  AREA.    In  the  mountains  of  southern 
Alberta,  the  hard  Rocky  Mountain  quartzite  of  the  Carboni- 
ferous is  covered  by  dark-coloured  shale  containing  many 
hard  bands.    This  formation  is  not  exposed  on  the  summits 
of  the  eastern  ranges,  as  it  has  been  removed  by  erosion.    On 
the  back  slopes,  however,  it  is  found  in  the  lengthwise  valleys, 
as  near  the  Banff  Hotel  on  the  line  of  the  Canadian  Pacific 
Railway.     It  is  to  be  noted  that  some  authorities  consider 
these  shales  to  be  of  Triassic  rather  than  of  Permian  age. 

3.  PACIFIC  COAST  AREA.    It  is  generally  thought  that  the 
mixed  sedimentaries  and  volcanics  of  the  coast  region  which 
we  have  ascribed  to  the  Upper  Carboniferous  may  contain 
also  strata  of  Permian  age. 


The  life  of  Permian  time,  regarded  in  a  broad  way,  shows  a 
continuation  of  the  Carboniferous  types,  both  animal  and 
vegetable,  with  an  increasing  admixture  of  the  newer  life 
which  is  to  become  dominant  in  the  next  era.  The  outstanding 
features  are  the  unique  Glossopteris  flora  of  the  Gondwana 
and  the  development  of  air-breathing  vertebrates. 

PLANTS.  Of  the  numerous  Carboniferous  plants,  many 
species  survive  into  the  Permian;  other  species,  and  even 
genera,  become  extinct  with  the  close  of  the  Carboniferous. 
Perhaps  the  most  significant  difference  is  the  profusion 
of  cycads,  a  type  of  life  which  became  dominant  in  the 
later  Mesozoic  era. 



The   remarkable   Glossopteris   flora   consists   of  numerous 
closely  related  ferns,  which  developed  under  the  conditions  of 
cold  climate  which  prevailed  in  the  southern 
hemisphere.     The  plants  were  hardy  and 
remarkably     cosmopolitan,     for     identical 
species  have  been  found  in  India,  Africa, 
and  South  America. 

INVERTEBRATES.     A   very   impoverished 
fauna  is  found  in  the   Permian   strata  of 
western  Europe,   and   the  Permo-Carboni- 
ferous  rocks  of  Canada  are  almost  destitute 
of  the  remains  of  marine  organisms.    The 
Permian  strata  of  Russia,  however,  yield  an 
abundant  fauna,  on  which  must  be  founded  GLOSSOPTERIS  FLORA 
any  general  remarks  on   the  invertebrate    Glossopteris  browniana. 
life  of  the  period.    This  life  is  strikingly  ^terzittd. 

like  that  of  the  Carboniferous,  and  shows  the  same  tendencies 
in  a  more  accentuated  form.  For  instance,  the  eurypterids 
have  disappeared,  the  trilobites  have  dwindled  still  further, 
and  the  ascendancy  of  the  molluscs  over  the  brachiopods, 
and  of  the  gohiatitoids  over  the  nautiloids,  is  more 
marked.  The  crinoids,  so  abundant  in  the  Carboniferous, 

FIG.   140.      PERMIAN    AMPHIBIAN 
Archegosaurus  dechini.   From  Zittel  after  H.  von  Meyer. 

show  a  remarkable  decline,  as  their  remains  are  rare  in 
Permian  rocks. 

FISH.  The  fish  fauna  of  the  Permian  is  very  similar  to  that 
of  the  Carboniferous,  with  the  Paiaoniscidcz  predominating: 
sharks  and  lung-fishes  are  also  abundant.  The  genus  Palceo- 
niscus  is  confined  to  the  Permian. 

AMPHIBIANS.    The  Permian,  together  with  the  succeeding 



Triassic  period,  is  characterised  beyond  all  else  by  the  great 
development  of  amphibian  life.  The  amphibians  of  to-day 
are  small  creatures  like  the  common  frog,  and  play  but  a 
subordinate  part  in  the  life  of  the  time;  in  the  Permian  they 
were  large  creatures  and  exercised  dominion  over  the  animal 
life  of  the  period. 

These  early  amphibians  differ  from  frog-like  creatures  in 
that  the  bones  of  the  side  of  the  head  are  continuous,  and  not 
opened  up  as  in  the  frog;  on  this  account  they  are  called 
Stegocephalia,  or  "plated  cheeks."  Some  of  them,  also,  have 
the  enamel  of  the  teeth  enrolled  in  a  peculiar  manner,  which 

FIG.   141.     PERMIAN    REPTILE 

Dimetrodon  incisivus.  About  one-twenty-fifth  natural  size.  From  Case, 
"  Pelycosuuria  of  North  America." 

gives  a  very  complicated  appearance  to  a  cross  section; 
hence  the  name  Labyrinthodontia,  or  "labyrinth-toothed." 

Of  the  numerous  Permian  stegocephalians,  Branchiosaurus 
and  Archegosaurus  may  be  cited  as  examples.  The  former  is 
a  small  type  covered  above  and  below  with  an  armature  of 
small  hard  scales;  the  latter  is  a  fairly  large  European  type 
of  labyrinthodont,  and  is  represented  in  America  by  a  similar 
form,  Eryops. 

REPTILES.  The  great  ascendancy  to  be  enjoyed  by  reptiles 
at  a  later  date  is  foreshadowed  in  Permian  time,  for  not  only 
are  they  numerous,  but  give  evidence  of  adaptation  to  various 
modes  of  life.  Water,  marsh,  and  land-dwelling  forms  are 


known,  and  even  types  adapted  to  an  arboreal  existence.  The 
Lower  Permian  beds  of  Texas  have  yielded  many  skeletons, 
and  the  Karoo  formation  of  South  Africa  is  famous  for  the 
number  and  variety  of  its  reptilian  remains.  Pareiasaurus  is 
a  large,  amphibian-like,  massive,  land-dwelling  reptile  from 
the  Karoo;  Dimetrodon  and  Ar&oscelis  are  examples  of  the 
Permian  reptiles  of  Texas.  Aquatic  types  are  represented  by 
numerous  small  forms  from  South  Africa  and  South  America, 
e.g.  Mesosaurus. 

The  Permian  seems  to  have  been  a  time  of  stress  for  the 
inhabitants  of  the  world,  great  ice  sheets  and  also  great 
deserts  taking  the  place  of  the  mild  monotony  of  the  Car- 
boniferous. This  probably  accounts  for  the  great  changes 
taking  place  in  the  vertebrates. 



IN  previous  chapters  we  have  become  acquainted  with  the 
great  events  of  the  long  periods  extending  from  the  opening 
of  the  Cambrian  to  the  close  of  the  Permian,  and  which 
together  constitute  the  Palaeozoic  era.  The  Cambrian  opened 
with  a  continent  of  unknown  extent  on  which  successive 
layers  of  rock,  some  here,  some  there,  were  laid  down  in  seas 
which  invaded  the  land  one  after  the  other  throughout  the 
whole  era.  The  successive  floodings  and  retreats  have  been 
made  use  of  to  define  the  periods.  In  some  cases  the  rocks  of 
the  different  systems  are  separated  by  strong  unconformities, 
in  others  there  is  scarcely  a  perceptible  break  between 
successive  systems. 

While  terrestrial  movements  were  going  on  gradually 
throughout  the  whole  era,  certain  times  were  marked  by 
upheavals  of  such  magnitude  as  to  deserve  the  name  of 
revolutions.  The  more  important  of  these,  all  of  which  were 
manifested  much  more  strongly  on  the  eastern  side  of  the 
continent,  were  the  Taconic  disturbance  at  the  close  of  the 
Ordovician  period,  the  movements  accompanied  by  volcanic 
activity  at  the  close  of  the  Devonian,  and  the  great  Appala- 
chian revolution  which  brought  the  era  to  a  close. 

Wide-spread  seas  and  consequent  great  formations  were 
characteristic  of  the  Ordovician ;  minor  oscillations  and  more 
local  formations  characterised  the  latter  part  of  the  era. 

Physical  events  during  the  Palaeozoic  were  not  essentially 
different  from  those  of  earlier  and  of  later  time,  and  there  is 
nothing  in  their  nature  particularly  characteristic  of  the  era: 
it  is  to  the  life  history  that  we  must  look  for  a  means  of 
defining  the  Palaeozoic. 

The  era,  as  the  name  implies,  is  essentially  the  time  of 
"ancient  life,"  a  time  in  which  all  the  creatures  were  very 
different  from  those  now  inhabiting  the  globe.  Nearly  all 



the  great  classes  of  organisms,  with  the  exception  of  the 
flowering  plants,  birds,  and  mammals,  had  at  least  some 
representation.  Among  the  plants,  the  sea  weeds  and  vascular 
cryptogams  were  predominant;  invertebrate  groups  entirely 
confined  to  the  era  are  graptolites,  stromatoporoids,  cystids, 
blastoids,  trilobites,  and  eurypterids;  other  invertebrate 
groups,  prominent  but  not  exclusively  Palaeozoic,  are  bryo- 
zoans,  brachiopods,  and  nautiloids.  Vertebrates  are  repre- 
sented by  archaic  fish,  and  towards  the  close  of  the  era  by 
amphibians  and  reptiles. 



IN  previous  chapters  we  have  followed  the  great  events  of  the 
long  Palaeozoic  periods;  we  have  seen  how  the.  ever- restless 
seas  have  flooded  and  ebbed,  always  leaving  a  rock-written 
record,  the  pages  of  which  have  been  pieced  together  to  make 
the  history  of  Palaeozoic  time.  We  have  seen  that  this  history 
is  continuous,  although  we  have  failed  to  find  all  the  pages, 
and  we  have  made  use  of  physical  disturbances  and  faunal 
changes  as  punctuation  marks  for  our  story,  or  in  other 
words,  to  divide  the  era  into  periods  and  epochs.  In  entering 
upon  the  consideration  of  another  great  era  it  is  well  to  keep 
in  mind  this  continuity  of  geological  history.  Let  us  carefully 
avoid  the  conception  of  the  Mesozoic  as  a  new  age  marked  off 
from  the  Palaeozoic  by  some  tremendous  catastrophe.  Let 
us  regard  it,  rather,  as  a  continuation  of  the  story,  a  new 
chapter  written  under  different  conditions,  but  fading  in- 
sensibly into  the  previous  one.  It  is  true  that  an  unrecorded 
interval  makes  the  division  a  very  real  one  in  some  parts  of 
the  world,  but  it  is  equally  true  that  there  is  absolutely  no 
observable  break  between  the  two  groups  of  rocks  in  others. 

Our  study  of  the  Palaeozoic  periods  has  shown  us  that  the 
rise  and  fall  of  races  of  organisms  furnishes  evidence  of  the 
utmost  importance  towards  the  orderly  arrangement  of  our 
story  into  convenient  chapters.  The  races  of  the  Palaeozoic 
appeared,  reached  a  maximum,  and  in  some  cases  declined 
and  fell,  but  the  process  was  gradual  and  extended  over 
millions  of  years.  The  same  conception  of  gradual  change 
must  be  applied  to  the  life  of  the  Mesozoic  as  compared  with 
that  of  the  Palaeozoic.  In  a  broad  way  there  is  a  great  differ- 
ence between  the  faunas  and  floras  of  the  two  eras,  but  nearly 
all  the  great  races  characteristic  of  Mesozoic  time  had  their 
inception  in  the  latter  part  of  the  Palaeozoic;  on  the  other 
hand,  some  races  essentially  Palaeozoic  lingered  on  into 
Mesozoic  time.  Reptiles,  amphibians,  ammonites,  and  cycads, 



the  dominant  races  of  Mesozoic  time,  had  all  appeared  before 
the  close  of  the  Permian,  and  the  occurrence  of  Orthoceras  in 
Triassic  rocks  attests  the  survival  of  a  purely  Palaeozoic  type 
into  the  lower  part  of  the  Mesozoic. 

The  Mesozoic,  or  era  of  "  middle  life,"  is  divided  by  European 
geologists  into  three  periods :  Triassic,  Jurassic,  and  Cretaceous. 
American  geologists  are  now  inclined  to  recognise  four  periods : 
Triassic,  Jurassic,  Comanchian,  and  Cretaceous.  A  general 
account  of  the  physical,  faunal,  and  floral  characteristics  of 
the  era  as  a  whole  can  be  better  understood  after  the  periods 
have  been  considered :  such  a  description  is  deferred,  therefore, 
to  Chapter  XV. 


In  Germany,  where  the  rocks  of  this  system  were  first 
studied,  the  strata  may  be  distinctly  arranged  in  three  series: 
on  this  account  the  system  was  named  Triassic.  Names  based 
on  local  peculiarities  are  generally  found  to  be  unsatisfactory, 
and  the  present  instance  is  no  exception,  as  a  three-fold 
division  of  the  rocks  of  the  system  is  not  observed  in  other 
parts  of  the  world.  The  rocks  of  the  type  locality  are  largely 
of  continental  origin,  and  it  has  become  customary  to  dis- 
tinguish this  facies  as  the  German  Triassic.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  Triassic  strata  of  the  Alps  are  distinctly  of  saltwater 
origin;  in  consequence,  the  marine  facies  of  the  system  is 
called  the  Alpine  Triassic. 


The  elevation  which  resulted  from  the  Appalachian  revolu- 
tion left  the  eastern  shore  of  the  continent  farther  out  to  sea 
than  at  present ;  in  consequence,  any  marine  strata  that  were 
formed  off  the  coast  are  still  hidden  beneath  the  waters  of  the 
ocean.  Faulting  and  other  terrestrial  disturbances  affected 
the  eastern  border  region,  with  the  production  of  gradually 
rising  sections  separated  by  narrow  troughs  or  valleys.  In 
these  valleys  were  deposited  coarse  and  rapidly  accumulated 


sediments  derived  from  the  decay  of  the  neighbouring  land- 
masses.  The  Triassic  rocks  of  eastern  North  America,  there- 
fore, are  distinctly  of  non-marine  or  continental  origin.  The 
state  of  unrest  indicated  by  the  extensive  faulting  of  the  time 
naturally  facilitated  igneous  activity,  with  the  result  that 
many  sills  and  flows  of  dark,  basic  rocks  are  associated  with 
the  sedimentaries.  The  close  of  Triassic  time  was  marked  in 
this  area  by  a  considerable  elevation  which  affected  the  region 
to  the  east  of  the  Appalachian  mountains. 

On  the  western  side  of  the  continent  the  waters  of  the 
Pacific  ocean  advanced  over  a  wide  area,  and  at  the  same 
time  there  was  a  tremendous  manifestation  of  volcanic 
activity.  All  along  the  continental  shelf,  from  California  to 
Alaska,  the  Triassic  sedimentaries  are  mingled  with  effusive 
and  fragmental  rocks  of  volcanic  origin.  A  pronounced 
elevation  accompanied  by  much  folding  of  the  rocks  brought 
the  Triassic  period  to  an  end  in  the  Cordilleran  region.  This 
event  was  more  profound  in  Alaska,  but  its  effects  were  felt 
far  to  the  south:  it  has  been  called  the  Chitistone  disturbance 
by  Schuchert. 


Only  in  the  extreme  east  and  west  of  the  Dominion  are 
Triassic  rocks  known:  they  may  conveniently  be  described 
under  two  areas: 

i.  NOVA  SCOTIA  AREA.  The  sedimentary  rocks  of  this  age 
are  chiefly  soft,  friable  sandstones,  often  associated  with  beds 
of  gypsum.  They  occur  on  the  shores  of  Minas  basin  and 
eastward  to  beyond  Truro,  also  on  Annapolis  bay,  and  near 
Quaco  on  the  New  Brunswick  side  of  the  Bay  of  Fundy.  These 
rocks  rest  with  profound  unconformity  on  the  underlying 
strata,  and  were  deposited  in  one  of  the  narrow  troughs  which 
we  have  already  seen  to  be  characteristic  of  the  physical 
geography  of  eastern  North  America  in  Triassic  time. 

Of  greater  importance  than  the  sedimentaries  are  the  flows 
of  igneous  rock,  which  in  their  more  solid  phases  are  dark- 
coloured  diabases.  Associated  with  these  massive  rocks  are 
less  compact,  amygdaloidal  flows  of  grey,  green,  red,  or  purple 



colour.  The  whole  south-east  coast  of  the  Bay  of  Fundy,  from 
the  extremity  of  the  neck  of  Digby  to  Cape  Split,  is  bordered 
by  rocks  of  this  kind;  they  also  occur  on  the  north  shore  of 
Minas  basin  and  on  Grand  Manan  island. 

Many  of  the  more  massive  flows  show  to  perfection  the 
columnar  jointing  so  characteristic  of  volcanic  rocks.  This 
feature  adds  to  the  beauty  and  interest  of  a  strip  of  bold  and 

From  a  photograph  by  Professor  Clarkson,  Wolfville,  7V.S. 

picturesque  coast  which  is  in  pleasing  contrast  to  the  prevailing 
mud  flats  of  much  of  the  Fundy  shore. 

The  amygdules  or  almond-shaped  cavities  in  the  less  massive 
flows  in  many  cases  have  been  filled  with  secondary  minerals, 
particularly  varieties  of  silica  and  zeolites.  The  disintegration 
of -the  rock  sets  free  the  harder  substances  which  are  often 
found  in  the  form  of  pebbles  at  the  base  of  the  cliffs.  Agate, 
moss  agate,  chalcedony,  and  amethyst,  frequently  of  great 
beauty  and  decorative  value,  are  to  be  obtained  at  many 
points  along  the  coast. 

2.  BRITISH  COLUMBIA  AREA.   Before  describing  the  Triassic 


rocks  of  this  region  it  is  advisable  to  review  briefly  the  events 
which  we  have  already  considered.  We  have  seen  that  a 
Pre-cambrian  landmass  existed  in  central  and  western  British 
Columbia,  that  the  Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline  developed 
to  the  east  of  this  old  land,  and  that  through  all  Palaeozoic 
time  strata  accumulated  in  this  depression  to  an  enormous 
thickness.  We  have  also  seen  that  in  the  Upper  Carboniferous 
epoch  the  region  to  the  west  of  the  Selkirk  and  Columbian 
mountains  was  depressed  beneath  the  sea  for  the  first  time 
and  became  a  new  region  of  sedimentation,  to  which  the  name 
Western  geosyncline  is  given. 

In  the  Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline  sedimentation  con- 
tinued into  Permian  time,  but  the  disturbances  at  the  end  of 
the  Palaeozoic  caused  a  temporary  retreat  of  the  sea,  with  the 
result  that  no  strata  were  made  in  Triassic  time  in  southern 
British  Columbia.  Authorities  are  not  agreed  on  this  point,  as 
some  ascribe  the  Upper  Banff  shale  to  the  Triassic.  Farther 
north,  however,  on  the  Peace  river,  undoubted  marine 
Triassic  rocks  occur. 

Over  a  wide  region  of  the  Western  geosyncline  sedimentary 
and  volcanic  rocks  were  deposited  on  the  old  Pre-cambrian 
floor  in  the  Upper  Carboniferous.  It  is  possible  that  this 
condition  continued  into  the  Permian,  but  rocks  of  this  age 
are  doubtful  and  we  may  conclude  that  the  Permian  was 
largely  a  time  of  uplift  and  erosion  in  the  western  geosyncline. 
Triassic  time,  however,  witnessed  a  second  wide-spread  de- 
pression in  the  region  of  the  Western  geosyncline  and  a 
deposition  of  sediments  on  the  eroded  surface  of  the  Upper 
Carboniferous  rocks.  The  Triassic  sedimentaries,  however, 
are  insignificant  in  amount  when  compared  with  the  great 
volume  of  igneous  matter  extruded  during  the  period.  From 
fissures  in  the  earth's  crust,  and  less  frequently  from  volcanic 
craters,  enormous  masses  of  basalt  and  diabase  were  mingled 
with  the  sedimentaries.  To  the  whole  complex  of  igneous  and 
sedimentary  rocks  the  name  Nicola  series  has  been  given;  in 
places  this  series  is  13,500  feet  thick  and  consists,  to  nine-tenths 
of  its  volume,  of  igneous  rocks. 

A  subsequent  event,  the  formation  of  the  Coast  Range,  has 
divided  the  region  of  the  Western  geosyncline  into  two  great 
north-and-south  belts.  Both  Carboniferous  and  Triassic  rocks, 


therefore,  are  to  be  found  in  two  general  regions  of  the  old 
Western  geosyncline — the  central  interior  and  the  islands  of 
the  Pacific  coast. 

Although  the  copper,  gold,  and  silver  ores  of  southern 
British  Columbia  were  formed  at  a  later  time,  they  frequently 
occur  in  association  with  the  igneous  rocks  of  Carboniferous 
and  Triassic  age.  The  Triassic  limestones  of  the  southern 
end  of  Texada  island  in  the  Strait  of  Georgia  yield  a  very 
handsome  red  variegated  marble. 


PLANTS.  The  ascendancy  of  vascular  cryptogams  ends  with 
the  Palaeozoic,  for  the  life  of  the  Triassic  period  shows  a  great 
increase  in  the  gymnosperms  as  represented  by  conifers  and 
more  particularly  by  cycads.  As  these  trees  were  destined 
to  become  dominant  in  the  later  periods  of  the  Mesozoic,  we 
have  in  the  Triassic  a  time  of  change,  an  interregnum  between 
the  reigns  of  the  cryptogams  and  the  gymnosperms,  with  the 
new  type  already  ascendant. 

The  great  lepidodendrons  and  sigillarias  had  practically 
disappeared,  but  the  calamites  were  represented  by  quite 
numerous  species  still  of  large  size,  but  more  closely  related  to 
the  modern  horsetails  than  Calamites  itself.  Ferns  of  new 
genera  were  also  fairly  abundant.  Cycads  with  great  green 
leaves  (Pterophyllum)  and  the  small-leaved,  araucarian-like 
conifers  (Voltzia)  ruled  the  vegetation,  at  least  of  the  higher 
lands,  and  imparted  to  the  forest  landscape  of  the  time  a 
somewhat  gloomy  and  monotonous  appearance. 

The  known  species  of  Triassic  plants  are  very  numerous, 
and  more  than  a  third  of  these  are  American.  The  Triassic 
strata  of  Virginia  have  yielded  the  most  abundant  remains. 

INVERTEBRATES.  The  continental  character  of  many  of  the 
Triassic  sediments  and  the  mingling  of  others  with  volcanic 
rocks  have  not  favoured  the  preservation  of  marine  fossils. 
Although  the  fauna,  on  the  whole,  is  rather  scanty  on  this 
account,  nevertheless  in  regions  of  marine  sedimentation, 
where  the  Alpine  type  of  Triassic  rock  was  formed,  fossils  of 
marine  invertebrates  are  not  wanting.  The  Palaeozoic  type  of 



coral  has  disappeared  and  its  place  is  taken  by  a  new  race, 
the  Hexacoralla,  which  has  persisted  to  the  present  day.  The 
decline  of  the  brachiopods  is  pronounced,  and  their  position 
is  now  subservient  to  that  of  the  molluscs.  The  newer  type 
of  pelecypod  which  began  to  make  its  presence  felt  in  Per- 
mian time  is  now  firmly  established  and  is  represented  by 
such  genera  as  Pecten  and  Myophoria.  Gastropods,  while 
a  little  behind  the  pelecypods  in  development,  are  repre- 
sented by  new  forms  with  which  are  mingled  survivals 
of  Palaeozoic  types. 

Among  the  molluscs,  the  cephalopods  show  the  most  striking 
changes.     The  old  nautiloid  type  is  almost  extinct,  and  the 


i.  Ceratites  nodosus;    2.  Encrinus  liliiformis; 
2,  one-half  size;   3, 

3.  Pecten  valoniensis.     i,  natural  size; 
two-  thirds  size. 

goniatitoids  give  place  to  ceratitoids  and  ammonitoids.  We 
have  seen  that  the  clymenoids  of  the  Devonian  and  the 
goniatitoids  of  the  Carboniferous  are  distinguished  by  an 
increasing  angularity  of  the  suture  or  line  of  union  between 
the  partitions  and  the  shell  wall.  The  ceratitoids  have  folded 
sutures  with  the  backward  turn  of  the  fold  crumpled;  the 
ammonitoids  show  a  remarkable  degree  of  complexity  in  the 
folding  of  the  suture.  The  amount  of  evolution  accomplished 
by  these  organisms  in  the  Triassic  was  remarkable.  Ceratites 
is  typically  Triassic,  andArcestes  is  a  good  example  of  the  type 
with  highly  developed  sutures. 

The  echinoderms  of  the  Palaeozoic  have  all  passed  away.  No 
cystids  or  blastoids  are  known  in  the  Triassic,  and  the  abundant 



Crinoids  of  the  Carboniferous,  decadent  in  the  Permian,  are 
now  represented  by  an  incoming  race  of  different  type.  In  the 
new  type  of  crinoid  the  space 
inside  the  arms  is  not  plated  but 
is  protected  by  a  tough  mem- 
brane, and  the  arms  are  more 
developed  than  in  the  Palaeozoic 
forms.  Encrinus  liliiformis  is  a 
very  typical  fossil  of  the  time. 
The  modern  kind  of  sea  urchin 
with  twenty  rows  of  plates  re- 
places the  archaic  type  of  the 
Palaeozoic.  Cidaris  is  the  most 
abundant  Triassic  sea  urchin. 

The  higher  crustaceans  are 
represented  by  the  decapod 

FISH.  The  Triassic  fish  fauna 
is  not  remarkable  and  bears  a 
strong  resemblance  to  that  of  the 
Permian.  Heterocercal  ganoids 
and  other  ganoids  of  a  higher 
type  were  dominant.  Sharks  are 
known  by  teeth  and  spines,  and 
the  last  of  the  marine  lung-fishes 
by  numerous  teeth  of  Ceratodus. 

AMPHIBIA.  These  creatures 
attained  their  maximum  de- 
velopment in  this  period,  which 
together  with  the  Permian  may  be  called  the  Age  of  Amphibia. 
The  labyrinthodont  type  of  stegocephalian  is  particularly 
abundant,  and  is  represented  by  some  forms  of  great  size,  e.g. 
Mastodonsaurus,  with  a  head  a  metre  and  a  quarter  in  length. 

REPTILES.  We  have  seen  that  a  remarkable  development 
of  .reptilian  life  was  a  feature  of  the  Permian;  in  the  Triassic 
this  development  continued  to  such  a  degree  that  the  fore- 
runners of  all  the  great  tribes  of  reptiles,  except  the  snakes, 
had  appeared  before  the  close  of  the  period.  The  small  reptiles 
of  the  Permian  seem  to  have  had  but  a  short  term  of  existence, 
for  all  the  species,  and  in  many  cases  the  sub-orders  to  which 

Pemphix  sueurii.   After  Zittel. 



they   belong,    had   become   extinct   before   the   opening   of 
Triassic  time. 

A  remarkable  group  of  reptiles  from  the  Karoo  formation  of 

Nothosaurus.   From  Williston,  "  Water  Reptiles,  Past  and  Present." 

South  Africa  is  the  Theriodontia,  or  beast- toothed  forms.  These 
animals  show  many  anatomical  peculiarities  which  suggest  a 

Mystriosuchus.  From  Williston,  "  Water  Reptiles,  Past  and  Present." 

mammalian  relationship,  and  it  is  confidently  believed  by 
many  authorities  that  it  was  from  these  reptiles  that  the 



great  race  of  mammals  arose.   Cynognathus  is  one  of  the  most 
typical  examples. 

The  extraordinary  sea-going  reptiles  which  became  so 
abundant  in  the  later  periods  of  the  Mesozoic,  and  which  are 
more  fully  described 
on  page  300,  had  their 
beginning  here.  The 
long- necked  type  is  re- 
presented by  Notho- 
saurus  and  primitive 
examples  of  Plesio- 
saurus,  and  the  short- 
necked  type  by  primi- 
tive ichthyosaurs. 

True  crocodiles  had 
not  yet  appeared,  but 
an  archaic  order  known 


as   the  Parasuchia 
particularly  character- 

pic.  147.      TRIASSIC   VERTEBRATES 

Upper  figure,  Anchisaurus  colurus,  one  of  the  earliest 
dinosaurs.  Lower  figure,  Rutiodon  manhattanensis, 
a  phytosaur  or  ancestral  crocodile.  After  Lull  and 

istic   of   the   Triassic. 

These    creatures    are 

crocodile  -  like,       but 

differ  in  the  constant 

possession  of  a  long  snout  and  in  the  position  of  the  external 

nostrils,  which  are  placed  far  back  near  the  eye,  instead  of 

being  situated  at  the  end  of  the  snout.     Belodon,  Mystrio- 

suchus,  and  Rutiodon  are  typical  examples. 

The  most  extraordinary  group  of  all  the  reptiles  is  that  of 
the  dinosaurs,  which  will  be  more  fully  considered  later.  It 
is  interesting  to  note  that  the  earliest  examples  of  this  great 
race  of  land  or  marsh- dwelling  reptiles  are  known  from  the 
Triassic  rocks.  Anchisaurus  is  a  form  from  Connecticut  well 
worthy  of  note.  From  Prince  Edward  island  a  related  dino- 
saur has  been  described  under  the  name  Bathygnathus  borealis. 

In  addition  to  actual  skeletons,  the  Triassic  rocks 
have  yielded  a  remarkable  number  of  footprints  which 
were  the  occasion  of  much  speculation  before  the  discovery 
of  distinct  remains. 



WHILE  the  term  Triassic  is  of  German  origin,  the  Jurassic 
period  owes  its  name  to  Swiss  and  French  geologists,  by  whom 
the  rocks  of  the  system  were  studied  in  the  Jura  mountains. 
If  priority  of  name  were  strictly  adhered  to  we  should  call 
this  system  the  Oolite,  a  name  given  to  it  at  an  earlier  date 
by  the  great  English  geologist,  William  Smith.  As  the 
term  Oolite  refers  to  a  structural  peculiarity  of  some  of  the 
rocks,  it  has  been  abandoned  in  favour  of  the  name  of 
geographical  origin. 

The  Jurassic  is  a  great  system  which  has  been  recognised 
in  many  parts  of  the  world,  but  the  conditions  of  sedimenta- 
tion were  very  different  at  different  places,  and  distinct 
changes  are  to  be  observed  within  limited  geographical  bounds. 
The  Jurassic  formations  are  local  in  development,  a  condition 
which  seems  to  increase  with  the  passage  of  geological  time. 


Throughout  Jurassic  time  a  very  large  part  of  the  present 
area  of  North  America  remained  out  of  water  and  conse- 
quently was  subject  to  profound  erosion.  Jurassic  history  is 
written  in  North  America  only  in  the  Pacific  border  region. 
Early  Jurassic  time  was  marked  by  a  marine  invasion  which 
affected  the  coast  arid  islands  in  the  northern  part  of  this 
district  and  farther  south  advanced  over  parts  of  California, 
Oregon,  and  Nevada.  In  later  Jurassic  time  a  greater  flood 
from  the  north  (Logan  sea)  advanced  over  a  large  part  of 
Alaska  and  British  Columbia,  extending  as  far  south  as  the 
state  of  Utah. 

We  have  seen  that  a  state  of  unrest  existed  in  this  area 
during  the  Permian  and  Triassic,  and  that  volcanic  activity 
was  manifested  on  a  large  scale.  Again,  in  the  Jurassic  vul- 



canism  was  pronounced  with  a  great  outpouring  of  basic 
lavas  and  other  volcanic  products  along  the  continental  shelf. 
The  period  was  brought  to  a  close  by  a  profound  elevation 
whereby  the  Cascade  and  other  ranges  of  mountains  were 
formed.  This  event  was  accompanied  by  the  most  extra- 
ordinary outburst  of  molten  matter  that  has  occurred  since 
the  Pre-cambrian. 

From  Lower  California  to  Alaska  the  pre-existing  rocks  were 
torn  open,  invaded,  and  lifted  up  as  remnants  by  enormous 
upwellings  of  igneous  magmas  of  an  acid  nature,  which  on 
consolidation  have  resulted  in  rocks  of  a  general  granitic 
aspect.  These  rocks  in  the  form  of  multiple  batholiths  now 
constitute  whole  ranges  of  mountains,  e.g.  a  great  range 
in  the  Sierra  Nevada  mountains  and  the  Coast  Range  of 
British  Columbia. 


It  is  evident  from  what  has  already  been  said  that  Jurassic 
strata  can  appear  only  in  the  western  part  of  Canada.  Owing 
to  the  inaccessible  location  of  much  of  the  northern  region,  in 
which  Jurassic  rocks  are  thought  to  occur,  the  limits  of  the 
system  have  not  yet  been  worked  out  in  detail.  The  known 
occurrences  may  be  roughly  divided  into  four  areas  as  below: 

i.  ROCKY  MOUNTAIN  AREA.  We  have  seen  that  the  Rocky 
Mountain  geosyncline  continued  to  be  an  area  of  deposition 
until  the  close  of  Permian  time,  that  the  sea  was  partially 
withdrawn  during  the  Triassic,  and  that  it  returned  in  the 
latter  half  of  the  Jurassic  period.  The  upward  and  downward 
movements  whereby  these  changes  were  effected  must  have 
been  of  a  broad  and  gentle  character,  for  the  Jurassic  strata 
rest  with  scarcely  a  disconformity  on  the  Upper  Banff  shales 
of  the  Permian.1  These  rocks  consist  entirely  of  shales  and 
constitute  a  formation  known  as  the  Fernie,  which  reaches 
in  places  a  thickness  of  1500  feet.  The  strata  are  fossiliferous 
and  contain  an  abundance  of  ammonites  and  belemnites  in 

1  The  apparent  conformity  of  the  Upper  Banff  shales  with  the  over- 
lying Fernie  beds  has  been  used  as  an   argument  in  favour  of  the 
Triassic  age  of  the  former.     See  pages  280  and  282. 


places.  Exposures  are  best  seen  in  the  valleys  between  the 
more  easterly  ranges.  The  rocks  doubtless  originally  extended 
across  the  whole  area  occupied  by  these  ranges,  but  since  the 
uplift  of  the  mountains  they  have  been  removed  by  erosion 
from  the  summits  of  the  ranges.  The  eastward  extension 
of  the  Fernie  shale  is  proved  by  its  occurrence,  but  with 
greatly  diminished  thickness,  in  the  foothills  east  of  the 
main  mountains. 

2.  INTERIOR  BRITISH  COLUMBIA  AREA.    The  broad  region 
lying  between  the  Columbian  mountains  and  the  Coast  Range 
constitutes  the  interior  plateau  area  of  British  Columbia.    In 
the  southern  part  of  this  belt  sedimentary  strata  of  Jurassic 
age  are  doubtful;   but  farther  north,  along  the  line  of  the 
Grand  Trunk  Pacific  Railway,  the  Hazelton  formation  contains 
fossils  which  attest  its  Jurassic  age.     The  rocks  are  chiefly 
tufaceous  sandstones  and  dark-coloured  shales,  which  indi- 
cate that  continental  accumulations  were  mingled  with  marine 
deposits  in  building  up  the  beds. 

3.  YUKON  AREA.    Near  the  Alaska  boundary  and  at  other 
points  in  the  far  north  sedimentary  strata  are  found  which 
are  probably  to  be  ascribed  to  the  Jurassic  system. 

4.  COAST   AND   ISLANDS   AREA.      Jurassic   rocks,    chiefly 
argillites  and  limestones,  occur  on  Vancouver  island,  Texada 
island,    Queen   Charlotte   island,    and   other  islands   of   the 
Pacific  coast.     In  all  cases  they  are  much  cut  by  volcanics 
and  frequently  interbedded  with  fragmental  and  extrusive 
rocks   of   igneous    origin.      The   whole   complex    reaches   a 
thickness  of  several  thousand  feet,  and  is  referred  to  as  the 
Vancouver  group. 

The  association  of  the  limestones  with  volcanic  rocks  has 
rendered  them  crystalline  in  structure:  they  are  quarried  for 
lime  and  cement-making,  for  use  in  the  pulp  mills,  and  for 
flux  in  metallurgical  operations; 


During  this  period  igneous  activity  was  not  shown  in  the 
region  of  the  Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline;  in  consequence, 
the  Fernie  shale  of  this  section  is  not  associated  with  volcanic 
rocks.  On  the  other  hand,  all  the  Jurassic  rocks  of  the  islands 



are  cut  by  dikes,  covered  by  flows,  and  intermingled  with 
fragmentaries.  The  most  abundant  volcanic  rocks  are  ande- 
sites  and  andesite  porphyries,  but  the  more  basic  rocks,  such 
as  basalt,  are  not  infrequent. 

Of  greater  importance  are  the  immense  masses  of  grano- 
diorite  and  related  rocks,  which  in  the  form  of  batholiths 
appeared  at  the  close  of  Jurassic  time.  For  more  than  a 

FIG.   148.       SKETCH    MAP    OF    BRITISH    COLUMBIA 

Showing  the  Coast  Range  batholith,  the  Nelson  batholith,  and  other  smaller  masses  of  granite 
or  related  rocks.  The  Coast  Range  is  not  indicated  on  the  Alaskan  side  of  the  boundary. 

thousand  miles  along  the  coast,  with  a  width  varying  from 
30  to  1 20  miles,  stretches  the  great  Coast  Range  of  mountains, 
which  is  made  up  entirely  of  these  rocks.  The  appearance  of 
this  range  marks  a  great  change  in  the  topography  of  British 
Columbia,  for  the  region  of  the  Western  geosyncline  is  now 
cut  into  two. 

Other  less  extensive  but  very  large  batholiths  of  grano- 
diorite,  some  of  which  may  be  of  slightly  later  age,  occur  at 
several  places  in  British  Columbia:  most  important  of  these 


are  the  batholiths  of  Vancouver  island  and  of  Nelson,  in  the 
southern  part  of  the  province. 

The  rocks  of  the  Coast  Range  and  of  the  Nelson  batholith 
are  extensively  quarried  for  building  purposes.  The  stone  is 
a  grey  to  pink  granodiorite,  and  it  has  been  used  for  some 
of  the  finest  structures  in  Victoria,  Vancouver,  and  other 
western  cities. 


In  favoured  localities  the  life  of  Jurassic  time  was  exceed- 
ingly abundant  and  varied.  The  new  type  of  life  which  was 
foreshadowed  in  the  Permian  and  became  ascendant  in  the 
Triassic  now  reaches  a  remarkable  development.  The  varied 
conditions  of  sedimentation,  marine,  brackish,  and  freshwater, 
has  permitted  the  preservation  of  a  correspondingly  varied 
fauna  and  flora,  and  the  favourable  character  of  many  of  the 
sediments  has  made  possible  the  entombing  of  organisms  of 
the  most  delicate  structure. 

The  outstanding  features  of  Jurassic  life  are : 

(i)  The  dominance  of  cycads  and  conifers. 

(a)  The  profusion  of  gastropods  and  pelecypods. 

(3)  The    extraordinary    development    of    ammonites    and 

(4)  The  ascendancy  among  the  fish  of  the  "  shining- scaled 

(5)  The  number  and  variety  of  reptiles. 

The  great  development  of  Jurassic  strata  in  Europe,  the 
excellent  preservation  of  the  fossils,  and  the  accessibility  of 
the  exposures  have  all  contributed  to  the  knowledge  of  these 
remains,  of  which  about  15,000  species  are  known.  In  North 
America,  as  we  have  already  seen,  nearly  all  these  favourable 
conditions  were  absent.  Most  of  the  continent  was  out  of 
water  all  through  Jurassic  time,  and  the  areas  in  which 
sedimentation  did  take  place  were  subject  to  both  contem- 
poraneous and  subsequent  vulcanism.  As  a  result  of  these 
conditions  the  Jurassic  strata  of  North  America  have  yielded 
a  flora  and  fauna  insignificant  when  compared  with  those 
of  Europe. 

In  Canada  the  Fernie  shale  is  fossiliferous  in  places,  and 



some  of  the  layers  of  the  Vancouver  group  in  Queen  Charlotte 
island  have  yielded  many  fossils.  In  both  cases,  however, 
the  fossils  are  badly  preserved  and  are  frequently  pressed  flat. 
Of  the  great  reptiles  the  Canadian  Jurassic  rocks  have  yielded 
no  recognisable  examples,  although  a  few  disconnected  bones 
have  been  found.  In  the  description  of  Jurassic  life  it  is 

FIG.   149.     MESOZOIC    PLANTS 

Figures  i  to  6,  cycads;  Figures  7  and  8,  conifers,  i.  Stem  of  Cycadoidea  superba,  South 
Dakota;  2.  Leaves  of  Zamites  feneonis,  France ;  3.  Leaves  of  Otpzamites beani,  England ; 
4.  Leaf  of  Nilssonia  pplymorpha  (Triassic);  5.  Leaf  of  Zamites  arcticus,  Greenland; 
6.  Cone  of  Williamsonia  gigas  (Liassic);  7.  Voltzia  heterophylla  ;  8.  Araucaria  micro- 
phylla  (Jurassic).  Various  reductions.  After  Wieland,  Saporta,  Nathorst,  Heer,  and 

apparent   that   we   must   look   beyond   Canada   for   typical 


Jurassic  time  is  essentially  the  age  of  the  gymnosperms;  it 
shows  an  accentuation  of  the  conditions  of  the  Triassic  period, 
i.e.  the  ascendancy  of  the  gymnosperms  over  the  cryptogams 
is  more  pronounced.  Cycads  occupy  the  first  position  and  are 
represented  by  a  great  many  genera,  of  which  Nilssonia, 



Otozamites,  and  Williamsonia  will  serve  as  examples.  The 
second  place  is  taken  by  the  conifers  like  Araucarites  and 

Pinus,  and  there  is  still  a  con- 
siderable survival  of  horsetails 
and  ferns.  The  peculiar  maiden- 
hair tree  (Ginkoales),  which  pos- 
sibly appeared  as  low  as  the 
Carboniferous,  is  represented  by 
a  considerable  number  of  species. 


The  small  unicellular  animals 
(Protozoa)  which  first  became 
important  in  the  Carboniferous 
and  afterwards  somewhat  de- 
clined are  present  in  great  num- 
bers in  the  Jurassic  rocks. 

Hitherto  the  importance  of 
sponges  has  been  slight,  as  only 
in  certain  formations  of  the 
Silurian  and  Devonian  has  it 
TWO  Australian  species.  After  Muii,  from  been  f ound  necessary  to  refer 

Wieland," American  Fossil  Cycads."        iQ  them       jn   the    Jurassic>   h()W_ 

ever,  sponges  are  so  abundant  that  they  must  be  mentioned 
in  the  most  elementary  account  of  the  life. 

The  skeleton  of  a  sponge  is  composed  of  spicules  of  lime, 
silica,  or  horny  matter.  Most  of  the  Jurassic  sponges  were  of 
the  siliceous  type,  and  of  these  two  kinds  are  known — one  in 
which  the  spicules  are  heavy  and  strongly  interlocked, 
lithistid  or  stony  sponges  (Cnemidiastrum),  and  another  kind 
in  which  the  spicules  are  delicate  six-rayed  structures  so 
arranged  as  to  build  up  a  lattice-like  skeleton  of  extraordinary 
delicacy  (Craticularia) . 

CORALS  abounded  in  favourable  localities;  they  are  even 
more  numerous  than  in  the  Triassic  and  belong  to  the  same 
type,  the  Hexacoralla,  which  is  building  up  the  coral  reefs 
of  to-day. 

ECHINODERMS  are  represented  chiefly  by  sea  lilies  and  sea 
urchins.  The  former  are  of  the  soft-crowned,  more  modern 
type,  which  has  been  briefly  described  in  the  account  of 

FIG.   150.       MODERN    CYCADS 



Triassic  life.  In  certain  layers  of  Jurassic  rocks  crinoids  are 
found  in  a  wonderful  profusion,  which  is  excelled  only  by  the 
maximum  occurrences  of  the  Carbon- 
iferous. The  pear  encrinite,  Apio- 
crinus  rotundus,  and  different  species 
of  the  genus  Extmcrinus  are  particu- 
larly characteristic.  The  latter  genus 
is  very  typical  of  Post-palaeozoic 
crinoids,  as  it  possesses  a  very  long 
stem,  a  small  cup  with  soft  crown, 
and  an  extraordinary  profusion  of 
branching  arms. 

ECHINIDS,  or  sea  urchins,  are  all 
of  the  modern  type,  i.e.  they  have 
twenty  rows  of  plates :  in  this  respect 
they  agree  with  the  Triassic  forms. 
The  prevailing  Triassic  sea  urchin, 
with  sub-spherical  body  and  with  the  FIG.  151.  LIASSIC  CRINOID 

mOUth    and    anal    Orifice    Situated  at  Extracrinus  sp.     From  a  specimen 

,.  in  the   Royal  Ontario   Museum, 

the    tWO   poles  Of    the    Shell,   begins  tO      Toronto.     About    one  -  twelfth 

,                    . ,         .              T             ,  .     .  j  .          natural  size. 

give  place  to  the  irregular  echimd,  in 

which  the  shell  becomes  depressed,  heart-shaped,  etc.,  and 
one  .or  both  of  the  openings  are  removed  to  a  position  near 
the  margin  of  the  shell.  Clypeus  and  Collyrites  are  typical 
Jurassic  genera. 

PELECYPODS  abound.  The  archaic  types  of  the  Palaeozoic 
seas  have  passed  away  and  their  place  is  taken  by  the  new 
life  which  first  made  its  appearance  in  the  Carboniferous. 
The  great  advance  shown  in  the  Triassic  is  maintained; 
numerous  new  families  appear;  and  genera  which  persist  to 
the  present  day  are  inaugurated.  Trigonia  is,  perhaps,  the 
most  characteristic  of  Jurassic  pelecypods:  Gryphcza,  Lima, 
and  Pecten  are  also  very  abundant.  Among  the  genera  found 
in  the  Canadian  Jurassic  rocks  are  Gryphcea,  Pecten,  Avicula, 
Cardium,  and  Ostrea. 

GASTROPODS  are  numerous,  but  they  are  scarcely  as 
important  as  the  pelecypods.  The  class  is  not  so  progressive, 
as  some  of  the  old  Palaeozoic  genera  still  survive.  The  newer 
type  is  predominant,  however,  and  is  represented  by  many 
forms  in  which  the  mouth  of  the  shell  is  no  longer  simple  and 

Lima  gigantea,  two-fifths  natural  size;   2.  Gryphcza  arcuata,  two-fifths  natural  size. 

FIG.    153.     SLAB    FROM    THE    JURASSIC    OF    ENGLAND 
?howing  many  specimens  of  the  pelecypod,  Trigon\a  clavel\a^a.  One-third  siz,§, 



rounded  as  in  most  Palaeozoic  gastropods,  but  is  drawn  out 
into  tube-like  extensions.  This  change  in  the  shell  indicates 
that  the  animals  had  acquired  a  more  specialised  way  of 
taking  water  into  the  gill  cavity.  Nerinea  and  Purpuriwa 
are  common  forms. 

CEPHALOPODS    are    the    most    characteristic    invertebrate 


i.  Amaltheus  margaritatus  ;  2.  Perispkinctes  polyplocus  ;  3.  JF.goceras  capricornis  •  4.  Oxy- 
noticeras  oxynotus  ;  5.  Caloceras  subarmatus  ;  6.  Harpoceras  bifrons.  Figures  reduced 
from  Zittel. 

creatures   of  Jurassic   time:     they   are   represented  by   two 
groups,   the  ammonites  and  the  belemnites. 

The  order  Ammonoidea  includes  all  the  cephalopods  in 
which  the  suture  is  angulated,  from  the  primitive  clymenoids 
to  the  ammonitoids.  Strictly  speaking,  the  term  "ammonite  " 
is  •  synonymous  with  "ammonitoid,"  but  it  is  sometimes 
applied  to  all  members  of  the  order.  The  dominant  Jurassic 
ammonites  were  derived  from  a  parent  stock  which  dates 
back  to  the  Devonian.  This  stock  was  only  one  of  those 



which  flourished  in  the  Triassic,  and  it  is  much  modified  with 
the  advent  of  the  Jurassic.  This  modification  seems  to  consist 
in  a  slight  loss  of  complexity  in  the 
suture,  the  assumption  of  a  high 
degree  of  external  ornamentation, 
and  the  development  of  an  extra- 
ordinary number  of  species. 

American  Jurassic  ammonites  are 
insignificant  in  number  when  com- 
pared with  the  vast  fauna  of  Europe. 
Phylloceras,  Haploceras,  and  Peri- 
sphinctes  are  among  the  commonest 

BELEMNITES  are  related  to  the 
nautiloids  and  ammonites,  but  they 
form  a  shell  of  a  very  different  char- 
acter. Instead  of  being  an  external 
investment  in  which  the  animal  lives, 
it  consists  of  an  elongated  structure 
enclosed  within  the  body  to  give 
rigidity  to  the  creature.  It  is  thought 
that  belemnites  developed  from 
Orthoceras  by  the  gradual  surround- 
ing of  the  shell  by  the  animal.  In 
this  way  the  chambered  cone  of 
Orthoceras  gradually  became  con- 
verted from  an  external  to  an 
internal  structure.  This  change  rendered  useless  the  empty 
chambers  of  the  original  shell,  which  dwindled  in  consequence ; 
at  the  same  time  greater  strength  was  given  to  the  structure 
by  the  formation  of  a  thick  layer  of  calcite  on  the  outside.  The 
final  result  was  a  solid  cigar-shaped  rod  of  calcite  with  a  small 
conical  cavity  at  the  anterior  end  in  which  the  dwarfed 
remnants  of  the  original  chambered  cone  remained.  Belem- 
nites existed  in  enormous  numbers,  as  their  skeletons  (cigar 
fossils)  are  crowded  in  many  layers  of  Jurassic  rock.  Belem- 
nites densus  is  probably  the  best  known  American  example. 
Numerous  belemnites  are  found  in  the  Jurassic  rocks  of 
British  Columbia. 

The  ARTHROPODS,  or  invertebrates  with  jointed  limbs,  are 

FIG.    155.      LIASSIC    AND 

Liassic  of  Dorsetshire; 
3.  Belemnites  canaltculatus, 
Lower  Oolite  of  Wiirtemberg. 
Reduced  from  Zittel. 



represented  by  numerous  types,  among  which  the  ten-footed 

crustaceans,   or   decapods,   and 

the   dragon-flies  are  the  most 

important.   The  decapods  with 

long  tails,  of  which  the  lobster 

is  an   example,   are  numerous 

in    the    fine-grained     lithogra- 

phic  limestones  of  Bavaria,  e.g. 

The     Same     formation 


one-sixth  natural  size.   After  Zittel. 

has  yielded  many  dragon-flies,   of  which   Petalia  will  serve 
as  an  example. 


FISH.   The  heterocercal  ganoids  of  the  Triassic  are  replaced 
in  the  Jurassic  period  by  a  related  group,  in  which  this  archaic 


i.  Lepidotus  notopterus,  one-sixth  natural  size;   2.  Head  of  Aspidorhynchus  acutirostrls. 

After  Zittel. 

form  of  tail  is  less  pronounced,  and  in  which  the  scales  are 
generally  thick  and  covered  with  a  shining  enamel.  This  type 
of  fish  by  a  thinning  of  the  scales  and  the  acquisition  of  a 


bony  skeleton  gives  rise  to  the  modern  bony  fish.  Between 
the  shining-scaled  ganoid  and  the  bony  fish  there  is  no  very 
sharp  line  of  division.  The  great  importance  of  these  fish 
in  the  Jurassic  justifies  the  citation  of  several  examples 
as  follows : 

Dapedius.  Thick  scales  and  deep  body. 

Lepidotus.  Thick  scales  and  fusiform  body.    Large. 

Aspidorhynchus.  Thick  rhomboidal  scales  and  long,  thin 

Pachycormus.  Thin  overlapping  scales  and  long  body. 

Leptolepis.  Thin  scales  and  partly  bony  skeleton.  Shows 
the  transition  to  the  modern  bony  fish. 

In  addition  to  these  ganoids  there  are  many  sharks,  skates, 
rays,  and  chimeras. 

REPTILES.  Not  only  to  the  scientific  worker,  but  to  all 
persons  of  liberal  education,  the  extraordinary  reptilian  life  of 
the  Mesozoic  has  appealed  in  the  strongest  terms.  The 
grotesque  shape,  the  varied  habitat,  and  the  gigantic  pro- 
portions of  these  animals  have  all  contributed  to  make  them 
objects  of  interest  and  astonishment.  Their  influence  is  felt 
beyond  the  realm  of  pure  science :  it  extends  into  the  field  of 
popular  literature  and  has  even  invaded  the  realm  of  fiction. 
Reptiles  dominated  the  time;  they  swam  in  the  seas,  lorded 
over  the  creatures  of  the  land,  infested  the  marshes,  and  even 
flew  in  the  air. 

Palaeontologists  believe  that  water-going  reptiles  did  not 
arise  directly  from  fish,  but  that  they  descended  from  land 
reptiles  which,  in  search  of  food  or  to  escape  their  enemies, 
gradually  became  accustomed  to  life  in  the  water.  This 
adaptation  was  manifested  in  the  Permian,  and  became  more 
pronounced  in  the  Triassic.  In  the  Jurassic  seas  water  reptiles 
reached  a  high  degree  of  development,  and  are  represented  by 
a  number  of  diverse  forms. 

Ichthyosaurs  (fish  lizards)  were  the  most  abundant  type. 
These  creatures  had  a  long,  fish-like  body,  powerful  tail,  short 
neck,  and  four  limbs  in  the  form  of  paddles.  In  some  cases 
they  reached  a  length  of  ten  metres.  Many  species  are  known 
from  the  Jurassic  rocks  of  Europe,  and  to  a  less  extent  from 
America,  Australia,  and  New  Zealand. 


Plesiosaurs  resemble  ichthyosaurs,  but  they  are  thought  to 
have  descended  from  a  different  stock.  They  rival  the  ich- 
thyosaurs in  size  and  are  characterised  by  a  long  neck  and  a 
short  tail.  As  the  tail  is  not  adapted  for  a  swimming  organ 
propulsion  is  effected  by  the  paddles,  which  are  relatively 
longer  than  in  the  ichthyosaurs.  Nothosaurus  of  the  Triassic 
was  a  forerunner  of  the  plesiosaurs,  which  were  numerous  in 
the  Jurassic  and  continue  into  the  Cretaceous. 

Crocodiles  are  represented  by  a  number  of  primitive  forms 
with  long  thin  snouts  (teleosaurs),  and  towards  the  close  of  the 
period  by  smaller  forms  with  broad  snouts.  Sea  turtles  are 
known  before  the  close  of  the  Jurassic,  but  they  attain  a 
greater  prominence  in  later  ages. 

Many  forms  of  land  reptiles  are  known,  but  the  greatest 
interest  is  attached  to  the  group  named  Dinosauria  or  dino- 
saurs. These  creatures  varied  in  size  from  that  of  a  cat  to 
proportions  truly  gigantic.  They  all  had  short,  stout  bodies, 
long  tails,  and  legs  which  were  very  long  for  reptiles.  Instead 
of  crawling,  as  most  reptiles  do,  they  ran  or  walked,  sometimes 
on  all- fours  and  sometimes  on  the  hind  limbs  only.  Anatomists 
recognise  many  distinctive  features  in  dinosaurs,  but  probably 
the  most  characteristic  is  this  method  of  progression. 

Many  dinosaurs  have  been  recorded  as  occurring  in  the 
Jurassic  rocks  of  North  America,  but  the  strata  containing 
them  (Morrison  formation)  are  now  believed  to  be  of  Cretaceous 
age.  No  dinosaurian  remains  in  rocks  of  certain  Jurassic  age 
are  known  in  North  America. 

Dinosaurs  are  extremely  varied  and  have  been  classified 
in  different  ways  by  different  authors;  in  general,  it  may  be 
said  that  there  are  three  types — carnivorous,  amphibious, 
and  beaked. 

Carnivorous  dinosaurs  have  large  heads,  short  necks, 
clawed  digits,  long  powerful  hind  limbs  and  much  shorter 
fore  limbs,  and  sharp-pointed  serrated  teeth.  This  type  of 
dinosaur  is  much  more  important  in  the  Cretaceous,  but 
complete  skeletons  of  small  forms  and  numerous  fragmentary 
remains  have  been  found  in  the  Jurassic  rocks  of  Europe. 

Amphibious  dinosaurs,  in  all  probability,  were  numerous 
in  North  America  during  the  Jurassic,  but  owing  to  the 
unfavourable  conditions  of  preservation  their  remains  have 



not  been  found.  Their  abrupt  appearance  at  the  very  base 
of  the  Cretaceous  leads  to  the  above  inference,  but  in  view 
of  the  actual  evidence  we  must  regard  them  as  essentially 
Lower  Cretaceous  fossils. 

Beaked  dinosaurs,  despite  their  great  size,  are  very  bird- 
like  in  many  points  of  their  anatomy,  particularly  in  the 
presence  of  a  horny  sheath  in  the  front  of  the  jaws.  This  is  a 
large  group  of  dinosaurs  of  diverse  shape  and  varied  habit. 
Although  of  smaller  size  than  the  giant  amphibious  forms, 
they  reach  huge  proportions  and  are  remarkable  in  some  cases 


i.  Rhamphorhynchus,  Jurassic,  one-seventh  size;   2.  Scaphognathus  crassirostris,  Jurassic. 


for  the  peculiar  shape  of  the  body  and  in  others  for  the 
extraordinary  defensive  armour.  Scelidosaurus  is  an  un- 
armoured  form  and  Omosaurus  an  armoured  type  from  the 
Jurassic  of  Europe. 

Flying  reptiles  are  remarkable  creatures  which  appeared 
at  the  beginning  of  the  Jurassic  and  continued  into  the 
Cretaceous  period  with  very  little  essential  change.  Large  and 
small  forms  are  known,  but  all  are  distinguished  by  a  great 
extension  of  the  little  finger,  which  served  as  a  support  for  a 
flap  of  skin  stretched  between  the  fore  limb  and  the  side  of 
the  body.  This  wing-like  structure  served  as  an  organ  of 
flight,  but  it  is  not  to  be  compared  with  the  true  wing  of  the 



bird.  These  animals  are  true  reptiles,  but  their  bones  are 
modified  to  secure  lightness  and  thus  assist  the  power  of 
flight.  Dimorphodon  and  Rhamphorhynchus  are  long-tailed 
forms  of  considerable  size;  Pterodactylus  is  a  smaller  form 
with  a  very  short  tail. 

BIRDS.  The  earliest  bird  is  known  by  two  well-preserved 
skeletons  from  the  lithographic  limestone  of  Bavaria  and  by 
less  perfect  forms  from  the  Jurassic  strata  of  Wyoming.  The 
European  bird,  Arch&opteryx,  is  about  the  size  of  a  crow  and 


differs  from  all  modern  birds  in  several  particulars,  all  of 
which  prove  its  descent  from  reptilian  ancestors.  Both  the 
upper  and  the  lower  jaws  are  armed  with  numerous  teeth, 
the  tail  is  an  elongated  structure  composed  of  many  vertebrae, 
and  the  wing  or  modified  fore  limb  carries  three  clawed  digits. 
MAMMALS.  The  Mammalia,  the  highest  form  of  animal  life, 
differ  from  the  reptiles  in  numerous  ways;  they  all  possess 
warm  blood,  provide  milk  for  the  young,  are  more  or  less 
hairy,  and  have  a  more  perfect  circulatory  system.  Mammals 
are  of  much  higher  intelligence  than  reptiles,  and  their  actions 
are  controlled  by  an  ability  to  lay  plans,  to  track  their  prey, 
and  to  attack  their  enemies  in  the  most  vulnerable  parts. 


Reptiles  exhibit  none  of  these  attributes,  as  their  actions  seem 
to  consist  of  instinctive  rushes  only. 

The  most  lowly  of  existing  mammals  are  small  egg-laying 
forms  now  living  in  Australia.  These  creatures,  when  young, 
have  peculiar  teeth  which  are  shed  in  the  adult.  Teeth  of  a 
very  similar  character  have  been  found  in  Triassic  rocks,  but 
whether  these  are  really  mammalian  is  open  to  question.  In 
the  Jurassic,  however,  both  jaws  and  teeth  are  known,  which 
leave  little  doubt  that  diminutive  and  very  primitive  mammals 
had  made  their  appearance. 

The  living  marsupials  (kangaroos,  opossums,  etc.)  are 
animals  of  higher  organisation  than  those  referred  to  in  the 
last  paragraph.  Teeth  and  jaws  of  small  creatures  believed 
to  be  marsupials  have  been  found  in  both  Triassic  and  Jurassic 
rocks.  The  Triassic  forms  are  reptile-like,  but  the  Jurassic 
examples  are  more  distinctly  mammalian. 



THIS  great  system  receives  its  name  from  the  fact  that  chalk 
(creta)  is  an  important  constituent  of  the  strata  where  first 
studied  in  England  and  France.  The  inappropriateness  of 
names  founded  on  rock  characteristics  is  again  illustrated  by 
the  word  "Cretaceous,"  for  chalk  beds  are  by  no  means 
constant  members  of  the  system.  The  Cretaceous  rocks  of 
Canada,  for  instance,  are  practically  devoid  of  chalk,  and 
even  limestone  is  of  rare  occurrence. 

The  Cretaceous  system  is  very  complex,  and  the  deposits 
of  one  locality  are  with  difficulty  compared  with  those  of 
others.  Geographical  conditions  varied  greatly,  not  only  in 
the  different  continents,  but  in  different  parts  of  the  same 
continent.  In  Europe,  for  instance,  two  distinct  areas  of 
deposition  are  generally  recognised,  and  some  authors  would 
increase  the  number  to  three.  The  strata  are  different  in  these 
basins,  and  the  faunas,  while  showing  a  general  parallelism, 
have  distinctive  characters  in  each  area. 

In  England  the  earlier  Cretaceous  deposits  in  the  southern 
shires  are  largely  of  freshwater  origin,  while  in  the  north  they 
are  distinctly  marine.  Wider-spread  marine  conditions  pre- 
vailed in  the  latter  part  of  the  period,  but  no  very  distinct 
division  into  Upper  and  Lower  Cretaceous  was  suggested  by 
the  earlier  studies  of  the  English  strata.  On  the  Continent, 
however,  such  a  division  is  much  more  apparent,  and  English 
geologists  now  recognise  a  formation  of  dark  blue  clay 
(Gault)  as  the  base  of  the  upper  division.  The  Lower  Creta- 
ceous formations  of  Europe  indicate  mixed  marine  and 
continental  conditions  of  sedimentation,  while  the  Upper 
Cretaceous  formations  are  distinctly  marine  and  point  to  a 
very  extensive  flooding  of  the  continent. 

In  North  America,  the  break  between  the  Lower  and  Upper 
Cretaceous  is  still  more  profound ;  indeed,  it  is  so  marked  that 
American  geologists  separate  the  strata  into  two  distinct 
u  305 


systems — Comanchian  and  Cretaceous — believing  that  the 
break  is  comparable  in  magnitude  with  those  that  separate 
the  other  great  systems.  While  this  subdivision  is  doubtless 
better  in  accord  with  the  facts  as  revealed  in  North  America, 
it  seems  inappropriate,  nevertheless,  to  introduce  a  new 
systemic  name  for  strata  that  are  admittedly  to  be  correlated 
with  the  Lower  Cretaceous  rocks  of  Europe.  In  this  work  we 
shall  regard  the  lower  series  as  "Lower  Cretaceous,"  but  in 
deference  to  the  opinion  of  many  eminent  American  geologists, 
the  term  "Comanchian"  will  also  be  employed. 

This  general  discussion  of  the  Cretaceous  period  cannot  be 
concluded  without  reference  to  the  English  chalk.  The  "White 
Cliffs  of  Albion,"  famous  in  history  and  song,  are  composed  of 
chalk  of  Upper  Cretaceous  age.  This  formation  is  the  most 
conspicuous  member  of  the  Mesozoic  strata  of  Europe,  and  is 
referred  o  as  The  Chalk.  Nearly  the  whole  of  the  Upper 
Cretaceous  rocks  of  England  belong  to  this  series,  which  is 
divided  into  three  subdivisions — the  Lower,  Middle,  and  Upper 
Chalk.  The  stone  is  composed  of  enormous  numbers  of  the 
minute  calcareous  shells  of  Protozoa  (foraminifers)  mingled 
with  fragments  of  the  shells  of  other  organisms.  Nodules 
of  flint  are  common,  more  particularly  in  the  Upper  Chalk. 
Such  a  formation  could  have  been  made  only  under  typical 
marine  conditions  in  a  sea  into  which  no  sediments  were 
being  discharged. 


We  have  seen  that  the  whole  of  eastern  North  America 
remained  land  throughout  the  Jurassic  period,  and  we  may 
conclude  that  it  suffered  a  large  amount  of  dissection  and 
erosion.  The  products  of  this  erosion  were  carried  out  to  sea 
and  are  still  beneath  the  waters  of  the  Atlantic.  Even  in 
Lower  Cretaceous  time  the  sea  did  not  invade  the  present 
land  area,  but  changes  in  the  coast-line  made  possible  the 
accumulation  of  continental  deposits  along  the  coastal  region. 
Lower  Cretaceous  continental  deposits  are  found  more  par- 
ticularly in  Maryland,  Virginia,  and  Georgia. 


At  the  same  time  continental  deposits  were  formed  in 
limited  areas  in  the  western  states,  more  particularly  in 
Colorado  and  Wyoming.  These  beds  (Morrison  formation) 
are  of  particular  interest  as  they  have  revealed  some  of  the 
most  remarkable  dinosaurs  yet  discovered. 

Depression  of  the  continent  in  Lower  Cretaceous  time, 
which  permitted  the  advance  of  the  sea  and  the  deposition 
of  marine  deposits,  occurred  over  a  wide  area  in  the  south- 
western states,  Mexico,  and  Central  America.  This  series  of 
deposits  is  the  Comanchian  proper.  Marine  invasions  also 
occurred  on  the  Pacific  border,  in  British  Columbia,  Oregon, 
Washington,  and  California. 

Owing  to  the  great  importance  and  significance  of  the 
deposits  of  the  Gulf  region  and  Mexico,  the  local  name, 
Comanchian,  has  been  elevated  to  the  dignity  of  a  time- term 
of  systemic  rank,  and  is  applied  by  American  geologists  to 
all  Lower  Cretaceous  formations. 

Throughout  the  world,  the  Upper  Cretaceous  is  marked  by 
one  of  the  most  extensive  floodings  of  the  continental  areas 
known  in  geological  history.  In  North  America,  the  eastern 
border  of  the  United  States,  the  region  surrounding  the  Gulf 
of  Mexico,  and  a  wide  strip  of  the  Pacific  coastal  region  were 
submerged.  In  addition,  and  of  still  greater  importance,  was 
a  depression  of  the  interior  continental  region  whereby  the 
sea  covered  a  wide  belt  of  west-central  North  America  from 
the  Arctic  ocean  to  the  Gulf  of  Mexico. 

In  the  extreme  west  of  the  continent,  terrestrial  disturbances 
were  marked  throughout  the  Cretaceous.  The  most  important 
movement  in  the  Lower  Cretaceous  was  the  elevation  of  a 
long  strip  of  country  extending  from  Alaska  to  Central 
America.  The  axis  of  elevation  lay  some  distance  east  of 
the  coast  and  passed  through  the  central  region  of  British 
Columbia.  The  elevation  of  this  strip  probably  occasioned  a 
downwarping  on  either  side,  and  prepared  the  way  for  the 
advance  of  the  Upper  Cretaceous  sea  into  the  interior  of 
the  continent  and  over  the  region  immediately  bordering 
the  Pacific. 

Upper  Cretaceous  time  continued  to  be  a  period  of  uplift 
and  of  volcanic  activity  in  the  Cordilleran  region.  Towards 
the  close  of  the  period  the  uplifting  forces  reached  a  climax 


of  intensity  deserving  the  name  revolution,  which  is  applied 
only  to  terrestrial  disturbances  on  the  grandest  scale. 

In  order  to  better  understand  the  results  of  this  revolution, 
it  is  advisable  to  review  the  history  of  the  area  affected.  We 
have  seen  that  in  the  early  Cambrian  a  trough  was  formed  to 
the  east  of  the  old  Pre-cambrian  lands  which  constituted  the 
Pacific  border  of  the  continent.  In  this  trough  sedimentation 


continued  through  nearly  all  the  Palaeozoic  era.  The  sea 
partially  withdrew  in  the  Triassic,  but  returned  in  the  Jurassic 
and  Lower  Cretaceous  periods,  adding  to  the  great  thickness 
of  strata  already  formed  in  the  Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline. 
The  mid-continental  sea  of  the  Upper  Cretaceous  overlapped 
this  region  and  still  further  increased  the  thickness  of  the 
sediments,  which  are  not  less  than  50,000  feet  and  probably 
much  more  in  total  thickness. 

It  was  this  region,  so  long  an  area  of  sedimentation,  that 


was  chiefly  affected  by  the  revolution  at  the  close  of  the 
Cretaceous.  A  great  thrust  acting  from  the  direction  of  the 
Pacific  ocean  threw  the  region  into  immense  folds  with  a 
general  north-west  and  south-east  trend.  These  folded  masses 
of  rock  were  elevated  to  great  heights,  crumpled  and  broken ; 
great  faults  developed  in  places;  and  immense  masses  were 
pushed,  in  some  cases  for  miles,  out  of  their  original  position. 
This  great  event  is  known  as  the  Laramide  revolution;  it 
marks  the  birth  of  the  Rocky  mountains  and  the  close  of 
Mesozoic  time. 

In  other  parts  of  the  world  mountain-making  forces  were 
at  work  at  the  same  time.  The  Appalachians  of  eastern  North 
America  were  re-elevated,  the  Andes  of  South  America  were 
formed,  and  general  elevation  and  mountain-building  occurred 
in  the  Old  World. 


In  eastern  Canada  no  Cretaceous  strata,  either  continental 
or  marine,  are  known.  The  Upper  Cretaceous  transgression 
which  affected  the  eastern  border  region  of  the  United  States 
did  not  advance  as  far  north  as  Canada. 

In  western  Canada  rocks  of  this  age  are  of  great  importance: 
their  description  can  be  best  given  under  the  following  four 
areas  of  distribution: 

i.  THE  GREAT  PLAINS  AREA.  The  region  occupied  by  the 
Cretaceous  rocks  in  the  prairie  region  of  western  Canada  may 
be  roughly  defined  as  a  great  triangle,  stretching  along  the 
international  boundary  for  750  miles  from  the  centre  of 
Manitoba  to  the  foothills  of  the  Rocky  mountains  and  reach- 
ing an  apex  1000  miles  to  the  north-west  in  the  south-east 
corner  of  Yukon  territory.  While  Cretaceous  strata  were 
undoubtedly  formed  over  the  whole  of  this  area,  they  do  not 
form  the  surface  rock  throughout,  as  they  have  been  covered 
by  later  formations  to  a  limited  extent.  The  chief  of  these 
areas  of  later  rocks  are  in  southern  Saskatchewan  and  in 
western  Alberta. 

The  greater  part  of  the  region  is  covered  with  a  thick 
accumulation  of  glacial  and  post-glacial  deposits  which  hides 


the  rocks  except  where  deep  river  valleys  have  been  cut 
through  the  soils  or  where  the  flanks  of  minor  elevations 
have  been  eroded. 

The  rocks  of  this  area  were  formed  in  the  great  shallow  sea 
of  Upper  Cretaceous  age  which  covered  the  heart  of  the 
continent.  This  sea  was  doubtless  subject  to  many  minor 
fluctuations  which  resulted  in  local  deposits,  and  in  its  later 
stages,  particularly  in  the  western  part,  it  passed  into  the 
condition  of  brackish  and  even  freshwater  lakes.  Owing  to 
the  above  facts  and  the  scattered  nature  of  the  accessible 
exposures,  it  has  not  yet  been  possible  to  accurately  correlate 
all  the  formations  of  this  great  region. 

The  Upper  Cretaceous  rocks  of  this  area  may  be  arranged 
in  three  divisions,  erroneously  but  usually  called  "groups," 
above  which  lies  a  fourth  division  of  less  magnitude,  as 
follows : 

Edmonton  formation. 

Montana  group. 

Colorado  group. 

Dakota  group. 

The  Dakota  group  in  Canada  is  composed  essentially  of 
sandstone  which  is  largely  of  freshwater  origin.  Exposures 
of  the  rock  are  of  rather  rare  occurrence:  the  most  typical 
are  to  be  seen  in  the  valleys  of  the  rivers  entering  Lake 
Winnipegosis  from  the  west.  The  stone  is  soft,  incoherent, 
and  of  no  particular  value. 

The  Dakota,  if  it  occurs,  is  so  deeply  buried  under  the  later 
rocks  all  the  way  across  the  prairies  that  it  is  not  seen  again 
until  brought  to  the  surface  by  the  folding  which  produced 
the  foothills  of  the  Rocky  mountains.  Exposures  may  be 
seen  in  the  coal-mining  districts  of  the  foothills  and  in  the 
lengthwise  valley  west  of  the  first  great  range  of  mountains. 
At  the  Sweetgrass  hills  in  Montana,  just  south  of  the  inter- 
national boundary,  the  Dakota  group  is  much  better  exposed 
than  at  any  point  in  Alberta.  The  section  shows  more  than 
500  feet  of  shale,  sandy  shale,  and  sandstone.  The  stone  of  the 
mountains  differs  greatly  from  that  of  Manitoba,  as  it  is  very 
hard  and  of  green  or  bluish-green  colour.  At  so  great  a 
distance  from  the  Manitoba  outcrops  it  is  questionable 


whether  this  formation  is  to  be  strictly  correlated  with  the 
eastern  sandstone. 

The  Colorado  group  is  divisible  into  two  formations — a 
lower  (Benton)  and  an  upper  (Niobrara).  Exposures  occur  in 
Manitoba  and  in  the  foothills,  but  across  the  Great  Plains  the 
formations  are  covered  by  the  rocks  of  the  Montana  group. 
As  revealed  by  bore-holes  in  southern  Alberta  the  group  is 
nearly  2000  feet  thick,  but  the  average  is  probably  much  less. 


Cretaceous,  black;    Mixed    Cretaceous   and  Tertiary,  dotted;     Tertiary,   the   white   areas 
within  the  black.   The  Cretaceous  and  Tertiary  of  British  Columbia  not  shown. 

The  Benton  formation  consists  essentially  of  shale  and  there 
is  much  soft  clay  carrying  a  large  amount  of  colloidal  silica. 
This  material  (bentonite)  has  a  remarkable  property  of  re- 
taining water,  which  makes  it  a  very  valuable  constituent  of 
the  soils  derived  from  the  decay  of  the  Benton  shales  and 
other  formations. 

The  Niobrara  formation  also  is  largely  composed  of  clay 
or  shale,  but  it  is  much  more  calcareous  than  the  Benton  shale 
and  even  contains  thin  layers  of  limestone  in  places.  The  form- 
ation is  recognised  with  certainty  only  in  the  eastern  exposures. 


The  areal  extent  of  the  Dakota  and  Colorado  groups  is 
insignificant  when  compared  with  that  of  the  Montana  group, 
which  forms  the  surface  rock  over  nearly  the  whole  of  the 
Cretaceous  region  of  the  Great  Plains.  There  are  two  facies 
of  Montana  deposits :  marine,  and  brackish  to  freshwater.  In 
the  eastern  part  of  the  region,  the  marine  facies,  Pierre  forma- 
tion, is  alone  developed,  but  in  the  west  the  brackish  water 
deposits,  Belly  River  formation,  occur  between  an  upper  and 
a  lower  series  of  marine  strata.  The  Pierre  formation  is  mostly 
shale,  and  much  of  it  presents  the  same  colloidal  properties  as 
the  Benton  shale.  The  Belly  River  beds  are  composed  of  soft 
sandstones  and  shales. 

The  Edmonton  formation  is  very  similar  to  the  Belly  River 
in  the  character  of  its  rocks,  consisting  of  soft,  incoherent 
sandstones,  sandy  shales,  and  shales.  The  formation  overlies 
the  upper  marine  beds  of  the  Pierre  over  a  considerable  area 
in  central  Alberta. 

The  conditions  of  shallow  and  brackish  water  under  which 
the  Belly  River  and  Edmonton  beds  were  deposited  favoured 
the  formation  of  layers  of  coal.  Owing  to  the  relatively  short 
lapse  of  time  and  the  lack  of  severe  terrestrial  disturbances 
since  the  beds  were  formed,  coal-forming  has  not  proceeded 
beyond  the  earlier  stages;  in  consequence,  nearly  all  the 
coal  is  lignitic  or  sub-bituminous.  At  Lethbridge,  however, 
the  coal  is  of  bituminous  grade. 

In  the  Belly  River  formation  Bowling  estimates  that  33,192 
square  miles  are  underlaid  by  coal  beds  which  contain  a 
reserve  of  223,358,000,000  metric  tons.  The  principal  mines 
are  situated  in  the  vicinity  of  Lethbridge,  Alberta.  The  same 
authority  estimates  a  maximum  reserve  of  800,958,000,000 
metric  tons  and  a  more  certain  reserve  of  383,697,000,000 
metric  tons  in  the  Edmonton  formation.  The  chief  collieries 
are  near  Drumheller  on  the  Red  Deer  river,  near  Edmonton, 
and  in  the  foothills. 

The  importance  of  the  colloidal  clays  has  already  been 
referred  to.  The  water-holding  clay  soils  (gumbo)  owe  their 
valuable  property  of  retaining  moisture  to  the  hydrated  silica 
derived  from  the  decay  of  Benton  and  Pierre  shales. 
These  colloidal  clays  are  not  suitable  for  brick-making, 
but  some  of  the  upper  non-colloidal  clays  of  the  Pierre 


(Odanah)  as  well  as  the  brackish  water  clays  are  used  for 
this  purpose. 

Natural  gas  is  another  important  product  from  the  Creta- 
ceous formations,  more  particularly  of  Alberta.  The  gas 
reservoirs  are  in  the  Dakota  sandstone;  they  are  tapped  by 
deep  holes  through  the  overlying  strata,  more  particularly 
at  Medicine  Hat  and  Bow  island.  Far  to  the  north,  on  the 
Athabasca  river,  are  the  so-called  tar-sands — sandstones  of 
Dakota  age  highly  impregnated  with  bitumen :  they  are  thought 
to  represent  a  future  source  of  important  industrial  products. 

2.  THE  ROCKY  MOUNTAIN  AREA.    We  have  seen  that  the 
Rocky  Mountain  geosyncline  was  an  area  of  sedimentation  in 
the  Lower  Cretaceous.    The  strata  consist  of  an  upper  and  a 
lower  sandstone  with  coal-bearing  measures  between.     The 
presence  of  beds  of  coal  and  fossil  plants  indicates  that  this 
series,  the  Kootenay,  is  of  freshwater  origin.     The  greatest 
thickness,  nearly  4000  feet,  is  along  the  main  axis  of  the 
Rocky  mountains;   eastward,  the  strata  thin  out  rapidly  and 
are  overlapped  by  Upper  Cretaceous  rocks.    The  upraising  of 
the  mountains  at  the  close  of  the  Cretaceous  affected  all  these 
rocks,  but  subsequent  erosion  has  removed  them  from  the 
summits  of  the  ranges.    Kootenay  strata,  therefore,  are  found 
to  a  limited  extent  in  the  foothills,  but  on  a  larger  scale  in 
the  valleys  between  the  more  easterly  ranges  of  the  mountains. 

The  coal  of  the  Kootenay  formation  is  a  high-grade  bitu- 
minous, ranging  to  anthracite  in  places.  Numerous  fields 
occur  in  the  long  narrow  valleys  between  the  ranges;  the 
most  important  is  the  Crowsnest  field  in  British  Columbia,  in 
which  the  reserve  is  estimated  at  more  than  56,000,000,000 
metric  tons,  with  a  workable  reserve  of  23,000,000,000  metric 
tons.  The  centre  of  this  field  is  Fernie,  British  Columbia. 
The  more  important  coal-mining  centres  on  the  Alberta  side 
of  the  boundary  are  at  Coleman  on  the  Crowsnest  line,  and 
at  Bankhead  on  the  main  line  of  the  Canadian  Pacific  Railway. 

the  interior  of  British  Columbia,  between  the  Coast  Range  and 
the   Columbia  mountains,   are  many  disconnected  areas  of 
coarse  sediments  of  Cretaceous  age ;  these  are  generally  mixed 
with  contemporaneous  volcanic  matter.    In  northern  British 
Columbia  coal  fields  occur  in  these  areas.  . 


4.  PACIFIC  COAST  AND  ISLANDS  AREA.  Fossiliferous  sand- 
stones, shales,  and  conglomerates  of  Upper  Cretaceous  age 
constitute  the  Queen  Charlotte  series,  which  carries  workable 
beds  of  coal  on  the  islands  and  is  known  to  occur  elsewhere. 

On  the  north-east  side  of  Vancouver  island  and  on  the 
adjacent  small  islands  of  the  Strait  of  Georgia,  Upper 
Cretaceous  sandstones  and  shales,  the  Cowichan  group,  are 
well  exposed.  Coal  mines  of  considerable  importance  are 
worked  in  these  rocks  at  Nanaimo,  Comox,  and  other  places 
in  the  vicinity.  Excellent  sandstone  for  building  purposes 
is  quarried  on  Gabriola,  Saturna,  and  other  islands  of  the 
Strait  of  Georgia. 


In  Lower  Cretaceous  time  the  vegetation  shows  the  same 
predominance  of  cycads  that  characterised  the  Jurassic 
period;  in  the  upper  division,  however,  the  angiosperms,  or 
higher  flowering  plants,  begin  to  assert  the  supremacy  they 
still  enjoy.  In  late  Lower  Cretaceous  time  cycads  and  conifers 
began  to  wane  and  trees  like  the  sassafras  and  poplar  appeared. 
Before  the  close  of  the  Upper  Cretaceous  the  flora  was  dis- 
tinctly of  modern  aspect,  with  species  of  birch,  maple,  oak, 
walnut,  and  many  other  familiar  trees.  With  these  plants 
were  mingled  species  of  magnolia,  fig,  and  cinnamon,  indi- 
cating a  warmer  climate. 

The  brackish  water  beds  of  western  Canada  have  furnished 
the  remains  of  a  long  list  of  plants :  probably  the  most  striking 
fossils  are  the  large  silicified  trunks  of  a  species  of  cypress 
which  are  common  in  the  Edmonton  formation  of  Alberta. 


PROTOZOA  reach  a  high  degree  of  development,  as  the 
remains  of  these  minute  organisms  form  a  large  part  of  the 
Chalk  of  Europe.  The  more  calcareous  parts  of  the  Niobrara 
formation  of  Manitoba  contain  numerous  protozoans. 

SPONGES,  both  siliceous  and  calcareous,  are  common  in  the 



Cretaceous  of  Europe,  but  in  North  America  they  are  of  less 
frequent  occurrence.  The  flints  of  the  English  Chalk  are 
formed  by  the  accretion  of  dissolved  silica  derived  from  the 
spicules  of  siliceous  sponges. 

CORALS  are  abundant  in  the  Cretaceous  rocks  of  some 
regions,  but  they  are  rare  in  Canada.  The  conditions  under 
which  the  prevailing  shales  were  deposited  did  not  favour  the 
life  of  corals. 

ECHINODERMS  are  represented  chiefly  by  sea  urchins  which 
show  an  advancing  tendency  to  irregular  form.  The  peculiar 
stemless  Uintacrinus 
with  remarkably  long 
arms  is  a  characteristic 
fossil  of  the  Cretaceous 
of  Kansas.  Hemiaster 
Humphrey 'sianus  is  the 
only  sea  urchin  from  the 
Upper  Cretaceous  rocks 
of  the  Great  Plains,  and 
is  of  rare  occurrence. 

PELECYPODS  are  very 
numerous,  and  some 
peculiar  forms  are  par- 
ticularly characteristic 
of  Cretaceous  time:  of 
these,  Hippurites  and  FIG'  l62'  CRETACEOUS  CRINOID 

•*  Uintacnnus  sociahs.   Much  reduced. 

related  forms,  with  one 

valve  extremely  small  and  placed  like  a  cover  on  the 
larger  valve,  are  eminently  Cretaceous.  The  commonest 
genera  in  the  marine  Cretaceous  rocks  of  western  Canada 
are  Arctica,  Inoceramus,  Gervillia,  Pteria,  Ostrea,  and 
Liopistha.  The  brackish  water  beds  of  the  Belly  River  series 
are  in  places  crowded  with  oysters :  Corbula  and  Corbicula  are 
also  very  abundant. 

GASTROPODS  are  numerous  and  show  a  normal  advance  on 
the  Jurassic  type,  but  they  present  no  especial  features  for 
general  comment.  Anisomyon,  Lunatia,  and  Anchura  are 
perhaps  the  commonest  Canadian  genera. 

CEPHALOPODS  are  represented  by  many  belemnites  and 
ammonites.  The  former  require  no  particular  mention,  but 


Arctica  ovata  alia  ;  2.  'Arctica  ovata;  3.  Ostrea  subtrigonalis  ;  4.  Ostrea  glabra  ;  5. 
Inoceramus  barabini  ;  6.  Pteria  linguifera  ;  7.  Liopistha  undata  ;  8.  Corbula  per- 
angulata  ;  9.  Pteria  nebrascana  ;  10.  Corbicula  occidentalis  ;  n.  Protocardia  borealis  ; 
12.  Volsella  meeki  ;  13.  Modiola  attenuata.  All  figures  six-sevenths  natural  size.  After 
Whiteaves,  Meek  and  Hayden,  and  from  original  photographs. 


Slab  of  red  Cretaceous  sandstone  from  the  Red  Deer  river,  Alberta,  with  Inoceramus  vanuxemi. 
One-fourth  natural  size. 


i.  Campeloma  producta  ;  2.  Melania  insculpta  ;  3.  Anisomyon  centrals  ;  4.  Viviparus  leai; 
5.  Anchura  americana  ;  6.  V  anikoropsi<>  tuomeyanu  ;  8.  Lunatia  concinna.  All  figures 
about  natural  size.  From  Meek  and  Hayden  and  from  photographs  of  species  from  western 


the  latter  show  evidence  of  decadence.  While  many  typical 
ammonites  with  closely  coiled  shell  still  survive,  the  senile 
condition  of  the  race  is  indicated  by  the  assumption  of  peculiar 
form.  Instead  of  the  typical  coiled  shell,  we  find  straight 
(Baculites),  hook-shaped  (Hamites),  open-coiled  (Crioceras), 
turreted  (Turrilites),  and  many  other  erratic  forms.  This 
tendency  to  strange  shape  seems  to  be  the  precursor  of 
extinction,  for  no  ammonites  are  known  after  the  Cretaceous. 

One  of  the  commonest  fossils  of  our  western  Cretaceous  is 
the  straight-shelled  Baculites,  of  which  several  species  are 
known.  The  fragments  of  this  fossil  are  commonly  mistaken 
for  fish.  A  very  large  ammonite,  Placenticeras  whitfieldi,  is 
also  a  common  fossil  in  the  Cretaceous  of  the  plains.  The 
Upper  Cretaceous  strata  of  Vancouver  and  Queen  Charlotte 
islands  have  yielded  a  rich  and  varied  ammonite  fauna. 

ARTHROPODS  are  well  represented  and  show  a  great  increase 
in  the  broad-shelled  decapods  or  crabs.  These  fossils  are  rare 
in  the  Montana  group  of  the  plains,  but  ten  species  are  known 
from  the  Cowichan  rocks  of  Vancouver  island. 


FISH  show  a  pronounced  change  in  Cretaceous  time,  as  the 
old  type  with  skeleton  of  cartilage  gradually  gives  place  to 
the  teleosts  with  true  bony  skeleton  and  thin,  flexible,  over- 
lapping scales.  In  other  words,  the  modern  type  of  fish  gains 
an  ascendancy  over  the  typical  Mesozoic  type,  and  is  repre- 
sented, before  the  close  of  the  period,  by  such  familiar  fish 
as  salmon,  herring,  and  other  common  forms.  Some  of  the 
Cretaceous  fish  were  of  great  size  and  predaceous  habits: 
Portheus  was  twelve  to  fifteen  feet  in  length  and  the  mouth 
was  armed  with  a  truly  formidable  series  of  teeth.  Sharks 
were  still  numerous  and  were  closely  related  to  modern  types. 

REPTILES.  The  Cretaceous  system  equals  and  probably 
exceeds  the  Jurassic  in  the  number  and  variety  of  the 
reptilian  remains.  The  inclusion  of  the  famous  Morrison 
beds  of  Wyoming  and  Colorado  in  the  Cretaceous  transfers 
to  this  system  many  of  the  largest  and  best  known  dinosaurs 
which  were  formerly  believed  to  be  of  Jurassic  age. 

Ichthyosaurs  resembling  those  of  the  Jurassic  occur,  but 


less  frequently,  in  the  Lower  Cretaceous:   they  do  not  survive 
the  middle  of  the  Upper  Cretaceous. 


Baculttes  ovatus,  specimen  from  Peace  river  with  the  outer  shell;  2.  Baculites  sp.  with  the 
outer  shell  removed  showing  the  sutures;  3.  Hemiaster  humphreysianus  ;  4.  Scaphites 
subglobosus;  5.  Placenticeras  whitfieldi.  Reduced.  After  Whiteaves  and  Meek. 

Plesiosaurs  are  more  abundant  in  Cretaceous  than  in 
Jurassic  time :  they  reach  their  maximum  development  in  the 
later  part  of  the  period  and  survive  until  its  close.  Some  of 


these  creatures  were  of  great  size:  the  head  of  the  largest 
form  known  was  about  five  feet  long,  and  the  smallest  species 
was  fully  ten  feet  in  length.  Elasmosaurus  platyurus,  the 


Elasmosaurus  platyurus  with  an  ichthyosaur,  flying  reptiles,  and  the  diving  bird  Hesperornis. 
From  Williston,  "  Water  Reptiles,  Past  and  Present." 

longest-necked  plesiosaur,  shows  the  following  proportions: 
head,  two  feet;  neck,  twenty- three  feet;  body,  nine  feet; 
tail,  seven  feet. 


Thylosaurus  dyspelor,  one-nineteenth  natural  size.  From  "  Memoirs  of  the  American 
Museum  of  Natural  History." 

While  the  remains  of  plesiosaurs  are  not  particularly 
numerous  they  have,  nevertheless,  been  recorded  from  all 
parts  of  the  world  where  marine  Cretaceous  strata  occur. 
Cimoliosaurus  magnus  from  the  Belly  River  formation  of 
Alberta  is  the  only  Canadian  example. 



A   new  type   of  aquatic  reptile   appeared  in   the  Upper 
Cretaceous  and  existed  in  large  numbers  in  many  parts  of 
the  world.    Thousands  of  specimens  have  been  obtained  from 
the  chalk  beds    of    .... 
Kansas  alone.  These 
creatures,       known 

Brontosaurus  excelsus. 

as  mosasaurs,  were 

very    long  -  bodied, 

almost     snake-like, 

and  were  provided    FIG.  169. 

with  four  "  paddles ' ' 

or  modified  limbs  differing  greatly  from  those  of  ichthyosaurs 

and  plesiosaurs.    The  structure  of  the  skeleton  is  very  peculiar, 

and  indicates  a  totally  different  ancestry  from  that  of  the 

other  aquatic  reptiles.     They  were  not  unlike  the  mythical 

sea-serpent.     In  size  the  known  forms  range  from  eight  to 

forty  feet  in  length.     Platecarpus  is  one  of  the  best  known 

American  genera. 

Among  the  water  reptiles,  turtles  and  crocodiles  played  an 
important  role.  Several  very  large  turtles  occur  in  the  Belly 
River  beds  of  Alberta,  also  a  few  crocodiles. 

Dipledocus  carnegii,  eighty-seven  feet  long. 

The  dinosaurs,  or  great  land  reptiles,  were  even  more 
numerous  and  diversified  than  in  the  Jurassic:  they  may 
be  conveniently  considered  as  belonging  to  three  general  types, 
as -follows: 

"Amphibious  dinosaurs  were  the  Giant  Reptiles  par  excel- 
lence, for  all  of  them  were  of  enormous  size,  and  some  were 
by  far  the  largest  of  all  four-footed  animals,  exceeded  in  bulk 
only  by  the  modern  whales.    In  contrast  to  the  carnivorous 



dinosaurs  these  are  quadrupedal,  with  very  small  head,  blunt 
teeth,  long  giraffe-like  neck,  elephantine  body  and  limbs,  long 


Gorgosaurus  libratus.     From  Belly  River  formation  of  Alberta.     About  i-ioo  natural  size. 

After  Lambe. 

massive  tail  prolonged  at  the  end  into  a  whiplash  as  in  the 
lizards.  Like  the  elephant,  they  had  five  short  toes  on  each 
foot,  probably  buried  in  life  in  a  soft  pad,  but  the  inner  digits 


Head  of  Tyrannosaurus  rex.     About  one-twentieth  natural  size.     By  permission  of  the 
American  Museum  of  Natural  History. 

bear  large  claws,  blunt  like  those  of  turtles,  one  in  the  fore 
foot,  three  in  the  hind  foot."  A 

1  "  Dinosaurs,"  W.  D.  Matthew,  A  merican  Museum  of  Natural  History. 



Brontosaurus,  a  form  from  the  Lower  Cretaceous  of  North 
America,  measuring  sixty-six  feet  eight  inches  in  length,  is  one 
of  the  best  known  of  these  giant  reptiles.  A  skeleton  of 
Diplodocus  in  the  Carnegie  Museum  at  Pittsburg  is  eighty- 
seven  feet  in  length,  but  indicates  an  animal  of  somewhat  more 


i.  Corythosaurus  casuarius,  photograph  and  drawing  of  the  specimen  in  the  American  Museum 
of  ^Natural  History,  New  York.  2.  Saurolophus  osborni,  Edmonton  formation,  Alberta. 
Photograph  of  specimen  in  American  Museum  of  Natural  History,  New  York.  No.  I 
about  one-sixtieth  natural  size,  No.  2  about  one-fifty-eighth  natural  size.  After  Brown,  by 
permission  of  the  A  merican  Museum  of  Natural  History. 

slender  proportions  than  Brontosaurus.   Even  larger  forms  are 
known  to  occur  in  the  Cretaceous  strata  of  Kenia  in  Africa. 

The  general  features  of  carnivorous  dinosaurs  have  been 
briefly  described  on  page  301 :  in  the  Cretaceous  period  they 
reached  remarkable  dimensions  and  were  doubtless  the  lords 
of  creation.  The  largest  known  carnivorous  dinosaur,  well 



named  Tymnnosaurus  rex  (tyrant  saurian  king),  was  forty- 
seven  feet  long;  standing  in  erect  position,  it  was  eighteen 
to  twenty  feet  high.  The  head,  four  feet  three  inches  long, 

Iguanodonbernissartensis.  About  i-uoth  natural  size.  After  Marsh. 

was  armed  with  a  formidable  array  of  sharp  pointed  teeth 
from  three  to  six  inches  in  length.  A  related  form,  Gorgo- 
saurus,  from  the  Belly  River  beds  of  Alberta,  is  twenty-nine 

feet  long  and. shows 
the  characteristic 
diminution  of  the 
fore  limbs  to  an  ex- 
treme degree. 

The  beaked  dino- 
saurs probably  in- 
clude the  most 
remarkable  animals 
in  all  history ;  known 
first  from  the  Juras- 
sic, they  reach  a 


Heads  of  different  genera.   Greatly  reduced.  From  Matthew 

"  Dinosaurs,"  American  Museum  of  Natural  History. 

wonderful  develop- 
ment in  the  Creta- 
ceous. Of  the 
unarmoured  kinds,  Iguanodon  from  Belgium  and  the  tracho- 
donts  of  North  America  are  known  by  many  complete  skeletons. 
Trachodont  dinosaurs  are  so  named  on  account  of  the  peculiar 



teeth,  which  are  numerous  and  set  closely  together  to  form  a 
sort  of  inclined  mashing  surface.  They  are  also  known  as 
"duck-billed  dinosaurs"  in  reference  to  the  shape  of  the 
predentary  bones,  which  resemble  the  bill  of  a  duck.  In 
erect  position  these  animals  reached  a  height  of  about  sixteen 
feet:  they  are  characteristic  of  Upper  Cretaceous  time,  and 
continued  until  its  close. 

Both  the  Edmonton   and  Belly   River  beds  of  Alberta, 
where  exposed   in  the  valley  of  the    Red  Deer  river,  have 



Monoclonius  amid  typical  Belly  River  vegetation.    From  Deckert  and  Brown, 
Museum  of  Natural  History." 


yielded  many  skeletons  of  these  dinosaurs.  Fragmentary 
bones  may  be  collected  in  places  literally  by  the  wagon  load. 
Saurolophus,  with  a  spine  at  the  back  of  the  head,  is  of  frequent 
occurrence  in  the  Edmonton  beds,  and  Corythosaurus,  with  a 
plate-like  crest  on  the  skull,  is  a  typical  Belly  River  example. 
Jhe  development  of  armour  in  the  beaked,  vegetable- 
feeding  dinosaurs  is  the  natural  outcome  of  the  attacks  of  the 
giant  carnivorous  forms.  Many  and  varied  are  the  methods 
of  defence  and  extraordinary  the  results,  as  these  creatures 
are  among  the  most  grotesque  animals  known.  Stegosaurus, 
a  Lower  Cretaceous  form  contemporary  with  Brontosaurus, 


«  i 


o  § 




was  armed  by  a  double  row  of  great  plates  along  the  back: 
the  largest  of  these  plates  was  more  than  two  feet  in  length. 
The  Ceratopsia  include  a  number  of  extraordinary  animals  in 
which  the  skull  was  armed  with  horns  and  extended  back- 
wards into  a  great  fringe  around  the  neck.  The  Belly  River 
formation  of  Alberta  has  yielded  a  number  of  forms,  Ceratops, 
Styracosaurus,  Centrosaurus,  and  Monoclonius,  in  which  the 
fringe  is  pierced  by  openings  or  drawn  out  into  finger-like 
extensions.  The  Edmonton  formation  yields  a  similar  form, 
Anchiceratops ;  and  the  best  known  animal  of  all,  Triceratops, 
with  a  solid  fringe  and  three  horns,  occurs  in  the  uppermost 
Cretaceous  beds  of  Wyoming. 

A  different  type  of  armour  is  seen  in  Ankylosaurus,  a  huge, 
flat-bodied  creature  covered  from  the  snout  to  the  end  of  the 
tail  with  great  bony  plates  set  closely  together:  it  has  been 
described  as  "the  most  ponderous  animated  citadel  that  the 
world  has  ever  seen."  This  wonderful  animal  was  made 
known  to  science  chiefly  by  discoveries  in  the  Edmonton 
formation  of  Alberta. 

BIRDS.  Two  peculiar  birds  have  been  found  in  the  Cretaceous 
of  North  America:  one,  Hesperornis,  was  a  large  wingless 
diving  bird,  reptile-like,  with  teeth  except  in  the  front  of  the 
upper  jaw;  the  other,  Ichthyornis,  was  smaller,  with  similar 
dentition,  but  with  large  wings  and  a  carinate  breast. 

MAMMALS.  Small  archaic  mammals  resembling  those  of  the 
Jurassic  are  known  from  Cretaceous  rocks,  but  the  ascendancy 
of  this  type  of  life  is  yet  to  come. 

During  Cretaceous  time  the  conditions  of  our  prairie  region 
must  have  been  as  different  as  possible  from  those  now  pre- 
vailing. Instead  of  the  bare  plains  with  severe  winters  there 
were  great  forests  like  those  of  Pennsylvania  or  Alabama, 
suggesting  a  warm  climate ;  and  the  inhabitants  of  the  region, 
the  grotesque  and  sometimes  gigantic  reptiles,  dragging  their 
length  among  the  marsh  grasses  of  the  lagoons  or  springing, 
kangaroo-like,  through  the  drier  openings  in  the  forest  must 
have  been  even  more  different  from  anything  Canadian  of  the 
present  day.  It  was  the  triumphant  time  of  the  cold-blooded, 
egg-laying  animals,  when  bulk  and  brute  force  ruled  the 
world  instead  of  brains. 



HAVING  reviewed  the  march  of  events  and  the  evolution  of 
life  through  the  periods  of  the  Mesozoic,  we  are  now  in  a 
position  to  form  a  conception  of  the  era  as  a  whole. 

The  Mesozoic  was  ushered  in  by  one  revolution,  the  Appal- 
achian, and  brought  to  a  close  by  another,  the  Laramide. 
Throughout  the  era  there  was  much  terrestrial  disturb- 
ance, mountain-building,  and  volcanic  activity.  The  strata 
formed  during  the  time  are  very  diversified,  of  different 
facies,  and  usually  local  in  development. 

In  North  America 
nearly  the  whole  of  Meso- 
zoic history  was  written 
in  the  western  half  of  the 
continent ;  in  Canada  this 
is  even  more  striking,  for, 
with  the  exception  of  a 
small  area  of  Triassic 
rocks  in  Nova  Scotia, 
there  are  no  strata  of 
this  age  east  of  Manitoba. 
Coal  was  formed  in 
large  amounts  in  Mesozoic 
time ;  nearly  all  the  coal 
of  western  Canada  is 
derived  from  Cretaceous  rocks,  and  it  is  obtained  from  the 
Cretaceous  and  other  systems  of  the  Mesozoic  in  different 
parts  of  the  world. 

The  Mesozoic,  as  the  name  implies,  was  the  time  of  "  middle 
life" — the  time  between  the  archaic  Palaeozoic  and  the  type 
of  life  now  existing.  Although  the  Mesozoic  life  evolved  from 
that  of  the  Palaeozoic  and  is  not  separated  from  it  by  a  break 
of  the  nature  of  a  catastrophe,  there  is,  nevertheless,  a  very 
great  difference  in  the  life  of  the  two  eras.  Brachiopods  ruled 


A  spider etes  foveatus  from  the  Cretaceous  of  Alberta. 
About  one-sixth  size.  From  Hay,  "  Fossil  Turtles 
of  North  America." 

SUMMARY   OF   MESOZOIC  ERA        329 

among  the  shell  fish  of  the  Palaeozoic,  molluscs  took  their 
place  in  the  Mesozoic;  nautiloid  cephalopods  characterise 
the  Palaeozoic,  ammonites  succeeded  them  in  the  Mesozoic; 
cystids  and  blastoids  and  stony- vaulted  sea  lilies  predominate 
in  the  Palaeozoic,  in  the  Mesozoic  the  two  former  groups  dis- 
appear and  the  last  is  replaced  by  a  type  of  crinoid  with  soft 
crown;  the  vascular  cryptogams  give  place  to  the  gymno- 
sperms,  and  the  armour-plated  fish  yield  to  the  ganoids. 

Hesperorms  regalis.   One-twentieth  natural  size.   After  Marsh, 

Above  all  else,  however,  the  Mesozoic  is  unique  in  the 
number,  diverse  form,  and  great  size  of  its  reptiles:  it  is  the 
Age  of  Reptiles. 

Negatively  the  Mesozoic  may  be  distinguished  from  the 
Palaeozoic  by  the  absence  of  trilobites,  graptolites,  blastoids, 
cystids,  stromatoporoids,  and  armour-plated  fish;  positively 
it  is  marked  by  the  presence  of  reptiles,  ammonites,  belemnites, 
and  cycads. 

Towards  the  end  of  the  Mesozoic  many  organic  changes 
took  place,  and  the  forerunners  of  the  great  life  of  the  next 
era  began  to  appear. 



THE  Cenozoic  era,  or  time  of  Recent  Life,  covers  the  history  of 
the  world  from  the  close  of  the  Mesozoic  to  the  present.  The 
early  geologists  applied  the  name  Tertiary  to  all  the  rocks 
formed  between  the  close  of  the  Mesozoic  and  the  opening  of 
Recent  time,  as  they  were  believed  to  represent  the  third  great 
system.  Later  the  term  Quaternary  was  introduced  to  include 
the  Recent  and  the  time  immediately  preceding  it.  Authors 
are  not  yet  agreed  as  to  the  exact  way  in  which  these  old 
terms  should  be  used  in  the  light  of  modern  knowledge.  The 
classification  adopted  for  this  book  is  indicated  in  the  table 
on  page  331. 

We  have  seen  that  a  profound  disturbance,  the  Laramide 
revolution,  marked  the  close  of  the  Mesozoic  and  resulted 
in  great  elevations  of  the  lands  in  many  parts  of  the  world. 
Before  the  seas  of  the  new  era  could  advance,  the  rejuvenated 
continents  must  have  been  reduced  by  erosion  or  depressed 
by  terrestrial  movements.  Time  is  required  for  these  changes 
to  be  brought  about,  and  an  unrecorded  interval  is  indicated 
by  the  fact  that  the  Tertiary  strata  nearly  everywhere  rest 
with  marked  unconformity  on  the  underlying  rocks.  This  gap, 
however,  is  by  no  means  so  profound  as  was  formerly  believed, 
for  rocks  have  been  found  showing  an  intermingling  of 
Cretaceous  and  early  Tertiary  fossils.  Also,  where  marine 
evidence  fails,  the  story  of  the  interval  is  revealed  by  strata 
of  freshwater  origin. 

The  Tertiary  rocks  of  England  rest  unconformably  on  the 
Chalk,  which  had  suffered  profound  erosion  in  the  interval; 
on  the  other  hand,  the  Tertiary  strata  of  southern  Europe 
cannot  be  sharply  defined  from  the  underlying  Cretaceous. 
Freshwater  Tertiary  strata,  in  Canada  and  the  United  States, 
fade  imperceptibly  through  brackish  water  deposits  into  the 
marine  Cretaceous  rocks. 




The  prevailing  high  lands  at  the  opening  of  the  Tertiary 
naturally  resulted  in  a  separation  of  the  waters;  later,  when 
marine  transgressions  occurred,  Tertiary  deposits  were  made 
in  isolated  basins  resulting  in  great  diversity  in  the  character 
of  the  rocks  and  in  their  organic  remains.  This  local  character 
of  Tertiary  formations  is  further  increased  by  the  important 
part  played  by  fresh  water  in  building  up  the  strata. 

Tertiary  rocks,  except  where  affected  by  mountain-making 
forces,  are  generally  soft  and  incoherent,  approximately 
horizontal,  and  charged  with  fossils  in  a  relatively  fresh  and 
unaltered  condition. 

With  the  Tertiary  period  began  the  type  of  life  now  existing. 
Very  early  in  the  period  appeared  some  species  of  molluscs 
which  inhabit  the  present  seas,  and  as  time  went  on  more  and 
more  of  existing  species  were  evolved.  On  this  basis  the 
pioneers  of  Tertiary  geology  divided  the  period  into  three 
epochs — Eocene  (dawn  of  recent),  Miocene  (less  recent),  and 
Pliocene  (more  recent) .  Subsequent  investigations  have  made 
it  advisable  to  increase  the  number  of  epochs  as  indicated 
in  the  following  table,  which  is  taken  from  Pirrson  and 
Schuchert's  Textbook  of  Geology. 








90  to    100  per  cent,   of  living 


20    to    40    per    cent,    of    living 



10    to  .  15    per   cent,    of   living 
i  to  5  per  cent,  of  living  molluscs 


Practically  no  living  molluscs 

'During  Tertiary  time  the  present  distribution  of  land  and 
water  was  developed;  in  other  words,  geography  as  we  know 
it  to-day  was  established.  During  this  time  great  terrestrial 
disturbances  took  place  and  many  of  the  great  mountain 
systems  of  the  world  received  their  final  uplift,  e.g.  the 


Pyrenees,  the  Alps,  the  Rockies,  and  the  Himalayas.  Vast 
quantities  of  molten  matter  were  ejected  from  the  interior  of 
the  earth,  and  masses  of  lava  hundreds  of  feet  in  thickness 
were  distributed  over  thousands  of  square  miles  of  territory  in 
many  parts  of  the  world. 

While  most  marine  Tertiary  rocks  are  very  local  in  char- 
acter, formations  of  wide  distribution  were  formed  in  a  sea 
that  extended  across  southern  Europe,  Asia  Minor,  and  east- 
ward to  Burma  and  the  Indian  ocean.  In  Eocene  time  a 
limestone  formation  filled  with  vast  numbers  of  the  protozoan 
Nummulites  was  formed  in  this  sea.  As  evidence  of  the 
profound  changes  of  Tertiary  time,  this  Nummulite  limestone 
is  found  at  an  elevation  of  10,000  feet  above  the  sea  in  the 
Alps,  11,000  in  the  Pyrenees,  and  19,000  in  the  Himalayas. 

The  great  terrestrial  changes  of  the  Tertiary,  or  other  causes 
of  which  we  have  no  knowledge,  seem  to  have  produced 
remarkable  variations  in  climate,  especially  in  the  northern 
hemisphere.  Early  Eocene  time  was  temperate,  but  later  in 
this  epoch  the  climate  became  tropical  into  high  latitudes  and 
continued  to  be  at  least  sub-tropical  during  the  Miocene,  as 
forests  of  this  age  flourished  as  far  north  as  Spitzbergen. 
With  the  Pliocene  the  temperature  fell  in  the  northern  hemi- 
sphere, and  by  its  close  it  had  become  so  cold  that  ice  and 
snow  covered  vast  areas  extending  well  into  the  temperate 
zone.  This  refrigeration  was  coincident  with  the  stupendous 
uplifting  of  mountain  ranges  which  marked  the  Pliocene :  the 
two  events,  mountain-making  and  refrigeration,  brought  the 
Tertiary  period  to  a  close. 


The  visible  record  of  Tertiary  events  in  North  America,  as  in 
other  parts  of  the  world,  is  found  only  to  a  limited  extent  in 
strata  of  marine  origin.  The  period  opened  with  an  elevated 
continent ;  in  consequence,  most  of  the  marine  deposits  are  still 
under  the  sea.  At  no  time  did  oceanic  waters  cover  more  than 
a  very  small  fraction  of  the  present  land  area,  and  these 
invasions  were  confined  to  comparatively  narrow  strips  along 


the  Atlantic  and  Pacific  oceans  and  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  In 
the  interior  of  the  continent,  however,  freshwater  deposits 
on  an  extensive  scale  have  preserved  a  record  of  physical 
events  and  of  organic  evolution.  These  freshwater  deposits 
are  extensively  developed  in  the  Western  States  and  Canada: 
some  authorities  believe  them  to  be  of  lacustrine  or  lake 
origin,  while  others  regard  them  as  flood-plain  accumulations 
from  rivers.  Tertiary  history  is  also  recorded  in  great  masses 
of  volcanic  rock,  in  displaced  strata,  and  in  profound  erosion. 

An  interval  of  comparative  quiet  followed  the  Laramide 
revolution,  and  freshwater  deposits  of  Paleocene  age  were 
made  in  the  western  continental  region  in  isolated  basins 
from  Mexico  to  Canada.  In  early  Eocene  time  the  upthrust 
of  the  Laramide  revolution  was  renewed  in  the  Cordilleran 
region,  and  was  accompanied  by  much  volcanic  activity.  A 
long  period  of  erosion  and  local  accumulation  of  strata 
followed  during  the  Eocene  and  early  Oligocene.  Marine 
overlaps  occurred  during  this  period  of  erosion,  and  Eocene 
strata  were  deposited  along  the  southern  Atlantic  border  in 
Maryland,  Delaware,  and  Virginia ;  to  a  greater  extent  around 
the  Gulf  of  Mexico ;  and  in  limited  strips  in  California,  Oregon 
and  Washington,  extending  into  Canada  in  the  vicinity  of 

With  Middle  Miocene  time  crustal  disturbances  began 
again  on  a  grand  scale;  pre-existing  mountain  ranges  were 
elevated,  new  mountains  formed,  and  vast  quantities  of  molten 
rock  ejected.  The  Pacific  region  was  most  seriously  affected 
by  this  renewed  activity.  Volcanoes  poured  out  ashes  and 
lava  along  the  whole  Pacific  border  from  Central  America 
to  Alaska:  in  the  basin  of  the  Columbia  river  alone,  lava 
flows  covered  more  than  200,000  square  miles  to  a  depth  of 
at  least  4000  feet.  It  is  thought  that  a  land  barrier  which  had 
formerly  bridged  the  Atlantic  by  way  of  Greenland,  Iceland, 
and  the  Faroe  islands  broke  down  at  this  time,  permitting 
the  cold  waters  of  the  Arctic  to  advance  down  the  eastern 
American  coast.  These  northern  disturbances  were  accom- 
panied by  tremendous  flows  of  lava,  of  which  the  Giant's 
Causeway  of  Ireland  is  a  remarkable  example. 

During  Oligocene  and  Miocene  time  freshwater  strata  con- 
tinued to  be  formed  in  the  western  continental  region,  and 


oceanic  overlaps  occurred  along  the  Atlantic,  Gulf,  and  Pacific 
borders.  In  the  Atlantic  and  Gulf  areas  of  deposition  numerous 
local  formations  of  Oligocene  and  Lower  Miocene  age  rest 
unconformably  on  the  Eocene.  The  profound  disturbances  of 
Middle  Miocene  time  are  indicated  by  the  practical  absence 
of  rocks  of  that  age  and  the  strong  unconformity  between  the 
strata  of  the  Lower  and  Upper  Miocene. 

Miocene  marine  overlaps  occurred  in  the  Pacific  border 
region :  strata  of  this  age  in  California  show  the  same  evidence 
of  a  great  disturbance  about  the  middle  of  the  epoch.  On 
the  British  Columbia  and  Alaska  coasts  there  is  no  certain 
evidence  of  marine  deposits  until  late  in  Miocene  time. 

The  Pliocene  was  a  period  of  great  elevation  in  the  Cordil- 
leran  region  and  of  extensive  volcanic  activity:  then  appeared 
the  great  series  of  volcanoes,  Ranier,  Shasta,  Baker  and  many 
others,  which  continued  active  into  later  time.  Eastern  North 
America  also  was  elevated,  and  the  continent  assumed  the 
general  geographical  outline  it  still  shows. 

Marine  deposits  of  the  Pliocene  are  scattered  and  of  little 
extent:  most  of  the  Pliocene  accumulations  are  still  under 
the  sea. 


Evidences  of  marine  transgression  in  eastern  Canada  are 
doubtful,  but  the  march  of  events  is  recorded  in  extensive 
erosion  and  changes  of  level.  Continental  deposits,  consisting 
of  older  rock  decayed  in  situ  and  coarse  sands  and  gravel, 
occur  sparingly  in  the  maritime  provinces. 

The  withdrawal  of  the  Cretaceous  seas  from  the  region  of 
the  Great  Plains  after  the  Laramide  revolution  made  land  of 
the  sea  floor  over  the  greater  part  of  the  area.  This  with- 
drawal, being  gradual,  resulted  in  a  freshening  of  the  water 
that  remained  in  restricted  areas  towards  the  close  of  the 
Cretaceous.  In  consequence,  the  latest  Cretaceous  deposits 
are  of  brackish  or  even  freshwater  origin.  We  have  seen  that 
in  central  Alberta  a  large  area  was  covered  by  these  residual 
waters,  in  which  the  brackish-water  Edmonton  formation 
was  deposited.  In  southern  Saskatchewan  was  another  such 


basin,  in  which  somewhat  later  Cretaceous  strata  (Lance?) 
were  deposited  in  waters  probably  fresher  than  those  of  the 
Edmonton  basin. 

With  the  opening  of  the  Paleocene,  the  waters  of  both  these 
basins  had  become  quite  fresh  and  deposits  of  sands  and 
shales  were  made  on  an  extensive  scale.  In  Alberta  we  have 
the  Paskapoo  formation  conformably  overlying  the  Edmon- 
ton, and  in  southern  Saskatchewan  the  Estevan  beds  (Fort 
Union  formation  of  American  geologists)  similarly  related 
to  the  Lance. 

The  Paskapoo  sandstones  are  quarried  in  the  vicinity  of 
Calgary  and  at  other  points  for  building  purposes.  Both 
Paskapoo  and  Estevan  shales  are  used  for  brick  and  tile- 
making,  and  numerous  workable  coal  seams  occur  in  the 
latter  formation  in  the  Estevan,  Wood  Mountain,  and  Willow- 
bunch  districts  of  southern  Saskatchewan.  The  coal  is  a  soft 
lignite:  its  use  has  hitherto  been  restricted  by  a  tendency  to 
disintegration  on  storage  or  transportation,  but  it  is  hoped 
that  its  use  at  a  distance  will  be  made  possible  by  a  process 
of  briquetting. 

West  of  the  main  Tertiary  area  of  southern  Saskatchewan, 
in  the  Cypress  hills,  conglomerates,  sandstones,  and  clays  of 
Oligocene  age  unconformably  overlie  the  Paleocene  deposits. 

In  the  time  of  comparative  quiescence  following  the  Lara- 
mide  revolution,  continental  deposits  doubtless  accumulated 
in  the  intermontane  region  of  British  Columbia,  but  subse- 
quent erosion  and  volcanic  activity  have  obscured  the  record 
to  a  great  extent.  In  the  vicinity  of  Kamloops  are  beds  of 
sandstone,  conglomerate  and  shale  of  Eocene  age,  the  Cold- 
water  group.  These  beds  were  upturned  and  eroded  before 
the  extrusion  of  the  late  Tertiary  volcanics,  thus  bearing 
evidence  to  the  general  deformation  of  the  region  in  Miocene 
time.  The  Coldwater  beds  are  by  no  means  negligible,  as  their 
thickness  has  been  estimated  at  5000  feet :  this  mass  of  debris 
bears  witness  to  the  large  amount  of  erosion  accomplished 
during  the  Eocene. 

Oligocene  time  was  marked  in  this  region  by  extensive 
extrusions  of  basalt  from  fissures.  Daly  thinks  that  these 
great  masses  of  igneous  rock  interfered  with  the  drainage 
and  that  basins  were  formed  in  which  freshwater  muds  and 



sands  accumulated  during  the  Oligocene  and  possibly  also 
the  Miocene  (Tranquille  group).  The  igneous  rocks  (Kamloops 
volcanic  group  of  Drysdale)  are  estimated  to  have  had  origin- 
ally an  average  thickness  of  3000  feet.  Volcanic  rocks  of 
the  Oligocene  and  Miocene  occur  extensively  throughout  the 
interior  region  of  British  Columbia,  and  are  largely  responsible 
for  the  introduction  of  the  gold,  silver,  and  copper  ores  of  the 
mining  regions  of  the  southern  part  of  the  province.  Coals 
of  this  age  are  mined  at  Princeton  and  Nicola. 

On  the  Pacific  coast,  the  Eocene  marine  overlap  of  Oregon 
and  Washington  extended  into  the  estuary  of  the  Frazer 
river.  Sediments  were  formed  which  are  in  part  of  marine 



After  Daly. 

and  in  part  of  freshwater  origin.  The  thickness  of  these 
deposits  (Puget  beds)  must  have  been  very  great,  for  the 
strata,  evidently  a  mere  remnant,  exposed  along  the  lower 
part  of  the  Frazer  river  are  at  least  3000  feet  thick. 

Farther  north,  sedimentary  deposits  of  Tertiary  age  are  of 
little  extent  and  not  well  understood.  Undoubted  marine 
fossiliferous  strata  of  Miocene  age  occur  on  Graham  island, 
and  formations  on  Vancouver  island  are  likewise  thought  to 
belong  to  this  epoch.  Tertiary  volcanics  are  of  common 
occurrence  in  Vancouver  and  Queen  Charlotte  islands  and 
northward  into  the  islands  of  Alaska. 

The  great  uplift  of  Pliocene  times  is  thought  to  have 
elevated  the  whole  Cordilleran  region  of  British  Columbia  to 
heights  differing  greatly  in  different  parts,  but  reaching 


maxima  of  2000  to  4000  feet.  By  this  elevation  the  rivers 
were  rejuvenated  and  a  new  cycle  of  erosion  inaugurated 
which  has  extended  to  the  present  time. 


With  the  close  of  the  Cretaceous  passed  away  for  ever  the 
two  dominant  races  of  the  Mesozoic,  the  great  reptiles  and 
the  ammonites.  The  belemnites  dwindled  to  a  meagre  repre- 
sentation in  the  Eocene;  the  cycads  and  conifers  yielded  to 
the  true  flowering  plants;  and  the  familiar  fish  with  thin, 
flexible  scales  replaced  in  large  part  the  more  archaic  fish  of 
the  Mesozoic  era.  Of  still  greater  interest  and  importance  is 
the  advent  and  subsequent  reign  of  the  true  mammals: 
on  this  account  the  Tertiary  is  known,  beyond  all  other 
designations,  as  the  Age  of  Mammals. 

PLANTS.  As  already  stated,  the  plant  life  of  the  Tertiary  is 
essentially  that  of  the  present  day.  While  it  is  questionable 
if  any  species  of  Tertiary  plant  is  still  in  existence,  many  of 
the  extant  genera  lived  in  the  Eocene  and  their  number  was 
gradually  increased  as  Tertiary  time  went  on. 

The  Miocene  witnessed  a  remarkable  distribution  of  tropical 
and  sub-tropical  plants  into  a  latitude  more  polar  than  their 
present  habitat.  Forests  flourished  as  far  north  as  Lat. 
81°  45'  in  Greenland  and  Lat.  78°  56'  in  Spitzbergen. 
Coal  has  been  actually  mined  in  Spitzbergen. 

An  interesting  event  of  possible  bearing  on  the  development 
of  the  mammals  was  the  introduction  of  grasses  in  the  Miocene. 

INVERTEBRATES.  The  invertebrate  life  of  the  Tertiary  is 
essentially  that  of  the  present.  A  few  species  of  the  Eocene 
are  still  in  existence,  and  the  number  of  living  forms  gradually 
increased  with  the  passage  of  Tertiary  time.  Marine  inver- 
tebrates are  rare  in  Canada:  the  chief  locality  is  Graham 
island,  the  northern  island  of  the  Queen  Charlotte  group. 
Freshwater  molluscs  belonging  to  a  limited  number  of  species 
are  common  in  certain  layers  of  the  Paskapoo  and  Estevan 
formations  of  the  plains.  Species  of  Unio  and  Vivipams  are 
particularly  abundant. 

FISH.    The  general  character  of  the  fish  fauna  has  already 


been  indicated.  The  Canadian  Tertiary  rocks  have  not  yielded 
many  remains  of  fish:  species  of  Amyzon  have  been  found 
in  the  Oligocene,  Tranquille,  and  Similkameen  beds  of  the 
southern  interior  of  British  Columbia.  Amia  and  Amiurus 
occur  in  the  Oligocene  strata  of  the  Cypress  hills. 


Amyzon  brevipinnc  from  the  Tertiary  of  British  Columbia.   About  five-sixths  natural  size. 

After  Lambe. 

REPTILES.  Although  the  great  reptiles  of  the  Mesozoic  era 
have  disappeared,  essentially  modern  representatives  of  the 
branch  are  well  known  throughout  the  Tertiary.  The  most 
important  feature  of  the  reptilian  life  is  the  occurrence  of 
extremely  large  turtles,  e.g.  Trionyx,  in  the  Oligocene  beds 
of  the  Cypress  hills. 

BIRDS.  Birds  probably  existed  throughout  the  Tertiary 
in  much  greater  number  than  the  positive  evidence  of  remains 
would  indicate.  The  life  habits  of  birds  are  not  favourable  to 
preservation.  Only  one  skeleton  has  been  found  in  Canada — 
in  the  Puget  Eocene  beds  of  British  Columbia.  Tertiary  birds 
were  toothless  like  those  of  the  present. 


It  has  already  been  pointed  out  that  mammals  possibly 
originated  from  theriodont  reptiles  in  the  Triassic.  Through- 
out the  succeeding  periods  of  the  Mesozoic  the  evolution  of 
the  new  type  was  very  slight ;  as  far  as  known,  no  mammals 
existed  except  a  few  small  forms  belonging  to  the  lowest 
orders,  in  which  the  young  are  reproduced  from  eggs  or  are 
born  immature  and  carried  in  a  brood  pouch. 

At  the  very  base  of  the  Tertiary  appeared  the  first  eutherian 
or  placental  mammals,  in  which  the  young  is  nourished  by  the 
mother's  blood  during  the  period  of  gestation  and  is  born  in  a 


condition  which  permits  independent  existence.  This  class 
of  organism  dominates  the  world  to-day,  and  the  history 
of  its  development  through  Tertiary  and  Quaternary  time 
is  not  surpassed  in  interest  by  any  other  chapter  of  the 
geological  story. 

Before  proceeding  to  an  account  of  the  development  of  the 
mammals  in  the  Tertiary,  it  will  be  necessary  to  point  out  in 
the  briefest  manner  the  basis  on  which  existing  eutherian 
mammals  are  classified. 

In  all,  nine  orders  of  mammals  are  recognised:  of  these, 
three  are  of  much  greater  importance  than  the  others  from 
the  geological  point  of  view. 

The  ungulates  are  the  hoofed  animals.  Their  teeth  are 
adapted  to  the  eating  of  vegetable  food.  Although  they  are, 
in  some  cases,  provided  with  weapons  of  defence,  their  usual 
mode  of  protection  is  by  flight.  Many  sub-orders  of  ungulates, 
of  which  some  are  entirely  extinct,  are  known  to  science.  Of 
the  present-day  ungulates,  the  chief  sub-orders  are  the 
elephants,  the  odd-toed  types,  and  the  even-toed  types. 

The  elephants,  or  Proboscidea,  are  characterised  by  having 
five  toes  on  each  foot,  by  the  peculiar  teeth,  and  by  the 
possession  of  a  trunk  or  proboscis,  whence  their  name. 

The  odd-toed  ungulates,  or  Perissodactyla,  include  the  tapirs, 
rhinoceroses,  and  horses,  in  all  of  which  the  axis  of  the  foot 
passes  through  the  middle  toe.  In  all  forms,  living  and  extinct, 
there  is  a  tendency,  more  or  less  marked,  for  the  central  toe, 
particularly  in  the  hind  foot,  to  exceed  the  others  in  size 
and  importance. 

The  even-toed  ungulates,  or  Artiodactyla,  include  the  sheep, 
cattle,  deer,  swine,  etc.,  in  which  the  axis  of  the  foot  passes 
between  the  toes,  which  are  usually  two  in  number. 

The  carnivores  are  the  predaceous,  flesh-eating  mammals, 
in  which  the  teeth  are  adapted  to  the  seizing  of  prey  and 
the  tearing  of  flesh.  The  lion,  tiger,  bear,  dog,  etc.,  are 
typical  carnivores. 

The  primates  include  man,  gorillas,  monkeys  and  lemurs. 
All  these  animals  have  a  superior  intelligence  and  a  more  or 
less  erect  posture. 

The  remaining  six  orders  of  mammals  of  less  importance 
from  the  present  point  of  view  are  the  insectivores  (shrews 


and  moles),  chiroptera  (bats),  edentates  (anteaters,  armadillos, 
and  sloths),  cetaceans  (whales,  dolphins,  porpoises),  sirenians 
(manatees  and  dugongs),  zndrodents  (mice,  hares,  beavers,  etc.). 
At  the  beginning  of  the  Tertiary,  in  the  Paleocene  epoch, 
there  existed  a  number  of  small  mammals  not  differing  greatly 
from  the  primitive  types  of  the  Mesozoic.  With  these  there 
appeared  for  the  first  time  true  eutherian  mammals,  of  which 
Phenacodus  is  the  best  known  example.  This  creature  is 
worthy  of  especial  attention  as  indicative  of  those  general 
characteristics,  the  modification  and  specialisation  of  which 
have  resulted  in  all  the  diverse  races  of  placental  mammals 
now  inhabiting  the  globe. 

Phenacodus  primcevus.   After  Cope. 

Phenacodus  was  a  small  creature  about  the  size  of  a  grey- 
hound, with  a  skeleton  of  very  general  structure,  i.e.  the 
various  organs  were  not  specialised  for  particular  functions. 
Its  teeth  were  small  and  low-crowned,  ill  adapted  for  either 
the  crushing  of  grass  or  the  tearing  of  flesh ;  it  had  five  fingers 
and  five  toes,  the  extremities  of  which  were  armed  with 
structures  which  could  not  be  called  nails,  claws,  or  hoofs; 
its  brain  case  was  small  and  smooth,  and  the  brain  was 
without  the  corrugations  seen  in  all  the  higher  mammals; 
there  were  two  bones  in  the  lower  j  oints  of  all  legs ;  and  the 
bones  of  the  two  rows  of  the  wrist  and  ankle  were  set  opposite 
one  another,  not  alternating  as  in  the  higher  mammals. 

From  such  general  and  unspecialised  animals  as  this  there 
developed  throughout  the  Cenozoic  the  widely  diversified 


animals  which  we  know  at  the  present  time,  and  also  a 
number  of  races  which  have  become  extinct  without  leaving 
any  descendants. 

Very  soon,  perhaps  at  the  very  beginning,  the  distinction 
between  ungulates  and  carnivores  appeared,  for  some  of  the 
Phenacodus-like  creatures  were  slightly  more  ungulate  than 
carnivore-like,  while  others  were  slightly  more  like  carnivores 
in  the  structure  of  the  teeth  and  toes.  Before  the  close  of  the 
Eocene  the  amount  of  differentiation  was  enormous.  Different 
races  of  ungulates  evolved  and  became  extinct;  the  differen- 
tiation of  even- toed  and  odd-toed  ungulates  was  completed; 
primitive  carnivores  appeared;  insectivores,  bats,  lemurs, 
monkeys,  and  even  whales,  had  branched  off  from  the  parent 
stem.  We  may  go  further  and  state  that  more  intensive 
evolution  was  effected,  and  that  horses,  rhinoceroses,  tapirs, 
pigs,  etc.,  had  been  evolved.  While  it  is  doubtless  true  that 
forms  ancestral  to  these  creatures  had  appeared,  it  must  be 
remembered  that  they  were  archaic  forms  and  would  scarcely 
be  called  horses,  tapirs,  etc.,  in  the  modern  acceptation  of 
these  names. 

The  Oligocene  and  Miocene  were  characterised  by  the 
survival  of  some  of  the  Eocene  types,  by  the  development  of 
races  which  did  not  survive  the  epoch,  and  by  the  decidedly 
more  modern  aspect  of  the  creatures  from  which  the  present- 
day  mammals  descended.  Mammals  existed  which  can  with 
certainty  be  ascribed  to  existing  families  and  which  can 
confidently  be  regarded  as  the  direct  ancestors  of  living 
forms.  For  the  most  part,  however,  evolution  had  not  pro- 
ceeded to  the  degree  of  producing  modern  genera.  Undoubted 
deer  existed,  but  not  the  modern  genus  Cervus;  horses  were 
present,  but  not  the  modern  genus  Equus,  etc.  On  the  other 
hand,  the  numerous  rhinoceroses  were  so  like  the  existing 
forms  that  they  are  ascribed  to  the  genus  Rhinoceros. 

The  Pliocene  is  characterised  particularly  by  the  develop- 
ment of  modern  genera  and  the  occurrence  of  some  remarkable 
edentates.  Equus,  Felis,  Ursus,  Castor,  Cervus,  and  Bos  are 
among  the  Pliocene  genera:  that  is  to  say,  horses,  cats,  bears, 
beavers,  deer,  and  cattle  existed.  It  is  to  be  understood, 
however,  that  none  of  the  modern  species  arose  until  long 
after  the  close  of  Pliocene  time. 



The  above  very  general  summary  of  the  development  of  the 
Tertiary  mammals  will  be  supplemented  by  a  description  of  a 
few  of  the  important  extinct  groups  and  by  an  account  of  the 
life  history  of  some  existing  types  of  mammals. 

Ungulates.  Very  characteristic  of  Middle  and  Upper  Eocene 
time  was  a  group  of  ungulates  which  in  some  cases  reached 
the  dimensions  of  an  elephant.  They  were  heavily  constructed 
and  retained  in  general  the  simplicity  of  structure  shown  by 
Phenacodus.  The  primitive  five  toes  were  retained,  but  the 
terminal  bone  of  each  digit  was  expanded  into  a  blunt 
structure  which  is  very  characteristic.  Dinoceras  and  Uinta- 
therium  are  well-known  American  examples. 

FIG.  183 

Palczotherium  magnum,  a  primitive  ungulate  of  the  Upper  Eocene.  Greatly  reduced. 
After  Cuvier. 

The  Titanotheres.  Beginning  in  the  Eocene  and  becoming 
extinct  in  the  Miocene  is  a  remarkable  group  of  odd-toed 
ungulates  known  as  titanotheres,  some  of  which  rivalled  the 
elephant  in  size,  and  are  to  be  included  among  the  more 
important  Miocene  fossils.  These  great  creatures  are  not 
blunt- toed  like  Dinoceras,  but  the  primitive  five  toes  have 
become  reduced  to  four  in  the  front  foot  and  to  three  in 
the  hind  foot.  The  teeth  are  more  specialised,  with  a  charac- 
teristic W- shaped  cutting  edge  on  the  outside  of  the  molars. 
Titanotherium  from  the  Miocene  of  Dakota  is  the  best 
known  example. 

The  Palczotheres.  These  animals  were  very  important  in 
the  Upper  Eocene:  they  belong  to  the  odd- toed  ungulates, 
and  are  regarded  as  ancestral  to  both  horses  and  rhinoceroses. 



The  dentition  resembles  that  of  the  titanotheres,  and  the  toes 
have  been  reduced  to  three  on  both  front  and  hind  foot. 

The  Elotheres.  This  group  of  pig-like  animals  was  very 
abundant  in  the  Miocene.  The  feet  show  the  even-toed  struc- 
ture and  a  high  degree  of  specialisation  in  that  they  are 
already  reduced  to  two  on  each  foot. 

The  Oreodonts.  Under  this  name  is  included  a  group  of 
slender,  even- toed  ungulates  of  the  Miocene:  they  have  four 
functional  toes  on  each  foot,  and  a  very  long  tail — Oreodon, 

The  Creodonts.  This  name  is  given  to  the  most  primitive 
type  of  carnivorous  mammal,  which  began  in  the  Lower 
Eocene  and  survived  into  the  Middle  Miocene.  The  earliest 
creodonts  are  scarcely  to  be  distinguished  from  the  contem- 
porary ungulates,  but  the  later  forms  are  most  distinctly  carni- 
vorous and  pass  insensibly  into  the  true  carnivores.  Mesonyx 
and  Hycenodon  from  the  Eocene  of 
America  are  the  best  examples. 

Horse.  Our  knowledge  of  the 
development  of  mammalian  life  in 
the  Tertiary  is  best  understood  and 
is  best  illustrated  in  the  case  of 
those  creatures  which  culminated 
in  the  modern  horse. 

Early  in  the  Eocene,  not  long 
after  the  reign  of  the  five- toed 
Phenacodus,  appeared  a  small 
animal,  Hyracotherium,  not  much 
more  than  two  feet  in  length.  This 
little  creature  had  very  simple  teeth, 
but  more  specialised  than  those  of  FIG.  184.  THE  EVOLUTION  OF 
Phenacodus,  and  the  five  toes  had  THE  HORSE 

,  ,          j    ,        r  ,1        f          ,    («)    Protorohippus,    Eocene;    (b)    Om- 

been  reduced  to  four  in  the  front     kippus,  Eocene;  (c)  Mesohippus,  011- 

foot  and  three   in   the  hind  foot, 

with  a  splint  representing  the  fifth 

toe.   The  animal  is  not  a  horse,  but 

it   is   distinctly  an  odd-toed   ungulate    and    is    confidently 

believed  to  be  ancestral  to  the  present-day  horse. 

ocene ; 
;    (/)  Equus, 
The  Evolution 



Before  the  close  of  the  Eocene  appeared  Protorohippus, 
a  palaeothere,  in  which  the  splints  have  gone,  the  teeth 
become  deeper,  and  the  small  bone  of  the  lower  leg  some- 
what reduced. 

Mesohippus,  also  a  palaeothere,  is  characteristic  of  Oligocene 
time:  it  is  larger  and  has  three  functional  toes  on  each  foot 
with  a  splint  on  the  front  foot  only. 

In  the  Miocene  the  typical  animal  of  this  line  of  descent  had 
become  so  horse-like  that  it  is  included  in  the  family  Equidcz. 
Protohippus  is  larger  than  its  predecessors,  the  teeth  are  much 


FIG.   185.     THE    EVOLUTION    OF   THE    HORSE 
After  Osborne. 

deeper,  the  smaller  bone  of  the  lower  limb  is  still  fuither 
reduced,  and  the  two  outer  toes  are  not  functional,  i.e.  they 
do  not  touch  the  ground. 

Before  the  close  of  the  Pliocene  the  genus  Equus  had  evolved. 
Only  one  toe  is  functional,  and  the  two  outer  toes  are  reduced 
to  mere  splints;  the  teeth  are  deep  with  complicated  folds  of 
enamel;  and  the  small  bone  of  the  lower  limb  has  dwindled 
and  fused  with  the  larger  bone  to  make  one  rigid  element. 

The  above  example  illustrates  the  transition  of  a  small 
marsh-dwelling  creature,  living  upon  soft  vegetation,  to  an 
animal  capable  of  rapid  motion  on  the  open  plains  and  of 
sustaining  life  by  eating  hard  and  dry  grasses.  Naturally,  the 



changes  are  best  seen  in  those  organs  which  come  in  contact 
with  external  objects — the  teeth  and  feet. 

The  Elephant.  In  this  case  the  ancestral  creatures  did  not 
wander  out  on  the  plains  and  develop  habits  of  flight,  and  in 
consequence  the  toes  and  the  bones  of  the  lower  joint  of  the 
limbs  have  remained  primitive  to 
the  present  day.  On  the  other  hand, 
the  whole  effect  of  specialisation  and 
adaptation  is  shown  in  the  head 
structures — the  teeth,  tusks  and 
trunk.  As  far  back  as  the  Middle 
Eocene  appeared  an  animal,  Mceri- 
therium,  which  shows  primitive 
elephantine  characteristics.  It  had 
a  short  flexible  proboscis  and  the 
outer  incisors  in  the  upper  jaw  were 
extended  into  short  tusks,  while  the 
corresponding  teeth  of  the  lower  jaw 
were  directed  outwards. 

Between  this  simple  form  and  the 
modern  elephant  many  transitions 
are  known.  At  first  the  chin  elon- 
gates and  results  in  forms  with  four 
tusks ;  later  it  retracts  and  the  tusks 
of  the  upper  jaw  become  very  large 
coincident  with  an  increase  in  the 
size  of  the  trunk.  There  is  a  steady 
progression  in  the  adaptation  of  the 
teeth,  with  a  tendency  towards  a 
greater  number  of  transverse  rows 
of  cusps.  Finally,  when  the  rows  of  cusps  have  become  very 
narrow,  the  space  between  them  is  filled  in  with  a  secondary 
deposit,  the  cement. 

Four-tusked  proboscideans  were  common  in  the  Miocene 
and  also  a  remarkable  form,  Dinotherium,  in  which  the  lower 
jaw  was  curved  downwards  and  a  pair  of  downwardly- directed 
tusks  inserted  in  its  extremity.  Mastodon,  a  large  elephant- 
like  creature,  ranged  from  the  Miocene  almost  into  the  Recent: 
it  differs  from  the  elephant  in  that  the  teeth  show  fewer 
rows  of  cusps,  usually  only  three  or  four,  and  there  is 

FIG.      1 86.       THE    EVOLUTION 



(a)  Elephas,    Pleistocene;    (b)*Mam- 

mut,  Pleistocene;   (c)  Tetrabelodon, 

Miocene;   (d)  Palceomastodon,  Oligo- 

cene;      (e)   Mceritherium,     Eocene. 

After  R.  S.  Lull,  from  "Guide  to 

Peabody  Museum,  Yale  University.'' 



no  cement.     Elephas  itself  is  represented  by  extinct  species 
in  the  Pliocene. 

The   Carnivores.     The  record  of  carnivorous  mammals  is 
not  so  complete  as  that  of  the  ungulates,  nevertheless  there 
is  evidence  of  the  appearance  of  true  carnivores  in  the  Upper 
Eocene.    These  early  forms  are  remarkably  dog-like,  and  later 
forms  show  transitional  stages  between  the  various  groups  of 
living  carnivores.    The  most  remarkable  fossil  carnivores  are 
the  NimravidcB,  a  family  of  ferocious,  tiger-like  creatures  of 
great  size.      Numravus  and  Machcerodus  were  armed  with 
enormous  tusk-like  canine  teeth:    the  former  belongs  to  the 
__  _  ____       "  '       Miocene,     and     the    latter 

extends  from   the  Miocene 
into  the  Post-pliocene. 

The  Primates.  This  high 
group  of  mammals  is  thought 
to  have  developed  from 
insectivores.  The  lower 
forms  (lemurs)  are  known 
from  Eocene  deposits  of  both 
Europe  and  America,  but 

thpv  arp  nnt  knnwn  in  tViACA 
^J  ar6         l  KUOWn  in  tnCSC 

continents  after  the  begin- 
ning of  the  Miocene.  At  present  they  occur  only  in  Madagascar 
and  in  parts  of  Africa  and  southern  Asia. 

The  true  apes  appear  in  the  Middle  Miocene.  The  best 
known  form  is  Mesopithecus  from  Lower  Pliocene  strata 
near  Athens. 


Mesopithecus  pentelicus,  from  the  Upper  Miocene 
of  Pikermi,  near  Athens.  After  Gaudry. 



THE  Pleistocene,  or  "most  recent"  time,  comprises  the  latter 
part  of  the  Cenozoic,  extending  from  the  close  of  the  Pliocene 
to  the  Recent.  The  period  term,  Quaternary,  a  remnant  of 
an  early  classification,  is  practically  synonymous. 

The  beginning  of  this  time  is  well  marked  in  many  northern 
and  far  southern  regions  by  the  on-coming  of  the  Ice  Age; 
but  beyond  the  limits  of  glaciation  the  division  between  the 
Pliocene  and  the  Pleistocene  is  much  less  certain.  The  end  of 
the  Pleistocene  is  quite  indefinite  since  no  important  change 
of  conditions  separates  it  from  recent  times.  In  early  American 
works  on  geology  the  Quaternary  is  divided  into  three  periods 
as  follows: 

Recent  period.     Elevation,   existing  con- 
ditions, with  species  of  animals  still  living. 

Champlain  period.    Depression  of  the  land 

Quaternary  < 

and  invasion  of  the  sea. 
Glacial  period.     Elevation  and  great  ice 


In  the  earlier  days  of  the  science,  the  Glacial  period  was 
thought  of  as  a  unit  and  was  considered  as  of  comparatively 
short  duration.  Later  work  has  shown  that  the  Glacial  period 
was  really  of  enormous  length  as  compared  with  the  other 
two  and  was  broken  by  warm  intervals,  Interglacial  periods, 
lasting  many  thousands  of  years,  each  probably  of  much  more 

1  The  use  of  the  word  "period"  for  these  divisions  is  sanctioned  by 
custom;  they  are  not  periods  in  the  stricter  sense  of  the  term. 



importance  than  the  Champlain  and  Recent  periods  combined. 
The  most  complete  classification  of  the  formations  of  the 
Glacial  period  has  been  made  in  Iowa  and  adjacent  states, 
where  the  deposits  of  the  different  ice  advances  and  the 
interglacial  beds  are  best  displayed:  it  is  as  follows: 

Post-glacial  time. 
Wisconsin  ice  advance. 

Peorian  interglacial  stage, 
lowan  ice  advance. 

Sangamon  interglacial  stage. 
Illinoian  ice  advance. 

Yarmouth  interglacial  stage. 
Kansan  ice  advance. 

Aftonian  interglacial  stage. 
Nebraskan  (Pre-Kansan  or  Albertan)  ice  advance. 

Conditions  during  the  Pleistocene  in  North  America  were 
very  unstable,  with  Arctic  climates  interchanging  with  tem- 
perate climates.  It  is  probable  that  these  changes  affected  the 
whole  continent  and  very  likely  the  whole  world;  although 
in  what  are  now  warm  temperate  and  tropical  regions  the 
cooling  down  was  not  great  enough  to  produce  ice  sheets 
except  on  high  mountains. 

The  succession  of  events  recorded  in  the  central  United 
States  no  doubt  extended  into  Canada  also,  but  later  ice 
advances  over  a  given  region  usually  destroy  the  evidence  of 
earlier  ones,  so  that  only  the  effects  of  the  last,  or  Wisconsin, 
ice  advance  are  widely  shown.  One  great  interglacial  interval 
with  a  warmer  climate  than  the  present  is  splendidly  dis- 
played at  Toronto  and  also  in  the  Moose  River  region,  and 
evidences  of  interglacial  times  occur  in  Manitoba,  Alberta, 
and  British  Columbia. 


So  far  as  known,  glaciation  on  our  continent  began  in  the 
Rocky  Mountain  or  Cordilleran  region,  where  small  mountain 
glaciers  expanded  as  the  climate  grew  colder  at  the  end  of 
the  Pliocene  and  coalesced  into  great  valley  glaciers,  bury- 
ing much  of  British  Columbia  and  the  mountainous  part 

THE   QUATERNARY   PERIOD          349 

of    Alberta,    except   the   higher  peaks,   which  projected   as 
"nunataks"  abova  the  fields   of  snow. 

Next,  as  shown  by  J.  B.  Tyrrell,  ice  accumulated  west  of 
Hudson  bay  in  the  Keewatin  region.    Here  the  ice  formed  on 

l-Centre  of  Cordilleron  Sheet 
2-      •'         «    Keewqtin  »' 

"          •«    Labrador         »• 
4-     *»        ..   Greenland 

FIG.   1 88.     GLACIAL    MAP    OF    NORTH    AMERICA 

low  ground,  averaging  not  more  than  1500  feet  above  the 
sea  at  present,  and  expanded  to  a  vast  sheet  which  reached 
the  Rockies  on  the  south-west  and  advanced  as  far  south-east 
as  Cincinnati  in  Lat.  38°  N.  !  It  seems  also  to  have  occupied 
much  of  the  bed  of  Hudson  bay.  It  carried  Pre-cambrian 


boulders  800  miles  from  the  Keewatin  region  to  the  foothills 
of  the  Rockies,  leaving  them  at  elevations  2000  or  3000  feet 
above  their  starting-point.  An  uphill  motion  of  ice  sheets 
may  be  accounted  for  by  the  great  thickness  of  ice  at  the 
centre,  so  that  the  surface  has  an  opposite  gradient.  It  is  the 
slope  of  the  upper  and  not  of  the  under  surface  of  the  sheet 
which  determines  the  motion.  Similar  upgrade  movements  of 
ice  sheets  are  known  in  other  countries,  e.g.  in  Sweden, 
where  boulders  were  transported  across  the  mountains  on 
the  Norwegian  border. 

Mr.  Tyrrell  has  shown  that  at  one  time  in  the  Pleistocene  a 
comparatively  small  glacial  centre  existed  in  north-western 
Ontario,  forming  the  Patrician  ice  sheet,  but  this  was 
merged  in  the  larger  neighbouring  sheets  at  the  time  of 
their  greatest  extension. 

The  Labradorean  ice  sheet  began  east  of  James  bay  in  Lat. 
52°  N.,  as  shown  by  Low,  and  covered  nearly  all  of  eastern 
Canada  and  a  considerable  part  of  the  northern  states.  It  was 
this  ice  sheet  which  covered  southern  Ontario ;  and  it  appears 
to  have  passed  right  over  the  Adirondack  mountains,  which 
reach  a  height  of  5000  feet,  so  that  its  thickness  to  the  north 
may  have  been  10,000  or  even  15,000  feet. 

The  Greenland  ice  sheet  may  be  mentioned  to  complete  the 
series.  When  this  great  island  was  first  glaciated  is  not  known, 
but  it  is  still  in  the  Ice  Age,  though  a  fringe  of  coast  is  free 
from  snow  in  the  summer. 

The  whole  area  covered  with  ice  at  one  time  or  another  was 
about  4,000,000  square  miles,  its  southern  edge  running 
roughly  a  degree  south  of  the  boundary  of  British  Columbia, 
then  following  the  Missouri  south-east  to  the  Mississippi,  then 
the  Ohio  north-east,  and  finally  bending  a  little  south  of  east 
and  ending  at  New  York  City. 

All  of  Canada  except  the  higher  parts  of  the  Cordillera,  the 
northern  part  of  the  Yukon  Territory,  the  Torngat  highlands 
in  north-eastern  Labrador,  and  the  Shickshock  mountains  of 
Quebec  seems  to  have  been  covered  with  ice  at  some  time 
during  the  Glacial  period.  These  regions,  still  among  the 
coldest  in  America,  seem  to  have  been  left  uncovered  because 
of  their  small  snowfall;  for  cold  alone,  without  moisture  for 
precipitation  as  snow,  will  not  produce  an  ice  sheet. 

THE   QUATERNARY   PERIOD          351 


The  climate  during  the  Cenozoic  underwent  important 
variations,  but  for  the  greater  part  was  mild  even  in  the  far 
north,  as  shown  by  remains  of  luxuriant  forests  in  Spitz- 
bergen  and  Greenland;  and  by  the  trees  of  Dunvegan  in 
northern  Alberta,  which  remind  one  of  the  southern  states  at 
present.  During  the  Pliocene,  however,  the  temperature  fell, 
and  while  the  gold-bearing  gravels  of  the  Klondike  placers 

Don  Valley  Brickyard,  Toronto,  Ontario. 

were  being  deposited  in  the  Yukon  Territory  the  climate 
seems  to  have  been  about  as  cold  as  at  present,  with  a  growth 
of  birch  and  spruce  trees  and  a  splendid  fauna,  including 
elephants,  horses,  bears,  deer,  and  bison. 

The  slowly  on-coming  ice  blotted  out  all  life  as  it  advanced 
until  Canada  was  glacier-covered  and  blizzards  swept  over 
the  white  plains  in  every  month  in  the  year.  The  only 
existing  parallel  to  these  conditions  is  to  be  seen  in  Greenland 
or  the  Antarctic  continent. 



H    „ 
W  J3 

PQ   *" 

o  ° 



Q  •» 

W     en 




As  shown  on  a  former  page,  evidence  of  several  interglacial 
periods  is  found  in  the  United  States  and  of  at  least  one 
important  one  in  Canada.  In  the  earliest  interglacial  time, 
the  Aftonian  of  Iowa,  animal  life  included  "ground  sloths  " 
like  Mylodon  and  Megalonyx,  camels,  sabre-toothed  tigers, 
as  well  as  bears,  horses,  and  elephants.  The  trees  of  the  time 
seem  to  have  been  not  very  different  from  those  of  the  present. 

The  best  preserved 
interglacial  beds  of 
Canada,  named  the 
Toronto  formation,  may 
be  of  the  same  age  or 
may  correspond  to  the 
Yarmouth  or  Sangamon 
stage.  The  Toronto 
formation  has  provided 
much  the  largest  number 
of  fossils,  both  of  plants 
and  animals,  yet  found 
between  two  ice  ad- 
vances in  the  American 
Pleistocene.  It  includes 
freshwater  shell  fish  of 
modern  species;  many 
of  the  clam  shells  now 
living  in  more  southerly 
waters;  seventy-two 

FIG.     IQI 

Acer  pleistocenicum,  an  extinct  maple  from  the  Inter- 
F  •  11  i  glacial  beds,  Don  Valley.  Toronto. 

species  of  insects,  all  but 

two  extinct;    remains  of  fish,  and  of  elephants,  bison,  deer, 

bears,  and  other  mammals. 

In  certain  beds  of  clay  in  the  lower  part  of  the  formation 
there  are  many  tree  trunks  and  branches,  as  well  as  beauti- 
fully preserved  leaves.  More  than  thirty  trees  have  been 
recognised,  such  as  oak,  maple,  hickory,  basswood,  wild  plum, 
red  cedar,  which  can  still  grow  in  the  region ;  and  also  some, 
like  the  pawpaw  and  osage  orange,  which  belong  to  a  region 
much  farther  south.  Botanists  believe  that  the  climate  was 
several  degrees  warmer  than  at  present,  like  that  of  Ohio  or 



Pennsylvania.     There  is  evidence  to  show  that  the  Toronto 
interglacial  interval  lasted  for  75,000  or  100,000  years. 

The  beds  of  lignite  between  two  boulder  clays  near  Moose 
river,  350  miles  north,  which  include  large  trees  and  indicate 
a  long  and  mild  interglacial  stage,  were  probably  formed  at 
the  same  time,  proving  that  the  Labrador  ice  sheet  had 
completely  vanished. 



FIG.   192.     EXTINCT    BEETLES 
From  Interglacial  beds,  Scarboro  heights,  Toronto. 

There  are  interglacial  beds  at  Rolling  river  in  Manitoba, 
Rosebud  creek  and  Belly  river  in  Alberta,  and  at  some  points 
in  British  Columbia;  but  it  is  uncertain  whether  they  are  of 
the  same  age  as  the  beds  described  from  Ontario. 


After  each  glacial  stage  had  reached  its  climax  the  warming 
up  of  the  climate  caused  the  ice  sheets  to  retreat  slowly  in 
the  opposite  direction  from  their  advance.  The  centres  of  the 
Keewatin  and  Labrador  ice  sheets  are  so  placed  that  the  most 
important  drainage  systems  of  Canada  would  be  blocked  by 
their  advance  and  set  free  gradually  on  their  retreat.  As  a 

THE   QUATERNARY   PERIOD          355 

consequence,  the  waters  of  these  river  basins  must  have  been 
ponded  back  into  great  lakes  during  the  on-coming  of  the  ice, 
and  similar  lakes  must  have  formed  in  front  of  the  ice  as  it 
withdrew.  The  series  of  glacial  lakes  following  up  the  Wis- 
consin ice  sheets  when  they  began  to  wane  has  been  carefully 
studied  in  some  places,  and  the  lakes  thus  formed  have  left 
important  effects  in  the  central  provinces  of  Canada. 

The  fertile  soils  of  Edmonton  and  Calgary  seem  to  have 
been  formed  by  the  silt  of  great  glacial  lakes,  though  their 
boundaries  and  outlets  have  not  yet  been  worked  out.  Lake 

FIG.   193.     SKETCH    MAP    OF    POST-GLACIAL    LAKES 

Agassiz  occupied  parts  of  Saskatchewan,  Manitoba,  western 
Ontario,  North  Dakota,  and  Minnesota,  and  probably  covered 
more  than  100,000  square  miles — more  than  three  times  the 
area  of  Lake  Superior.  As  the  present  outlet  for  the  southern 
prairie  waters  through  Nelson  river  to  Hudson  bay  was  ice- 
covered,  the  great  basin  spilled  southwards  by  the  Red  River 
valley  and  reached  the  Mississippi,  which  must  have  been 
greatly  swollen  at  that  time.  The  old  beaches  of  Lake  Agassiz 
are  plainly  to  be  seen,  and  the  finer  deposits  off  shore  make 
some  of  the  flattest  and  most  fertile  prairies,  as  near  Winnipeg. 
The  final  separation  of  the  Keewatin  and  Labrador  or  Patricia 
ice  sheets  permitted  the  waters  to  flow  north-east,  but 
remnants  of  Lake  Agassiz  still  remain,  forming  Lake  Winnipeg 
and  others  of  the  Manitoba  lakes. 


While  Lake  Agassiz  still  existed  the  basins  of  the  Great 
Lakes  began  to  be  set  free  by  the  thawing  of  lobes  of  the 
Labrador  ice  sheet,  and  at  length  those  of  Superior,  Michigan, 
and  Huron  united  to  form  Lake  Algonquin,  almost  as  large 
as  Agassiz  and  very  much  deeper.  It  had  several  outlets  at 
different  times,  first  probably  past  Chicago  into  the  Missis- 
sippi, then  over  Niagara  Falls,  then  by  the  Trent  valley,  and 
finally  once  more  over  Niagara  Falls.  For  most  of  its  existence 
the  outlet  was  into  Lake  Iroquois,  which  occupied  the  Ontario 
basin  and  drained  past  Rome,  N.Y.,  into  the  Hudson. 

The  shore  cliffs  and  beaches  of  Lakes  Algonquin  and  Iroquois 
are  almost  as  perfect  as  those  of  the  present  lakes,  but  usually 
stand  much  higher  up  and  are  no  longer  horizontal.  They 
have  undergone  "differential  elevation,"  and  rise  as  one 
advances  in  a  direction  of  N.  20°  E.  The  land  in  that  quarter 
sank  beneath  its  immense  load  of  ice  and  then  rose  again  as 
the  load  was  removed  by  the  melting  of  the  ice  sheets, 
deforming  the  once  horizontal  beaches. 

Another  glacial  lake,  called  Lake  Ojibway,  but  less  perfectly 
known,  deposited  the  great  belt  of  clay  north  of  the  Hudson 
Bay  watershed  in  Ontario  and  Quebec. 

These  vanished  lakes  have  left  us  fertile  soils  and  well- 
drained  sites  for  railroads  and  cities,  as  well  as  supplies  of 
sand  and  gravel  useful  for  many  purposes. 


It  has  just  been  shown  that  the  northern  part  of  the  con- 
tinent was  depressed  by  the  sheets  of  ice  which  gathered  upon 
it  in  the  glacial  periods.  As  the  ice  withdrew,  all  the  land 
below  a  certain  level  was  flooded  by  the  sea  in  what  has  been 
called  the  Champlain  period,  because  its  effects  are  well  shown 
near  Lake  Champlain.  Marine  beaches  are  found  from  New 
York  northwards,  ascending  as  one  advances  and  reaching  a 
maximum  of  690  feet  above  present  sea  level  at  Kingsmere  in 
the  Ottawa  valley.  Marine  beaches  are  found  on  Mount 
Royal  at  620  feet,  and  occur  hundreds  of  feet  above  the  sea 
along  the  lower  St.  Lawrence  and  on  the  shores  of  Labrador. 

THE   QUATERNARY   PERIOD          357 

To  the  north-east  in  Labrador  they  grow  lower,  reaching  only 
225  feet  at  the  most  northerly  point  studied.  Around  Hudson 
bay  raised  beaches  are  found  up  to  450  feet. 

In  many  of  the  beach  deposits  there  are  sea  shells  belonging 
to  species  now  living  in  nearby  waters,  and  remains  of  whales, 
porpoises,  and  seals  have  been  found  in  eastern  Ontario.  Sea 
shells  are  found  as  far  west  as  Brockville,  but  not  around  the 
shores  of  Lake  Ontario,  though  the  basin  must  have  been 
far  below  sea  level.  Probably  the  Niagara  river  kept  the 
waters  fresh. 

Marine  deposits  are  found  up  to  about  350  feet  along  the 
shores  of  British  Columbia  also,  and  shell  beds  occur  in 
Stanley  Park,  Vancouver,  and  at  Nanaimo,  as  well  as  else- 
where in  the  province. 

With  the  waning  and  final  disappearance  of  the  ice  sheets, 
the  depressed  portions  of  the  country  rose  and  slowly  reached 
their  present  level. 


At  the  end  of  the  Pliocene  it  is  probable  that  Canada  was 
deeply  mantled  with  the  products  of  millions  of  years  of 
weathering ;  that  most  of  the  rivers  had  mature  valleys ;  and 
that  lakes  were  infrequent.  After  the  final  retreat  of  the 
Wisconsin  ice  sheet  the  country  was  left  in  a  totally  different 
condition,  the  central  areas  of  glaciation  having  been  scoured 
to  the  bare  solid  rock,  and  the  debris  having  been  spread  as 
boulder  clay  or  piled  as  crescent-shaped  moraines  over  the 
region  to  the  south.  As  a  result,  basins  were  excavated  in  the 
rock  or  made  by  the  dumping  of  glacial  debris  across  valleys. 
In  this  way  innumerable  lakes  were  formed,  so  that  Canada 
probably  has  as  many  lakes  as  all  the  rest  of  the  world;  and 
the  drainage  was  completely  disorganised,  rivers  flowing  at 
haphazard  wherever  the  slope  of  the  drift  deposits  permitted. 
Thus  it  is  that  Canada  presents  physiographically  so  very 
youthful  an  aspect,  almost  every  river  having  lakes  threaded 
on  its  course  and  tumbling  at  one  point  or  another  over  rocky 
obstructions  causing  rapids  or  falls.  The  youthful  condition 



of  the  drainage  provides  lakes  great  and  small  for  navigation, 
and  waterfalls  of  all  dimensions  for  power. 

The  rock  flour  of  the  wide-spread  sheets  of  boulder  clay  is 
generally  rich  in  lime,  potash,  and  phosphorus,  the  essential 
mineral  ingredients  of  a  good  soil,  unlike  the  profoundly 
leached  residual  soils  south  of  the  glaciated  region.  On  the 
other  hand,  the  central  areas  of  glaciation  are  largely  bare 
rock  and  useless  except  for  their  mineral  contents. 

FIG.  194 

Restoration  of  the  mastodon,  Mammut  americanum,  by  G.  M.  Gleason  from  a  painting  in  the 
National  Museum,  Washington. 


South  of  the  glaciated  area  just  described,  beds  of  sand  and 
gravel  were  formed  and  rock  weathering  continued,  but  the 
results  are  much  less  marked.  In  South  America,  glaciers 
descended  1000  metres  or  more  below  the  present  level  of  snow 
on  the  Andes,  and  Patagonia  was  covered  by  an  ice  sheet. 
Two  ice  advances  with  an  interglacial  period  have  been  found. 

Next  to  North  America  Europe  was  the  continent  most 
affected  by  the  Glacial  period,  and  ice  covered  about  2,000,000 

THE   QUATERNARY   PERIOD          359 

square  miles,  reaching  Lat.  52°  N.  on  low  land,  while  the 
Alpine  glaciers  descended  far  below  the  present  level.  Euro- 
pean geologists  describe  four  great  ice  advances  in  the  Alps, 
separated  by  three  interglacial  periods.  Just  how  these 
subdivisions  correspond  with  those  recognised  in  America  is 
not  certain. 

It  is  interesting  to  find  that  Siberia,  the  coldest  part  of  the 
earth's  surface,  like  our  Klondike  region,  was  not  glaciated  on 
a  large  scale,  though  the  mountain  glaciers  of  the  Himalayas 
to  the  south  reached  thousands  of  feet  lower  down  than  at 
present.  In  Africa  and  Australia  the  effects  of  the  Glacial 
period  are  found  only  on  the  highest  mountains. 


Mammals  seem  to  have  reached  their  highest  point  in 
variety,  numbers,  and  size  in  the  Pleistocene.  In  North 
America,  ground  sloths 
and  elephants  (mam- 
moths and  mastodons) 
survived  all  the  ice 
advances,  which  might 
have  been  expected  to 
destroy  such  large, 
plant-feeding  animals, 
and  then  perished  by 
some  unknown  cause 
as  the  climate  grew 
milder.  Horses,  camels, 
tapirs,  and  the  sabre- 
toothed  tiger  perished 

In     Europe     many 
animals  now  thought 

f  Af   '  Ik  FIG' 

OI  aS  African,   SUCn    as   The  g,.eat  ground  sloth  of  the  Pleistocene,  Megatherium 

americanum.     About^eightieth  natural  size. 

the       mammoth       (ele- 

phant),  woolly  rhino- 
ceros, hippopotamus,  and  lion,  survived  until  the  middle  of 
the  Glacial  period,  and  even  reached  England,  then  joined 
by  land  to  the  Continent. 



In  South  America  the  gigantic  ground  sloths,  Mylodon, 
Megatherium,  etc.,  which  pulled  down  or  dug  up  small  trees 
to  feed  on  their  foliage,  passed  away  toward  the  end  of  the 
Pleistocene,  leaving  only  the  small,  present-day  sloth  hanging 
beneath  the  branches  in  Brazilian  forests  as  a  survivor,  and 
the  huge  Glyptodon  with  a  shell  of  bony  plates  is  succeeded 
by  the  little  burrowing  armadillo. 

In  Australia  there  were  giant  marsupials,  e.g.  Diprotodon, 
which  have  left  only  diminutive  descendants;  and  in  New 

Machcerodus  neogceus,  from  the  Pleistocene  of  Argentina.    Reduced.     After  Burmeister. 

Zealand  and  Madagascar  there  were  huge  running  birds 
without  the  power  of  flight,  Dinornis  and  Mpyornis,  larger 
than  the  ostrich,  which  have  left  no  descendants  in  the  latter 
island,  and  only  the  little  apteryx  in  New  Zealand. 

Africa,  and  to  a  less  extent  Asia,  are  the  only  continents 
which  have  preserved  their  mammal  fauna  to  a  large  degree, 
and  these  two  continents  were  comparatively  little  affected 
by  glacial  action. 

Plants  and  the  lower  animals,  with  the  exception  of  insects, 
seem  to  have  undergone  little  change  during  the  Pleistocene. 


The  most  important  of  the  mammals — man — remains  to  be 
considered.  That  he  is  closely  related  to  the  higher  apes  is 
shown  by  the  fact  that  almost  every  human  bone  and  muscle 

THE   QUATERNARY   PERIOD          361 

has  its  counterpart  in  a  gorilla  or  chimpanzee,  the  chief 
differences  being  the  adaptation  of  the  hind  limbs  to  walk- 
ing upright,  the  development  of  the  thumb  and  fingers  of 
the  hand,  and  the  much  larger  brain.  From  these  facts 
evolutionists  conclude  that  man  and  the  higher  apes  have 
descended  from  a  common  ancestry. 

Just  where  man  originated  is  not  certain,   but  the  pro- 
babilities point  to  southern  Asia  as  the  place  and  the  early 

Diprotodon  australis,  about  one-fiftieth  natural  size.  After  Owen. 

part  of  the  Pleistocene  as  the  time.  At  Trinil  in  Java  about 
the  beginning  of  the  Pleistocene  there  lived,  along  with  a 
number  of  other  extinct  animals,  a  somewhat  man-like 
creature  which  has  been  called  Pithecanthropus  erectus.  The 
remains  include  the  greater  part  of  the  skull,  a  thigh  bone 
and  two  teeth,  and  belonged  to  a  creature  which  walked 
upright,  had  human-looking  teeth,  and  a  brain  more  than 
half  as  large  as  that  of  the  average  modern  man  and  far 
larger  than  that  of  any  ape.  Pithecanthropus  seems,  there- 
fore, to  have  been  an  intermediate  form,  as  the  name  suggests, 
an  ape-man. 

Throughout  the  Cenozoic  the  mammals  had  been  steadily 


increasing  the  size  of  their  brains,  and  the  climax  of  this 
development  of  brains  was  reached  in  man  himself. 

There  is  no  certain  evidence  of  men  in  America  before  the 
end  of  the  Ice  Age,  so  that  it  is  necessary  to  go  to  the  Old 
World  for  information  as  to  the  first  men.  The  earliest 
supposed  proofs  of  their  existence  in  Europe  are  the  eoliths, 
rudely  chipped  bits  of  flint  found  in  deposits  belonging  to  the 
early  Pleistocene  or  the  end  of  the  Pliocene;  but  some 
authorities  doubt  the  human  origin  of  these  imperfect  knives 
or  scrapers  and  think  them  due  to  accidental  fractures. 

The  first  undoubted  tools  occur,  apparently,  near  the 
beginning  of  the  last  interglacial  time,  and  the  finding  of  a 
few  fragmentary  jaws  and  skulls  make  it  certain  that  man 
existed.  The  climate  seems  to  have  been  somewhat  warmer 
than  at  present,  and  the  animals  found  associated  with  man 
suggest  Africa,  which  was  then  connected  directly  with 
Europe,  and  include  elephants,  the  rhinoceros,  the  hippo- 
potamus, and  the  sabre-toothed  tiger  or  lion. 

Later  in  this  interglacial  period  the  climate  grew  colder  and 
man  began  to  take  refuge  in  caverns  instead  of  living  in  the 
open.  Complete  skeletons  show  that  the  men  of  the  time  had 
slightly  bent  knees,  a  receding  chin,  and  a  massive  bony  ridge 
at  the  eyebrows,  with  a  very  retreating  forehead  above.  They 
could  not  have  been  prepossessing  according  to  our  standards, 
though  their  brains  were  nearly  equal  in  size  to  those  of 
modern  men,  and  they  had  already  made  man's  most  funda- 
mental discovery,  the  use  of  fire. 

From  the  beautifully  chipped  flint  arrowheads,  knives  and 
scrapers  which  they  made,  these  men  have  been  called 
paleolithic  (ancient  stone) ;  and  they  seem  to  have  been  an 
artistic  people,  since  they  have  left  many  sketches  or  even 
coloured  pictures  of  the  animals  which  they  hunted.  Their 
prey  included  several  creatures  adapted  to  endure  a  cold 
climate,  such  as  the  hairy  mammoth  and  rhinoceros,  the  bison 
and,  at  the  on-coming  of  the  last  ice  advance,  the  musk  ox 
and  reindeer. 

The  Palaeolithic  stage  was  a  long  one ;  but  with  the  recession 
of  the  last  ice  sheets  a  new  race  comes  in,  more  like  modern 
European  man,  and  better  armed,  since  it  had  learned  to 
grind  into  shape  stone  axes  and  other  tools,  which  were  much 

THE   QUATERNARY   PERIOD          363 

more  efficient  than  the  brittle  flint  tools  of  the  earlier  time. 
These  men  have  been  called  neolithic  (new  stone) ;  still  later 
Europeans  acquired  the  use  of  bronze  and  other  metals,  as 
shown  by  the  earliest  historic  records,  and  one  enters  upon  the 
field  of  ancient  history  rather  than  geology. 

Our  North  American  Indians,  before  the  coming  of  the 
white  man,  were  still  in  the  stone  age,  and  combined  the  use 
of  chipped  arrowheads,  etc.,  like  Palaeolithic  tools,  with  that 
of  ground  and  polished  axes  like  those  of  Neolithic  times. 
To  a  slight  extent  they  used  native  copper  also,  corresponding 
to  the  age  of  bronze. 

The  earliest  hint  of  man  in  Canada  is  the  reported  finding  of 
stone  tools  along  with  bones  of  the  caribou  at  the  bottom  of 
the  Iroquois  gravel  bar  in  West  Toronto;  which  takes  us 
back  thousands  of  years  to  the  time  when  the  last  ice  sheet 
still  lingered  in  the  Thousand  Island  region.  Unfortunately 
the  evidence  is  meagre  and  the  find  was  not  investigated  by 
any  trained  scientific  observer. 




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